11b. Memo

SEA Childcare Services Evaluation Project

AGENDA MEMORANDUM                        Item No.         11 b 
BRIEFING ITEM                            Date of Meeting        July 9, 2024 
DATE:    June 21, 2024 
TO:        Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director 
FROM:    Julie Collins, Director, Aviation Customer Experience & Brand Strategy 
SUBJECT:  SEA Childcare Services Evaluation Project 

The Port recognizes the vital role Seattle-Tacoma International Airport plays in the region’s
economy and the critical importance of maintaining robust airport services and delivering
excellent customer service.   Attracting and retaining a skilled workforce lies at the heart of
ensuring the airport is fully staffed and well-operated. This is a growing challenge for SEA and
at more and more large hub airports across the country.  Given the difficulty in filling airport
jobs, and the compelling results of the August 2023 SEA Employee Childcare Survey, the Port
Commission allocated $100,000 in the 2024 budget to explore a potential role for the Port
around childcare services.     The Port contracted with The Imagine Institute (Imagine) in
January 2024 to conduct a six-month SEA Childcare Services Evaluation.
Over the past six months, Imagine has gathered information to deeply understand the unique
airport workforce. Imagine has assessed the geographic dispersion of where airport employees
reside, developed a strong understanding of the 24/7 employee base and worked with the
Port’s Business Intelligence Department to survey airport employers.   Imagine has also
participated in discussions around childcare challenges with airport stakeholders including
airline representatives, dining and retail vendors, union representatives, etc. Imagine and port
staff have also participated in conversations with large hub airports and with local childcare
providers.  Additionally, Imagine has created a comprehensive workbook detailing potential
grant funding opportunities. Imagine has also utilized its deep understanding of the childcare
delivery  system  in  Washington  State  in  developing  five  recommended  solutions  for
The results of the SEA Childcare Services Evaluation will be presented as a briefing at the July 9th 
Commission meeting.  The briefing will feature Imagine’s assessments of the unique airport 
workforce, the childcare “desert” conditions in the Puget Sound region, and the survey results
from employers and employees around childcare challenges.  Imagine will present a multifaceted
set of recommended solutions that, together, offer a comprehensive approach for
addressing employee childcare needs that is accessible, affordable, and flexible.

Template revised April 12, 2018.

             COMMISSION AGENDA – Briefing Item No. 11b                                 Page 2 of 3
Meeting Date: July 9, 2024

The Imagine Institute presentation will provide a high-level overview of the five recommended
solutions. These solutions include the following: 
• Technical Assistance: Provide in-language support to help employees navigate subsidy
applications, find available child care slots that support continued employment, or
access any new childcare investment. 
• Child Care Business Incubator: Open new licensed family home child care businesses to
build child care supply in targeted areas close to where airport workers live. 
• Networks and Hubs:  Incentivize child care businesses to prioritize enrolling airport
worker families and offering non-standard hours and drop-in child care. 
• Subsidies and Stipends: Provide employer-sponsored stipends to subsidize the cost of
care and attract and retain employees, especially those not eligible for public child care
• Port Child Care Center: Open a new child care center, or set of centers, prioritizing the
needs of airport workers related to accessibility, affordability, and flexibility. 
Given the complexity of this work, initial efforts have started to examine potential funding
capabilities, facility development, legal risks, and partnerships.  The findings around these key
considerations will be shared as more is learned. Commission guidance at this point is timely in
shaping the desired priorities and timeline for this work and ensuring alignment with port staff.
The Port Commission will have the opportunity to consider initial expenses for childcare
investments during the Port’s 2025 public budget process. Such expenses would include a 3-
year consulting contract, pre-development costs  and possible advancement of short-term
solutions. There will also be considerable port staff work necessary to explore the feasibility of
various options and to advance this work.
Port staff will continue to work with Imagine during the remainder of 2024 to develop a 
strategic implementation plan that provides a timeframe with initial cost estimates over a 3-
year period.  Ongoing engagement will continue with the Commission’s Ad Hoc Workforce
Conditions Committee, external airport stakeholders, an internal staff Airport Childcare
Working Group and with Port leadership staff to shape future funding and policy requests for
consideration by the full Port of Seattle Commission.

Template revised September 22, 2016.

             COMMISSION AGENDA – Briefing Item No. 11b                                 Page 3 of 3
Meeting Date: July 9, 2024
(1) Presentation 

Template revised September 22, 2016.


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