Exhibit B

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Port Commission E'XQQA
To: Seattle Port Commission

Re: Decision to sign lease with Shell Oil Company to aow storage of Arctic Drilling equipment

My name is Annette Klapstein and I have been a resident of the Seattle area my entire adult
life.  That is a long time, because I am an old wOman.  And today i feel like a very tired and
cranky old woman. i am tired of having to come to my elected officials, who supposedly
represent and work for me and my neighbors, and beg and plead and demand that you do what
you know you are supposed to do. When i look at the Port of Seattle's website, the first thing I
see is the words "Where a sustainable world is headed." And a little further down the page it
says this tagline is "to communicate our goal to be a national leader in sustainable port
operations." Really?" ThereIS nothing remotely sustainable about drilling for oil in the Arctic.
A study published in the January 8 edition of the Journal Nature concluded that ALL Arctic oil
and gas must remain in the ground if we are to have even a 50% chance of keeping the global
temperature rise under the 2 C limit, which according to climate scientists may or may nut be
safe - but it's a sure bet that anything above that will be catastrophic.

i am tired and cranky because i see my elected Port ofcials blatantly violating your own stated
values. Again, on your webpage you state that your values include: "We conduct business with
the highest ethical standards  How does that comport with the: sort ofsiegey, backroom,non-
transparent, no public input process that resulted in a leasel':  .,
one ofthewmostcriminally
irresponsible companies on earth: Shell Oil? Not only did you fail to allow public input and
debate before making this outrageous decision, but apparently you even failed to consult with
the City of Seattle - yesterday the Mayor and City Council unanimously asked ,for the
Department of Planning and Development to investigate your decision on this issue.

Another value the Port claims to have is this: "We are responsible stewards of community
resources and the environment." Now I believe that you are all reasonably intelligent human
beings, so you know that anthropogenic climate disruption is already well underway and
causing serious problems. Your action enabling a climate criminal like Shell to drill in the Arctic
guarantees that there will be ecological disasters, and if that oil is burned, our children and
grandchildren will have either a horric future or no future at all. A decision which guarantees
the destruction of our children's future cannot, by any stretch ofthe imagination, claim to be
"responsible stewardship."

A few months ago, the Seattle Raging Grannies, a group i am proud to be a member of, shut
down the State Department of Ecology for a workshop on "How to Say No to Big Oil."
Apparently, the Port of Seattle is also desperately in need of that workshop, and we would be
more than happy to provide it. As your first assignment, you can start by cancelling the lease
with Shell.
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