11a. Presentation

Post IAF Airline Realignment Program Briefing

Item No. 11a_supp
Meeting Date: September 12, 2023
Post IAF Airline Realignment Briefing

September 12, 2023

                  Briefing Purpose
• Update Commission on design development progress
• Provide a budget schedule and risks overview
• Provide schedule for Commission actions and briefing


                  Project Purpose
The project is facilitating the relocation of United Airlines’ domestic only
operations from Concourse A to Concourse B providing international gate
capacity on Concourse A. Associated office and support spaces to support
both relocations will be delivered as part of the project.
Ticket counters in the center of the main terminal will be reconfigured and
expanded to support airline operations.
United Airlines will self-perform the construction of their new lounge on
Concourse B under a Memorandum of Agreement with the Port.


                   Project Location          3
Scope of Work
1  Relocates United Airlines (UA) operational space to
renovated and expanded space on Concourse B.                   1
2  Relocates Delta Air Lines into UA vacated gates on
Concourse A.
3  Replaces two Air Handling Units in 2 new penthouses
and upgrades mechanical system infrastructure on
Concourse B.                                                                                  2
4  Reconfigures Zone 4 leasable space to accommodate
common use, flow-through ticket counters.

5   Relocates United Airlines to renovated lounge on
Concourse B in a “Like for Like” move from Concourse A.


            Design Development Status
DESCRIPTION                                        STATUS
Port Package 1 - Enabling Work                               Design 100% complete, construction start Q4 2023
Port Package 2 - Mechanical System Upgrades                Design 60% complete, construction start Q1 2024
Port Package 3 - Concourse B Ramp Renovation & Expansion   Design 60% complete, construction start Q1 2024
Port Package 4 - Ticket Counter Reconfiguration                Design 60% complete, construction start Q1 2024
United Airlines MOA - Lounge                                Design 30% complete Q4 2023, construction start Q3 2024


              Sustainability Framework
• Environmental Regulatory         •  Gender Neutral Restrooms
Compliance Tier 2 Project        • Improved interior accessibility
•   Employee Breakrooms
• Sustainable Project                 •  Fossil-fuel free heating (heat pumps)
Assessment and Review         • Reduce energy load with low carbon sources
•   Energy Modeling
Collaborative (SPARC)
process confirmed              • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material removed from
Sustainability Strategies             specifications
•   Low volatile organic compound (VOC) materials


                Budget Overview
C801158 Post IAF Airline Realignment
Current Budget                                                            $ 102M
Estimated Project Cost Range – February Commission Meeting              $ 98M - $172M



               Schedule Overview
2023                            2024                            2025                2026
Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4      Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4      Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4      Q1
Airline Realignment                                 Commission Action
Design                                     Construction
Enabling Scope
* Airline Realignment                                  Co mmission Action                                         UA Operate at
Design                                                     Construction
Base Scope                                                                                                               Concourse B Gates
 Commission Action
United Airlines (UA) Lounge                                   Design                                    Construction

* Airline Realignment Base Scope includes all scope identified in Packages 2,3, and 4.


           Key Risks & Mitigation Strategies
Risk                                                    Mitigation Plan
Existing Conditions    The project team is approximately 70% complete with existing conditions verification and 3D
Verification            modeling. The existing condition verification effort will be complete by October 2023 and mitigate
the risk of future design changes and cost impacts during construction.
Complex Phasing     The development of the existing conditions 3D model and progression of design has allowed the
GCCM and their Electrical and Mechanical subcontract trade partners to fully evaluate the extents of
confirmed scope. Additional phasing, not initially anticipated, has been incorporated to account for
safe construction and eliminate downtime of existing systems. Coordination meetings to review
schedule durations and identify opportunities for efficiency are facilitated on a weekly basis.
Operational          Most of the work within the project is occurring on Concourse B ramp level within leasable space
Constraints           supporting airline and tenant existing operations. Additional construction phasing and temporary
facilities are required to maintain tenant operations throughout the project premise. The project
team continues to collaborate with Port Stakeholders to confirm and account for all operational
constraints in contract documents.


                  Cone of Certainty
2021                  2023                  09 - 2023
- 03                              02 -

      Schedule for Commission Actions/Briefing
• September 26
– Construction authorization for Package 1 Enabling - ~$14M
• December 12
– Construction authorization for Packages 2 – 4
– Briefing on United Airlines Lounge






Allows for increased simultaneous wide body international operations at the International Arrivals Facility (IAF).

Improves overall international to domestic minimum connect times.

Limits domestic carrier preferential lease of international capable gates.

Ensures international flights have improved access to the Concourse A and IAF connected gates.
Provides renovated and expanded leasable space on ramp level to accommodate the airline relocations required to facilitate gate

3D Model of existing conditions, code upgrades and building expansion developed during Preliminary Design and Pre-Construction.

Minimizes the operational impacts to the Airlines.



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