10a. Resolution

Surplus MItigation Bank Credits

Item No. 10a reso
Meeting Date: May 28, 2024

Introduced: 05/28/24

of the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle declaring
certain property surplus and no longer needed for port
district purposes (500 mitigation credits) and authorizing
the Executive Director to execute all documents related to
the sale of such property.

WHEREAS, the Port of Seattle’s (Port) Century Agenda Goal 4, to be the greenest and
most energy efficient port in North America, includes Objective 12, to restore, create and enhance
40 additional acres of habitat in the Green/Duwamish Valley;
WHEREAS, in furtherance of Goal 4 the Port created the Maritime Habitat Initiatives
line of business, which includes a multi-site, multi-benefit mitigation bank to restore fish and
wildlife habitat;
WHEREAS, the Port of Seattle created the Duwamish River People’s Park and Shoreline
Habitat, formerly known as Terminal 117 ( (the “Habitat Site”), as a mitigation bank site to
generate mitigation credits for Port use and/or sale, while maintaining ownership and stewardship
responsibility of the Habitat Site;
WHEREAS, the Port now owns 500 mitigation credits (the “Property”) generated by the
Habitat Site, which are no longer needed for other purposes; and
WHEREAS pursuant to 53.08.090 of the Revised Code of Washington the Port
Commission may declare surplus any property no longer needed for Port purposes and authorize
its sale or other disposal;

WHEREAS, Port policy EX-30, “Habitat and Mitigation Banking: Surplus Sales”
establishes a process for surplus and sale of mitigation credits;
WHEREAS, the Port has negotiated a purchase and sale agreement to sell such Property
in accordance with RCW 53.08.090 and EX-30;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Port Commission of the Port of
Seattle as follows:
Section 1. The Property (500 mitigation credits) is hereby declared surplus to Port of
Seattle needs and is no longer needed for Port purposes, and it is in the best interest of the Port
that said Property be sold in accordance with State law and Port procedures.
Section 2. The Executive Director is authorized to take all necessary steps and to execute
all documents, including a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Bill of Sale, necessary to
accomplish the sale of the Property, in accordance with State law and Port procedures.
ADOPTED by the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle at a regular meeting held this
_____ day of __________________, 2024, and duly authenticated in open session by the
signatures of the Commissioners voting in favor thereof and the seal of the Commission.

Port of Seattle Commission

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