6a Report

Item No. 6a-1_Report 
Date of Meeting: August 4, 2009 

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport 
Environmental Strategy Plan 2009

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport 
Environmental Strategy Plan 2009 

"It wasn't a matter of telling our story better, 
it is a matter of creating a better story." 
H. LEE SCOTT JR. CEO, WALMART on the company's approach to sustainability 

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Table of Contents 

Sea-Tac International Airport 
and the Environment 
3  Introduction
5  Who We Are and What We Do 
7  Environmental Footprint 
9  Summary of Goals 

Moving People and 
Goods Efficiently 
13 Air Quality and Climate Change 
21 Energy Use and Conservation 
26 Buildings and Infrastructure 

Managing Natural 
Resources Wisely 
Port of Seattle Commissioners 
Bill Bryant 
29  Materials Use and Recycling         John Creighton 
34  Water Resources and Wildlife         Patricia Davis 
Lloyd Hara 
Gael Tarleton 
Chief Executive Officer 
Promoting Sustainable           Tay Yoshitani 
Airport Managing Director 
Mark M. Reis 
38  Noise 
40  Education and Integration 

Appendix A - Sea-Tac by the Numbers 
Appendix B - Summary of Goals and Objectives 
Appendix C - Five-Year Technical Work Plan 

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Message from the Airport Director 
At Seattle-Tacoma International Airport    Environmental stewardship isn't a new
(Sea-Tac) we are committed to creating a     idea at Sea-Tac. We already have a range
sustainable airport that minimizes the     of   highly   successful   environmental
environmental impacts of our operations.    programs  in  water  quality,  recycling,
To  achieve  this  vision,  Sea-Tac  is    wildlife management, air quality and
continually  implementing  actions  that     noise reduction. Many of these programs
improve air and water quality, reduce    have  been  recognized  nationally  as
pollution and conserve natural resources.     models for other airports.   Despite our
Why  is  environmental  stewardship   accomplishments, our  commitment to
important to us? Because we understand     environmental  quality  and  sustainable
that airports are the front doors of our     development remains as strong as ever.
communities   and   thus   have   an
extraordinary  opportunity  to  promote    I am pleased to announce the completion
change and educate members of our    of this Five-Year Environmental Strategy
community.  We also understand that in    Plan for Sea-Tac.  This plan details the
order for our region to continue to grow    goals for environmental improvement
and thrive in the 21st Century, we must    which  we  aim  to  accomplish,  and
find ways to do more while using fewer of    strategies and actions to achieve them. 
our planet's scarce natural resources.    Our vision to be a green gateway for air
This isn't just an environmental strategy;    travel and commerce is ambitious and
it  is  of  paramount  importance  for  our      comprehensive. Achieving it will require
economic future and the vitality of the    a concerted and sustained effort by the
Pacific  Northwest  community  that  we     Port of Seattle, and the cooperation and
serve.                                         collaboration of our business partners
and the local community.  The reward,
however, is a more sustainable airport
that is prepared to thrive in the years to

MARK REIS          "This isn't just an environmental strategy; 
Managing Director      it is of paramount importance for our
Aviation Division       economic future" 
Port of Seattle 

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Message from the Director - Airport Planning and Environmental 
Welcome    to    Sea-Tac's    Five-Year   In developing the Plan, staff was mindful
Environmental Strategy Plan (Plan).  This   of the ongoing efforts to update the
Plan is intended to serve as a roadmap for    Port's long-termstrategic plan through
achieving  our  environmental  vision.  It   the Century Agenda.  In particular, staff
provides a framework for annual planning,   developed this document consistent with
budgeting and accountability by identifying   the "Green Port" guiding principles
the  measurable  environmental  outcomes   recommended by the Century Agenda
that we aspire to achieve by 2014.               expert panel. 
The Plan is organized around three themes:   Achieving the goals set forth in this
Moving  People  and  Goods  Efficiently,   document will not be easy and must be
Managing Natural Resources Wisely, and   done in a manner that enhances Sea-
Promoting Sustainable Communities. These   Tac's    economic    competitiveness.
themes embody the aspirations of Sea-Tac's   Although  the  Plan  identifies  specific
environmental agenda.   Within each of the   actions and strategies that move Sea-Tac
three focus areas the Plan:                       towards      achievement      of      its
environmental goals, the Plan does not
Identifies key environmental indicators,     identify   or   commit   any   financial
Summarizes ongoing environmental       resources.  All projects and actions will
improvement efforts,                       be evaluated to ensure that they provide
Establishes aspirational goals for            value for money spent, and obtain any
continued environmental improvement,    necessary Port Commission approvals.
Identifies performance metrics for each     In the past, Sea-Tac has demonstrated
environmental indicator area.               that the application of energy, water and
waste reduction measures can achieve
The performance metrics will allow us to   significant cost savings.  In a future
measure  our  progress  in  the  key   defined by greater cost and scarcity of
environmental indicator areas across time   natural resources, the economic benefits
and against our goals.                            of sustainability initiatives will continue
to grow and create new benefits and
business opportunities for Sea-Tac. 

ELIZABETH LEAVITT              "This Plan is intended to serve
Director                                as a roadmap for achieving our
Aviation Planning & Environmental    environmental vision. It
Port of Seattle                            provides a framework for
annual planning, budgeting,
and accountability."

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About the Port of Seattle                               >>
The Port of Seattle develops and maintains facilities for the transportation of 
Tac International Airport and the Environment  cargo and passengers by air, water, land through Sea-Tac International
Airport and Seattle's seaport. We foster a prosperous regional economy and 
environmental stewardship for the long-term benefit of King County citizens.
Sea-Tac International Airport 
The Port owns and operates Seattle-Tacoma International Airport - the 17th
busiest in the nation  handling more than 32 million passengers in 2008.
Twenty-seven passenger airlines operate at Sea-Tac, offering domestic and
international services.
Sea-Tac's Commitment to the Environment 
Our record as an environmental steward will distinguish us from other ports
and give us an edge in the very  competitive battle for international
commerce. The Port of Seattle: Where a Sustainable World is Headed. 
Tay Yoshitani, CEO, Port of Seattle 
Mission Statement 
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport aims to be the national leader among
peer airports in demonstrating environmental stewardship and reducing the
environmental impacts of airport operations. 
Sea-Tac Environmental Leadership Strategy Team 
ea - S
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Sea-Tac Int'l Airport 

Statistics - 2008 
Air Passengers                                         2008 
Annual passengers                                        32,196,528 
U.S. rank by passengers                                      #17 
World ranking by passengers                              #35 
Air Cargo 
Metric tons                                                  290,653 
U.S rank by air cargo                                          #19 
Aircraft Operations 
Aircraft operations                                           345,242 
Average daily operations                                    945 
U.S. Rank by operations                                     #24 
Regional Economic Impact 
Regional economic impact                                 $13.2 billion 
Jobs created                                                   161,000 (89,902 direct jobs)

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What is Sustainability? 
Sea-Tac's 2008 environmental footprint is
depicted  on  the  following  page.     The    Despite the number and variants of
footprint portrays a range of air, water, waste     definitions,   common   themes   run
and noise impacts that Sea-Tac  operations    through   most   definitions   of
have on the environment. The environmental    sustainability. They usually deal with
footprint is a useful tool for Sea-Tac to assess     the    natural    environment,    the
its   impacts   on   the   local   and   global      economy,  society,  or  perhaps  most
environment,  and to develop strategies to    often, all three together. One of the
reduce  the  footprint  over  time.     The    first  and  most  widely  utilized
performance metrics included in Appendix A    definitions  of  sustainability  comes
of this Plan provide additional detail to the     from  the  United  Nations  World
footprint.  Going forward, Sea-Tac intends to     Commission  on  Environment  and
keep this environmental footprint and its    Development,     which     defined
performance metrics current. In doing so, the    sustainable development in 1987 as
concept will be honed and the data refined in     "[D]evelopment that meets the needs
order to maintain as accurate a narrative as    of  the  present  generation  without
possible.                                             compromising  the  ability  of  future
generations to meet their own needs."
Another commonly used definition of
sustainability,     and     one     that
incorporates the "triple bottom line"
concept,   comes  from  the  World
Business  Council  on  Sustainable
Development, which defines the term
as "the simultaneous pursuit of
economic prosperity, environmental
quality and social equity." 
Sea-Tac Int'l Airport 

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Environmental Performance Indicators                -Tac Int'l Airport
Gasoline                 127,094 gallons
Diesel                     20,218 gallons 
Compressed Natural Gas 168,675 gge
Electricity                 148,715,000 kWh
Natural Gas              2,813,851 therms                             Environmental Footprint 2008
Greenhouse Gases       46,079 tons 
Potable Water           229,232,828 gallons 
Solid Waste               6,350 tons
Hazardous Waste       1,842 lbs 
Noise                      4,118 acres in 65 dB day-
night average sound level

Environmental Footprint 
The term "environmental footprint" describes the impact that an individual, organization or 
society has on the natural world. Typically, an environmental footprint depicts, through representative data,              Page | 8 
how an organization uses natural resources or its intensity of use.

Moving People and Goods Efficiently
For Sea-Tac to be an environmental leader it must be economically efficient. That is why
we continually look for opportunities to improve our environmental performance through
operational efficiencies. By taking actions that reduce  our fossil fuel  use, conserve 
electricity, and integrate "green" design into our facilities are simultaneously improve the
environment and our bottom line. Put simply, we believe that improving efficiency is a
fundamental instrument in achieving economic and environmental sustainability.
efficient (-fsh'nt) adj. 1. Acting effectively with a minimum of waste or effort. 

Managing Natural Resources Wisely 
At Sea-Tac, we understand that the responsible use of the world's dwindling supply of
natural resources is everybody's business. That is why we have identified strategies that
aim to reduce or limit the airport's impact on the region's natural resources. Whether
managing  water  resources,  improving  fish  and  wildlife  habitat,  or  purchasing
environmentally preferable products, we are committed to being responsible stewards of
our precious natural resources. 
wise (wz) adj. 3. Sensible: prudent 

Promoting Sustainable Communities 
As one of the region's largest employers,Sea-Tac plays an important role in the strength
and sustainability of local communities. For Sea-Tac, promoting sustainable communities
goes beyond creating jobs and economic development; it also requires leadership in
improving the livability of local communities. On this front, Sea-Tac's engagement in the
areas of environmental education, community outreach and noise mitigation demonstrate a 
commitment to the communities that it serves.
sustain (s-stn') v. 4. To support the spirits, vitality, or resolution of; encourage 

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Moving People and Goods Efficiently 
Air Quality and   Goal 1a: Air Quality 
Climate Change  Sea-Tac will improve the overall efficiency of its vehicle fleet by 30 % over 2006
levels by 2015.
Goal 1b: Air Quality 
Sea-Tac will continue to work with its business partners to consolidate trips,
reduce vehicle miles travelled, and promote clean vehicles from taxis, shuttles,
buses,  construction  vehicles,  service  equipment,  and  ground  support
Goal 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 
Sea-Tac will reduce airport owned and controlled greenhouse gas emissions by
15% below 2005 levels by 2020. 
Goal 3: Transportation 
Sea-Tac will increase the average occupancy of passenger vehicles accessing the
airport from 2.6 in 2009 to 3.6 in 2015.
Goal 4: Adaptation Planning 
Sea-Tac will complete a risk analysis of potential climate change impacts and
implications for the airport, and develop a strategy plan for avoiding/mitigating

Energy Use     Goal 5: Electricity Use 
and          Sea-Tac will meet all future load growth through conservation measures and
Conservation   renewable energy.
Goal 6: Natural Gas Use 
Sea-Tac will continue to reduce natural gas consumption per square foot of
terminal space through cost-effective conservation and efficiency measures. 
Goal 7: Technology Deployment 
Sea-Tac will serve as a leader in identifying and implementing leading-edge
technologies and process improvements that reduce energy demand and
improve efficiency. 

Buildings and  Goal 8: Sustainable Buildings 
Infrastructure  Sea-Tac will integrate Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 
or other "green" building performance measures into all projects. 
Goal 9: Asset Management 
Sea-Tac will continue to improve its asset management practices in a manner
that minimizes the total cost of owning and operating facilities and maximizes
environmentally-sustainable development.
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Managing Natural Resources Wisely 
Materials Use   Goal 10: Recycling
and Recycling   Sea-Tac will increase the solid waste recycling rate from the current 21%
in 2008 to 50% by 2014. 
Goal 11: Construction Debris
Sea-Tac will implement Best Management Practices (BMP) that reduce
construction, demolition and land clearing debris generated by the
airport and its contractors.
Goal 12: Hazardous Materials and Waste 
Sea-Tac will continue to reduce its use of hazardous materials and the
generation of hazardous wastes. 
Goal 13: Environmentally Preferable Products 
Sea-Tac will increase the use of green products throughout the
organization by implementing a robust environmental purchasing

Water        Goal 14: Water Quality
Resources     Sea-Tac will achieve and maintain Best Management Practices for water
and Wildlife     quality treatment and flow control over 100% of airport industrial areas.
Goal 15: Wildlife Habitat 
Sea-Tac will identify and implement actions to: (a) improve wildlife
habitat and protections for native species not in conflict with aviation
safety, and (b) develop biologically sound approaches for managing
hazardous wildlife in the context of reducing the need for direct control
actions such as scare devices (e.g., pyrotechnics). 
Goal 16: Water Conservation 
Sea-Tac will reduce the potable water consumption rate 5% below 2008
levels by 2015.

Sea-Tac Airport  Waste Audit 2008 
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Promoting Sustainable Communities 
Noise           Goal 17: Noise Mitigation
Sea-Tac will complete the Part 150 update including FAA review and
approval by the end of 2011.

Education and  Goal 18: Education and Community Outreach 
Integration      Sea-Tac will institute an environmental education campaign to promote
environmental   stewardship   and   raise   awareness   of   airport
environmental and sustainability initiatives. 
Goal 19: Integration 
Sea-Tac will integrate environmental and sustainability considerations
into core business operations. 
Goal 20: Working with Business Partners 
Sea-Tac will work with its business partners to extend environmental
and sustainability initiatives beyond its own operations. 

Sea-Tac Airport staff teaching high school students about stormwater management 

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Summary of Trends and Current Conditions 
Regional Air Quality 
Working to maintain and improve regional air quality is an important
priority for Sea-Tac. Pollutants of major concern in the region include
ozone, fine particulate matter and air toxics.   Many airport functions
impact air quality, though vehicles are the single largest source or air
pollution at Sea-Tac and in the Puget Sound region.  Sea-Tac has a
history of working together with our business partners and the local
air agency to reduce the airport's impact on regional air quality. Some
of the more significant recent accomplishments include:
The adoption of the Port's Clean Fleets Policy that resulted in the
conversion of more than 75 Sea-Tac vehicles to clean fuels; 
Implementation of a Clean Taxi Program  that require Seattle-
Tacoma International Taxi Association (STITA) taxis serving Sea-
Tac to convert to compressed natural gas or gas-electric hybrid
Promotion of transit use and ridesharing by employees; 
Installation of a fuel hydrant system that reduces aircraft fuel truck
Installation of charging stations for electric vehicles; and 
Gate electrification that provides airlines the ability to power their
on-aircraft electrical needs, such as lighting and instruments, at
nearly all gates instead of using auxiliary engines.
These and other actions combine to
make  Sea-Tac  a  leader,  both
regionally    and    nationally,    in
reducing   the   impacts   of   its
operations on air quality.  Looking 
forward to the next five years, Sea-
Tac  will  continue  to  seek  costeffective
emission     reduction
opportunities.  In   addition,   the    Pre-conditioned air and
airport will continue to  participate    400Hz being supplied at gates 
in  regional   air quality   planning 
work   focused  on  keeping  the 
region in attainment for all criteria pollutants. 

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Currently, the Puget Sound region is struggling to remain in attainment for ozone. Should
the region fall out of attainment for this pollutant, Sea-Tac is prepared to develop and
implement strategies for complying with new requirements imposed by state and federal
regulators. Developing and growing a business or organization like Sea-Tac in a region not
meeting  attainment  would  be  a  significant  challenge  with  additional  costs  and
environmental permit approval times. 

Light rail to Sea-Tac Airport to begin December 2009 
Transportation Emissions 
Emissions from transportation-related activities account for nearly half of the total
greenhouse gas emissions in Washington. Transportation emissions also contribute
significantly to criteria pollutant levels such as ozone and particulate matter.  Achieving
significant reductions in transportation-related emissions is critical for Washington and the
Puget Sound region in particular.  At Sea-Tac, we continue to focus on promoting and
incenting the use of public transit and high occupancy vehicles among employees and
passengers. In addition, we intend to work closely with state and local governments in
designing and implementing new strategies that reduce vehicle miles traveled.

Sea-Tac Airport, Mount Rainier in the background 
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Climate Change 
In 2006, Sea-Tac became one of the first airports in the country to conduct a greenhouse
gas emissions inventory. The inventory provides benchmark data for greenhouse gas
emissions at the airport.  The inventory revealed that nearly 4.7 million tons of carbon
dioxide (CO2) were emitted in 2006 as a result of direct and indirect airport activities. Of
the total, Port owned and controlled emissions accounted for less than 1.5%.  Port
emissions primarily come from electricity and natural gas use at the airport and vehicle use
(both passenger and Port employee) on airport roads. Aircraft operations account for the
largest source of emissions at the airport, representing 4.2 million tons or approximately
90%. Passenger and employee vehicles traveling on public roads account for the third
major source of airport emissions; 8%.
The Port is a founding member of the Climate Registry, and as such is committed to
continue reporting airport greenhouse gas emissions.   Sea-Tac intends to use these
inventories to identify emission reduction opportunities and measure progress towards
emission reduction goals.

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Since completing its initial inventory in 2006, Sea-Tac has worked with its business
partners to implement a variety of actions that reduce airport emissions. For example: 
Fuel hydrant system -  delivers fuel to each passenger airline gate via
underground pipes instead of tanker trucks laden with fuel. CO2 savings is
980 tons per year.
Centralized pre-conditioned air - allows aircraft to hook up to cooled or
heated air at gates, enabling aircraft to shut down their auxiliary power units.
Gate electrification - provides airlines the option to power their on-aircraft
electrical infrastructure by plugging in at the gate. 
All taxis serving Sea-Tac have been converted to either CNG vehicles or gaselectric
Sea-Tac has converted much of its vehicle fleet to CNG, electric or gas-electric
hybrid vehicles (16 buses, two sweepers and 60 light-duty vehicles). 

Fuel Use by Type                                     2006           2008 
Gasoline                                                 144,268 gal      127,094 gal 
Diesel                                                       16,745 gal        20,218 gal 
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)                         179,710 gge     168,675 gge 
GHG Emissions                                     2006           2008 
POS emissions (metric tons)                              66,491           46,079* 
POS emissions per passenger (lbs)                        4.89             2.86 
Airlines/Tenant emissions (metric tons)**                4,214,806        N/A 
Public emissions (metric tons)**                          373,033          N/A 
*Reduction between 2008 and 2006 is attributed to a utility specific emission factor. 
** Will be inventoried every 5 years at a minimum. 
Transportation                                                    2008 
Average # of occupants per vehicle trip                                     2.6 
% employees using high occupancy transit                - 

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Goal 1a: Air Quality 
Sea-Tac will improve the overall efficiency of its vehicle fleet by 30 % over 2006 levels by
Goal 1b: Air Quality 
Sea-Tac will continue to work with its business partners to consolidate trips, reduce
vehicle miles travelled, and promote clean vehicles from taxis, shuttles, buses,
construction vehicles, service equipment, and ground support equipment. 

Routinely audit and update the Port's
Clean Fleets Policy
Monitor and track the airport's fuel and
energy use 
Create opportunities to share vehicle
resources more efficiently, thereby
minimizing fleet assets 
Identify opportunities to procure more
fuel efficient vehicles 
Sea-Tac Airport's Compressed Natural
Gas Fueling Station 

Goal 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Sea-Tac will reduce airport owned and controlled greenhouse gas emissions by 15%
below 2005 levels by 2020. 

Inform service providers and public of actions that can be taken to help maintain
clean air 
Collaborate with local governments, air agencies and stakeholders to implement
cost-effective emission reductions actions 
Where viable, set minimum requirements that reduce emissions from airport
service providers such as courtesy vans and taxis. 
Implement strategy to reduce single occupancy vehicle traffic to the airport 5% by

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Achieving Sea-Tac's GHG Emission Reduction Goals 
Sea-Tac is committed to developing a comprehensive approach to climate change that
recognizes the environmental imperative associated with reducing emissions, as well as
the economic considerations required to grow in a carbon-constrained economy.  In
February 2009, Sea-Tac staff recommended to the Port of Seattle Commissioners the
following GHG reduction goals for the airport: 

Port Owned/Controlled Emissions 
By 2020, reduce emissions by 15% below 2005 levels 
Airline Owned/Controlled Emissions 
Work with airline partners to identify and implement cost effective emission reduction
Public Owned/Controlled Emissions 
Assist the state and local governments in meeting the statewide transportation specific
climate goal of reducing total vehicle miles traveled 18% by 2020, 30% by 2035 and
50% reduction by 2050 

Achieving these goals will require a sustained commitment from the Port.  To plan for this
effort, Sea-Tac is in the process of developing a Climate Action Plan that will identify and
evaluate feasible and effective actions and policies to reduce GHG emissions. It will be, in
essence, the roadmap for achieving the emission reduction goals.   The Climate Action Plan
will focus on: 
Improving collection and analysis of emissions data
Prioritizing and implementing emission reduction projects 
Adopting climate friendly policies/guidance
Engaging business partners, employees, and the public to take action on climate
Evaluating the feasibility of long-term carbon neutrality 

Sea-Tac Airport, Central Terminal 
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Goal 3: Transportation 
Sea-Tac will increase the average occupancy of passenger vehicles accessing the airport
from 2.6 in 2009 to 3.6 in 2015.

Develop and implement a plan to achieve a 5% mode shift by passengers from single
occupancy vehicles to higher occupancy/shared-ride airport access modes by 2015 
Inform the traveling public and employees of the benefits of choosing public transit and
high occupancy vehicles 
Leverage tenants to promote increased use of public transit and ridesharing by
Work with state and local transportation officials to identify and implement actions that
reduce vehicle miles traveled to and from the airport

Sea-Tac Airport "pay on foot" parking program. - less idling, less pollution. 

Goal 4: Adaptation Planning 
Sea-Tac will complete a risk analysis of the potential climate change impacts and
implications for the airport and develop a strategy plan for avoiding/mitigating risks. 

Conduct a risk analysis to identify Sea-Tac's vulnerability to climate change impacts 
Set preparedness goals and develop a climate change preparedness plan 
Begin implementation of a climate change preparedness plan 

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What is Adaptation Planning?               Relocation      moving   vulnerable
populations or systems away from
Adaptation   planning   encompasses       hazards induced by climate change 
measures that are taken in response to
the  actual  or  expected  changes  in      Adapting to climate change is not about
climate  to  negate  or  mitigate  their      drafting  lots  of  new  policies.  It  is
impact.  These  measures  reduce  the      concerned   with   understanding   how
vulnerability  of  the  local,  natural  or      climate  change  may  affect  the  world
human systems to the effects of climate    around us and then routinely integrating
change by increasing the system's      that  understanding  to  make  better
resilience  to  it.  Adaptation  response      decisions.    Decisions    about    spatial
measures   generally   have   four     planning and development, social justice,
categories:                                      value for money and public safety will all
be affected, positively or negatively, by
Loss prevention  actions to reduce      climate change. Decisions with long-term
vulnerability to climate change               implications will tend to be more affected
by climate change as their outcomes will
Losssharing  spreading the risk of      experience more climate change. It is
loss among a wider population (e.g.      essential that decisions taken today do
insurance)                                  not constrain adaptation options in the
Behavior modification   eliminating
the activity or behavior that causes      London Climate  Change  Adaptation
the hazard                                  Strategy 

Sea-Tac Airport 
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Energy Use and 
..      Summary of Trends and Current Conditions 
FFIENCIETY     Airports are major consumers of electricity, often among the largest in
the community. In 2008, Sea-Tac consumed more than 148,000,000
kWh of electricity; nearly the equivalent of 14,000 homes. However,
because Sea-Tac purchases most of its electricity from the Bonneville
Power Administration (BPA), which generates approximately 85% of
its power from non-greenhouse-gas-producing hydroelectric facilities,
the climate change impacts of Sea-Tac's electricity use is less than that
of   other   similarly   sized
E    airports. Nevertheless, Sea-
Tac is continually looking for
MOVING PEOPLE AND GOODS    opportunities to reduce
energy     use     through
conservation    and    the
implementation   of   new
technologies.         Energy
conservation leads to cost
savings, reduces the need for
regional     power     plant
expansions,  and  decreases   Sea-Tac Airport office building and
regional air emissions.          terminal 
Over the past decade, conservation efforts at Sea-Tac have resulted in a
savings of more than 46,000,000 kWh of electricity, nearly 25% of total
demand. In addition to helping the environment, these conservation
measures saved Sea-Tac more than $1.5 million annually in electricity
costs.  Significant conservation accomplishments include: 
Lighting retrofits; 
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning improvements; and 
Thermostat adjustments. 
The table on the following page illustrates the annual energy savings
achieved by Sea-Tac through conservation efforts over the past dozen

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Annual energy usage with and without conservation savings
Millions of KWh
without conservation
with conservation
1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009
Source: airport data.
In 2006, in an effort to further reduce the environmental impact from its electricity use and
to promote the development of renewable energy sources, Sea-Tac began purchasing
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from BPA. A REC represents energy generated by a
renewable power source. Purchase of the certificates allows Sea-Tac to claim that it uses
"green power" for more than 25%of its electricity power load. In the future, Sea-Tac
intends to meet all new electricity demand either through conservation or through the
acquisition of clean, non-fossil-fuel generated power.
Natural Gas 
Not all of Sea-Tac's energy needs are met with electricity.  Sea-Tac also operates three
natural gas fired boilers for its heating system.    In recent years, Sea-Tac completed a
number of mechanical system upgrades to improve the efficiency of these boilers,
A more efficient boiler that reduced particulate matter emissions; 
Installation of variable air volume valves; and 
Adding oxygen sensors to improve combustion efficiency 
As a result of these actions, Sea-Tac reduced its demand for natural gas by approximately
587,000 therms, which represents about 20% of the airport's total natural gas demand.
Sea-Tac is in the process of conducting a second phase upgrade to its mechanical systems
that is expected to provide additional reductions in natural gas use.  Going forward, Sea-
Tac will seek to identify efficiency and infrastructure improvements to further reduce
natural gas demand.   We also will look for new technologies and facility design
opportunities that would allow us to reduce or eliminate the need to heat and cool our
facilities with fossil fuels. 

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Technology Deployment 
Information and communications technology is indispensable for Port employees and
airport users.  The type of technologies that we use and manner in which we use them,
however, can have major impacts on energy use and the environment. The Port and Sea-
Tac strive to be on the leading edge of technology and process improvements that increase
efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Recent improvements include: 
Adopt a Server Virtualization Strategy resulted in an 88% reduction in server
electricity use and an 86% reduction in heat output; and 
Equipping employees with laptops provided an 80% savings in power
Development of Web conferencing capabilities helps reduce the need for
employees to travel to meetings.

Sea-Tac Int'l Airport's automated parking pay system. Less wait, less pollution.
Electricity Use (kWh)                    2000             2005             2008 
Total kWh of electricity used                133,508,734       145,087,553       148,715,000 
kWh per passenger                      4.70              4.95              4.62 
Total kWh/yr. of energy saved                                                   46,282,904 
Renewable Energy 
"Green Power" (purchased/ 
0%             0%             25% 
used as a % of total energy use) 
Natural Gas Use (Therms) 
Total therms used                          2,375,219         2,476,400         2,813,851 
Therms per passenger                    0.083             0.085             0.087 
Therms per sq. ft. of terminal                1.03                0.81                0.92 

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Goal 5: Electricity Use 
Sea-Tac will meet all future load growth through conservation measures and renewable

Identify cost-effective conservation
projects through a comprehensive
resource efficiency study 
Continue to build on existing programs
that provide incentives and assistance
for customers (tenants) 
Identify opportunities to increase the
purchase/use of renewable energy 
Require all new capital projects to
undergo a LEED or equivalent energy
efficiency review 
Educate employees and tenants on
energy efficiency practices 
Continue to fund a comprehensive
preventive maintenance program 
Annually collect data to determine
greenhouse gas emissions associated
with electricity purchases 
Identify internal and external funding for
Central Terminal - using natural light 
conservation efforts 

Goal 6: Natural Gas Use 
Sea-Tac will continue to reduce natural gas consumption per square foot of terminal
space through cost-effective conservation and efficiency measures. 

Identify conservation projects through a comprehensive resource efficiency study 
Identify heat recovery opportunities 
Identify internal and external opportunities to fund conservation efforts 
Seek opportunities to displace natural gas use with other more environmentally friendly
fuels or technologies 
Maximize boiler efficiency through preventive maintenance 
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Goal 7: Technology Deployment 
Sea-Tac will serve as a leader in identifying and implementing leading-edge
technologies and process improvements that reduce energy demand and improve

Continue implementation of Green Data Center Strategy 
Develop employee procedures/training that maximize energy efficiency of existing
and newly implemented technologies
Explore opportunities to increase the common use of facilities where it is cost
effective and environmentally beneficial
Continue researching new energy-efficient technologies and seek opportunities to
test feasibility through pilot projects 

Sea-Tac Airport purchases 25%                                          Sea-Tac Airport's telecommuting saves
renewable energy                              energy and increases efficiency 

Page | 25

and Infrastructure 
..      Summary and Current Trends 
MOVING PEOPLE AND GOODS EFFIENCIETY    At Sea-Tac, planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance,
renewal, and demolition of facilities and infrastructure are constantly
being altered based on changing conditions, requirements, and desires
of our business partners and airport users. These alternatives provide
an opportunity to integrate environmental and efficiency improvements
into the design, building, operation and maintenance of our facilities.
In  2007,  Sea-Tac  began  to  concentrate  on  environmentally  and
economically sustainable development by addressing the total cost of
ownership for all development and modifications of infrastructure.
This effort focused on: 
Integrating life-cycle cost analysis into asset investment decisions; 
Rationalizing and understanding initial costs; 
Reducing ongoing operating and maintenance costs; and 
Incorporating Best Management Practices that integrate
environmental and financial performance.
Sea-Tac has integrated these objectives into a variety of projects that
Runway reconstruction of the easternmost runway-16L/34R; 
Delta Crown Room, LEED Silver Certification; 
Consolidated Rental Car Facility/Bus Maintenance Facility, LEED
pilot project; and 
Mechanical and systems upgrades (heating, ventilation and air
Over the next five years, Sea-Tac will further integrate environmental
and sustainability principles into design and construction conditions.
This  incorporation  will  advance  the  integration  of  total  cost  of
ownership, assimilate LEED or similar green building modelsinto all
projects,  and  identify  additional  opportunities  for  performanceenhancing
facility upgrades.  We also intend to further develop and
improve Sea-Tac's Facilities Condition Index as a tool to maximize the
life and value of our existing facilities.

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Square feet green buildings or LEED rated buildings*                            1,225 million 
Number of capital, tenant, or concessions projects 
achieving or proposed for LEED certification* 
Facility condition index                                                               25.39% 
* LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The United States Green Building Council
(USGBC) created LEED as a rating system (i.e. Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) for green building.

Goal 8: Sustainable Buildings 
Sea-Tac will integrate LEED or other "green" building performance measures into 
all projects. 

Complete implementation of Sea-Tac's Sustainable Asset Management Policy 
Identify opportunities for high density, joint use for all new construction 
Identify opportunities to integrate environmental and sustainable cost accounting
into all Port capital, tenant, and concessions projects 
Adopt a sustainability master plan that integrates Sea-Tac's environmental and
sustainability goals into future capital development plans 
Maximize environmental and sustainable performance of buildings and
infrastructure through cost-effective improvements to design, construction,
operations, and maintenance practices 

Sea-Tac Airport's Consolidated Rental Car Facility will seek LEED certification upon

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Goal 9: Asset Management 
Sea-Tac will continue to improve its asset management practices in a manner that
minimizes the total cost of owning and operating facilities and maximizes
environmentally-sustainable development.

Conduct a complete facility condition assessment 
Create a reporting tool to convey asset management
Integrate asset management with long-range
comprehensive strategies that support maintenance,
renewal, and replacement 
Establish a renewal/replacement strategy for each
Integrate asset management data into current
computerized maintenance management system        Sea-Tac Int'l Airport 

What is a Facility Condition Index? 
A Facility Condition Index (FCI) is a strategic capital planning tool used to compare the
relative condition of a facility. The FCI is expressed as a ratio of the cost of remedying
maintenance deficiencies to the current replacement value.  The FCI provides a
corresponding rule of thumb for the annual reinvestment rate (funding percentage) to
prevent further accumulation of deferred maintenance items, plus projected values of
capital renewal requirements. The FCI is represented on a scale of zero to one, or 0% to
100%, with higher FCI values representing a poorer facility's condition. While each
asset owner establishes specific standards, a "fair to good facility" is generally
expressed as having an FCI of less than 10-15%. 

What is Total Cost of Ownership? 
Total cost of ownership or "life-cycle costs" refers to the sum of all recurring and non-
recurring capital and expense costs incurred over the life of a facility or system, from
planning through demolition. It includes the following components: 
Operational - Utilities, Operations, Maintenance and Repair 
Capital  Initial Cost, Component Renewal 

Page | 28

Materials Use 
And Recycling 
..      Summary of Trends and Current Conditions 
ES WISELY    Solid Waste and Recycling 
At  Sea-Tac,  we  believe  that  recycling is not  just  good  for  the
environment but also good business.  In 2001, we implemented a largescale
solid waste recycling program to collect mixed paper, plastic,
cardboard, and aluminum from Port offices, concessions, and public
areas.  Since 2001, the recycling program has expanded to include
C    diversion of glass, wood, coffee grounds and cooking oil for conversion
MANAGING OUR NATURAL RESOUR    to biodiesel. In 2008, the airport recycled more than 1,300 tons of
material  a  year  including  880  tons  of  mixed  paper,  cardboard,
aluminum cans and plastic; 140
tons of glass; and 145 tons of
organic waste (including coffee
grounds) -  all  of  which  was
Why do we do all of this?
Because  in addition to  saving
landfill space, recycling conserves
natural resources such as timber,
water and minerals. It also saves
energy   and   decreases   the
emissions from greenhouse gases   Sea-Tac Airport's coffee
that    contribute    to    global   composting program 
warming.   Since   2001,   our
recycling  program  has  reduced  greenhouse  gas  emissions  by
approximately 800 tons  the equivalent of taking 138 cars off the road. 
In addition to the environmental benefits, Sea-Tac's recycling program
also saves money.  Combined cost savings and revenue from recycling
totaled  $170,000 during 2008.   A significant portion of these cost
savings, approximately $145,000, was a direct return to tenants.  Sea-
Tac's recyclingprogram also supports local businesses that provide
goods  and  services  to  the  recycling  and  reuse  industries  and
contributes to growth of our regional economy.
Even with our significant recycling accomplishments, we believe that
more can be done. That is why we have set a goal to more than double
our current recycling rate from 21% in 2008 to 50% by 2013.

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Hazardous Materials 
The Port's Hazardous Waste Program is designed to ensure proper management of
hazardous waste streams through education, collection and technical assistance efforts that
emphasize the reduction, recycling and reuse of the hazardous waste streams. Training
courses and onsite instruction on proper collection, handling and accumulation methods;
government requirements; and current Best Management Practices. Over the past 10 years, 
Sea-Tac has successfully reduced the amount of hazardous waste generated by 80%.
Going forward, we intend to continue reducing airport hazardous materials usage through
better tracking and management of these materials.

Sea-Tac Airport off-aircraft recycling program 
Environmentally Preferable Products 
In 2009, the Port adopted an Environmental Purchasing Policy. The policy aims to reduce
the adverse environmental impacts of our purchasing decisions by buying goods and
services that improve public health and safety, reduce pollution, and conserve natural
resources.    While  the  Port  already  has  made  substantial  gains  in  purchasing
environmentally preferable products, there remain significant opportunities to improve
our performance in this area.   Toward that end, we intend to focus on robust
implementation of the new policy so that in the near future, environmental considerations
will be part of normal purchasing practice, consistent with such traditional factors as price,
performance and availability. 
Municipal Solid Waste                   2001             2004             2008 
Generated (tons)                           3546              5700              6350 
Landfilled (tons)                             3238               5000               5030 
Recycled (tons)                             308                700                1320 
Recycling Rate                              8.6%              12.3%             21% 
Hazardous Waste                      2001            2004            2008 
Hazardous waste generated (lbs.)           7,351              3,773              1,842 
Environmentally Preferable Products (as a % of total purchased)            2008 
Paper                                                                        40% 
Office products                                                                     25% 
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Goal 10: Recycling 
Sea-Tac will increase the solid waste recycling rate from the current 21% in 2008 to
50% by 2014. 

Develop a solid waste management plan that documents program
infrastructure and accomplishments, summarizes applicable regulatory
environment, and establishes stream-specific reduction targets 
Identify new waste streams to recycle 
Expand recycling infrastructure into
areas not served by existing
Provide educational outreach to the
public on the recycling options
available at the airport 
Increase participation of airlines and
tenants in airport recycling
Replace non-recyclable materials
with recyclable or compostable
Develop policies that promote or
incent Port staff, airport tenants, and
Sea-Tac Airport restaurant grease
business partners to reduce, reuse
recycling program 
or recycle 

Goal 11: Construction Debris 
Sea-Tac will implement Best Management Practices (BMP) that reduce construction,
demolition and land clearing debris generated by the airport and its contractors.

Update construction specifications to include guidelines for the sustainable
management of construction, demolition, and land clearing (CDL) debris 
Track and monitor the generation, management and fate of CDL debris through
implementation of reporting requirements 

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Goal 12: Hazardous Materials and Waste 
Sea-Tac will continue to reduce its use of hazardous materials and the generation of
hazardous wastes.

Develop a tracking system to determine volume of hazardous materials purchased 
Develop a reduction plan that establishes a consumption baseline and proposes
reduction targets 
Review the airport's approved chemical list and identify opportunities to replace the
most hazardous materials with less hazardous alternatives 

Sea-Tac Airport off-aircraft coffee composting program.

Goal 13: Environmentally Preferable Products 
Sea-Tac will increase the use of green products throughout the organization by
implementing a robust environmental purchasing program. 

Develop an environmental purchasing outreach program to educate employees 
Assist staff in identifying environmental purchasing opportunities 
Develop a database program or modify current systems to track green purchasing
and the resulting benefits 
Promote pilot testing of environmentally preferable products 
Collaborate with other local governments on environmental purchasing best
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What is Environmental Purchasing?
Although different organizations may define environmental purchasing in somewhat
different ways, it generally refers to buying products and services that have a lesser or
reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with other
products that serve the same purpose.    In practice, environmental purchasing
considers a product's environmental attributes along with traditional buyingfactors
such as performance, quality, service and price when selecting or developing
specifications for a product or service.
The Port's Environmental Purchasing Policy is founded on the principle that
environmental considerations should become part of  normal purchasing practice,
consistent with traditional factors such as price, performance, and availability. Where
opportunity exists to purchase goods and services that are less harmful to the
environment and these represent value for money, we will do so. When comparing cost,
the Port will not focus exclusively on the initial price. Instead we will, to the extent
feasible, calculate and compare total cost over the life cycle of the item, which includes
the initial cost along with maintenance, operation, insurance, disposal, replacement,
and potential liability costs. Examining life cycle costs will save money by ensuring we
are quantifying the total cost of ownership before making purchasing decisions. 

Anthony's Restaurant, one of the many Sea-Tac tenants using green practices that include 
recycling and composting programs

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Water Resources 
And Wildlife 
..     Summary of Trends and Current Conditions 
ES WISELY    Water Quality 
Water resource issues can affect virtually every area of operations and
development at the airport. Airport operations as well as passenger
facilities exposed to rainfall can have significant effects on the quality
and quantity of stormwater and wildlife habitat. Runoff generated from
runways and roads and other pollution-generating surfaces is collected,
detained, treated and discharged in a way that keeps ponded water off
MANAGING OUR NATURAL RESOURC   the airfield, while not causing adverse impact to creeks and wetlands or
the significant creation of hazardous wildlife attractants that could
compromise aviation safety. 
Sea-Tac collects stormwater leaving the airport property through two
systems: the Industrial Wastewater System (IWS) and our Stormwater
Drainage  System.   The  IWS  treats  stormwater  runoff  potentially
contaminated during aircraft fueling, deicing or maintenance before it is
discharged to the Puget Sound. When aircraft deicing is performed, the
water is segregated and sent to the regional sewage treatment plant for
biological treatment of the glycol-containing water. Since January 2007,
the amount of glycol discharged from the airport to Puget Sound has
been reduced by 98%. 
All discharges of water from the airport are governed by a National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, which places
extensive monitoring requirements and strict compliance standards on
the Port. In early 2009, Sea-Tac received a new NPDES permit that will
govern stormwater and industrial wastewater management for the next
five years.  In addition to the NPDES permit, water resources activities
must be completed in compliance with a variety of other local, state, and
federal  permits,  including  Federal  Aviation  Administration  (FAA)
requirements for Sea-Tac to maintain its operating certification. 

Sea-Tac Airport stormwater pond 
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While staff from a variety of departments work on these issues, Aviation Environmental,
Aviation Facilities and Infrastructure and Airport Operations provide coordination and
directional support to meet or exceed goals related to water resource and wildlife
management and conservation priorities, respectively.
Future actions to improve water quality at Sea-Tac will focus on compliance with the new
NPDES permit as well as increasing the installation of water quality and flow control Best
Management Practices at airport facilities. In addition to stewardship of our own water
resources, the Port intends to continue to actively participate in local basin planning
groups that advance continual improvements in regional water resources and the health of
the Puget Sound.
Wildlife management is an important concern
for  Sea-Tac  as  substantial  wildlife-related
aircraft damage can occur when some bird
species and aircraft collide. The associated
risks to human health and safety are real and
are therefore addressed by the Port's Wildlife
Hazard Management Plan. This FAA-regulated
document  places  emphasis  on  mitigating
hazardous wildlife attractants, especially with
respect to eliminating wetland habitat types
containing numerous open-water areas. While
the Port is committed to improving wildlife
habitat for some native species, it must do so in
a manner that does not conflict with aviation
safety. For wildlife that put aviation safety at
risk, it may be in the best interest of all for the
Port to create or enhance habitat for these
more hazardous animals such as waterfowl far
from Sea-Tac.  Going forward, the Port intends   Installation of coyote deterrent fence 
to continue developing biologically sound approaches for managing hazardous wildlife. 
Water Conservation 
Although water is abundant in the Puget Sound area, our supply of clean drinking
water is a limited and finite resource. Taking actions to use this precious resource
wisely will ensure that we have enough fresh drinking water for future generations.
At Sea-Tac, we have been doing exactly that.  Water conservation has been an
ongoing activity and goal of Sea-Tac for many years as the terminal and surrounding
buildings have developed. Since 2005, potable water use at the airport has been 
reduced by 18%, or almost 52 million gallons per year, through a number of
programs such as restroom fixture upgrades and drought-resistant landscaping.
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Sea-Tac remains committed to further reducing its potable water usage. However, 
additional conservation efforts pose a challenge for the airport in the form of
increased sewer treatment costs and surcharges. Reduction in potable water use at
the airport results in a decrease in the volume of water and increase in the
concentrate of the waste stream that Sea-Tac sends to neighboring treatment
facilities. As a result, the airport is assessed additional fees for the treatment of its
waste stream. While Sea-Tac is committed to continued water conservation and
sustainability of water resources over the next five years, a balance must be
established between the benefits of water conservation and the environmental and
economic impact of sewage treatment. 
Water Consumption                                 2006       2007         2008 
Potable water use (gallons)                                   261,131,288     282,660,224       229,232,828
Potable water use per passenger (gallons)                    8.71         9.03           7.12 
Water Quality      2003        2004        2005        2006        2007          2008 
% acreage with
water quality        47%         47%         47%         49%         78%           100% 
% acreage with
0%        0%        0%        7%        58%         85% 
flow control BMPs
notifications to      - -              - -              - 18 

Goal 14: Water Quality
Sea-Tac will achieve and maintain Best Management Practices for water quality
treatment and flow control over 100% of airport industrial areas.

Maintain high-quality stormwater runoff that ensures adequate water quality and
quantity to meet beneficial uses in local streams, lakes, wetlands and Puget Sound 
Develop and maintain wetland habitat that provides vital ecological function 
Preserve, protect and enhance in-stream resources vital for native fish populations 
Promote and manage all water resources while minimizing wildlife-related hazards
that could threaten air safety 

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Goal 15: Wildlife Habitat 
Sea-Tac will identify and implement actions to: 
(a) improve wildlife habitat and protections for native species not in conflict with
aviation safety, and 
(b) develop biologically sound approaches for managing hazardous wildlife in the
context of reducing the need for direct control actions such as scare devices (e.g.,

Record the presence of non-hazardous wildlife
species on aviation property 
Develop a species diversity index by location and
conservation status for potential low-cost
preservation actions 
Enhance reptile and amphibian habitat 
Explore opportunities to introduce Western Pond
Turtle on wetland mitigation sites 
Continue to improve the existing Raptor Strike
Avoidance Program                                  Sea-Tac Airport has hawk
Install wildlife deterrent fencing                         relocation program 

Goal 16: Water Conservation
Sea-Tac will reduce the potable water consumption rate 5% below 2008 levels by 2015.

Implement comprehensive water metering to better understand potable water
usage patterns. 
Develop a water-use reduction plan that identifies conservation opportunities and
update the plan biannually. 
Evaluate and promote optimal use of Port of Seattle-owned water right for
maximum environmental and economic benefit. 
Work with treatment facilities to establish a wastewater fee structure that does not
discourage the implementation of water conservation measures 

Page | 37

..      Summary of Trends and Current Conditions 
BLE COMMUNITIES    A Part 150 Noise and Land Use Study is a voluntary process
recommended by the FAA to engage with the community in developing
airport noise programs and land use controls.  The Part 150 Study is
designed to reduce the impact aircraft noise has on the surrounding
community and determine eligibility for noise reduction grant funds.
In 1985, the Port completed the first Sea-Tac Airport Part 150 Study.
Since that time there have been two other updates to the Study in 1993
and 2002. Through our Part 150 programs and 1990 Noise Mediation
Project, the Port has been a national leader in both noise abatement and
sound mitigation. To date, the Port has spent more than $500 million
on total mitigation programs including home and school insulation,
property acquisition and relocation.   Noise Abatement programs
aggressively phased out older stage II aircraft prior to the federal ban in
A    2000;  maintained noise abatement flight corridors,  which are
established headings and altitudes for airplanes to fly that help
PROMOTING SUSTAIN    minimize community noise impacts; and deployed a comprehensive
flight tracking and noise monitoring system.  The next Part 150 will
begin at the end of 2009.  Some of Sea-Tac's more significant sound
mitigation programs include: 
Sound insulated 9,315 out of 10,222 identified single family
Sound insulated 6 out of 15 noise affected schools in the Highline
School District 
Sound insulated 12 Highline Community College Buildings 
Sound insulated 5 condominium complexes 
Acquired 5 mobile home parks and relocated the residents 
Acquired and relocated residents from 80 homes in the Approach
Transition Zone of the new 3rd runway 

Page | 38

There are no metrics identified for this indicator 

Goal 17: Noise Mitigation
Sea-Tac will complete the Part 150 update including FAA review and approval by the
end of 2011.

Evaluate existing noise abatement
Evaluate existing contours, future 5-year
forecasted contours, and compatible land
Provide recommended actions for any
potential mitigation or noise reduction
Continue with existing noise remedy
program which includes: 
a.   56 single family homes 
b.  Up to 11 community college
c.    9 schools in the Highline School

What is DNL? 
Day/night noise level is a cumulative
metric that averages noise levels over time
and penalizes noise occurring between            The acreage within the 65 DNL contour
10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. by adding 10 dB        has been significantly reduced since
to each event. DNL is often expressed as          1985 through Sea-Tac noise programs. 
an annual average noise level. 
1985  19,008 Acres 
1993  14,128 Acres 
1998  9,092 Acres 
2007  4,118 Acres 

Page | 39

And Integration 
..      Summary of Trends and Current Conditions 
At Sea-Tac,  we view environmental education as a key strategy in
achieving our vision of a sustainable airport. Sea-Tac occupies a unique
place in the community, with an opportunity to educate employees,
business partners, passengers and the local community about the need
for improving environmental performance. Our current environmental
education campaigns aim to promote environmental stewardship and
to instill an understanding of the importance of the airport and the
aviation industry in the region's economic and environmentalfuture.
Some of Sea-Tac's more significant recent programs include: 
Development of an environmental curriculum for Aviation High
A passenger environmental education campaign entitled Teaching
Environmental Stewardship in Terminals 
Sustainability Month and Earth Day Events for employees 
In the next five years, we intend to continue to grow our environmental
outreach programs. Our focus will be on improving the environmental
and sustainability literacy of employees, business partners, the
community and travelling public, and building a better understanding
about the relationship between improved environmental practices and
the long-term success and prosperity of the organization. 

Sea-Tac Airport staff working with local high school students 
The ultimate success of any sustainability initiative is found when
sustainability-based   thinking,   perspectives,   and   behaviors   are
incorporated into the everyday operating procedures and culture of the

Page | 40

Sea-Tac has come a long way in its understanding of
sustainability and what it requires of the organization
in  the  future.    Through  educational  programs,
training, adoption of new policies, and direction from 
the Port Commission and senior management, Sea-
Tac has taken some important initial steps in its
quest to become a sustainable airport. We intend to
continue  integrating  sustainability  into  the  core
structures of the organization so that environmental
and sustainability considerations become part of
normal business process and practices. 
Working with Business Partners 
Sea-Tac has a history of working with its tenants and
business partners on environmental improvements   Sea-Tac Airport working with
and sustainability measures. Many of Sea-Tac's most   vendors for a food composting
significant environmental achievements simply would   program 
not be possible without the help and cooperation of its
business  partners.   Whether  reducing  emissions,
improving recycling practices, or implementing energy efficiency measures, collaboration
with tenants and business partners is essential if Sea-Tac is to achieve its sustainability
There are no metrics identified for this indicator 

Goal 18: Education and Community Outreach 
Sea-Tac will institute an environmental education campaign to promote environmental
stewardship  and  raise  awareness  of  airport  environmental  and  sustainability

Educate the community, traveling passengers, employees, tenants and business
partners  about  the  benefits  of  improved  environmental  performance  and
sustainability initiatives 
Interact with local communities and develop outreach programs that promote
environmental responsibility 
Develop partnerships and work collaboratively with local communities, other
airports, industry groups, local governments and non-government organizations to
coordinate and develop environmental and sustainability practices 
Page | 41


Goal 19: Integration 
Sea-Tac will integrate environmental and sustainability considerations into core
business operations. 

Continue to integrate environmental and sustainability considerations into 
investment decisions
Track  progress  and  continually  refine  environmental  and  sustainability
performance metrics 
Integrate cost accounting into the evaluation of environmental programs, projects
and initiatives 
Clearly and regularly communicate environmental priorities to employees and
business partners

Goal 20: Working with Business Partners 
Sea-Tac will work with its business partners to extend environmental and sustainability
initiatives beyond its own operations. 

Provide business partners with educational resources and technical assistance in
support of environmental and sustainability programs 
Identify opportunities to collaborate with business partners on environmentally
beneficial projects and actions

Sea-Tac Airport proposed recycling campaign 
Page | 42

The authors would like to thank the following people for their assistance with the
development of this plan: 
Tony Baca 
Harold Brende 
Eric Drenckpohl 
Bob Duffner 
Trevor Emtman 
Michael Feldman 
Frank Gonzalez 
Paul Grace 
Frank Irlanda 
Elizabeth Leavitt 
Michael Lufkin 
Stuart Mathews 
Steve Osmek 
Bob Riley 
Steve Rybolt 
Dave Tomber 
Russ Simonson 
Marlys St. Laurent 
Mary Todd 
Bob York 
Deanna Zachrisson 

Page | 43

APPENDIX A  Sea-Tac by the Numbers 
Air Quality and Climate Change 
Fuel Use by Type                        2000             2006             2008 
Gasoline                                                       144,268 gal        127,094 gal 
Diesel                                                            16,745 gal          20,218 gal 
CNG                                                 179,710 gge      168,675 gge 
GHG Emissions                                         2006            2008 
POS emissions (metric tons)                                   66,491            46,079 
POS emissions per passenger (lbs)                             4.89               2.86 
Airlines/Tenant emissions (metric tons)                       4,214,806         N/A 
Public emissions (metric tons)                                 373,033           N/A 
Transportation                                                          2008 
Average # of occupants per vehicle trip                                            2.6 
% employees using high occupancy transit 
Energy Use and Conservation 
Electricity Use (kWh)                    2000             2005             2008 
Total kWh of electricity used                133,508,734       145,087,553       148,715,000 
kWh per passenger                      4.70              4.95              4.62 
Total kWh/yr. of energy saved                                                   46,282,904 
Renewable Energy 
"Green Power" (purchased/ 
0%             0%             25% 
used as a % of total energy use) 
Natural Gas Use (Therms) 
Total therms used                          2,375,219         2,476,400         2,813,851 
Therms per passenger                    0.083             0.085             0.087 
Therms per sq. ft. of terminal                1.03                0.81                0.92 
Buildings and Infrastructure 
Performance Metrics                                                    2008 
Square feet green buildings or LEED rated buildings                             1,225 million 
Number of capital, tenant, or concessions projects 
achieving or proposed for LEED* certification 
Facility condition index                                                               25.39% 
Page | 44

Materials Use and Recycling 
Municipal Solid Waste                  2001             2004             2008 
Generated (tons)                         3546              5700              6350 
Landfilled (tons)                            3238               5000               5030 
Recycled (tons)                           308               700               1320 
Recycling Rate                            8.6%              12.3%             21% 
Hazardous Waste                    2001           2004           2008 
H azardous waste generated (lbs.)       7,351         3,773         1,842 
Environmentally Preferable Products (as a % of total purchased)            2008 
Paper                                                                 40% 
Office products                                                                  25% 
Water Resources and Wildlife 
Water Consumption                               2006       2007        2008 
Potable water use (gallons)                                261,131,288     282,660,224      229,232,828
Potable water use per passenger (gallons)                   8.71         9.03           7.12 
Water Quality     2003       2004       2005       2006       2007         2008 
% acreage with
water quality        47%         47%         47%         49%         78%           100% 
% acreage with
0%        0%        0%        7%        58%         85% 
flow control BMPs
Non-c ompliance
notifications to
There are no metrics identified for this indicator 
Education and Integration 
There are no metrics identified for this indicator 

Page | 45

APPENDIX B  Summary of Goals and Objectives 
Air Quality and Climate Change 
Goal 1a: Air Quality 
Sea-Tac will improve the overall efficiency of its vehicle fleet by 30 % over 2006 levels by
Goal 1b: Air Quality 
Sea-Tac will continue to work with its business partners to consolidate trips, reduce vehicle
miles travelled, and promote clean vehicles  from taxis, shuttles, buses, construction
vehicles, service equipment, and ground support equipment. 
Routinely audit and update the Port's Clean Fleets Policy
Monitor and track the airport's fuel and energy use 
Create opportunities to share vehicle resources more efficiently, thereby minimizing
fleet assets 
Identify opportunities to procure more fuel efficient vehicles 

Goal 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 
Sea-Tac will reduce airport owned and controlled greenhouse gas emissions by 15% below
2005 levels by 2020. 
Inform service providers and public of actions that can be taken to help maintain clean
Collaborate with local governments, air agencies and stakeholders to implement costeffective
emission reductions actions 
Where viable, set minimum requirements that reduce emissions from airport service
providers such as courtesy vans and taxis. 
Implement strategy to reduce single occupancy vehicle traffic to the airport 5% by

Goal 3: Transportation 
Sea-Tac will increase the average occupancy of passenger vehicles accessing the airport
from 2.6 in 2009 to 3.6 in 2015.
Develop and implement a plan to achieve a 5% mode shift by passengers from single
Page | 46

occupancy vehicles to higher occupancy/shared-ride airport access modes by 2015 
Inform the traveling public and employees of the benefits of choosing public transit and
high occupancy vehicles 
Leverage tenants to promote increased use of public transit and ridesharing by
Work with state and local transportation officials to identify and implement actions that
reduce vehicle miles traveled to and from the airport

Goal 4: Adaptation Planning 
Sea-Tac will complete a risk analysis of potential climate change impacts and implications
for the airport, and develop a strategy plan for avoiding/mitigating risks. 
Conduct a risk analysis to identify Sea-Tac's vulnerability to climate change impacts 
Set preparedness goals and develop a climate change preparedness plan 
Begin implementation of a climate change preparedness plan 
Energy Use and Conservation 
Goal 5: Electricity Use 
Sea-Tac will meet all future load growth through conservation measures and renewable
Identify cost-effective conservation projects through a comprehensive resource
efficiency study 
Continue to build on existing programs that provide incentives and assistance for
customers (tenants) 
Identify opportunities to increase the purchase/use of renewable energy 
Require all new capital projects to undergo a LEED or equivalent energy efficiency
Educate employees and tenants on energy efficiency practices 
Continue to fund a comprehensive preventive maintenance program 
Annually collect data to determine greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity
Identify internal and external funding for conservation efforts 

Goal 6: Natural Gas Use 
Sea-Tac will continue to reduce natural gas consumption per square foot of terminal space
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through cost-effective conservation and efficiency measures. 

Identify conservation projects through a comprehensive resource efficiency study 
Identify heat recovery opportunities 
Identify internal and external opportunities to fund conservation efforts 
Seek opportunities to displace natural gas use with other more environmentally
friendly fuels or technologies 
Maximize boiler efficiency through preventative maintenance 

Goal 7: Technology Deployment 
Sea-Tac will serve as a leader in identifying and implementing leading-edge technologies
and process improvements that reduce energy demand and improve efficiency. 
Continue implementation of Green Data Center Strategy 
Develop employee procedures/training that maximize energy efficiency of existing and
newly implemented technologies
Explore opportunities to increase the common use of facilities where it is cost effective
and environmentally beneficial
Continue researching new energy-efficient technologies and seek opportunities to test
feasibility through pilot projects 

Buildings and Infrastructure 
Goal 8: Sustainable Buildings 
Sea-Tac will integrate LEED or other "green" building performance measures into all
Complete implementation of Sea-Tac's Sustainable Asset Management Policy 
Identify opportunities for high density, joint use for all new construction 
Identify opportunities to integrate environmental and sustainable cost accounting into
all Port capital, tenant, and concessions projects 
Adopt a sustainability master plan that integrates Sea-Tac's environmental and
sustainability goals into future capital development plans 
Maximize environmental and sustainable performance of buildings and infrastructure
through cost-effective improvements to design, construction, operations, and
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maintenance practices 
Goal 9: Asset Management 
Sea-Tac will continue to improve its asset management practices in a manner that
minimizes the total cost of owning and operating facilities and maximizes environmentallysustainable
Conduct a complete facility condition assessment 
Create a reporting tool to convey asset management results 
Integrate asset management with long-range comprehensive strategies that support 
maintenance, renewal, and replacement 
Establish a renewal/replacement strategy for each asset/system 
Integrate asset management data into current computerized maintenance management
Materials Use and Recycling 
Goal 10: Recycling 
Sea-Tac will increase the solid waste recycling rate from the current 21% in 2008 to 50%
by 2014. 
Develop a solid waste management plan that documents program infrastructure and
accomplishments, summarizes applicable regulatory environment, and establishes
stream-specific reduction targets 
Identify new waste streams to recycle 
Expand recycling infrastructure into areas not served by existing program 
Provide educational outreach to the public on the recycling options available at the
Increase participation of airlines and tenants in airport recycling programs 
Replace non-recyclable materials with recyclable or compostable materials 
Develop policies that promote or incent Port staff, airport tenants, and business
partners to reduce, reuse or recycle 

Goal 11: Construction Debris 
Sea-Tac will implement Best Management Practices that reduce construction, demolition
and land clearing debris generated by the airport and its contractors.
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Update construction specifications to include guidelines for the sustainable
management of CDL debris 
Track and monitor the generation, management and fate of CDL debris through
implementation of reporting requirements 

Goal 12: Hazardous Materials and Waste 
Sea-Tac will continue to reduce its use of hazardous materials and the generation of
hazardous wastes.
Develop a tracking system to determine volume of hazardous materials purchased 
Develop a reduction plan that establishes a consumption baseline and proposes
reduction targets 
Review the airport's approved chemical list and identify opportunities to replace the
most hazardous materials with less hazardous alternatives 

Goal 13: Environmentally Preferable Products 
Sea-Tac will increase the use of green products throughout the organization by
implementing a robust environmental purchasing program. 
Develop an environmental purchasing outreach program to educate employees 
Assist staff in identifying environmental purchasing opportunities 
Develop a database program or modify current systems to track green purchasing and
the resulting benefits 
Promote pilot testing of environmentally preferable products 
Collaborate with other local governments on environmental purchasing best practices 
Water Resources and Wildlife 
Goal 14: Water Quality 
Sea-Tac will achieve and maintain Best Management Practices for water quality treatment
and flow control over 100% of airport industrial areas.
Maintain high-quality stormwater runoff that ensures adequate water quality and
quantity to meet beneficial uses in local streams, lakes, wetlands and Puget Sound 
Develop and maintain wetland habitat that provides vital ecological functions 
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Preserve, protect and enhance in-stream resources vital for native fish populations 
Promote and manage all water resource while minimizing wildlife-related hazards that
could threaten air safety 

Goal 15: Wildlife Habitat 
Sea-Tac will identify and implement actions to: (a) improve wildlife habitat and protections
for native species not in conflict with aviation safety, and (b) develop biologically sound
approaches for managing hazardous wildlife in the context of reducing the need for direct
control actions such as scare devices (e.g., pyrotechnics). 
Record the presence of non-hazardous wildlife species on aviation property 
Develop a species diversity index by location and conservation status for potential low-
cost preservation actions 
Enhance reptile and amphibian habitat 
Explore opportunities to introduce Western Pond Turtle on wetland mitigation sites 
Continue to improve the existing Raptor Strike Avoidance Program 
Install wildlife deterrent fencing 

Goal 16: Water Conservation 
Sea-Tac will reduce the potable water consumption rate 5% below 2008 levels by 2015.
Implement comprehensive water metering to better understand potable water
usage patterns. 
Develop a water-use reduction plan that identifies conservation opportunities
and update the plan biannually. 
Evaluate and promote optimal use of Port of Seattle-owned water right for
maximum environmental and economic benefit. 
Work with treatment facilities to establish a wastewater fee structure that does
not discourage the implementation of water conservation measures 
Goal 17: Noise Mitigation
Sea-Tac will complete the Part 150 update including FAA review and approval by the end of

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Evaluate existing noise abatement programs 
Evaluate existing contours, future 5 year forecasted contours, and compatible land use 
Provide recommended actions for any potential mitigation or noise reduction programs 
Continue with existing noise remedy program which includes: 
- 56 single family homes 
- Up to 11 community college buildings 
- 9 schools in the Highline School District 

Education and Integration 
Goal 18: Education and Community Outreach 
Sea-Tac will institute an environmental education campaign to promote environmental
stewardship and raise awareness of airport environmental and sustainability initiatives 
Educate the community, traveling passengers, employees, tenants and business
partners about the benefits of improved environmental performance and sustainability
Interact with local communities and develop outreach programs that promote
environmental responsibility 
Develop partnerships and work collaboratively with local communities, other airports,
industry groups, local governments and non-government organizations to coordinate
and develop environmental and sustainability practices 

Goal 19: Integration 
Sea-Tac will integrate environmental and sustainability considerations into core business
Continue to integrate environmental and sustainability considerations into investment
Track progress and continually refine environmental and sustainability performance
Integrate cost accounting into the evaluation of environmental programs, projects and
Clearly and regularly communicate environmental priorities to employees and business
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Goal 20: Working with Business Partners 
Sea-Tac will work with its business partners to extend environmental and sustainability
initiatives beyond its own operations. 
Provide business partners with educational resources and technical assistance in
support of environmental and sustainability programs 
Identify opportunities to collaborate with business partners on environmentally
beneficial projects and actions

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