Item 5f Memo


COMMISSION AGENDA             Item No.      5f 
Date of Meeting   December 15, 2009 
DATE:    December 9, 2009 
TO:     Tay Yoshitani, Chief Executive Officer 
FROM:    Ralph Graves, Managing Director, Capital Development 
Tim Jayne, Senior Manager, Procurement Services 
SUBJECT:  Authorization to exercise options and proceed with existing goods and purchased
services agreements in excess of $300,000. 
Amount of This Request: $0  contracting authority only. 
Source of Funds: Seaport and Airport Operating Funds, which the CEO has the authority to
Request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to exercise options and otherwise proceed
with existing goods and purchased services agreements needing renewal prior to January 31,
2010, a total of six (6) contracts.
Resolution No. 3605, as originally approved in August 2008, delegated to the CEO authority to
enter into goods and purchased services contracts with a term of only one (1) year, as long as the
total obligation did not exceed the amount of current budgets. The exact language was "Single
year contracts may provide for up to four (4) options to extend the contract term for one (1) year
periods, provided that the cost associated with any contract extensions must be within
"Authorized Budget Limits." This passage was removed in the November 2009 Commission
updated Resolution No. 3605. The new version delegates to the CEO authority to execute such
contracts, regardless of duration, only if the price does not exceed $300,000. This means that a
number of contracts that were previously within CEO authority now require Commission
approval. This memorandum addresses those contracts due for renewal prior to January 31,
2010, listed on page 2. New or renewing goods and purchased services contracts after that date
will be brought to Commission for approval separately.

T. Yoshitani, Chief Executive Officer 
December 9, 2009 
Page 2 of 2 

Vendor                     Scope     Approximate 2010 Amount* 
Kone, Inc.              Elevator and escalator maintenance       $2,300,000 
Kone, Inc.              Elevator and escalator repairs           $ 890,000 
Clean Energy          Compressed natural gas              $ 275,000 
Seaport Petroleum        Gasoline and diesel fuel              $ 475,000 
Cryotech Deicing Technol.  Snow and ice control chemicals         $ 300,000 
ICON Materials         Ramp snow removal               $ 300,000 
*Amounts represent budgeted estimates based on previous contracts, and may be higher 
depending on circumstances. Snow and ice chemicals and snow removal items will depend 
particularly on winter weather.

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