
Commissioners                                               Tay Yoshitani 
Chief Executive Officer 
Bill Bryant 
Chair and President 
John Creighton                           P.O. Box 1209 
Patricia Davis                           Seattle, Washington 98111 
Lloyd Hara                             www. portseattle.org 
Gael Tarleton                              206.728.3000 

An audio of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available on the Port of
Seattle web site - 

(The approximate point in the audio recording for the specific item is identified by
minutes and seconds; example: 01:30.) 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a regular meeting at 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, August
25, 2009 in the International Conference Center, Airport Office Building, Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport, Seattle, WA. Commissioners Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara and
Tarleton were present. 
The special meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. by Bill Bryant, Chair and 
2.     EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
The regular meeting was immediately recessed to an executive session to discuss Legal
Risk and Real Estate matters (RCW 42.30.110 (l)(i)(c)) for approximately one-half hour 
and reconvened to public session. 

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2009                        P. 2 

a.  (00:01:30) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to enter into three
indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) project-specific contracts for
sediment site support for Harbor Island Superfund Site, Lower Duwamish
Superfund Site and Elliott Bay/Puget Sound for a total value of all contracts Not
To Exceed $6,000,000 and no individual contract will exceed $2,500,000.
Contracts will be awarded for four years with two one-year options. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated August 22, 2009 from
Stephanie Jones Stebbins, Senior Manager, Seaport Environmental Programs and Kathy
Bahnick, Environmental Program Supervisor, Seaport Environmental Programs 
Presenter: Ms. Jones Stebbins and Doug Hotchkiss, Senior Environmental Program
Ms. Jones Stebbins stated that today's request was related to necessary Superfund
cleanup work, noting that much of the work done by the environmental group is
supported in some way by technical contracts. She also mentioned that over the next
several months, a number of procurement items would be coming forward as there will
be several open order contracts that will expire at the end of 2009.
It was noted that staff intends to go out with a Request for Proposals (RFP) within the
next couple of weeks, and reiterated the fact that they had worked closely with the Office
of Social Responsibility to ensure there will be opportunities for small business to apply
for work.
Staff verified for the Commission that this request, as well as the request for Agenda Item
6b, was for contracting authority only, and not for spending of funds, noting there would
need to be separate Commission authorization for the actual spending. 
Commissioner Tarleton asked whether or not this funding would be coming out of the tax
levy and Dan Thomas, Chief Financial Officer clarified that although it is part of an
environmental reserves accounting entry, it ultimately comes from the tax levy when the
project is funded.
Motion for approval of Item 6a  Davis 
Second: Creighton 
Motion carried by the following vote: 

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In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 
CEO Yoshitani suggested that there had been discussion of a possible review of the
policy regarding what environmental expenses or capital expenditures should be paid out
of the levy or not, and noted that staff is working on a recommended policy to make those
b.  (00:10:37) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to exe cute up to four
individual indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) project-specific
contracts for consultant support for remediation activities at these locations: (1)
Harbor Island (includes Terminals 10 and 18); (2) Terminal 5; (3) Terminal 91, 
and (4) Terminal 117 for a total value Not To Exceed $2,500,000, and no
individual contract will exceed $1,050,000. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated August 25, 2009 from
Stephanie Jones Stebbins, Senior Manager, Seaport Environmental Programs and Kathy
Bahnick, Environmental Program Supervisor, Seaport Environmental Programs 
Presenters: Ms. Jones Stebbins and Roy Kuroiwa, Senior Environmental Program
Ms. Jones Stebbins noted that this procurement request was similar to the previous
request on the agenda, but that this was for consultant support at the specific sites named
in the request.
Commissioner Tarleton pointed out that the use of IDIQ contracts is a good way to figure
out how to get money into the hands of small businesses. She noted the importance of
tracking how much money is being spent and how many jobs are being created as a result
of the projects. 
Motion for approval of Item 6b  Tarleton 
Second  Davis 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 
c.  (00:14:32) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute a lease
amendment to the Prime Lease and Concessions Agreements of Host
International, Seattle Restaurant Associates and Concessions International to
cap mid-term refurbishment requirements to no more than $100 per square foot,
and specify dates for completion of mid-term refurbishments in concessions

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Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated August 18, 2009 from
James R. Schone, Director, Aviation Business Development and Deanna Zachrisson,
Manager, Concessions Management 
Presenters: Mr. Schone and Ms. Zachrisson 
Ms. Zachrisson commented that today's request was for an approval of an amendment to
the current lease agreements with the three prime concessionaires at Sea-Tac Airport,
Host International, Seattle Restaurants, and Concessionaires International. She noted that
the change would apply to their subtenants as well. The leases require, at mid-term, that
concessionaires do necessary refurbishments to their units to bring them up to 'like new'
conditions after years of wear and tear that occurs naturally after years of use. 
Discussion followed regarding the differences between tenants which are located on
Concourse A at the Airport vs. those located in the Central Terminal, and whether or not
it might be a good idea to have more calibrated lease requirements for various tenants
who are located where there is far less traffic. Ms. Zachrisson clarified that within the
requirement for mid-term refurbishments, there is no result of money coming to the Port,
even though it does benefit the Port and the travelling public. She noted that it was more
of an assurance that the tenant will take care of their own asset, assuring that they will
maximize their own sales potential, which in turn affects the Port, as the Port is
dependent on their success.
Commissioner Tarleton suggested that the Audit Committee may want to put the issue of
tenant refurbishments on a cycle next year to review how effectively the adherence to the
terms, conditions and expectations are being met. 
Motion for approval of Item 6c  Davis 
Second  Tarleton 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 
d.  (00:33:36) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute a one -year
extension to the Services Agreement for the continued operation of the Seattle-
Tacoma International Airport Ramp Control Tower Facility for an estimated
cost of $1,019,000. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated September 4, 2009 from
Michael Ehl, Director, Airport Operations 
Presenter: Mark Coates, Senior Manager, Airport Operations 

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Mr. Coates noted the support of the Airlines to extend this current contract with Robinson
Aviation, and gave examples of Robinson's efficiency in operating the Tower Facility.
He noted that this would be the last option for extension of the contract and that next year
it would go out for a competitive bid. He commented that staff has requested a 5%
reduction is fees, and stated that a response would be forthcoming. 
Motion for approval of Item 6d  Tarleton 
Second  Hara 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 
e.  (00:36:54) Approval of the Commission Policy regarding the Chief Executive
Officer's Annual Performance Goals and Objectives, Performance Evaluation
and Compensation Review. ITEM DEFERRED 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated September 14, 2009 and
attachment from Mary Gin Kennedy, Director of Commission Services 
Presenter: Ms. Kennedy 
Ms. Kennedy noted that this request is for a new policy which would provide a
framework and methodology for setting the Chief Executive Officer's (CEO) annual
performance goals and objectives, evaluating the CEO's performance, and undertaking
the CEO's compensation review. 
Commissioner Davis suggested two additions to the document provided (and linked to
these minutes), those being (with additional language in bold, below): 
Page 1, I. Policy Goals. Goals and Objectives related to achieving Port financial
and budgetary annual performance goals and aligning budget priorities to the
Port's core mission, and as stated in our bylaws. 
Page 2, General Considerations, Executive salary adjustment decisions involve
both quantitative and qualitative assessments. The Commission recognizes that
its own decisions and/or changed market conditions may affect the CEO's
ability to accomplish specific goals and this factor will be taken into consideration
during performance evaluation and salary adjustment deliberations. 
Commissioner Creighton mentioned the issue of 'ranking' for CEO compensation,
commenting that he felt is should be within the same framework range as that of Port
staff, and noted that within this document the ranges went from 'minimally acceptable' to
'excellent.' He stated that he would not be prepared to vote on the document as currently

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Commissioner Tarleton stated her belief that a CEO should never drop below a level of
an excellent performance, and also commented that she felt a CEO of a public agency
should not receive a pay increase greater than staff members are allowed. Commissioner
Tarleton also stated her desire that the document be made available for the public to look
Commissioner Hara suggested the possibility of the establishment of a salary commission
to take a look at what is felt to be fair as there would be some expertise to look at the
market. Commissioner Davis commented that she believes the Commission body is fully
capable of establishing the criteria for the CEO salary. Commissioner Tarleton said she
believes a salary commission might be helpful. Commissioner Creighton stated that he
does not see any compelling reason to deviate from what the Commission has done in the
CEO Yoshitani asked that the Commission consider when a body evaluates his
performance, that the body fully understand the complex issues involved in his job and
exactly what he does.
Commissioner Bryan asked that Commissioners Creighton and Tarleton work on possible
revisions to the document as brought forward and return with those revisions. A vote on
the item was deferred. 
Public comment regarding Item 6e was received from the following: 
Paul Marvy, King County Citizens for Port Reform. Mr. Marvy stated his belief
that Mr. Yoshitani's current pay is out of line with industry standards 
Following public comment, Mr. Yoshitani noted although staff has received salary
adjustments for the previous year in amounts of 3-5%, he has not received any such
adjustments, and if offered, would not accept it. 
a.  (01:14:32) Briefing on the Consolidated Rental Car Facil ity (RCF) 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated September 11, 2009;
attachment; and computer slide presentation from Michael Ehl, Director, Airport
Operations; George England, Program Leader, Project Management Group; and Janice
Zahn, Assistant Director, Engineering Construction Services 
Presenters: Mr. England, Ms. Zahn, and Col leen McPoland, Art Program Manager,
Aviation Facilities and Infrastructure 
Ms. Zahn provided an update on current ongoing work at the RCF, and noted that
contractors are working on Saturdays to remove contaminated soil which was recently

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2009                        P. 7 
found. She stated that the work is being done on Saturday's in an attempt to make up
Mr. England reported on the remaining design items, specifically regarding the off-site
road package and also spoke of ongoing talks with local utilities as related to the off-site 
roads package as well to the bus maintenance facility.
Ms. McPoland presented information on the art which planned for the RCF, which is
proposed to be a 'draping' of steel mesh fabric at various areas of the facility and around
the helices located there. The mesh would have LED lights within it, which would be
programmed to change color.
Commissioner Tarleton stated her concern of possible optical illusions to drivers using
the helices due to the bright lights, changing colors, and driving in a circular path to go
up or down the helix, as well as the impact it could all have on visibility though the
windshields of vehicles. It was suggested that staff talk further with the artist as well as
transportation people regarding these issues. Staff agreed to do so.
Mr. Yoshitani commented that Commissioner Tarleton's thoughts will be taken into
account and that he would ask staff to come up with recommended language to the Port's
Art Policy to assure that further art work is looked at from a practical standpoint. 
b.  (01:29:39) Seattle -Tacoma International Airport Facility Functionality and
Readiness Briefing 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated September 2, 2009
and computer slide presentation from Dave Soike, Deputy Director, Aviation Division 
Presenter: Mr. Soike 
Mr. Soike stated that the objective of his presentation was to provide some background as
to how the Airport facility is aging; to show work which has been accomplished as well
as work still needing to be done. He commented that over the upcoming year there
would be a number of these projects coming to the Commission for authorization. 
Infrastructure areas reviewed included: 
Vertical circulation (elevators and escalators) 
Electrical systems (power centers/generators; communication systems;
lighting systems) 
Mechanical (chillers/boilers; air handling systems; piping systems) 
Baggage infrastructure (conveyors; screening systems; programming systems) 
Passenger loading bridges (in various states of condition  need to be
dependable and reliable) 
Building roof (last major reroof program occurred 1991-97; warranties expire

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Pavement and joint seal infrastructure (ongoing need at an airport) 
Mr. Soike stressed the need for the Airport to maintain functional readiness as well as the
importance of prioritizing projects that consume capital investment capacity 
c.  (01:46:17) Briefing on the Port's Liability Insurance Renewal 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated September 22, 2009
and computer slide presentation from Jeff Hollingsworth, Risk Manager 
Presenter: Mr. Hollingsworth 
Mr. Holllingsworth reviewed the Port's existing coverages and noted this was a renewal
process which would begin on October 1, 2009.
Major liability coverages mentioned by Mr. Hollingsworth included: 
Police operations 
Public officials and Employment practices 
Seaport, or more specifically, all non-Airport operations 
Airport-only operations 
Auto  liability of the Port's fleet 
Several insurance premium factors were reviewed, including the total operating/capital
budget of the Port; the record of past losses and claims; payroll; strength of indemnity
agreements with our tenants; operations controlled by the Port vs. those under ownership
of the tenant; size of the Port's fleet; and the number and concentration of employees. 
It was noted that the renewal coverage would run from October 1, 2009 to October 1,
2010. Mr. Hollingsworth stated that following a competitive bid process, the Port had
selected a new broker who has identified a small business partner, and that a 10% target
goal of small business involvement is included in the broker service agreement. He noted
that the broker also agreed to the 5% fee reduction being asked by the Port of its
Trip Reports: 
Commissioner Davis reported on her September 4  September 14 trip to Asia, with CEO
Yoshitani, which included visits to China, Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo.
She noted that the purpose of the trip was to personally thank the Port's overseas
representatives for their services in those offices which are now being closed by the CEO
as a necessity of cost-cutting. 

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She also referenced customer calls made during the trip and attendance at the 'China
Green Tech Initiative, a 2-day conference. 
Commissioner Bryant noted that today would be Rick Williamson's last day working at
Commission meetings, and thanked him for the superb (I.T.) service and support he has
provided to not only the Commission, but the community and King County related to the
recording of Commission meetings. 
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at3:18 p.m. 
(A digital recording of the meeting is available on the Port's website.) 

Lloyd Hara 

Sept 22 RM Min

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