6b PPP

Pier 69  2711 Alaskan Way 
Seattle, WA 98121 

Letter of Transmittal 
To:     Ms. Piper Peterson Lee EPA, Region 10            Date:  April 27, 2009 
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, ECL-111 
Seattle, Washington 98101 -3140 
From:    Joanna Florer  Windward Environmental 

Project reference:   Terminal 117 Public Participation Plan 
Electronic:    Description: 
Cover letter for transmittal of T-117 Public Participation Plan 
Final T-117 Public Participation Plan 

Electronic:    Name:               Company: 
X      Kym Takasaki         U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
X      Rick Thomas         Dept of Ecology 
X      Renee Dagseth         EPA 
X      Marla Steinhoff        NOAA 
X      Glen St. Amant        Muckleshoot Tribe 
X      Thea Levkovitz        Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition 
X      Tom Meyer           City of Seattle 
X      Roy Kuroiwa          Port of Seattle 
X      T-117 Technical Team    Windward, DOF, AECOM, Integral 


[Stamp] RKK331
#23jsx9r Fxi1 Cvzc Cj5 B G D D I D
Pier 69  2711 Alaskan Way 
Seattle, WA 98121 

April 27, 2009 

Ms. Piper Peterson Lee 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
1200 Sixth Avenue 
Seattle, Washington 98101 
Dear Ms. Peterson Lee: 
I am pleased to provide to you with the T-117 Public Participation Plan. It addresses public
participation associated with the T-117 early action area, including the preliminary public
participation schedule and associated activities. The plan has been revised to include the
previous stakeholder recommendations and edits, as well as project updates. 
Please feel free to contact me at 206.728.3814 (Kuroiwa.R@portseattle.org) if you have any


Roy Kuroiwa 
Project Coordinator

Public Participation Plan 
April 22, 2009 

Submitted to: 

Prepared by: 
101 Stewart Street, Suite 1200 
Seattle, WA 98101 

Terminal 117 Early Action Area Project 
Public Participation Plan

T-117 Early Action Area Project 

Terminal 117 (T-117), a property owned by the Port of Seattle (Port), is on the west bank of
the five-mile Lower Duwamish Waterway in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle. It is
part of the larger Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site established by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on September 13, 2001 under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). 
EPA designated T-117 as an Early Action Area (EAA) site because the river bank and
sediment in the waterway have high concentrations of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and
other contaminants of concern (arsenic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in comparison to
some other areas of the Duwamish Waterway. The Port and the City of Seattle (City), under
the direction of the EPA, are leading this cleanup effort to protect people and the
environment. The 6.4 acre T-117 cleanup area includes the river bank and sediments, the
Port-owned land next to the river (upland area), and portions of City streets adjacent to T-
117. Extensive soil and sediment sampling and other investigations to determine the
cleanup area boundaries have been conducted and are ongoing, and appropriate cleanup
actions are being developed. Other industrial areas adjacent to the T-117 cleanup area are
also being evaluated for contamination. If determined to be contaminated, the potential for
recontamination of the T-117 site will be evaluated to ensure that the cleanup efforts will
result in permanent cleanup of the site for future use. 
An earlier Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) was developed for the project in
2005. The 2005 EE/CA was based on an industrial end-use. Subsequent events and
interactions with the community, the City and the Port have lead to the EPA concluding that
future land use should no longer be reasonably anticipated to be limited to industrial uses,
and that cleanup standards for T-117 soils should be based on requirements for unrestricted

These are the elements involved in completing the Early Action Area Project: 
Develop a final EE/CA which will: 
present background information about the site including previous site activities,
nature of contamination, and risks 
identify site risks 
discuss available information and proposed boundaries of the cleanup action 
document the development and evaluation of different cleanup options 
identify preferred cleanup action(s) (subject to EPA approval) 
Cleanup design and contracting 
Cleanup implementation 
Compliance monitoring 

T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
The overall objectives of the Port and City's public participation strategy are to: 
Inform local community groups, local residents and businesses about the EE/CA, site
contamination, cleanup plans and implementation, and lay the groundwork for
subsequent redevelopment activities 
Provide information and opportunities for public involvement on key decisions,
including the draft EE/CA 
Provide meaningful opportunities to minority, low-income or limited-English speaking
populations to gain information and be involved with decision-making 
Remain consistent with earlier community involvement plans and commitments
(e.g., LDW Early Actions at Slip 4/Malarkey- Communication/Coordination Plan) 
Ensure coordination and consistency with EPA public involvement requirements 
Coordinate with the Lower Duwamish Waterway Group to maximize outreach
opportunities and minimize public confusion 
Provide consistent and clear messaging through the life of the project 
Support Task 4 (Community Involvement) included in the EPA Administrative
Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Removal Action 

Cleanup Schedule: 
2009              2010              2011              2012 

Develop Draft and Final      Design and      Cleanup Implementation and         Sub-
EE/CA           Contracting           Contracting             sequent
Site Redevelopment
EPA Action

Subsequent Site Redevelopment (including Natural Resource Damage Assessment)
2009              2010              2011               2012 

Design        Conceptual     Design and        Begin Site Redevelopment 
Contract         Design and      Contracting 
*Note that this plan does not include public participation associated with site redevelopment. 
T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 

The following schedule and suggested activities are approximate, and are based on
the overall project schedule, which may be adjusted as the project evolves and
more detailed schedule and technical information is available. 
2009          2010         2011 
Q1    Q2  Q3  Q4  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4 
Final EE/CA     Cleanup Design     Cleanup
and Contracting  Implementation 
Direct       X             X            X 
Community  X    X   X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X  X 
Neighborhood          X       X           X 
Public Meeting 
Printed Project           X      X               X 
E-mail South Park       X   X         X      x   x      x 
List Serv updates 
Duwamish River          X           x           X 
Spring Community      X           X           X 

The following key messages will be used throughout the public outreach process in order to
ensure that the public is receiving accurate and consistent information about the T-117 site,
cleanup efforts, timeline and end result.
The T-117 cleanup effort is one piece of the larger effort to clean up the Lower
Duwamish Waterway Superfund site under CERCLA. 
Cleanup is comprehensive  the Port and City are developing a plan to clean up the
entire site (uplands, streets, sediments, bank, and yards as appropriate). In
addition, adjacent sites will be evaluated for their potential to recontaminate the site
to ensure that the cleanup efforts will result in permanent cleanup of the T-117 site. 
T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
The Port and City are committed to cleaning up the T-117 site to allow for
unrestricted future use of the site, which means that the upland and sediment
portions of the site could be used for any reasonably anticipated land use after the
cleanup is complete, including fish and wildlife habitat. 
Cleanup efforts will significantly reduce the site risk to the environment and human
The Port and the City are committed to ensuring community values and concerns are
identified and considered in the cleanup process. 
The Port and City will engage in communication and dialogue with residents and
businesses in the vicinity of T-117, especially at key milestones in the process. 

Many agencies and organizations are involved in the T-117 cleanup and have been involved
with the process for many years. It will be essential to 1) continue to involve historic key
interests in the cleanup planning and implementation process in order to anticipate and
address agency, Tribal, community, and organizational concerns and issues; and 2) identify
any other parties that should be involved (i.e. identify and include participants in the South
Park Action Agenda development, September, 2006) 
Interested Agencies and Parties 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
Port of Seattle 
City of Seattle 
Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 
Washington State Department of Health (DOH) 
Public Health, Seattle and King County 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) 
Lower Duwamish Waterway Group (LDWG) 
Muckleshoot Tribe 
Suquamish Tribe 
Duwamish Tribe 
Manufacturing and Industrial Council (MIC) 
Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition (DRCC) 
o  Community Coalition for Environmental Justice 
o  The Duwamish Tribe 
o  IM-A-PAL Foundation 
o  Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS) 
o  Georgetown Community Council 
o  People for Puget Sound 
o  Puget Soundkeeper Alliance 
o  South Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA) 
o  Washington Toxics Coalition 
o  Waste Action Project 

T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
South Park Action Agenda (SPAA) 
Community Groups 
Local residents 
Local businesses 
Local employees 
Local recreational users 
Environmental groups 
General public 
Other potentially interested agencies 
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) 

To achieve the public involvement objectives detailed earlier, EPA in conjunction with
Ecology and the Port and City will conduct the following public outreach activities as needed
to meet the objectives of this plan. This list includes a full suite of tools that can be used to
ensure responsiveness as conditions of the project change. 
Direct neighborhood outreach (canvassing) 
Community briefings and updates 
Neighborhood public meetings 
Environmental justice outreach 
Neighborhood construction kick-off meeting 
Coordination with other Lower Duwamish Waterway community involvement
Coordination with Media 
The objectives and approach for each activity are discussed in detail below. 

The purpose of directly contacting residents and businesses in the immediate project area is
Notify and provide information on activities at or near the site that may raise
questions or cause impacts such as truck traffic, noise, etc. 
To identify and answer questions or concerns residents may have about the project. 
Provide contact information and ways to stay involved and informed (e.g. Web site). 
T-117 contamination and cleanup, and subsequent redevelopment activities, directly affect
the neighborhood and local businesses adjacent to T-117. To ensure people in the
neighborhood know about and understand cleanup associated activities at the site, the Port,
City and EnviroIssues will canvass the neighborhood, providing flyers, contact information
and translated materials. This direct contact method ensures that all homes and businesses

T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
in the affected area are reached. Additionally, canvassing reaches people who may not
attend community briefings or meetings. 
Who  EnviroIssues. Port, City and potentially Health officials as determined by
subject matter 
Where - The generally identified boundaries of the project area for canvassing
o  14th Ave. S between Dallas Ave. S and S. Donovan St. (including both sides of
14th Ave. S) 
o  Dallas Ave. S from 14th Ave. S east to the Duwamish River 
o  S. Donovan St. from 14th Ave. S east to the Duwamish River 
Specifics  If needed, interpreters will be used to communicate with any non-
English speaking residents in the targeted area 

The purpose of these community briefings will be to update the community on cleanup
efforts, the timing of activities on site, and future redevelopment activities.
Topics may include: 
Status of the project including the project and cleanup timeline. 
Cleanup boundaries and how they were determined. 
Techniques for cleanup including capping and dredging. 
Details on the different alternative cleanup options being considered. 
Long-term monitoring plans and techniques. 
Construction activities and what to expect. 
Redevelopment activities and habitat restoration efforts being explored in
coordination with the T-117 cleanup. 
Community briefings will be informal and may be hosted in coordination with existing
community organizations. Briefings may also be as informal as a phone call once a quarter
to a representative of existing community organizations. The project team will prepare
materials for in-person meetings that focus on specific topics related to the cleanup effort.
However, the conversation at the meeting or on the phone can guide the issues and
questions addressed during the meeting. 
Who - Briefings will be coordinated with or presented to Duwamish River Cleanup
Coalition (DRCC), South Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA) and other
community organizations' standing meetings to reduce meeting fatigue in the
community. This coordination will also identify specific people to call for more
informal phone briefings. 
Where - In the South Park area specifically, and broader as needed. 
Specifics - Notifications for in-person meetings will also be done in coordination with
the DRCC, SPNA, and other community communications networks in order to take
advantage of information sharing forums with which the community is already

T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
Public meetings will be held to provide a forum for local residents and businesses as well as
the wider public to get information and provide input on the T-117 project at major
Public meetings will be held in conjunction with the release of the final EE/CA and during the
site design process. 
Who  The public meeting associated with the EE/CA will be hosted by EPA with
support from the Port and the City. 
o  Local residents and businesses as well as organized groups will be invited 
Where - Potential public meeting locations are: 
o  South Park Community Center 
o  Concord Elementary School 
Specifics - 
o  Meeting notifications will be distributed via list servs, posters and fliers, web
site kiosk, press releases, and through existing organizations' communications
o  Public meetings will be held, at a minimum, in conjunction with the release of
the final EE/CA; during the cleanup design process, and prior to
commencement of cleanup construction. 
o  A neighborhood tour on or adjacent to the site will be held prior to
construction associated with the site cleanup. 

Targeted outreach will be conducted to reach the diverse residential and business
community members who live or work in the project area to ensure that they have
opportunities for meaningful engagement and a chance to provide input into the T-117
Neighborhood canvassing will help to identify the type of outreach needed to reach these
populations. Project team members will also ask questions about certain affected
demographics during community briefings to gain a better understanding of the local
In response to advice received during stakeholder interviews and building on the Hispanic
Community Involvement Supplement for the Lower Duwamish Waterway Site (2002) for
outreach opportunities, the following outreach components will be used: 
Who - Spanish and Vietnamese speakers materials translated into Spanish and
Vietnamese at community meetings and on the Web site. 
Where  Distributing translated flyers and outreach materials at locations
frequented by identified cultural groups. 
o  ECOSS Neighborhood Information Center /Centro de Informacin Hispano 
o  South Park Library 
T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
o  Hispanic and Vietnamese businesses and churches 
o  Providing interpreters at community meetings to explain project updates. 
o  Providing briefings with diverse populations at their pre-scheduled meetings
or events. 
o  Attending appropriate cultural groups' local fairs or festivals. 
o  Establishing relationships with key community leaders who can help the Port
and City engage diverse communities. 
o  Working with key community leaders to determine the need for technical
document translations, both identifying specific sections of documents and
ensuring the translations make sense in the target language and vernacular.
At a minimum, the Executive Summary of the draft EE/CA should be

Coordinate with other entities conducting community involvement activities along the Lower
Duwamish in order to find opportunities for synergistic outreach to the community and
capitalize on existing and upcoming involvement activities. 
Attend meetings and/or follow planning processes of organizations or groups that may be
planning events or other activities in the South Park area 
o  Who  Coordinate with the Lower Duwamish Waterway Public Involvement
o  Where  Have a T-117 presence at the following events 
o  Duwamish River Festival 
o  Spring Community Fair  Duwamish Alive! 
o  Specifics - Attend scheduled LDWG Community Involvement Coordination meetings
monthly to stay informed about potential coordination opportunities. Monitor local
list-servs and other planning announcements to identify parallel outreach
opportunities where T-117 information could be disseminated. 

EPA, the Port and the City provide coordinated and consistent response to media inquiries. 
Develop key messages and share with all parties in anticipation of media interest. 
o  Who  Coordinate with EPA, Ecology, DRCC and others as appropriate to develop
coordinated responses. 
o  Specifics  Work with the project team to identify areas where key messages may
be needed. 

T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

T-117 Early Action Area Project 
The following outreach tools may be used to support the public participation activities
detailed above as needed to meet the objectives of this plan. 
Web page/Public kiosk (www.T-117.com) (information repository and public
administrative record file) 
Project updates and fact sheets 
Postcards and posters 
Comment log and reports 
Key stakeholder contact list 
Postings on the South Park List Serv. 

To evaluate the success of the public participation plan, the project team is committed to
documenting not only the number of people reached by this outreach strategy, but also the
breadth of community representation and the diversity of stakeholders who have
participated in the cleanup and subsequent site redevelopment process once it is complete.
A number of strategies will be implemented for this documentation including: 
Sign-in sheets or head counts to document the number of attendees and/or
stakeholder group representation at every community forum 
Summaries of each forum and workshop that also note the parties in attendance and
who was represented 
Verbal check-ins with participants at community meetings and briefings on the
relevance and clarity of information and the meeting process 
Evaluation forms that can be submitted anonymously after meetings and briefings or
via US mail will solicit feedback on the relevance and clarity of information and the
meeting process. These forms will be provided in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. 
A comment form that can be submitted via the project Web site 
This information will be complied and provided as a section in the public involvement

To document and summarize public outreach activities and feedback received to date, a
public involvement summary will be developed and updated at the end of each major
project phase. The document will be provided to EPA and posted on the T-117 Web
page/public kiosk. 

T-117 Early Action Area Project  April 22, 2009

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