Port of Seattle Commission Meetings

Agendas are published within 3 - 5 business days prior to any meeting, including Remote Meeting access information.
Meeting Date Meeting Type Location Meeting Access Icons Materials Translatable
Mar 25th at 12:00 pm Regular Meeting CANCELLED Notice
Mar 25th at 10:30 am Special Meeting Pier 69 Agenda, Notice Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Mar 25th at 10:30 am
Mar 18th at 8:30 am Audit Meeting Pier 69 Video, Agenda, Notice, Attachments Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Mar 18th at 8:30 am
Mar 11th at 12:00 pm Regular Meeting Pier 69 Video, Agenda, Attachments Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Mar 11th at 12:00 pm
Mar 7th at 10:45 am Special Meeting - NWSA Fabulich Center Notice
Feb 11th at 12:00 pm Regular Meeting Pier 69 Video, Agenda, Attachments Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Feb 11th at 12:00 pm
Feb 6th at 10:30 am Special Meeting Remote Agenda, Notice Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Feb 6th at 10:30 am
Feb 6th at 10:00 am Special Meeting Remote Agenda, Notice Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Feb 6th at 10:00 am
Feb 6th at 8:00 am Special Meeting Remote Agenda, Notice Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Feb 6th at 8:00 am
Jan 28th at 12:00 pm Regular Meeting SEA Video, Minutes, Agenda, Attachments Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Jan 28th at 12:00 pm
Jan 14th at 12:00 pm Regular Meeting Pier 69 Video, Minutes, Agenda, Attachments Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Jan 14th at 12:00 pm
Jan 7th at 9:30 am Special Meeting Fabulich Center Minutes, Agenda, Notice Accessible Docs/Accessible Documents for Jan 7th at 9:30 am