Audit Committee Charter changes 21809


Purpose and Authority 
The Audit Committee is a standing committee created by the Seattle Port Commission.
Its general purpose is to represent the Commission and have review and oversight
authority on matters relating to the Port of Seattle auditing process and procedures. It will
assist the Port of Seattle Commission in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for: 
The integrity of the Port's financial statements, 
The effectiveness of the Port's internal control system over financial
reporting, compliance and operations, 
The periodic performance audits to be conducted on Port of Seattle operations,
programs, activities and business processes, 
The independent auditor's qualifications and independence, and 
The performance of the Port's internal audit function and independent
In carrying out these responsibilities, the Audit Committee shall encourage auditors
that the Committee works with to use abide by the latest Government Auditing
standards as promoted by the United States Government Accountability office, 
known professionally as the "Yellow Book" standards, as a reference guide.            Comment [SGM1]: I agree with Tom that this
could be deleted. If we want to keep this in then I
suggest the following: 
The Audit Committee is empowered to seek any information it requires from Port of
Seattle employees on departmental audit matters, all of whom are directed to           In carrying out these responsibilities, the Audit
Committee shall determine that any audits, which are
cooperate with the Committee's requests. The Committee shall keep the CEO          required to be conducted under the United States
apprised of all such requests.                                              Government Accountability Office's Government
Auditing Standards, are conducted in accordance
with those standards. The Audit Committee shall
If the committee determines that in order to meet its responsibilities it requires the        provide opportunities for auditors to discharge their
responsibilities for communication with those
independent services of an outside advisor or consultant having expertise in financial      charged with governance as required under those
reporting, auditing and internal controls, it may propose the retention of such advisor      standards. 
or consultant to the Commission for approval.                                Comment [tb2]: I would simply remove this
paragraph altogether as unnecessary. TB 
The Audit Committee will 
Review with the Internal Audit Manager the plans, activities, staffing, and
organizational structure of the internal audit function, including coordination of
audit effort with the external auditors. Audit Committee responsibility include: 
o  Review the Internal Audit Manager's annual audit plan. The annual plan
will include which departments, vendors, agreements, leases, and other
areas that to be audited by the Internal Audit Manager and audit staff.


o  Review the findings and recommendations of internal audits conducted of
these areas at the Port of Seattle, in regards to financial compliance,
internal controls, performance and efficiency.
o  Monitor the progress of the internal audit function against its long-term
goals and objectives. 
o  Elicit any recommendations of the improvement of such internal controls
or particular areas where new or more detailed controls or procedures are
desirable. Schedule and hear reviews of these improvements presented by
Port of Seattle staff as deemed necessary. 
Review with the Port's External Auditors: 
o The independent auditors' annual audit annual of the Port's financial
statements, as well as related notes and management discussion of the
o  The management letter and the schedule of unadjusted differences. 
o  The independent auditors' judgments about the quality of the Port's
accounting principles as applied in its financial reporting. 
o The independent auditors' single audit of the federal grant awards
administered by the Port. 
The Audit Committee shall rReview with performance auditors anyperiodic         Comment [SGM3]: Suggestion made solely for
consistency in format. 
performance audits conducted on Port of Seattle operations, programs, activities
and business processes. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Audit
Committee shall: 
o  Engage inEncourage discussion betweens with management, the
Commission and other stakeholders in order to solicit ideas and identify
future potential areas of performance audit focus. 
o  Encourage and provide an opportunity for any planned SAO audits to        Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
include an entrance and exit conference with the Audit Committee. 
o  Provide recommendations to the Commission regarding specific audit
areas for consideration, including suggested audit objectives, scope and
evaluation criteria. 
o  If necessary, and only upon Commission approval, solicit proposals from
independent auditing firms based on the approved performance audit
objectives, scope and criteria, and recommend and independent auditing
firm for appointment by the Commission if, after consulting with the
Internal Audit Manager, it is determined that outside resources are
o  Report the results of such audits to the Commission when completed. 
Review with the Washington State Auditor's Office (SAO) any financial,
accountability or performance audits conducted on the Port of Seattle. In carrying
out these responsibilities, the Audit Committee shall: 


o  Encourage and provide an opportunity for any SAO audits to include an
entrance and exit conference with the Audit Committee. 
o  Review findings and recommendations including management's response. 
o  Schedule and hear reviews of the actions taken in response to
recommended improvements presented by Port of Seattle staff as deemed
necessary.                                                 Comment [SGM4]: As noted during the last
meeting, I recommend that the SAO have its own
Discuss with management the Port's major policies with respect to risk assessment     separate section. I believe this states what we are
currently doing. 
and risk management. 
Provide an annual report to the Commission that describes how the Audit
Committee has discharged its duties and met its responsibilities. 

Internal Responsibilities 
The Audit Committee will: 
Establish long-term goals and objectives for the Audit Committee and monitor
progress in achieving those goals and objectives. 
Establish annual goals and objectives for the Audit Committee that are consistent
with its long-term goals and objectives and monitor progress in achieving those
goals and objectives. 
Review and assess the adequacy of the committee charter annually, requesting
Commission approval for proposed changes. 

The Audit Committee will consist of at least two (2) members of the Port of Seattle
Commission and one (1) public member approved by the Commission for a term of three
(3) years. Port Commission members of the audit committee, as well as the committee
chair, will be selected by the Commission President at the beginning of each calendar
The public member will be recommended by the Audit Committee for appointment and
confirmation by the Commission. The public member may be removed during his or her
term by the Commission President. 
Each committee member will be independent of Port management and any external audit
firm. The public member must have the following qualifications: 
An understanding of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and
financial statements, 
Experience in the preparation or auditing of the financial statements of
comparable public entities, 


Experience in the application of GAAP in regards to estimates, accruals and
Experience with internal controls, and 
An understanding of how the Audit Committee functions. 
The public member will serve as an advisor to the audit committee and is not considered
a voting member of the committee for the purposes of quorum determination or voting on
any official business of the committee. 

The committee will meet at least four times a year, with authority to convene additional
meetings, as circumstances require.
All committee meeting are open public meetings.
A quorum of the committee is required to conduct official committee business. A
quorum is defined as a majority of voting members. 
The committee will invite members of management, auditors or others to attend meetings
and provide pertinent information, as necessary. 
Meeting agendas will be prepared and provided in advance to members, along with
appropriate briefing materials. Minutes will be prepared. 


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