11a. Attachment

01 SEA Stakeholder Advisory Round Table 2023 Report

Shared Aircraft Noise & Emissions Policy Priorities
for the 2023 FAA Reauthorization Act 
The growth of operations at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport has elevated aircraft noise and air emissions as one of
the highest priorities for our community. To address these issues, we need federal partnership to provide new tools, new
authorities, new resources, new approaches, and new FAA engagement that can make a tangible difference. The
inclusion of the following policies in the 2023 FAA Reauthorization will move us toward this vision. 
1)   Pass HR2533/S1167 – The Sound Insulation Treatment Repair and Replacement Program Act: We support
Senator Murray’s and Representative Smith’s legislation that would allow for federal funding to replace “failed”
noise insulation packages. 
2)   Pass HR 1048 – The Aviation Noise and Emissions Mitigation Act: We support Representative Smith’s legislation
that would empower the EPA to play a productive role in addressing community concerns about aircraft noise
and emissions. 
3)   Impose a deadline for action on FAA Neighborhood Environmental Survey (NES): We propose two policies for
inclusion in the 2023 FAA Reauthorization: 
• Creation of an Aircraft Noise Advisory Committee (ANAC) consisting of representatives from key federal
agencies, airports, airlines, aerospace manufacturers, and community groups from airport cities to
recommend whether and how current federal aircraft noise policy should change. 
• Creation of a statutory deadline six months after the submission of the ANAC recommendations for the FAA
to make a final determination on next steps. 
4)  Expand Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) incentives and investments: 
• Increase the authorization for the Fueling Aviation's Sustainable Transition via Sustainable Aviation Fuels
(FAST SAF) grant program by at least $300 million, with a focus on SAF projects. 
• Extend the total duration of the SAF tax credits (SAF Blender’s Tax Credit and Clean Fuel Production Credit
combined) to producers for 10 years from the date a facility is placed in service. 
• Provide continued support for the Center of Excellence for Alternative Fuels and Environment (ASCENT) and
the FAA’s Continuous Lower Energy Emissions and Noise (CLEEN) Program. 
5)   Renew the FAA Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program: As created by Section 190 of the 2018 FAA
Reauthorization Act, we support the permanent authorization of this program at $6 million per year. 
6)   Pass HR 1049 – The Protecting Airport Communities from Particle Emissions Act: We strongly support
Representative Smith’s legislation, which would bring more federal attention and engagement on ultrafine
particulates from aircraft engines. 
7)   Ensure FAA support for new regional airport capacity: We would like to see policies that clarify the process for
FAA regulatory review and agency collaboration with cities and states in high air travel demand regions looking
to invest in new airport capacity, and dedicates funding for new airport capacity in high demand regions. 

Item No. 11a_Attachment_1 
Meeting Date: May 14, 2024

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