Translatable Meeting Documents for Regular Meeting Jul 23, 2024 12:00pm

This page lists all meeting PDF documents, and a link to view the HTML or Plain Text equivalent. Google Translation can then translate them into the language of your choice.

Formats Document Title Description
HTML Text Original PDF Agenda Linked
HTML Text Original PDF 8c. Memo 2024 Commission International Travel Third Quarter Approval
HTML Text Original PDF 8d. Attachment DAS License Extension and RFP
HTML Text Original PDF 8d. Memo DAS License Extension and RFP
HTML Text Original PDF 8e. Memo 400Hz Replacement CD
HTML Text Original PDF 8e. Presentation 400Hz Replacement CD
HTML Text Original PDF 8f. Memo STOC Lease Amendment 8 Contract
HTML Text Original PDF 8f. Attachment STOC Lease Amendment 8 Contract
HTML Text Original PDF 8g. Memo Compactor Capacity Design and Construction
HTML Text Original PDF 8h. Memo 3rd Floor GT Booth Enhancements
HTML Text Original PDF 8i. Memo SmarteCarte International Arrivals Facility Luggage Cart Operation
HTML Text Original PDF 8j. Presentation FT C15 Building Improvements
HTML Text Original PDF 8j. Memo FT C15 Building Improvements
HTML Text Original PDF 8k. Memo Maritime Security Services
HTML Text Original PDF 8l. Memo Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancements
HTML Text Original PDF 8l. Presentation Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhancements
HTML Text Original PDF 10a. Memo Satellite Transit System Renewal and Replacement
HTML Text Original PDF 10a. Presentation Satellite Transit System Renewal and Replacement
HTML Text Original PDF 11a. Memo 2023 Apprenticeship and Priority Hire Annual Report
HTML Text Original PDF 11b. Memo 2025 Budget Development Briefing
HTML Text Original PDF 11b. Presentation 2025 Budget Development Briefing
HTML Text Original PDF Transcript The Regular Meeting meeting scheduled for 2024-07-23 at SEA