

November 14, 2023
To be held virtually via MS Teams and in person at the Port of Seattle Headquarters
Building – Commission Chambers, Pier 69, 2711 Alaskan Way, Seattle WA. You
may view the full meeting live at To listen live, call in at
+1 (425) 660-9954 or (833) 209-2690 and Conference ID 792 618 824#
10:30 a.m.
2. EXECUTIVE SESSION – if necessary, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (executive sessions are not open to the
► 12:00 noon – PUBLIC SESSION
Reconvene or Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (at this time, commissioners may reorder, add, or remove items from the
7. PUBLIC COMMENT – procedures available online at
During the regular order of business, those wishing to provide public comment on items related to the conduct of
the Port will have the opportunity to:
1) Deliver public comment via email: All written comments received by email to [email protected] will be distributed to commissioners and attached to the approved minutes.
2) Deliver public comment via phone or Microsoft Teams conference: To take advantage of this option,
please email [email protected] with your name and the topic related to the conduct of
the Port you wish to speak to by 9:00 a.m. PT on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. (Please be advised that public
comment is limited to topics related to the conduct of the Port only.) You will then be provided with
instructions and a link to join the Teams meeting.
3) Deliver public comment in person by signing up to speak on your arrival to the physical meeting
location: To take advantage of this option, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of any regular
meeting to sign-up on the public comment sheet available at the entrance to the meeting room to speak on items
related to the conduct of the Port.
For additional information, please contact [email protected].

Founded in 1911 by a vote of the people as a special purpose government, the Port of Seattle’s mission is to promote economic opportunities
and quality of life in the region by advancing trade, travel, commerce, and job creation
in an equitable, accountable, and environmentally responsible manner.

PRELIMINARY AGENDA – Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of November 14, 2023

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8. CONSENT AGENDA (consent agenda items are adopted by one motion without discussion)
8a. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 24, 2023. (no enclosure)
8b. Approval of the Claims and Obligations for the Period October 1, 2023, through October 31, 2023, Including
Accounts Payable Check Nos. 950359 through 950740 in the Amount of $7,146,738.79; Accounts Payable
ACH Nos. 059215 through 060276 in the Amount of $63,987,654.77; Accounts Payable Wire Transfer Nos.
016153 through 016168 in the Amount of $16,288,567.88; Payroll Check Nos. 209323 through 209829 in the
Amount of $303,152.31; and Payroll ACH Nos. 1158541 through 1165572 in the Amount of $23,398,832.82,
for a Fund Total of $111,124,946.57. (memo enclosed)
8c. Monthly Notification of Prior Executive Director
(memo enclosed – No action, for information only)





8d. Authorization for the Executive Director to Authorize Final Design and Preparation of Construction Bid
Documents for the Perimeter Access and Gate Enhancement (PAGE) Project; to Advertise, Award, and
Execute a Major Public Works Construction Contract for PAGE and Perimeter Intrusion Detection System
Phase 2, and Transfer Budget/Authorization, as Necessary, Between the Two Projects; to Procure Long Lead
Material Items; and to Include a Project Labor Agreement for the Contract, for a Total Amount Requested of
$3,816,000 and a Total Estimated Project Cost of $37,614,000. (CIP# C801363, C800844)
(memo and presentation enclosed)
8e. Authorization for the Executive Director to Take All Steps Necessary to Complete the Rental Car Facility 5th
Floor Parking Membrane Project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, for a Total Requested Amount of
$1,030,000 and a Total Estimated Project Cost of $9,300,000. (CIP #800977)
(memo and presentation enclosed)
8f. Authorization for the Executive Director to Take All Steps Necessary to Complete the Tyee Pond Effluent
Pipe Replacement Project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, for a Total Requested Amount of
$2,275,000 and a Total Estimated Cost of $2,900,000. (CIP# C801173) (memo and presentation enclosed)
8g. Authorization for the Executive Director to Competitively Bid and Execute a Unified Pest Management
Contract with a Duration of Up to Five Years, for a Total Amount Not-to-Exceed $7,000,000
(memo and presentation enclosed)
8h. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute Up to Three Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity
Professional Services Agreements for Building and Structure Related Consulting and Design Services with
a Total Amount Not-to-Exceed $9,000,000 and a Contract Ordering Period of Five Years.
(memo enclosed)

Commissioners: Ryan Calkins ■ Sam Cho ■ Fred Felleman ■ Toshiko Hasegawa ■ Hamdi Mohamed
Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck
To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: [email protected] 206-787-3210

PRELIMINARY AGENDA – Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of November 14, 2023

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8i. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute up to Three Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity
Professional Services Agreements for Infrastructure Related Consulting and Design Services with a Total
Amount Not-to-Exceed $9,000,000 and a Contract Ordering Period of Five Years.
(memo enclosed)
8j. Authorization for the Executive Director to Prepare Design and Construction Bid Documents for Flow Meter
Replacement in the Central Mechanical Plant; to Advertise, Bid, And Execute a Major Works Construction
Contract, Execute Related Project Change Orders, Amendments, Work Authorizations, Purchases,
Contracts, and Take Other Actions Necessary to Support and Deliver the Flow Meter Replacement Project
within the Approved Budget; and to Use Port of Seattle Crews and Small Works Contracts to Support the
Design and Construction Activities, for a Total Requested Amount of $4,165,000 and an Estimated Total
Project Cost Not-To-Exceed $4,235,000. (memo and presentation enclosed)
8k. Authorization for the Executive Director to Approve Additional Funding in the Amount of $1,810,000 for the
Procurement of Long-Lead Major Electrical Equipment for the Maritime Industrial Center Electrical
Infrastructure Replacement Project. (CIP# C801241) (memo and presentation enclosed)
8l. Authorization for the Executive Director to Proceed with the Specification Document Management System
Project; to Execute Contract(s) for Software and Implementation Services; to Use Port Staff for
Implementation; and to Execute a Contract for Up to Ten Years for Software License, Service and
Maintenance Fees Estimated at $2,300,000, for a Total Requested Amount of $600,000 for Project
Implementation. (CIP# C801343) (memo enclosed)
8m. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Northwest Seaport
Alliance (NWSA) to Implement a Series of Support Service Agreements to Allow Port Staff to Provide
Services to the NWSA for 2024. (memo and agreement enclosed)
8n. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute the Third Amendment to Lease with Mad Anthony’s
Pier 66, Extending the Second Amendment Terms Until the Reopening of Two-Way Traffic on Alaskan Way.
(memo, amendment, and presentation enclosed)

Authorization for the Executive Director to Set 2024 Marine Stormwater Utility Rates with an 8 Percent
Increase from 2023. (memo and presentation enclosed)

10a. PUBLIC HEARING and Introduction of Resolution No. 3814: A Resolution Adopting the Final Budget of the
Port of Seattle for the Year 2024; Making, Determining, and Deciding the Amount of Taxes to Be Levied
Upon the Current Assessment Roll; Providing Payment of Bond Redemptions and Interest, Cost of Future
Capital Improvements and Acquisitions, and for Such General Purposes Allowed By Law Which the Port
Deems Necessary; and Directing the King County Council As to the Specific Sums to Be Levied on All of
Commissioners: Ryan Calkins ■ Sam Cho ■ Fred Felleman ■ Toshiko Hasegawa ■ Hamdi Mohamed
Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck
To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: [email protected] 206-787-3210

PRELIMINARY AGENDA – Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of November 14, 2023

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the Assessed Properties of the Port of Seattle District in the Year 2024. (memo, presentation, and draft
resolution enclosed)
10b. PUBLIC HEARING and Introduction of Resolution No. 3815: A Resolution Specifying the Dollar and
Percentage Change in the Regular Property Levy From the Previous Year Per RCW 84.55.120;
Providing for a 4.8 Percent Increase of the Levy from $82,657,367 to $86,664,580.
(memo and draft resolution enclosed)
10c. Order 2023-15: An Order of the Port of Seattle Commission to Establish an Environmental Legacy Fund
within the Port Budget and Plan of Finance. (order and presentation enclosed)
10d. SEA Access Program 2023 Update and Order 2023-14: An Order of the Port of Seattle Commission
to Affirm the Port of Seattle’s Longstanding Commitment to Developing Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport, as One of the Most Accessible Airports in the Nation and Consider Accessibility
as a Priority in Aviation Division Strategy, Facility Design, Construction, and Operations.
(memo, order, and presentation enclosed)
11a. ADR Program Briefing. (memo and presentation enclosed)


Commissioners: Ryan Calkins ■ Sam Cho ■ Fred Felleman ■ Toshiko Hasegawa ■ Hamdi Mohamed
Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck
To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: [email protected] 206-787-3210

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