6a 1Supp

ITEM NO.      6a Supp
MEETING   August 4, 2009
Expert Panel
Guiding Principles
Burr Stewart
Strategic Planning Manager
August 4, 2009

Century Agenda
The Century Agenda is a comprehensive vision
and strategic plan to guide the port's evolution in the
first part of our second century.
The Century Agenda focuses on sustainability:
The Century Agenda is scheduled to be completed
for the Port of Seattle's centennial in 2011.

Expert Panel Report
Panel Membership: volunteer stakeholder
representatives, at least one Port Commissioner, and a
senior Port executive
Process: Four expert panels held 11 meetings in 2008
Green Port Strategy
Social Responsibility
Real Estate and Land Use
Funding Policy and Strategy
Results: 22 recommended guiding principles, including
five shared principles, detailed in the Expert Panels'
Guiding Principles document
Motion to adopt the expert panels' guiding principles for the
Century Agenda Strategic Plan.

Guiding Principles
and the Century Agenda
Guiding Principles

Mission, Vision, and
2010 Budget


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