
P.O. Box 1209 
Seattle, Washington 98111 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a regular meeting Tuesday, April 25, 2017, in the
International   Auditorium   at   Seattle-Tacoma   International   Airport,   Seattle,   Washington.
Commissioners Albro, Creighton, Felleman, and Gregoire were present. Commissioner Bowman
was present after 1:23 p.m. 
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon by Commission President Tom Albro. 
2.    EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
The public meeting was immediately recessed to an executive session estimated to last 60 minutes
to discuss four matters relating to litigation and legal risk. Following the executive session, which
lasted approximately 48 minutes, the public meeting reconvened at 1:04 p.m. Commissioner Albro 
led the flag salute. 
3a.  April 25, 2017, CEO Report. 
Dave Soike, Interim Chief Executive Officer, previewed several items on the day's agenda and
reported on the April 22 Duwamish Alive cleanup event at Terminal 107, events and outreach of
the PortGen small business program, and awarding of Green Gateway environmental recognition
to  airport  and  cruise  partners.  A  brief  video  was  presented  highlighting  environmental  and
conservation efforts at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. A copy of this video has been made
available for public review. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
3b.  Environment and sustainability update and presentation of Aviation and Maritime
environmental excellence awards. 
Presentation document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides
for the update; a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides for the Aviation
awards; and a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides for the Maritime awards. 
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Leavitt, Senior Director, Environment & Sustainability; Stephanie Jones
Stebbins, Director, Seaport Environmental & Planning; Leslie Stanton, Manager, Environmental
Programs; and Jeremy Webb, Environmental Program Manager. 

Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online  www.portseattle.org.

PORT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                     Page 2 of 7 
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 
Environment & Sustainability Update 
Commissioners received an update on several environmental projects and initiatives of the Port of
Seattle. Commissioners asked for clarification on the use of activated carbon, the method for
introducing  the  element  to  the  Duwamish  ecosystem,  and  its  long-term  effectiveness.
Commissioners clarified the purpose of Salmon-Safe certification to ensure that runoff entering the
region's waterways is as clean as possible to promote healthy salmon populations in Puget Sound.
Commissioners encouraged advocating for other airports to pursue Salmon-Safe certification.
Commissioners asked about efforts to simplify the waste recycling process for passengers. 
Commissioners requested clarification on programs providing travelers opportunities to purchase
carbon offsets to fund regional environmental projects. Outreach to local companies engaging in
internal carbon fees for their employees was encouraged regarding contributing to offset funding. 
Commissioner Bowman was present after 1:23 p.m. 
Aviation Environmental Awards 
The Commission acknowledged awards presented earlier in the day to Beecher's Handmade
Cheese, the Des Moines Area Food Bank, HMS Host, Ivar's, and Delta Air Lines for their
environmental leadership at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in 2016. 
Maritime Environmental Awards 
The Commission acknowledged awards presented previously to Carnival Cruise Line, Princess 
Cruises,  Norwegian  Cruise  Lines,  Holland  America  Line,  and  Celebrity  Cruises  for  their
environmental leadership in exceeding regulatory requirements for air emissions and energy
conservation, water management, waste reduction, environmental awareness, and third-party
environmental certification. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
Without objection, the Commission advanced to consideration of  
[Clerk's Note: Items on the Unanimous Consent Calendar are considered routine and are not
individually discussed. Port Commissioners receive the request documents prior to the meeting
and may remove items from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and vote in accordance
with Commission bylaws.] 
4a.  Approval of the minutes of March 28, 2017. 
4b. Approval of the Port Auditor's payment of the salaries and claims of the Port pursuant
to RCW 42.24.180 for payments issued during the period of March 1, 2017, through
March 31, 2017, as follows: accounts payable check nos. 916290-916860 in the amount
of  $6,228,048.12;  accounts  payable  ACH  nos.  048021-048733  in  the  amount  of
$37,957,379.35; accounts payable wire transfer nos 014568-014608 in the amount of
$11,355,088.78; payroll check nos 185326-185595 in the amount of $310,797.51; and
payroll ACH nos. 797815-801421 in the amount of $8,635,704.18  for a fund total of

Minutes of April 25 2017, submitted for review on May 19, 2017, and proposed for approval on May 23, 2017.

PORT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                     Page 3 of 7 
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 
4c. Approval of the Commission's 2017 international travel plan. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum. 
The motion for approval of consent items 4a, 4b, and 4c carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Creighton, Felleman, Gregoire (4) 
Absent for the vote: Bowman 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
The Commission returned to consideration of  
3c.  Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Flight Track and NextGen Briefing. 
Presentation  document(s)  included  a  Commission  agenda  memorandum,  Port  of  Seattle
presentation slides, and Federal Aviation Administration presentation slides. Provided at the
meeting were a Noise Programs Overview and a NextGen informational flyer. 
Presenter(s): Arlyn Purcell, Director, Aviation Environment and Sustainability; Stan Shepherd,
Manager, Aviation Noise Programs; David Suomi, FAA Deputy Regional Administrator; and Steve
Karnes, FAA Senior Technical Advisor. 
The Commission received a presentation covering the Port's noiseinformation and mitigation
programs, recent trends in aircraft operations and economic impacts, and introductory information
on flight procedures and flight tracks. Recommended programs approved as part of the Port's 2014
Part 150 study were summarized. 
Commissioners requested clarification on Port efforts to make homeowners aware of available
noise insulation opportunities under the Part 150 process. Commissioners asked about the extent
of nighttime aircraft noise impacts. Jet noise abatement procedures that affect the approach areas
for aircraft were described. Commissioners requested a better depiction of the neighborhoods that 
correspond to the flight paths of the jet noise abatement program. 
Commissioners asked for clarification about how the Port's noise model is weighted for a variety of
factors such as altitude, type of aircraft, number of aircraft, direction of flight, weather conditions,
flights at night, etc. The portion of aircraft final approaches that accord with NextGen procedures
and those that accord with conventional descent procedures were presented. Commissioners
commented on the more rapid rise in passenger numbers than in aircraft operations due to use of
larger planes and more fully loaded flights. 
Mr. Suomi and Mr. Karnes presented the Federal Aviation Administration's NextGen system
portfolio as a set of improvements to better and more efficiently assist aircraft navigation, improve
communication, and achieve better surveillance of aircraft, with safety being the FAA's primary
objective. Commissioners asked for an explanation of how NextGen helps avoid airline delays.
Optimized flight descent was described, including the narrowing of the flight path. 

Minutes of April 25 2017, submitted for review on May 19, 2017, and proposed for approval on May 23, 2017.

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TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 
Commissioners asked about the length of time flight data is kept by the FAA and how it is
summarized on a periodic basis. There was a discussion of whether elements of NextGen might
further reduce emissions and noise impacts given an overall increase in air traffic in the system.
Safety and system redundancy were discussed. 
Commissioners commented on improved proactive communication by the FAA as a way of
reducing  community  anxiety  about  increased  air  traffic  and  changing  traffic  patterns.
Commissioners asked about options for expanding the noise mitigation boundary. It was explained
that the Day-Night-Level (DNL) noise measurement of 65 DNL is established federally by statute.
Intensity of noise impact in a smaller area was discussed. Commissioners asked for better
advance information from the FAA when flight patterns change. 
Commissioners asked about how long it would take to implement NextGen throughout the national
aviation system. Commissioners requested clarification on the relationship of NextGen and tree
removal and replacement associated with the Flight Corridor Safety Program. It was reported that
tree removal is not a NextGen requirement per se, but is related to other regulatory requirements of
the FAA covering flight corridor obstructions. 
Mr. Suomi and Mr. Karnes were invited to remain to hear public testimony on Airport noise-related
matters, but explained they were unable to do so. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
The unanimous consent agenda was considered previously, and the Commission advanced to  
Public comment was received from the following individual(s) on community health considerations
related to aircraft emissions, local impacts of aircraft noise, increased impact of aircraft noise on
residents living under consolidated flight paths, lack of responsiveness of the FAA to concerns of
communities and lawmakers, the need for a new regional airport, or the need for curfews on
nighttime operations: 
Larry Cripe, Quiet Skies Coalition. 
Debi  Wagner,  Quiet  Skies  Coalition.  Ms.  Wagner  submitted  a  community  forum
announcement that is attached as minutes Exhibit A and is available for public review. 
Matt Pina, Mayor, City of Des Moines. 
Nancy Tosta, City Councilmember and Deputy Mayor, City of Burien. 
Tina Orwall, Representative, Washington State Legislature, District 33. 
David Goebel, Vashon Island resident. 
Kent Palosaari, Flight Pattern Kids, SeaTac resident. 
Allyson Jackson, City of Medina. 
Jeff Lewis, Aireform, Skyway resident. 
Steve Edmiston, Des Moines resident. Mr. Edmiston submitted written materials, which
are included as minutes Exhibit B and are available for public review. 
Sheila Brush, Des Moines resident. 
Robbie Howell, Burien resident. 

Minutes of April 25 2017, submitted for review on May 19, 2017, and proposed for approval on May 23, 2017.

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TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 
Mark Hennon, King County resident. 
Jean Hilde, Shoreline resident. 
In lieu of spoken comment, Roseanne Lorenzana, Beacon Hill resident, submitted a
letter about aircraft noise impacts in Beacon Hill that is included here as minutes Exhibit
C and is available for public review. 
Additionally, comment was received regarding workforce development options for disadvantaged
populations at the Airport from the following individual: 
Jimmy Matta, Board Member, Latino Civic Alliance. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6a.  Second Reading and Final Passage of Resolution 3731:   A Resolution of the Port
Commission of the Port of Seattle declaring surplus and no longer needed for port
district purposes approximately 4.56 acres of Port-owned real property, commonly
referred to as Tract "A," and located in the Cityof Des Moines, King County; and
further authorizing the transfer of said real property to the City of Des Moines for
stormwater facilities in support of improvements at Des Moines Creek Business Park. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum, presentation slides, and draft
resolution. A copy of the final draft of Resolution No. 3731 will be made available upon adoption. 
Presenter(s): Allan Royal, Property Manager, Aviation Properties. 
Previously, First Reading of Resolution No. 3731 was approved on April 11, 2017. 
The motion for approval of Second Reading and Final Passage of Resolution No. 3731 
carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton, Felleman (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6b.  Second Reading and Final Passage of Resolution No. 3732:  A Resolution of the Port
Commission of the Port of Seattle declaring surplus and no longer needed for port
district purposes approximately 29,882 square feet of Port-owned real property and
located in the City of Burien, King County; and further authorizing the transfer of said
real  property  to  the  Washington  State  Department  of  Transportation  for  use  in
construction  of  the  State  of  Washington  SR-518/Des  Moines  Memorial  Drive
Interchange Improvements. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum, presentation slides, and draft
resolution. A copy of the final draft of Resolution No. 3732 will be made available upon adoption. 

Minutes of April 25 2017, submitted for review on May 19, 2017, and proposed for approval on May 23, 2017.

PORT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                     Page 6 of 7 
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 
Presenter(s): Allan Royal, Property Manager, Aviation Properties. 
Previously, First Reading of Resolution No. 3732 was approved on April 11, 2017. 
The motion for approval of Second Reading and Final Passage of Resolution No. 3732 
carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton, Felleman (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6c.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to: (1) execute service agreements for the
Terminal 18 Stormwater Outfall Renewal and Replacement project; (2) prepare design
and construction documents; (3) prepare and apply for permits; and (4) utilize Port
crews and small works contracts for preliminary work for an amount not to exceed
$920,000 out of a total estimated project cost of $4,000,000. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides. A
brief video of the condition of the Terminal 18 stormwater outfall system has been made available
for public review. 
Presenter(s): Srini Pendikatla, Program Manager Marine Stormwater Utility, and Curtis Stahlecker,
Capital Project Manager. 
As presented, the request is related to repair and replacement of facilities of the Port's stormwater
utility formed in November 2014. The repairs and facilities affected were described and a short
video showing the conditions inside the outfall conduits was presented. 
The motion for approval agenda item 6c carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton, Felleman (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
7a.  2017 Q1 NorthSTAR Program and North Satellite Project Briefing. 
Presentation document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s): George England, Senior Capital Program Leader, Aviation Project Management. 
Mr. England presented information on the current status of the project, including transfer of the
Main Terminal scope to the planning effort and consolidation of program management with the
North Satellite project component. Commission action on a maximum allowable construction cost

Minutes of April 25 2017, submitted for review on May 19, 2017, and proposed for approval on May 23, 2017.

PORT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES                     Page 7 of 7 
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2017 
(MACC) is expected in June. Key risks, including remaining on budget and providing sufficient
gates for Alaska Airlines' operational needs, were presented. Images of temporary walkways were
shown. These are expected to be in use through 2019 and potentially may be able to be used in
other locations through 2021. Commissioners expressed concerns over the passenger experience
in the covered temporary walkways. Including schematics of the North Satellite lobbies was
recommended for future presentations. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. 
Stephanie Bowman 
Minutes approved: May 23, 2017. 

Minutes of April 25 2017, submitted for review on May 19, 2017, and proposed for approval on May 23, 2017.

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