10d. Presentation
West Waterway Deepening
Item No: 10d_Supp Meeting date: September 12, 2023 West Waterway Deepening Arthur Kim – Capital Project Manager Action Request Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to: 1. Execute a Design Agreement and all associated documents with the US Army Corps of Engineers for the Preconstruction Engineering and Design phase of the West Waterway Deepening Project, and 2. Authorize the Preconstruction Engineering and Design Phase of the West Waterway Channel Deepening Project, including execution of outside services contracts and service agreements, for an estimated Port cost of $4,000,000, with the total authorized amount for the project to be at $5,650,000. 2 Item No.: _Supp Meeting Date: July 14, 2020 3 West Waterway Deepening Site Location WEST WATERWAY Local Service Facility Overall Width = 190 Feet WEST WATERWAY -57 Feet MLLW Overlap Width = 65 Feet Terminal 5 500 Feet Wide 700 Feet Wide Terminal 10 5,400 Feet Long 4 Background • 2014: Managing Members approved joint feasibility study with US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to deepen federal navigation channels in East & West Waterways. • 2017: Feasibility Report completed • 2018: Congress authorized deepening channel to -57’ MLLW. • 2020: USACE received funding for Preconstruction Engineering and Design (PED) for West Waterway. • USACE estimates 700K cubic yards will be dredged. 5 USACE Partnership • Design Agreement commits the Port of Seattle as non-federal sponsor to share 50% of design with cash and/or work-in-kind (WIK) • USACE will manage PED phase including environmental permitting, engineering, and lead overall design. • Port will be responsible for sediment characterization, geotechnical engineering, and participation in ship simulations. – Payment will be made to make up the difference between WIK & 50/50 split. – Some Port costs will not be eligible for WIK credit. 6 Why Deepen the West Waterway? • Seattle Harbor is a major gateway for regional & national exports/imports. – Will lose container market share to other ports. • Container ships are increasing in size needing deeper navigation channels or risk causing operational delays. – Without deepening largest ships need to wait until high tide. • Terminal 5 Berth Modernization is deepening berth for the largest ships. 7 Ability to Berth the Largest Ships 8 Schedule POS Commission Design Authorization September 2023 Design Agreement Execution Q3 2023 Design Kickoff Q4 2023 Procure WIK Consultant Q2 2024 Design Completion Q3 2026 9 Budget and Authorization AUTHORIZATION Capital Expense Total (POS) (NWSA) Previous Authorizations $150,000 $1,500,000 $1,650,000 Current Request for Authorization $4,000,000 $0 $4,000,000 Total Authorizations $4,150,000 $1,500,000 $5,650,000 *Remaining Amount to Be $23,850,000 $0 $23,850,000 Authorized *Remaining Amount to Be Authorized is based on a 2017 estimate & will be revised during design. 10 Cone of Certainty We are here 11 Authorization Request/Next Steps Total amount of this request: $4,000,000 Next Steps: • Execute Design Agreement and associated documents. • Begin design with USACE. • Advertise and award project specific service agreement. 12 Questions? 13
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