11a. Presentation

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) Briefi

Item No. 11a_supp
Meeting Date: April 12, 2022
West Seattle
and Ballard
Link Extensions

Port of Seattle
Commission Meeting

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions Project Overview
Draft EIS Results: South Interbay & Interbay Ballard
Potential cost savings and refinements
Q&A and Discussion
Next steps

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions
Project timeline
ST3             PLANNING             DESIGN        CONSTRUCTION    START OF
APPROVED           2017 to 2023          2023 to 2027         2026 to 2037-2039*   SERVICE
Ballard: 2037-2039*

3   *Smith Cove to Ballard: Target delivery 2037 / affordable delivery 2039
Learn more at soundtransit.org/realignment

2016   20172019      20192023
Alternatives         Environmental review
Early 2022: Publish Draft EIS
FebMarch 2018:
Public comment period
Early scoping
Board confirms or modifies
FebApril 2019:         preferred alternatives
2023: Publish Final EIS
MayOct 2019: Board
Board selects projects
identified preferred
to be built
alternatives and other
DEIS alternatives        Federal Record of Decision
4                                PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT

Draft EIS alternatives
What we're studying in this phase
Preferred Alternatives
Preferred Alternatives with
Third-Party Funding
Other Draft EIS alternatives

*Dates reflect an affordable schedule based on current financial
projections and cost estimates, and a target schedule.


Draft EIS alternatives
West Seattle

South    Interbay/Ballard


South Interbay

8  Draft EIS alternatives  South Interbay

Galer Street Station/
Central Interbay
Project cost                                  Construction
(2019$ in billions)          $1.3B                  closures on Elliott                                                                  Interbay
Residential                                                                  Left turn
174                                        facilities
displacements              units                                       restrictions
Historic property
effects        7 properties                 Multi-fami ly           Complex utility
buildings            relocations
Park effects
(permanent)        3.1 acres
Biodiversity effects
(permanent)        <0.1 acre
Roadway effects
(Guideway)        0.4 mile
Other considerations                Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.
9  Preferred alternative  South Interbay

Prospect Street Station/
15th Avenue                                       SW Queen
Anne greenbelt
Project cost                               closures on Elliott
(2019$ in billions)          $1.4-1.5B
Left turn
Residential                                                            Steep slopes
displacements       123 units
Historic property                                                                           Complex utility
effects        8 properties                                                        relocations
Kinnear Park
Park effects                                        Multi-family
(permanent)        0.7 acres                      buildings
Biodiversity effects
(permanent)        3.8 acres
Roadway effects
(Guideway)        1.0 mile
Other considerations                Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.
10 Other DEIS alternatives   South Interbay

Prospect Street Station/
SW Queen
Central Interbay                                      Anne greenbelt
Project cost
(2019$ in billions)          $1.5-1.6B
Residential       5                                                   Steep slopes                  recreation
displacements          units                                                                      facilities
Historic property
effects        2 properties
Kinnear Park
Park effects
(permanent)        4.0 acres
Biodiversity effects
(permanent)        5.5 acres
Roadway effects
(Guideway)        0.1 mile
Other considerations                Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.
11  Other DEIS alternatives   South Interbay

Galer Street Station/        Prospect Street Station/      Prospect Street Station/
Central Interbay               15th Avenue                Central Interbay
Project cost                   $1.3B                     $1.4-1.5B                   $1.5-1.6B
(2019$ in billions)
Residential displacements                174 units                  123 units                   5 units
Historic properties                      7                              8                              2
Park effects                 3.1 acres                   0.7 acres                   4.0 acres
Biodiversity effects                 <0.1 acre                    3.8 acres                    5.5 acres
Roadway effects                0.4 mile                   1.0 mile                   0.1 mile
Queen Anne hillside           Queen Anne hillside
Other considerations                                     steep slopes                  steep slopes
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.
Lower performing  Higher performing
12  South Interbay  Summary

Interbay Ballard

14 Draft EIS alternatives   Interbay/Ballard

Elevated 14th Avenue
Habitat          Tribal fishing
treaty rights
Project cost
(2019$ in billions)          $1.5-1.6B

displacements       105 units
Boat ramp and
Multi-family                                    stormwater outfall
Historic property        7                           buildings               Maritime                    relocation
effects           properties                                        business
displacements       610

In-water effects
(Permanent)        1.2 acre

Other considerations               Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.

15 Preferred alternative   Interbay/Ballard

Tunnel 14th Avenue

Project cost
(2019$ in billions)          $1.5B

displacements       14 units

Historic property
effects        4 properties

displacements       380

In-water effects
(Permanent)        none

Other considerations               Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.

16 Preferred alt. 3rd party funding  Interbay/Ballard

Tunnel 15th Avenue
Station Option
Project cost
(2019$ in billions)          $1.7B

Residential       21 units                                                              Construction
displacements                                                                       closures on 15th

Historic property
effects        3 properties

displacements       370

In-water effects
(Permanent)        none

Other considerations               Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.

17 Preferred alt. 3rd party funding  Interbay/Ballard

Elevated 14th Avenue                              Navigation
Option (from Prospect/15th)
Habitat            Tribal fishing
treaty rights
Project cost
(2019$ in billions)          $1.6B

displacements       151 units
Boat ramp and
Multi-family                                    stormwater outfall
Historic property        7                            buildings               Maritime
effects           properties                                        business                     relocation
displacements       400

In-water effects
(Permanent)        1.2 acre

Other considerations               Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.

18 Other DEIS alternatives   Interbay/Ballard

Elevated 15th Avenue                               Navigation
Tribal fishing
Habitat             treaty rights         Commercial
Project cost                                                                                                      complex
(2019$ in billions)          $1.5B                     Historic
displacements       25 units

Historic property
effects        10 properties                                                                   Delays from
Maritime           bridge openings
Employee                                               displacements
displacements       620

In-water effects
(Permanent)        0.8 acre

Other considerations
Diagrams are not to scale and all measurements are approximate.
The above information is for illustration only. Please refer to DEIS for further detail.
19 Other DEIS alternatives   Interbay/Ballard

Tunnel          14th Avenue
Elevated            Tunnel           15th Avenue           Option            Elevated
14th Avenue        14th Avenue          Option         (from Prospect/15th)      15th Avenue
Project cost           $1.5-1.6B            $1.5B              $1.7B              $1.6B              $1.5B
(2019$ in billions)
Residential           105 units          14 units           21 units          151 units          25 units
Historic property                 7                    4                    3                    7                   10
Employee            610              380              370              400              620
In-water effects             1.2 acre              none               none              1.2 acre            0.8 acre
Maritime business                              Construction closures   Maritime business      Maritime business
displacements                                on 15th                displacements         displacements
Other       Boat ramp and                                              Boat ramp and        Delays from bridge
considerations       stormwater outfall                                              stormwater outfall      opening
relocation                                                                  relocation
Perf ormance
The above information is for illustra tion only. Please refer to DEIS for furth er detail.
Lower performing  Higher performing
20  Summary  Interbay/Ballard

Context for looking at cost savings
In response to steep rise in real estate and
construction costs, Board adopted a realignment
plan in August 2021


Realignment plan
Board identified affordable program schedule, as well as
affordability gaps to target schedules
WSBLE has an estimated project-level affordability gap of
$1.8B, based on current financial projections and cost
Smith Cove to Ballard:  Target delivery 2037; affordable
delivery 2039
Includes Board direction to intensively pursue additional
financial capacity and identify opportunities to reduce cost

Work purpose and limitations
Initial assessment of feasibility and potential
cost savings
Based on limited engineering design
Would require further study of environmental,
passenger experience and other implications


Cost savings and refinements
Cost savings
Potentially help address affordability gap
Other refinements
Potentially address other risks or opportunities


Potential refinement concept:
Consolidate Smith Cove and Interbay stations


Potential refinement concept:
Consolidate Smith Cove and Interbay stations
Daily Trips on Project
Avoids former      Avoids railroad
Minor reduction                landfill           and Interbay
in overall                                            properties                                                                          152,000
Avoids traffic                   ridership
effects on Elliott
DEIS Preferred            Refinement

Connects to 14th or
Avoids                                           15th Ave tunnel
steep slopes                                             alternatives
Avoids parks,

Connects to
Seattle Center
Mercer station


Community engagement and collaboration
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
2021                                                2022
NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      M AY      JUN      JUL
Draft EIS
Public Meetings                                                       1 virtual heari ng and       3 v irtual
1 in- person m eeting           hea rings

Advisory Groups          Process               Stati on      Dra ft EI S       Draft EIS results       D raft EIS, cost       Consolidating
overview                  Plann ing     results  ove rview         deep dive         saving s & refinements         feedback

Sound Transit
System Expansion                                                                      D raft EIS and     Public comment       Confirm/modi fy
Committee                                                                          c ost savings       summary        preferred alterna tive

Draft EIS                                                                                                Con firm/modify
results o vervi ew                                                                                               prefer red alternative
Sound Transit

27                Updated February 2022. Meeting dates/topics subject to change.


Primary Port Objectives
1.  Improve regional transportation for personal mobility, while
protecting maritime and industrial land uses and freight
2.  Strengthen access to POS/NWSA facilities, both existing and
future developments;
3.  Enhance service to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for
passengers and employees, from a web of cities throughout
the region.

DEIS Review  Early Themes
Overarching Issues
Environmental Justice, Climate, Safety
Duwamish Segment
Northern alignment greater impact on marine terminal operations
Southern alignment impacts on Terminal 102, 103, 104
Freight access impacts
Environmental habitat at Terminal 25
Ballard/Interbay/Ship Canal Crossing
Interbay: Traffic circulation and access, ridership
Ship Canal Crossing
-  Tunnel:  fewer impacts
-  Aerial:  access on land, navigation on water; business acquisitions and

31    DEIS Next Steps
Primary Port Objectives
Apr  5  Sound Transit & Port/NWSA staff:
Overview & Duwamish Crossing to NWSA Managing Members
Apr 12  Sound Transit & Port staff:
Ballard/Interbay to POS Commissioners
Apr 18 - Executive/Elected Officials review draft letters
Apr 28 - Comments and policy letter due to Sound Transit
Jun '22 - Sound Transit Board confirms or refines preferred alternative
2023 - Sound Transit publishes Final EIS

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