6a Clean Air

Warking togefjaer for dean air
Puget Sound t b i tAjr Agency
April 7,2009
Sarah Flagg
Port of Seattle
YO Box 1209
Seattle, WA 9811 1
Dear Ms. Flagg:
Port Truck Removal Program
The purpose of this letter is to propose a design for a port truck
removal (buy-back and smppage) program to support the Port of
Seattle's commitment to the Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy.
The Nortlzwest Ports Clean Air Strategy, which was adopted by the
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR       Port of Seattle Commission in January 2008, contains tmck en~ission
U s n ?~ Mct errall~ s      reduction perfbrmance measures. By 2010, the strategy requires port
trucks to reach the equivalent particulate matter (YM) etnissio~ls
level of the 1994 or newer heavy-duty tr~~ckengiile model year
through vehicle purchase or by using approved retrofit packages. By
2015, 80% of heavy-duty drayage trucks are expected to reach the
C o r yBorcman. MV(BYC~I,
equivalent PM emissions level of 2007 or newer engine model year
through vehicle pilrchase or by using approved retrofit packages.
EVERETT      This is an interim objective on the way to the goal of 100% of
K a yStept~ar!s<:n. Mayor        heavy-duty drayagc trucks meeting 2007 model-year levels by 2017.

KING COUNTY       011 March 31,  2009,  Port  of  Seattle  staff  proposed  to  the


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