11a. Memo

2023 Workforce Development Annual Report

AGENDA MEMORANDUM                        Item No.          11a 
BRIEFING ITEM                            Date of Meeting        July 9, 2024 
DATE:     July 2, 2024 
TO:        Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director
FROM:    Anna Pavlik, Director, Workforce Development 
SUBJECT:  2023 Workforce Development Annual Report 

For too long, people of color have not had fair access and opportunities to the quality, familywage
jobs of port-related industries. As a significant economic driver in our region, the Port is
well positioned to address this inequity. This is why we are investing in workforce development
pathways. Not only does this work align with our values, but our investment in this work ensures
the success and future of port-related industries. Additionally, we know that diversity, equity,
and inclusion create more successful businesses and healthier communities.
In 2023, the Port continued to grow our investments in regional workforce development at
$3.5M, with a significant increase (38%) in funding maritime, green jobs, and aviation programs 
from the prior year. Port investments resulted in 203 people trained in high-demand, high-wage 
occupations like  General Carpenter  pre-apprenticeship, Aviation Maintenance Technician,
Advanced Logistics, and 1,012 trained at SEA Airport in job readiness and career advancement
training like Homeland Security, food handlers, Microsoft Office, badge training, etc. Over 2,069 
people obtained employment at the airport, in construction and maritime careers, thanks to Port
investments in 2023. 
Structurally excluded individuals – such as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC),
immigrants and refugees, and women – received the largest benefit from these training and
employment services. In 2023, 83% served with Port-funded training and career services were
BIPOC and 76% lived in low equity areas of King County. Among those obtaining jobs, 44%
identified as women. 
In 2020, the Port of Seattle Commission adopted the Workforce Development Policy Directive
(Resolution No. 3776) to fulfill the Century Agenda’s strategic objective of advancing regional
workforce development in port-related industries to provide equitable access to quality careers.
Resolution No. 3776 sets a goal for increasing equitable access to economic prosperity and
leveraging Port impact and innovation. Resolution No. 3776 also requires staff to provide an
annual report to the Port Commission. 

Template revised April 12, 2018.

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Meeting Date: July 9, 2024 
The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County’s Workforce Dynamics dashboard
shows that "income disparities in King County are vast and fall along racial lines. King County
enjoys higher incomes than the state or national averages, but this relative prosperity is
concentrated among the white population. The greatest income disparities in King County are
concentrated in ZIP codes in South King County, home to the majority of the region’s BIPOC
communities.” In addition to the structural barriers to success that BIPOC communities face, it is
well documented that the demographics of workers in port-related industries do not reflect the
demographics of our region. 
This report details the Port’s progress in addressing social and racial barriers that create wealth
gaps in our region, highlighting both successes and challenges. Port  investments increase
economic opportunities for structurally excluded  communities, yet continued dialogue,
investments, and capacity building with our stakeholders is needed to achieve fairness and
prosperity for all. 
In 2023, the Port of Seattle’s workforce development investments resulted in:
• 2,069 job, internship, and apprenticeship placements, a 22% increase from 2022. 
• Hourly wage at placement in aviation averaged $20.03, a 6% increase from 2022. 
• Hourly wage for construction placements averaged $32.37, a 40% increase from 2022.
• Most participants supported by the Port’s workforce development efforts (83%) were 
Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). 
• 76% of the participants live in low equity areas of King County.
• 117 employers hired program participants or provided youth career connected learning
In addition to employers, other important partners in the Port’s workforce development efforts
included community-based organizations, other public agencies, and the regional workforce
development system.
Aviation Sector 
In 2023, SEA totaled nearly 50.9 million passengers – up 11% from the previous year. This increase
in travel, along with the great work of community partners and an increased number of airport
tenants, likely boosted the number of people hired in the aviation sector in 2023 using Port
workforce investments.
Airport Employment Center 
Port Jobs operates the Airport Employment Center and placed 1,594 people in jobs in 2023,
reflecting the continued increase in air travel. Some individuals were hired into multiple
positions, with a total of 1,978 job placements in 2023, an increase of 34% from 2022. Ninetythree
airport employers hired workers via the Airport Employment Center, up from 82 in 2022.
In addition, 902 airport workers completed 1,012 trainings, which is a significant increase from
2022 in the number of people trained (84% increase) and the number of trainings (77% increase).

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Meeting Date: July 9, 2024 
In 2023, the Airport Employment Center provided services to SEA airport companies to fill open
positions and to support community members, SEA employees, and laid-off employees in finding 
employment and building skills for career advancement. Port Jobs services included: 
• A “Hotlist” of job openings at SEA Airport available online and sent weekly to community-
based organizations and colleges. 
• In-person, open interview events in partnership with airport companies at SEA. 
• In-person and remote job search assistance, including support for recent refugees and
• Job readiness training such as Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) badge training
preparation to help English language learners pass the updated SIDA badge training
• Free college classes for career pathways and skill building.

2023 Aviation Impact 
Airport Employment Center                2021          2022       2023 
Job placements                                        1,211        1,479       1,978 
Average hourly wage @ placement                    $17.02      $18.82      $20.03 
Hiring employers                                         80           82           93 
Training enrollments-includes SIDA support               247          539         1,093 
Training completions-includes SIDA support               200          573         1,012 
Aviation Career Pathways: Aviation Maintenance Technician 
Training enrollments                                      23           18           25 
Training completions                                     17           11           15 

Participant demographics: 83% BIPOC (24% Asian, 43% African/African American/Black, 9% 
Spanish/Hispanic/Latino,  1%  American  Indian/Alaska  Native,  6%  Pacific  Islander/Native
Hawaiian), 13% White, and 4% Other; 55% male, 45% female; 73% from structurally excluded ZIP
codes (low or very low on the Port’s Equity Index). 
Types of jobs: 43% airline operations/passenger support, 22% restaurant operations, 20% 
janitorial, 7% warehouse/freight, 5% retail operations, 2% security, and 1% skilled trades. 

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Meeting Date: July 9, 2024 
Multicultural Airport Employment Support 
To augment the outreach and training work conducted by Port Jobs, the Port partnered with
Partner in Employment (PIE) to reach 656 job seekers from immigrant and refugee communities
who are also Limited English Proficient (LEP). PIE is an experienced community organization that 
provides language services and culturally competent information to job seekers from refugee and
immigrant communities, ensuring comprehensive job search support.
Aviation Career Pathways: Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) 
The Port of Seattle, Port Jobs, and South Seattle College have partnered since 2021 to offer an
Introduction to Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) course at SEA. This 12-week college
preparatory course exposes participants to the AMT profession and prepares them for the 
college’s longer 2-year FAA-approved AMT program. The 25 participants in 2023 were 91%
BIPOC, 21% women, and were primarily airport workers in entry jobs such as ramp agents,
fuelers, taxi/ride-share drivers, and food service workers. They gain valuable math and study 
skills, financial aid support, and a $1,000 scholarship from Port Jobs’ Alaska Airlines-Airport
University. Aviation maintenance technician positions are in high demand and can pay salaries
over $85,000. 
Aviation Career Pathways: Ground Service Equipment Training Program (GSE) 
In partnership with South Seattle College and Port Jobs, the Port launched a new workforce
development initiative in 2023 — the Airport Ground Service Equipment (GSE) Training Program.
This exciting new offering follows the same model as the AMT program, meaning the training
takes place on-site at SEA, prioritizes current SEA airport workers, and participants receive
training on the GSE mechanic profession, relevant math course work, and college-prep. Upon
completion, participants are eligible to enroll in the two-year GSE mechanic program at South
Seattle College. Both programs are currently in the process of being built out and Ground Service
Equipment mechanic positions offer annual salaries ranging from $62,000 – $80,000. 
Construction Trades Sector
In  2023,  there  were  138  pre-apprenticeship  construction  training  completions,  with  71 
placements in apprenticeships and trades-related jobs. The hourly wage was $32.37, a 40%
increase from 2022. Among those served since 2021, 77% were retained in their apprenticeship
program after one year. In 2023, we experienced a decline in enrollment due to several factors,
including several contracts ending and new cohorts of trainees not starting until Q4 of 2023. 
Construction Results 
2021        2022        2023 
Enrolled                                  274          209          157*
Training completions                     180          187          138*

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Meeting Date: July 9, 2024 
Placements (apprenticeships,            101          125          71*
trades related jobs) 
Hiring employers                         42           63           14 
Hourly wage @ placement             $25.61      $23.14       $32.37 
*   Numbers include those from construction worker outreach, training, and retention jointly 
funded by the Port of Seattle, City of Seattle, and Sound Transit. 
Participant  demographics:  76%  BIPOC  (8%  Asian,  39%  Black/African  American,  20%
Hispanic/Latino, 3% Native American/Alaskan Native, 4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 3%
Multi-Race), 22% White, 2% Not reported; 83% men, 15% women; 54% from structurally
excluded ZIP codes. 
Types of jobs: Electricians, bricklayers, ironworkers, painters, laborers, carpenters, sheet metal
workers, piledrivers, cement masons, and roofers. 
Maritime Sector 
Created in 2022 and approved for $4.1 million over three years, the Youth Maritime Career
Launch (YMCL) is a pilot program that partners with community organizations and maritime
industry employees to create pathways for young people between the ages of 16-24 to gain
employment in the maritime industry. In 2023, the program’s inaugural cohorts graduated 25 
participants — nearly three-quarters identified as people of color. Ten maritime industry
employers were a part of YMCL, providing the participants with work experience in shipyards,
recreational boating facilities, and on ferries. The graduates earned credentials in Basic Safety
Training, Transportation Workers’ Identification Cards, and Merchant Mariners Credentials,
making them competitive and qualified for full-time employment in entry-level maritime roles. 
Youth Maritime Career Launch                2023* 
Training Completions 
Placements into Internships 
Hiring Employers 

Hourly Wage at time of placement 
*   Youth Maritime Career Launch began in 2023. 

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Meeting Date: July 9, 2024 
Participant  demographics:  73%  BIPOC  (5%  Asian,  53%  Black/African  American,  10%
Hispanic/Latino, 5% Native American/Alaskan Native), 28% White; 72% men, 15% women, 13%
Non-Binary; 43% from communities considered structurally excluded (low or very low on the
Port’s Equity Index).
Types of jobs: Electrical installer, general laborer, welder helper, production intern, electrical
intern, shipyard laborer, maritime security, boatshop intern, wiper intern.
Maritime High School 
For the 2023 – 2024 school year, 121 students were enrolled, compared to 80 in the previous
school year. Among the 2023-2024 student population, 53% identify as white, 47% BIPOC, 33%
women, 10% non-binary, and 57% men. For the 11th and 12th grade program, the school has
shifted from primarily focusing on internships to providing maritime-specific education that will
support direct entry to maritime careers and keep a pathway open to a 4-year university
experience, like with Seattle Maritime Academy. Planning is underway to develop programming
for marine science and maritime construction. Students will still have multiple opportunities to
engage with industry and community partners, including internships.
Green Jobs 
Most green jobs are not new occupations; they are existing occupations in construction,
manufacturing, transportation, and professional services. Among all Port-related sectors, a 2022
Seattle Jobs Initiative report anticipated that the construction industry would have the highest
green job demand for electricians and HVAC occupations.  In 2023,  Port-funded preapprenticeship
training  programs  trained  and  placed  40  community  members  into
apprenticeships focusing on clean and renewable energy, including the construction, installation,
maintenance, and operation of these systems. 
Duwamish Green Jobs Program entered its third year of programming in 2023. The adult and
youth cohorts consisted of 21 participants from the Duwamish Valley and were taught in English
and Spanish. The training  included hands-on shoreline restoration work; marsh plant
propagation; solar energy jobs presentation; green stormwater infrastructure education; climate
change and a just transition; environmental remediation; water quality protection; and more. 
In 2023, the Coalition of Climate Careers (C3) mission, vision, and governance model for the
coalition a successful collaboration and held the first Green Jobs Green Futures Summit. The
event, co-sponsored by the Port of Seattle, King County, and City of Seattle attracted over 400
community members who participated in interactive demonstration stations highlighting career
opportunities in the green economy. Looking ahead, C3 aims to collaborate on emerging federal
funding options. This will involve building a robust network across labor unions, employers, small
businesses, community-based organizations, and importantly, frontline community members
who are essential to the workforce needed for a green transition. 

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Meeting Date: July 9, 2024 
Influence on Regional Workforce Development Strategy 
The Port of Seattle’s workforce development efforts also influence regional workforce
development policies and leverage investments. In 2023, examples included:
• Regional Public Owners (RPO’s) Construction – The Port of Seattle is a partner with the City
of Seattle, King County, Sound Transit, WSDOT, and the City of Tacoma in the Regional Public
Owners (RPO) group, which works to align public investments and policies to diversify the
construction workforce and meet current and future public infrastructure workforce needs.
In 2023, the City of Seattle, Sound Transit, and the Port continued to co-invest in construction
workforce training and retention strategies and shared lessons learned in worker retention. 
• Coalition for Climate Careers (C3) – Building on initial collaboration between the Port, King
County, and the City of Seattle, C3 formalized in 2023 to become a strategic collaboration
among public and private organizations and frontline communities dedicated to establishing
an inclusive and prosperous green workforce in King County. C3  prioritizes frontline
communities and workers affected by the green economy transition, providing policy
guidance, funding for public and private workforce partnerships, promoting green career
opportunities, and fostering cross-community collaboration.
• Regional College System – The Port’s career pathways program, which funds introductory
courses to careers in port-related sectors has an impact on the college system and its
offerings. As shared above, the AMT and GSE training programs are examples of introductory
courses offered at the airport to create pathways for women and people of color to enroll in
two-year AMT and GSE certification programs at South Seattle College.
• Teach2Connect – Washington Alliance for Better Schools (WABS) received funding from the
Port of Seattle to pilot a redesign of its educator professional development program, ACCESS
STEM (now Teach2Connect), in Summer 2023. This program is designed to help educators
better connect classroom learning to career  pathways in Port-related fields through
curriculum development, industry collaboration, and exploration of innovative practices to
strengthen student learning. Twelve educators participated who serve close to 1,700
students annually. 
(1) Presentation Slides 
(1) June 2023 – The Commission was briefed on the 2022 WFD Annual Report 
(2) February 2022 – The Commission approved a Youth Career Launch Program
(3) June 2020 – The Commission adopted the Workforce Development Resolution 3776 

Template revised September 22, 2016.


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