6b G and O

A.     Achieve budget NOI. Make adjustments to operating expenses as
necessary and maintain financial stability/flexibility during period of financial
Monitor performance against budget monthly, retroactively identify
potential major budget variances and take corrective actions as warranted. 
Set and monitor key financial metrics including revenues, cash balances and
accounts receivable. 
Maintain strong cash balances and preserve operating and financial
Implement "contingency" budget reductions as economic climate and/or
Port financial condition deteriorate significantly. 
Provide Commission with quarterly financial and operational performance
reports, including forecasted year-end results. 
Enhance competitiveness by managing internal operational costs and
revenues carefully. 
B.      Continue to implement Port reform initiatives. 
Undertake a comprehensive "Ethics and Workplace Responsibility" policy
review and integration. Using the McKay Report recommendations as a
guide, establish a Code of Conduct and a robust ethics compliance program,
including financial and conflicts of interest reporting. Provide follow-up
compliance mechanisms, annual training programs and certification and a
communication, plan. 
Refine organizational changes made during 2008 in the Capital
Development Division (including Central Procurement Office), the Office of
Social Responsibility and the Real Estate Division. Confirm that policies
and processes reflect and take full advantage of the new organizational
structure. Complete training modules to fully implement new procurement
and centralized contracting procedures. 
Complete SAO audit recommendations, including finalization and
implementation of policies and procedures, establishing and conducting
training and assuring compliance. Provide the required mid-year status
report to the SAO. 
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Prepare staff for the next SAO audit and all other audits in 2009. Establish
clear expectations with auditors and staff regarding audit protocols and
procedures to ensure a positive and cooperative working relationship.
Ensure timely and effective communication between the Commission, the
audit team and the SAO. 
Support the Internal Audit work plan and take corrective actions to
implement findings in the financial state, PFE and federal grant audits.
Ensure timely reporting of all audit results and follow-up action plans to the
Audit Committee. 
C. Complete or maintain major infrastructure initiatives for 2009 by investing
in capital projects that facilitate freight mobility and protect the Working
Waterfront and support job creation. Examples include: 
Seek opportunities to foster job creation and retention within City of Seattle,
King County and the State of Washington, to the extent financially feasible
and utilizing Port economic/industrial development authority. This goal
also includes analyzing new businesses that may not have traditionally been
viewed as core Port business, but which create new jobs in this region. 
Manage and advocate Port interests during the on-going decision-making
process for the Viaduct Replacement (like a bored tunnel option). 
Obtain Commission authorization for additional funding if necessary for the
East Marginal Way Separation Project. Begin construction and secure the
final resolution of street vacation issues with the City of Seattle. 
Continue coordination with other agencies on public works projects
impacting regional transportation corridors, such as SR 519, the Mercer
access corridor and the Spokane Street Viaduct widening. 
Coordinate with the Port of Tacoma to identify and rank major
transportation infrastructure projects, to vet funding alternatives and to
advocate for funding as mutually agreed. 
Terminals 30/91: Complete construction of the cruise terminal at Terminal
91 by the start of the cruise season (April 2009) and the container terminal
at Terminal 30 by June 2009. Execute a smooth transition of cruise
operations to the new terminal. 
16L-34R Reconstruction: Accomplish main runway reconstruction with
minimal disruption to airport operations. 

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Present the Commission with options for reducing the Seaport's reliance on
the tax levy beyond 2013. 
Rental Car Facility: Maintain site during suspension and resume
construction promptly and efficiently when financing allows. 
D. Continue to support an ambitious environmental agenda. Examples
Begin implementation of Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy. 
Finalize five-year STIA environmental strategy by April 1, 2009. 
Initiate Part 150 process to review noise programs, including noise data
from the Third Runway, and complete as much of the process as possible by
the end of 2009 (recognizing that completion is not likely until 2010).
Undertake formal public engagement as soon as reasonable, based on
collection and analysis of date. 
Develop an approach for fully incorporating the green Seaport strategy into
business strategies and plans. 
Submit Lower Duwamish Superfund site draft feasibility study in first half
of 2009, following effective development of an effective outreach strategy
to reach the broadest range of stakeholders. 
Start the STIA Pre-Conditioned Air Project and complete it on time. 
Submit to the Commission and determine next steps on the Greenhouse Gas
Reduction strategy at STIA. 
Complete preliminary assessment of the challenges for achieving carbon
neutrality at STIA. 
Support the Puget Sound Partnership Action Agenda by maintaining
progress on sediment cleanup of Superfund sites and supporting the need for
Model Toxic Control Act cleanup funding. 
Adopt a Port-wide Green Purchasing policy. 
Track environmental expenditures through the budget process. 
A.    Direct the achievement of the Airport Division's major goals/initiatives.
Examples include: 
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By November 2009 for inclusion in the 2010 budget, devise and put in place
a medium-term cost per enplanement (CPE) cost reduction/growth
moderation target, along with a comprehensive methodology to achieve that
Achieve the 2009 non-airline net income target of $86.5 million. 
Propose to the Commission and secure approval of adjustments in prime
concessions contracts to mitigate impacts of airline decisions to change gate
assignments by February 2009. (done) 
Maintain the cargo service additions achieved in 2008 and induce one or
more cargo carriers to begin freighter aircraft technical stops at STIA by the
end of 2009. 
Propose a taxi-cab origination system to replace the current STIA contract
when it expires in August 2010 to minimize deadheading and promote
competition while making it possible for the affected cab drivers to make a
reasonable living. Support legislation regulating limos and gypsy cabs. 
Complete the strategic framework for development of an assessment of
STIA's long-term energy needs, including acquisition, conservation and
renewable sources by December 31. 
B. Direct the achievement of the Seaport Division's major goals/initiatives.
Examples include: 
Achieve $45.7 million NOI. 
Develop joint marketing strategies with the Port of Tacoma for railroads and
container terminals. 
Formulate a Recovery Strategy to support Seaport customers in conjunction
with the Clean Air Strategy and present it to the Commission for approval. 
Market the Terminal 5 option area. 
Coordinate with SSA to initiate Terminal 30 service for China Shipping. 
C. Direct the achievement of the Real Estate Division's major goals/initiatives. 
Examples include: 
Establish a strategy for the Real Estate Division to operate profitably within
5 years. 

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Complete an asset condition assessment for Fishermen's Terminal with
recommendations for appropriate future investment. 
Work with the tenants, the Fire Department and the Department of Planning
and Development to solve the netshed issue. 
Analyze Real Estate Division holdings and create a strategic utilization
Seek new real estate investment opportunities that make strategic sense. 
Maintain high weighted average occupancy goals in commercial space (goal
95%), recreational marinas (goal  97%), and commercial marinas (80%). 
D. Develop and execute a major strategic communication and aggressive
community outreach plan to explain the Port of Seattle's mission as a regional
economic engine and strategic trade gateway. Examples include: 
Develop messages and multiple venues to explain to public(s) the Port's
purpose, structure, governance, projects, funding and impacts. Promote,
advertise and explain the results of the Economic Impact Study. 
Develop and execute key community-based informational events, such as:
Port 101, the Annual Meeting, Earth Day, Sea/Air School, Century Agenda
and projects and issues-based community meetings. 
Produce a robust new website for the Port using new technologies to reach
and engage the public and customers. 
Develop and implement government relations initiatives at federal, state,
and municipal levels. 
Maximize opportunities for strategic Port priorities in the federal Economic
Recovery Package, including infrastructure, taxable municipal bonds and
private activity bonds. 
Execute a competitive threats strategy to support seaport container business,
including advocating for a freight chapter in the federal surface
transportation legislation, opposing a container tax in the state legislature
and supporting/opposing alternative funding mechanisms for freight
mobility infrastructure projects. 
Support the green port strategy, including federal cap/trade legislation,
continuous descent authority at Sea-Tac and Puget Sound Partnershiprelated
issues in the state legislature. 

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Support truck emission issues, including, partnership with City of Seattle to
establish truck parking, promote funding for Northwest Ports Clean Air
Strategy and legislative support for POS drayage truck plan. 
A. Continue Century Agenda strategic planning process. 
Complete Commission review of four citizen-panel recommendations and
adoption of guiding principles, and initiate broader strategic planning
Define and initiate Scoping and Policy Framework Phase. 
B. Complete acquisition of Eastside Rail Corridor and complete the public 
Obtain financing and ensure public acquisition of the Eastside Rail Corridor. 
C. Develop a succession plan for Commission review in the first quarter of 

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