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South Harbor Truck Parking
Work Group
Mike Merritt                 Mike Estey
Local Government   Manager, Parking Operations
Relations Manager         & Traffic Permits
Port of Seattle                  SDOT

Work Group established in response to
South Harbor community concerns about
heavy-duty trucks parking in the
Initiated by Commissioner Tarleton and co-led
by City of Seattle Councilmember Sally Clark
Goal: To better understand truck issues in
Georgetown and South Park, and to create a
collaborative process to develop
recommendations to address the issues.

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Work Group Process
Representation from environmental,
community, regulatory, City of Seattle, and
5 meetings to date
Key focus areas
Identification of truck parking issues
Actual land use vs. zoning, freight routes
Cargo operations and Clean Air Strategy
Development of recommendations

Night Truck
Parking in

Night Truck
Parking in
South Park

1. Trucks parking on residential streets in areas
zoned "residential"
2. Trucks parking in areas zoned "industrial",
but where there are pockets of residential
3. Off-street overnight truck parking would help
alleviate the pressure and demand for onstreet
overnight truck parking

4. Observation of trucks using non-arterial
streets inappropriate for large trucks
5. Voluntary compliance alone may not
sufficiently address these issues
6. Additional outreach, education, and
awareness of the benefits of anti-idling is

Truck Parking
Communicate streets zoned for residential
Patrol and enforce
Communicate where overnight truck
parking is available and preferred
Post signage in problematic locations
Work with community and industry
Monitor for effectiveness

Truck Parking
Endorse Port efforts to designate off-street
truck parking
City should explore off-street truck parking
at City-owned sites
Explore potential changes to Seattle
Municipal Code if necessary

T25-South Truck Parking Facility
T25-South Truck Parking
Insert new visual
Truck Parking
1.8 acres

Truck Routing
Re-examine existing truck routes
Verify and communicate those designated
for regular truck use and routing
Enforce use on streets not designated for
regular truck use
Review truck route signage and
supplement if needed

Post advisory "No Idling" signs at movable
Identify other locations for advisory
Support City efforts to adopt a "No Idling"
PSCAA should continue to work with all
parties on education and outreach

Next Steps
Briefing to City Council, April/May 2009
Work plans and timelines being developed
T25-South parking facility available, July 2009
Partners working together on communications
and outreach

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