
P.O. Box 1209 
Seattle, Washington 98111 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a special meeting Tuesday, May 28, 2019, in the Gene
Colin Education Building at the Georgetown campus of South Seattle College, 6737 Corson 
Avenue South, Seattle.  Commissioners Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, and Steinbrueck  were
present. Commissioner Gregoire was present until 1:11 p.m. 
1.    CALL to ORDER 
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Commission President Stephanie Bowman. 
2.    EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
The public meeting was immediately recessed to an executive session to discuss one matter
relating to litigation and legal risk with the intention of reconvening the public session at 12:00 p.m. 
Following the executive session, which lasted approximately 45 minutes, the public meeting
reconvened at 12:10 p.m. Commissioner Bowman led the flag salute. 
3.    APPROVAL of the AGENDA 
The preliminary agenda was revised to switch the order of agenda items 8a and 8b, and the
preliminary agenda was approved as revised without objection. 
Chief  Operating  Officer  Dave  Soike previewed items on the day's agenda and  made
announcements. Mr. Soike acknowledged the addition to the Port of Seattle of Bookda Gheisar,
the port's new Senior Director of Equity and Diversity, and the retirement of Michael Ehl, Director of
Airport Operations, a port veteran of 27 years. Letters of appreciation for Mr. Ehl from Airport
partners are attached as minutes Exhibit A. 
7a.  Motion 2019-07: a motion of the Port of Seattle Commission formalizing the Duwamish
Valley  Community  Equity  Program  and  its  collaboration  with  Duwamish  Valley
communities to strengthen community-port capacity building, improve environmental
health and livability, and increase access to workforce and economic development
Request document(s) included the full draft text of the motion, a background memorandum, and
presentation slides. A copy of the adopted version of the motion is attached. 

Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online  www.portseattle.org.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 2 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
Presenter(s):  Elizabeth  Leavitt,  Senior  Director,  Environment  and  Sustainability; Christina
Billingsley, Senior Program Manager, Community Engagement; and Rich Brown, Port Community
Action Team. 
The presentation to commission focused on the link between the port's sustainability and equity
efforts. The importance of early and frequent community engagement was stressed as a factor in
successful project completion. Ms. Billingsley described the difference between equity and equality.
Equity is when unique access is provided to meet the needs of people's uniqueand distinct
circumstances, uprooting and untangling root causes of inequity, such as racism or gender-based
discrimination.  Mr.  Brown  explained  how  equity  principles  apply  to  the  Duwamish  Valley
community, noting historical practices such as redlining, industrial zoning, and income inequality.
The geography, environmental pressures, and health impacts in Duwamish Valley communities
were described, including air-quality-related health impacts. 
Goals of the pilot project included improving environmental health outcomes in the community and
improving port environmental performance.  Meetings of the Port Community Action Team,
including South Park and Georgetown residents, were held locally in the evenings with childcare
and food and beverage provided. Members of the advisory committee were compensated for their
participation, and training for port staff and community members was provided to facilitate two-way
community engagement. 
Early actions by port and community leaders that facilitated building trust and establishing a culture
of collaboration were summarized. Commissioners commented on the port's interest in inclusivity,
engaging youth in the community, and commitment to long-term positive impacts in the Duwamish
Without objection, the commission accepted the following public comment prior to the vote on
Motion 2019-07  
Public comment regarding the Duwamish Valley Community Equity Program was received from the
following individual(s): 
Hannah Kett, South Park resident 
Paulina Lopez, South Park resident 
Robin Schwartz, South Park resident 
Andrew Schiffer, Georgetown resident 
Jose Chi, South Park resident 
Karl Pepple, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
Will Chen, Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS) 
The question recurred on adoption of Motion 2019-07 (agenda item 7a), which carried by the
following vote: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Gregoire, Steinbrueck (5) 
Commissioner Gregoire was present until 1:11 p.m. 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 3 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
The meeting was recessed at 1:13 p.m. and reconvened at 1:18 p.m., chaired by Commissioner
5.    PUBLIC COMMENT, Continued 
Public  comment regarding the airport's meditation room  was  received  from  the  following
Steve Wilhelm, Insight Meditation leader 
Theresa  Crecelius,  Muslim  Association  of  Puget  Sound  and  American  Muslim
Empowerment Network 
Rabbi Samuel Klein, Jewish Federation of Seattle 
Imam Adam Jamal, Muslim Association of Puget Sound 
Public comment regarding airport on-demand and for-hire ground transportation services was
received from the following individual(s): 
Joshua Welter, Teamsters 117 
Michael Megnta, E-Cab driver 
Cindi Laws, Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Association 
Mohamed Alanle, taxi driver 
Katherine and Wayne Gilmore, Alaska state residents 
Quinton Thompson, Hopelink Access Dispatcher 
Aamar Khan, wheelchair accessible taxi driver 
Bakri Bazara, E-Cab driver 
Abdirahman Elmi 
Jannet Salonzi 
Aamer Abbas, wheelchair chair accessible taxi driver 
Sarenjeet Shaylem, taxi driver 
Salah Mohamed, wheelchair accessible driver 
Ram Singh, Yellow Cab driver 
Jeannie Darling, member of disabled community 
Chris Van Dyk, Net Car Technology 
Berhanu Alemayehu, Yellow Cab driver 
Dauud Hasan, flat-rate for-hire driver 
At 2:06 p.m., the time allotted for public comment was extended to 2:21 p.m. by the following vote: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
5.    PUBLIC COMMENT, Continued 
Further public comment regarding airport on-demand and for-hire ground transportation services 
was received from the following individual(s): 
Abdikarim Suldan, flat rate for hire driver 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 4 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
Worku Belayneh, for hire owner 
Samatar Guled, Eastside for Hire 
Fitaber Gudina, driver, 
Eskinder Yirgu, E-Cab driver 
Alemu Daba, taxi owner 
In lieu of spoken comment, Jay Bhuller, taxi passenger, submitted written materials,
which are attached as minutes Exhibit B. 
[Clerk's Note: Items on the Unanimous Consent Calendar are not individually discussed.
Commissioners may remove items for separate discussion and vote when approving the agenda.] 
6a.  Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 23, 2019. 
6b.  Motion 2019-08: a motion of the Port of Seattle Commission re -appointing Gerry
Alexander as a member of the Commission Ethics Board for 2019-2022. 
Request document(s) included the draft motion text. A copy of the adopted version of the motion is
6c.  Adoption  of  an  amendment  to  the  approved  minutes  of  the  regular  meeting  of
November 27, 2018, to add an inadvertently omitted vote. 
Request document(s) included an abbreviated agenda memorandum, annotated agenda showing
the omitted vote, and redline version of the minutes of November 27, 2018. 
6d.  Authorization for the Executive Director to proceed with design of the Employee
Security Screening Phase 2 project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The
amount requested under this authorization is $1,425,000, out of a total estimated
budget of $7,900,000. (CIP #C800984). 
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
6e.  Authorization for the Executive Director to proceed with design of the Employee
Services Center project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The amount requested
under this authorization is $1,385,000 out of a total budget of $9,164,000. (CIP 
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
The motion for approval of consent items 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, and 6e carried by the following
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 5 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
There were no further special orders, and the commission advanced to consideration of  
8b.  Introduction of Resolution No. 3759: A resolution of the Port of Seattle creating a
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport ground transportation policy directive, including
principles,  goals,  monitoring,  and  reporting,  and  affirming  airport  commute-tripreduction
goals for the port. 
Request document(s) included a draft of Resolution 3759, a draft of the policy directive, ground
transportation presentation slides, Ground Transportation Access Plan presentation slides, and a
portion of the final ground transportation report prepared by Ricondo and Associates. A copy of the
final draft of Resolution No. 3759 will be made available upon adoption. 
Presenter(s): Aaron Pritchard, Commission Policy Manager. 
Previously, presentations on ground transportation and the Ground Transportation Access Plan
were considered on July 10 and September 25, 2018. 
The policy directive text was endorsed by the Aviation Committee and defines the principles for
considering  airport  ground  transportation  services  comprehensively.  An  18-month  ground
transportation study and resulting Ground Transportation Access Plan contributed to development
of the policy directive. Financial stability within the airport ground transportation system was a
priority consideration in forming the policy directive. 
Policy elements include principles to reduce passenger and commuter trips to the airport, lowering
carbon emissions and reducing related community impacts, reducing congestion on airport drives
while improving ease of airport access, and supporting equity considerations in wages, business
opportunities, and accessibility in the ground transportation system. Goals include reducing use of
private vehicles, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from passenger vehicles, and keeping the
maximum travel time from the airport clock tower to the terminal curb or parking garage to 15
Commissioners commented on the tradeoffs of promoting transit use versus provision of public
parking. They made observations about agility in decision-making and application of principles to
day-day business decisions at the airport. 
The motion for introduction of Resolution No. 3759 carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
8a.  Motion 2019-03: a motion of the Port of Seattle Commission establishing a two-year
pilot  program  for  On-Demand  Taxi/Flat-Rate  For-Hire  Service  at  Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport. 
Request document(s) included the draft text of the motion, a background memorandum, and
presentation slides. A copy of the adopted version of Motion 2019-03 is attached. 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 6 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
Presenter(s):  Mike Ehl, Director, Airport Operations; Jeff Wolf,  Manager, Aviation Business
Development and Analysis; Jeff Hoevet, Senior Manager, Airport Operations; Mike Merritt,
Commission Chief of Staff; and Clare Gallagher, Director of Capital Project Delivery, External
Commissioners commented on the difficult trade-offs inherent in applying equity principles to ondemand
, for-hire transportation services at the airport given recent disruption to the affected
marketplace. The history of managing ground transportation at the airport was outlined and the
proposed pilot project described. Key features of the pilot as proposed include the following: 
Retention of current taxi and flat-rate for-hire vehicle owners; 
Increase of wheelchair-accessible vehicles from 18 to 23; 
Direct permitting of vehicles/owners by the port; 
Freedom of drivers to associate with any dispatch company; 
Setting of a $6 per-trip fee; 
Separate contracting for curb management services with equal access to shift rotation
among operators; 
Reporting requirements; 
Complaint-reporting signage in vehicles to direct complaints to the port; and 
Parameters around outreach and engagement with drivers and owners. 
Commissioners asked for clarification about the port's relationship with drivers versus owners and
outreach to wheelchair-accessible vehicle operators and the disabled community. They expressed
concern  over  the  presentation  of  conflicting  statistics  on  the  use  of  accessible  ground
transportation  services.  Commissioners  opined  on  equitable  representation  for  drivers  in
engagement efforts and the need for face-to-face meetings with drivers. They asked whether taxi
trips would continue to decline based on market factors, despite continued passenger growth at the
airport, and what effect further market disruption might have on the pilot program. Commissioners
commented on the increase of the on-demand fleet by five and the compromises represented in
the proposal. 
Upon a motion and second for adoption of Motion 2019-03, the following amendments were offered: 
The following amendment was offered: On page 2, line 53, after "obtain" insert: and cannot be
bought, sold, or traded 
And after "complete" insert: vehicle 
The late-filed amendment was adopted by the required two-thirds vote of the membership: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 7 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
The following amendment was offered: On page 2, line 70, after "report" insert: Full implementation
of the 2017 Open Doors Primary Recommendations on pages 70-71 of the report shall be made a
high priority for completion within 18 months from adoption of this motion. 
The late-filed amendment was adopted by the required two-thirds vote of the membership: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
AMENDMENT 3 [failed] 
The following amendment was offered: On page 2, line 78, after "fleet" insert: and will also
prominently place signage in the airport ground transportation areas and terminal 
The late-filed amendment failed adoption  by the required two-thirds vote of the 
In favor: Bowman, Felleman, Steinbrueck (3) 
Opposed: Calkins (1) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
AMENDMENT 4 was withdrawn and the following was offered instead: 
On page 3, line 93, after "services," insert: outreach to people with disabilities and the general
The late-filed amendment was adopted by the required two-thirds vote of the membership: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
AMENDMENT 6 was withdrawn. 
The following amendment was offered: On page 2, line 52, delete "vehicle/owner(s)" and insert in
lieu thereof: medallion 
The late-filed amendment was adopted by the required two-thirds vote of the membership: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 8 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
The question recurred on the motion for adoption of Motion 2019-03, as amended, which 
carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
Although not present for the vote on Motion 2019-03, Commissioner Gregoire stated her support
earlier in the meeting for a motion to provide for a two-year pilot program with the component of a
strong drivers' voice. 
8c.  Introduction of Resolution No. 3758: A resolution of the Port of Seattle Commission
authorizing the issuance and sale of intermediate lien revenue bonds in one or more
series in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $550,000,000 for the purpose
of financing or refinancing capital improvements to aviation facilities; setting forth
certain bond terms and covenants; and delegating authority to approve final terms and
conditions and the sale of the bonds. 
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and draft resolution. A copy of the final
draft of Resolution 3758 will be made available upon adoption. 
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Morrison, Director of Corporate Finance. 
The motion for introduction of Resolution No. 3758 carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 
8d.  Authorization  for  the  Executive Director  to  advertise  and  execute  a  design-build
contract to construct an interim Westside fire station at Seattle-Tacoma International
Airport. No additional funding is required. (CIP #C800876). 
Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s): Kari Stephens, Manager, Aviation Capital Programs and Sean Anderson, Capital
Program Leader. 
Commissioners asked for a written report on lessons learned from implementation of the project,
which has experienced significant scheduling delays, and expressed their appreciation for the
patience of the firefighters who continue to need an upgraded facility. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 8d carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Bowman, Calkins, Felleman, Steinbrueck (4) 
Absent for the vote: Gregoire 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                             Page 9 of 9 
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2019 
Agenda item 9a was removed from the agenda prior to publication. 
9b.  2019 State Legislative Session Review. 
Presentation document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s):  Eric  ffitch,  Manager,  State  Government  Relations  and  Trent  House,  Contract
The 2019 state legislative session was summarized in terms of accomplishments related to areas
of port interest. Key outcomes included passage of legislation clarifying the ability of ports to
engage in workforce development training, funding in support of a maritime innovation center,
extension of the state's study of SR-518to incorporate airport growth factors, and passage of
legislation to allow tolling on SR-167 and SR-509. Although the low-carbon fuel standard did not
pass both houses, its passage is expected to continue to be a high legislative priority for the port in
the future. 
Other policy priorities advanced this year include passage of Initiative 1000, which would amend
Initiative 200, a 1998 initiative that prohibited racial and gender preferences by state and local
government  and was considered a setback by proponents of Affirmative Action programs.
Additional efforts that advanced applied to maritime electrification, funding for the fishing pier at
Terminal 86, Model Toxics Control Act reform, and establishment of an Airport Coordinating
Commission to examine regional airport alternatives. 
There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. 

Prepared:                                      Attest: 
Paul J. White, Commission Clerk                Peter Steinbrueck, Commission Secretary 
Minutes approved: June 25, 2019. 

Minutes of May 28, 2019, submitted for review on June 20, 2019, and proposed for approval on June 25, 2019.

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