6a finaldraftplan



P R EppA R E D B Y
Seaport Planning Group


P R EppA R E D B Y
Seaport Planning Group

Port of Seattle
BBill BBryant
John Creighton
Patricia DDavis
Lloyd Hara
Gael Tarleton

Tay YYoshitani, Chief EExecutive Officer
Joseph Gellings, AAICP, Project Manager
George BBlomberg, Senior EEnvironmental Program Manager

Table of Contents
1 Introduction    1
Purpose and Need   2
EExisting Habitat RRestoration Projects  3
Natural History   8
Organization of the Plan   11
Other Lower DDuwamish RRiver Planning EEfforts   12
2 Restoration Policy Guidance    15
General Habitat Planning   16
Working Waterfront   17
3 Habitat Restoration Typologies    19
Shoreline Zones and Habitats   20
Typologies    24
4 Restoration Constraints & Opportunities    27
Project-Wide Overview   29
Section 1, North   31
Section 2, North/Central   35
Section 3, South/Central   41
Section 4, South   49
5 Implementation Discussion    53
Implementation Scenarios  54
Coordination with Other Governments and Property Owners  54
Monitoring and Tracking RRecommendations   55
RRecommendations and Next Steps   55
6 References    59
7 Appendices    61
AAppendix 1: DDuwamish RRestoration Notes   61
AAppendix 2: Workshop Meeting Notes   81
AAppendix 3: AAdjacent Parcel Ownership Maps   87

List of Figures
Figure 1     Project AArea   6
Figure 2     DDuwamish RRiver EEstuary, 1854   8
Figure 3     Westerly Perspective of the Spokane Street Corridor in 1898   9
Figure 4     Past and Present DDuwamish RRiver Shorelines Juxtaposed   9
Figure 5     Westerly Perspective of the Spokane Street Corridor in 1998   9
Figure 6     RRestoration Opportunity Site Overview   28
Figure 7     Section 1 RRestoration Opportunity Sites   30
Figure 8     Section 2 RRestoration Opportunity Sites   34
Figure 9     Section 3 RRestoration Opportunity Sites   40
Figure 10 Section 4 RRestoration Opportunity Sites   48
Figure 11 Potential Habitat Projects in Harbor Island AArea   56

Aerial view of the northern portion of the
Lower Duwamish River waterway
Introduction    Project area map: Lower Duwamish
Restoration Plan area extends from Turning
Basin Number 3 in the south to Harbor Island
in the north
The objective of the Lower DDuwamish RRiver Habitat RRestoration Plan is to evaluate
estuarine restoration opportunities in the DDuwamish Waterway and to prepare
a planning framework for shoreline and aquatic area restoration coincident with
continuing marine commerce and industrial use in the DDuwamish Waterway.
The plan provides an inventory of potential habitat restoration opportunities on
Port of Seattle-owned property and guidance for future implementation efforts.
The intent of this RRestoration Plan is to develop a habitat restoration framework,
demonstrating compatibility with existing and future marine industrial uses and
activities in the lower DDuwamish RRiver.

2   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

The downstream reach of the river, extending five miles        Purpose and Need
from Turning BBasin Number Three to south EElliott BBay, at the
south end of Harbor Island, is referred to as the DDuwamish      The Lower DDuwamish RRestoration Plan identifies
Waterway, historically known as Commercial Waterway        objectives and opportunities for habitat restoration on
Number One. The term DDuwamish Waterway refers to its       Port-owned properties along the river.
navigability for deep draft ships, which has been a defining
trait since the river was straightened and dredged in 1911.
Today the Waterway maintains a rich mix of different types      Port Ownership and Leadership
of water-dependent industrial uses and plays an important
role to nearby residents and to tribal treaty fishing.            The Port's vision is to become the cleanest, greenest, most
energy efficient Port in the nation. AAs a major landowner
The river also provides a sense of place and is a key feature      in the Lower DDuwamish RRiver, the Port seeks to sustain
of the environmental setting for the neighborhoods located     and enhance both the natural environment and the water
along its banks, particularly South Park and Georgetown.       dependent businesses located in this area. In addition to
owning 212 acres of landward properties adjacent to the
AA major issue that is presently facing DDuwamish Waterway     Waterway, the Port of Seattle is the successor to Commercial
stakeholders is the resolution of the federal Superfund        Waterway DDistrict Number 1, which acquired a 500-foot-wide
process. The entire Waterway was designated as a           swath of property to create the Waterway beginning in 1911.
Superfund site in 2001. AAs one of its primary motivations       This former Waterway DDistrict property now constitutes
for creating this plan, the Port of Seattle believes that the       much of the bed of the Waterway as well as numerous
Superfund process can be resolved without diminishing the     narrow "ribbon parcels" of land adjacent to the water (Figure
vitality of maritime industry on the Waterway.              1). These ribbon parcels cover more than 30 additional acres.
The Port's ability to make use of these properties allows
DDevelopment of the Lower DDuwamish Habitat Plan began     the Port to facilitate habitat restoration efforts at various
in March 2008 by gathering data and information from        sites along the Lower DDuwamish RRiver. This Plan identifies
a variety of sources, including the City of Seattle, the           potential restoration sites on various Port properties along
DDepartment of EEcology and local area businesses and        the Waterway and discusses areas for collaboration with
community groups. Port-owned properties and other        adjacent property owners. The restoration projects identified
properties located adjacent to Commercial Waterway         in this plan were developed with public input, a review of
Number 1 were mapped to identify existing business and      surrounding conditions and existing public policy. However,
development patterns. From this, the Waterway was divided    it is recognized that such conditions can change in the future
into four sections, as shown in Figure 1. AA discussion of        with implications for the priority level or viability of each of
different river mile numbering systems is included in the       these projects.
RReferences section:
EEstuary environments like the Lower DDuwamish RRiver play a
North  from south Harbor Island upstream to             unique role in the natural systems of a watershed. BBecause
approximately river mile 1.3,                          of the Puget Sound regional salmon recovery effort, a
great deal of research has been conducted on ecosystems
North Central  from river mile 1.3 upstream past the First      within the Green/DDuwamish watershed and the DDuwamish
AAvenue BBridge corridor to river mile 2.5,                  RRiver occupies a link in the chain of habitats. AA thorough
discussion of the role of estuarian habitat can be found in
South Central  from river mile 2.5 upstream past the 16th     the report, "Habitat Limiting Factors and RReconnaissance
AAvenue (South Park) BBridge to river mile 3.8, at Terminal 117     AAssessment RReport - Green/DDuwamish and Central Puget
in the south, and                                  Sound Watersheds (WRRIAA9 and VVashon Island)," (Kerwin and
Johnson, 2000).
South  from Terminal 117 south to Turning BBasin Number
3, river mile 4.7.                                        Note: Multiple river mile systems that have been used for the Lower
Duwamish River. This plan utilizes a system that assigns River Mile
DDuring a series of public meetings and workshops (described     0.0 as the southern tip of Harbor Island and continues upstream.
in greater detail below) restoration needs, opportunities         This system is currently used in all Lower Duwamish River Superfund-
and constraints were identified within each section of the        related studies. Another system that is currently in use is promulgated
Waterway. The resulting set of 31 proposed habitat projects       by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. That system initiates
reflects a total of approximately 70 acres of new habitat. This       the numbering in the West Waterway of Harbor Island resulting in
translates to approximately 30,000 lineal feet of river shoreline.     the south tip of Harbor Island falling at river mile 0.7.

chchAptptER ononE: intintRooDUctionction   3

Existing Habitat
Restoration Projects
The Port of Seattle has implemented significant           The Terminal 105 restoration project was constructed
environmental restoration, cleanup and habitat           in 1995 at approximately river mile 0.0. The aim of the
enhancement projects as part of its capital improvement     project was to test how a restored estuarine habitat
programs and ongoing operations and management of     could be configured to fit industrial shoreline areas,
Port facilities. Hundreds of thousands of tons of historically    without impeding important waterway access. The side
contaminated soil and sediments from upland locations     channel intertidal habitat area is oriented perpendicular
and marine waters have been removed by the Port as       to the shoreline to provide essential environmental
part of development projects. The Port has constructed      attributes without foreclosing industrial access to
fish and wildlife habitat restoration at seven sites in the       adjacent shoreline areas. AApproximately 9,400 cubic
Lower DDuwamish RRiver totaling approximately 3.5 acres.     yards of previously placed fill were removed to create a
These areas have served as important testing grounds       0.6 acre intertidal channel approximately 1,300 feet in
for restoration techniques and will provide good models     length. DDuring construction, an underground fuel tank
for future restoration efforts. RRestoration efforts at both      and a buried vault filled with paint cans and solvent
Terminal-105 and DDiagonal AAvenue South, illustrate        wastes was discovered and removed. Following grading,
methods for restoring habitat pockets  small habitats that    the restoration site received 0.3 acres of native riparian
provide refuge and feeding areas for wildlife. RRestoration     trees and shrubs and more than 1,100 marsh plants. AAll
efforts at Terminal 107 and TurningBBasin Number 3         site vegetation work was accomplished by community
illustrate methods for restoring large habitat hubs  large     participants. The restoration project is illustrated at
habitat areas supporting a diversity of species. EEach project    low tide in the photo above. Note the extent of tidal
also has elements that illustrate methods for restoring       influence indicated by the wetted bank line. The site is
habitat corridors  narrow stretches of habitat that ensure     inundated twice daily by tidal water about five feet in
connectivity between habitat areas. Habitat typologies are    depth. Today the site provides 210 feet of shoreline, a
described further in Chapter 3. EEach of these projects is      fishing pier, picnic tables and shelter and a launch for
described in greater detail below.                     hand-carried boats.
Future fish and wildlife habitat restoration in the DDuwamish
Waterway will benefit from coordination and partnership
agreements between local, state, and federal participants.
Past habitat restoration work on port property at Terminal
105, Terminal 107, and Turning BBasin Number Three has
been instigated with policy and funding assistance from
the AArmy Corps of EEngineers, UU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
and UU.S. EEnvironmental Protection AAgency. Previous
habitat demonstration restoration projects at these sites,
in collaboration with federal agencies, led the way for
subsequent substantial aquatic habitat improvements
and, in each case, provided opportunities for citizen
participation in work to establish and sustain marsh and
riparian vegetation. Locations throughout the DDuwamish
Waterway, particularly at habitat "hub" and "pocket" sites
described in the present plan, are candidates for similar
and expanded collaborative future restoration actions.
Several opportunities for collaboration may involve the City   Existing restoration at terminal 105
of Seattle and the Port. Such cooperative work would also
benefit from including citizens and community groups as
project partners and co-stewards.

4   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

DIAGONAL AVENUE SOUTH PUBLIC ACCESS/   commercial and residential structures, including 4,500
TERMINAL 108                   tons of concrete debris. The Port also constructed 0.3
acres of intertidal habitat at a former auto wrecking yard
Located at river mile 0.6, the Terminal 108 site consists     located on the south margin of the site through removal
of approximately 1.2 acres of combined public shoreline   of 5,500 tons of fill.AA pproximately 20,000 square feet of
access and intertidal fish and wildlife habitat. The Port     marsh area was also restored, demonstrating successful
excavated approximately 0.6 acres of existing filled       establishment of marsh vegetation in an aquatic area
upland area in 1988 to create a 0.4 acre intertidal habitat   that was formerly absent of emergent vegetation.
restoration site, surrounded with approximately 0.2 acres   Currently the Terminal 107 public shoreline access site
of native riparian vegetation. This restoration project      includes approximately 1,100 linear feet of shoreline and
served as compensation for construction of a new       1,400 linear feet of pathways, with shoreline viewing
container cargo pier in the EEast Waterway. The restored    areas. The north end of the terminal is adjacent to a 1.8
intertidal mud/sand substrate and emergent and        acre habitat restoration area, Herring's House, which was
riparian vegetation at Terminal 108 offset the disruption    constructed in 2001 by the City of Seattle.
of approximately 0.4 acres of low intertidal and shallow
subtidal industrial bulkhead area in the EEast Waterway.
The restored site produces seven to nine times more
invertebrate food prey items, essential to juvenile
migratory fish, than the site altered by the cargo pier
construction. In addition, the restored fish and wildlife
habitat area is surrounded by public use improvements,
allowing citizens to benefit from the restored riparian
area, which replaced a formerly paved industrial area.

Existing restoration at terminal 107

The Port constructed 17,000 square feet of public
shoreline access northeast of the South Portland Street/
Existing restoration at terminal 108                          EEighth AAvenue South intersection in the summer of
2008. The site included approximately 345 linear feet
of eroding, rubble-filled bank line prior to regrading.
TERMINAL 107                    The finished site includes an upland public use area
with seating, tables and steps to the water line. UUpland
Located along the west margin of one of the two        improvements are complemented by marsh vegetation,
historic discharge channels for the DDuwamish RRiver, the    native riparian vegetation and large woody debris,
Terminal 107 site represents one of the least disturbed     demonstrating application of non-structural shoreline
shoreline areas in the present DDuwamish Waterway.      stabilization techniques. The downstream, (north) end of
Completed in 2000, the Port improved approximately     the recently completed EEight AAvenue/South Park public
7.2 acres of upland area by removing previous industrial,   shoreline access site includes additional opportunity

chchAptptER ononE: intintRooDUctionction   5

for fish and wildlife habitat restoration. The port is        were established. Intertidal marsh plantings and native
working with the Seattle DDepartment of Transportation    riparian shrubs and trees were well developed at the
and Seattle Public UUtilities, using funds provided by the    restoration site three years following completion of
Washington DDepartment of Transportation, to plan and    excavation and grading. Note the fence structures in
design approximately 9000 square feet of marsh and      the intertidal area. Once mature, the marsh plants will
riparian restoration area. This restoration opportunity      withstand waterfowl predation.
combines public right-of-way in South RRiverside
DDrive with port-owned bank line and would provide      It is important to note that Turning BBasin Number Three
important fish and wildlife habitat as well as a landscape   has also received important fish and wildlife habitat
complement to the upstream, adjacent existing public    restoration work in recent years sponsored by federal
shoreline use area.                             agencies, natural resource trustees, King County, and the
City of Seattle. Hamm Creek formerly discharged to the
DDuwamish Waterway through a piped storm drain
outfall, near river mile 4.5. In 2000, Federal agencies and
resource trustees, in partnership with King County and
the City of Seattle, created an open stream corridor to
re-route Hamm Creek to the northwest margin of
Turning BBasin Number Three, creating approximately
seven acres of fresh water stream channel, surrounded
by dense native riparian vegetation plantings. In 2005,
federal agencies and trustees accomplished
approximately one acre of habitat restoration at the
southwest corner of the turning basin, including removal
of a creosote piling dock and derelict structures and
installing approximately 15,000 square feet of marsh and
riparian vegetation. In 2007, the City of Seattle added to
the restored area in the southwest corner of Turning
BBasin Number Three, successfully removing
approximately 0.4 acres of previously placed fill and
Existing restoration at Portland Street
stabilizing approximately 400 linear feet of bank line
with large woody debris and riparian plantings,
TURNING BASIN NUMBER 3            complemented by removal of invasive plants in
approximately 2.1 acres adjacent to the shoreline site,
RRestoration of aquatic habitat functions at Turning       and replanting the cleared area with native vegetation to
BBasin Number 3 began with a 0.4-acre demonstration     establish an upland buffer area.
site in 1996 and continued with a 1.6-acre habitat
compensation project in 1999. The first step in restoring
the habitat was to remove derelict vessels that had
been abandoned at the upstream end of the navigation
channel over a period of decades. The later project
included excavation of 33,000 tons of industrial fill to
create intertidal mud/sand flat and emergent plantings
in former upland area. AApproximately 0.3 acres of native
riparian vegetation and approximately 0.4 acres of
emergent plants were installed. The entire site planting
was accomplished by volunteers, students and job
trainees. Initial marsh plantings disappeared entirely
within six weeks of installation, due to feeding by
Canada geese. When replanted it was necessary to fence
the new plantings to prevent grazing until the plantings    Existing Restoration at turning basin number 3

6   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

1         RIVER MILE 1.0
WEST MARGINAL WAY SW                                         I-5
2       RIVER MILE 2.0

RIVER MILE 3.0                            EAST MARGINAL WAY S
SR 509        3       SOUTH PARK

4 SR 99

Adjacent Parcels                 Commercial Waterway #1
Port of Seattle Owned                N
Port Owned Properties
Not to Scale
FIGURE 1. thethe entireentire prprojeectt areaarea ssubbdiiviideed intinto fourr wateraterwaay sesectitionsns

chchAptptER ononE: intintRooDUctionction   7
Federal Law Context
The Lower DDuwamish RRiver has been subject
to contamination from a wide variety of
sources, including industrial activities, sewage
discharges and stormwater runoff. AAs stated
earlier, in 2001 the Waterway was added to the
EEnvironmental Protection AAgency (EEPAA) list of
Superfund cleanup sites. Superfund cleanups
involve multiple steps to identify and address
risks to human health and the environment
from chemical contamination, culminating in
site remediation by either liable parties or EEPAA.
In addition to the cleanup of contamination,
the Superfund law establishes liability for
damages to natural resources. This portion of
the Superfund program is implemented by the
Natural RResource Trustees, which for the Lower
DDuwamish RRiver include the National Oceanic             WWater dependent business are vital to a healthy regional economy
and AAtmospheric AAdministration (NOAAAA), the UU.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Washington State DDepartment of EEcology,
Washington DDepartment of Fish and Wildlife, Suquamish Tribe   presented in the plan will assist the Port in balancing key
of Indians and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe. The Trustees are    elements of its primary mission, providing marine industrial
empowered to assess the extent of natural resource damages    infrastructure and improving environmental conditions.
(NRDRD) and bring claims against responsible parties to recover    The plan will also benefit city, state and federal agencies,
for those damages. For the DDuwamish, the Trustees will pursue   trustees, marine industrial uses and private industrial
settlements giving responsible parties the option of carrying    development sponsors by providing potential restoration
out restoration projects themselves, or negotiating a cash-out    actions for use in future determinations.
This plan has been prepared to assist future decision-
The Trustees are developing a DDraft RRestoration Plan and       making and determinations. This plan inventories Port-
Programmatic EEnvironmental Impact Statement (DDraft RRP/     owned habitat restoration potential and is intended as a
PEEIS) before a full assessment of the natural resources injuries    forward-looking planning resource. The plan will aid agency
and determination of liability has been made. The Final RRP/      and industry participants and citizen interests, in evaluating
PEEIS will provide a framework for guiding the selection of       the context of habitat restoration in the DDuwamish RRiver
restoration projects for NRDARDA settlements according to        and to formulate a more comprehensive approach to
priorities the Trustees have established.                   habitat restoration. The plan notes the potential for
connecting numerous restoration actions at a variety of
In addition to the likelihood that estuarine habitat restoration    scales, with the goal of achieving greater river habitat
would be needed for NRDRD purposes, habitat restoration       quality and continuity.
capability is often needed as mitigation for development
projects affecting aquatic resources. EExisting local, state and     Currently the remediation (cleanup) plan for the DDuwamish
federal plans and decision-making requirements stipulate the    Waterway is still being developed. While it is expected that
need for compensation of aquatic resources lost or adversely    the Waterway cleanup will generally adhere to the preferred
affected by marine facility and industrial development.        sequence of remediation followed by restoration, it is not
too early to begin planning for restoration and the Trustees
The Port anticipates the need for orderly implementation     are not adverse to settling potential future NRDRD claims and
of habitat restoration projects in the DDuwamish RRiver,       implementing restoration projects prior to completion of
meeting potential Superfund, NRDRD and development      the finalDD uwamish site cleanup. In fact, the large number
project mitigation needs. AAs a public entity, with ownership   of river stakeholders and their varying degree of resources
of substantial shoreline and aquatic area in the DDuwamish    suggests that there is a benefit to confronting the planning
Waterway, the Port has prepared this plan as an aid in future   issues associated with habitat restoration early.
habitat restoration. The habitat policies and site inventory

8   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Natural History
City of Seattle and associated waterfront development
The DDuwamish RRiver is the name of the lower 12 miles     activities. The clearing of mature forest vegetation over
(19 km) of Washington State's Green-DDuwamish RRiver     large areas of the watershed and increasing amounts
System. The Green RRiver mainstem is one of the most     of impervious and compacted or hardened surfaces
hydrologically altered large river systems in the Puget     has reduced the infiltration capacity of the landscape,
Sound ecosystem. In 1900 this entire estuary consisted of   thereby increasing runoff rates and the magnitude and
intertidal mud and sand flats, estuarine marsh, forested    frequency of peak flows in the tributary streams. Figure
wetland and meandering shallow river channel (see      4 combines the present urban industrial shoreline, with
Figure 2). The historic estuary included approximately     conditions recorded in 1854. Former intertidal and
1,450 acres of intertidal sand and mud substrate, nearly    estuarine floodplain areas are identified by the dark
1,300 acres of intertidal marsh and approximately 1,450    green shading.
acres of tidal swamp (or forested wetland). In addition,
the meandering river channel included approximately 17   Over 97 percent of the historic estuary area has
miles of riparian environment and estuarine floodplain.    been filled, armored, or dredged and now the Lower
The combined intertidal and estuarine floodplain        DDuwamish RRiver is a highly industrial area with few
habitat area was approximately 5,300 acres. Figure 3      natural habitat features (Kerwin and Nelson 2000). The
illustrates the extent of intertidal area in
south EElliott BBay prior to large scale industrial
development. Note piling supported rail lines
and vehicle access to the west portion of
south EElliott BBay.
AA combination of historic events has
dramatically affected the hydrology of the
DDuwamish/Green RRiver basin. Foremost
among these events were the diversion of
the White RRiver in 1906 into the Puyallup
RRiver for flood control purposes, followed in
1916 by diversion of the Cedar/BBlack RRiver
into Lake Washington to facilitate navigation
through the Ship Canal. AAs a result of these
alterations, approximately 70 percent of
the historic watershed was diverted out of
the DDuwamish/Green RRiver basin and over
90 percent of the historic floodplain was
isolated from the river ecosystem by flood
control structures (Kerwin and Nelson 2000).
Only eight percent of the former stream
spawning habitat is available to migratory
fish.EEstimates of historical population size of
Chinook salmon put the maximum run size
at approximately 37,000. In contrast, current
mean natural origin run-size estimates vary
between 11,200 and 14,700 (WRRIAA 9 Steering
Committee, 2005).
In addition to these major events, the
Green/DDuwamish estuary has been largely
eliminated over time with the growth of the     fIGUREfIGURE2. DUWDUWAMISH rrIVVER eeSTUUARYY, 1854

chchAptptER ononE: intintRooDUctionction   9

present industrial landscape represents a 97 percent
reduction in intertidal sand/mud substrate and marsh
area. In addition, forested wetland is entirely absent. AA 
system of linear, deep navigation channels has replaced
the former shallow, complex river channel.
The Green RRiver basin is inhabited by three federally
listed species of salmonids: 1) Chinook salmon of
the Puget Sound EEvolutionary SignificantUUnit (EESUU),
(RReaffirmed as Threatened,UU .S. Federal RRegister, 28 June
2005), 2) bull trout of the Coastal-Puget Sound DDistinct
Population Segment (DDPS), (threatened, UU.S. Federal
RRegister, 1 November 1999) and 3) steelhead of the
Puget Sound DDPS (UU.S. Federal RRegister, 11 May 2007).
Puget Sound-Strait of Georgia coho salmon also occur
in the basin and are listed as a Species of Concern (UU.S.
Federal RRegister, 15 AApril 2004), indicating that they
are under less active consideration for formal listing.
AAn EESUU of Pacific salmon is considered to be a distinct
population segment (DDPS) and thus a "species" under
the EEndangered Species AAct. The Green RRiver basin also
contains formally designated critical habitat for Puget
Sound Chinook salmon and Coastal-Puget Sound bull
trout. Critical habitat for Chinook salmon includes the
UUpper, Middle and Lower Green RRiver Subwatersheds
(Watershed Codes 17110013, i-iii) of the Puget Sound
EESUU (UU.S. Federal RRegister, 2 September 2005) and critical
FIGURE 4. juxtaptaposesses thethe pastpast anand presentpresent shshorerelineine tto
habitat for bull trout of the Coastal-Puget Sound.         depiepictt hhow thethe wateraterwaay hashas chanhangeed overer timetime

FigureS 3 (L) AND 5 (RR). depiepictt aa WesterWesterly perspeperspectitivee of thethe spspokaneane Streettreet corrirridorr inin 1898 ANDD 1998

10   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Water Dependent Business Protection
The Lower DDuwamish RRiver is a vital home to industry
and manufacturing as well as being important for fishing,
recreation and wildlife habitat. Seattle's DDuwamish RRiver
valley industrial district provides between 75,000 and
80,000 industrial sector jobs. Since water dependent
businesses are vital to our region's economy, a key tenet
of this plan is the coexistence of natural habitat and
commerce that relies on the Waterway for navigation. It is
hoped that this Plan lays a foundation for building mutually
beneficial partnerships for river stewardship. The Port's
focus in creating this plan has been on crafting a long range
framework for investments on Port property that are aimed
at keeping our community and environment healthy while
supporting our vital working waterfront.Public Involvement
Existing mudflat and container operations at Terminal 108 east shoreline
Public Involvement
The Port of Seattle launched a public involvement process for
this plan in March 2008 to engage all stakeholders including
area businesses, community and environmental groups,
Native AAmerican tribes and key public agencies. The public
involvement process began with the mailing of a project
factsheet to property owners and interested parties in the
area. AA series of meetings with stakeholders including area
businesses also began in March and continued throughout the
entire process.
The project's first Open House was held onAA pril 29, 2008 to
introduce the planning process to the community at large. On
June 26, 2008 the Port led a DDuwamish RRiver Lunch Tour to help
interested parties learn more about industry and habitat on the
DDuwamish RRiver. This was followed by three public workshops    Removal of invasive vines at turning basin number 3 restoration
area 2002
held in July where interested parties came together to discuss
different restoration typologies and to identify key restoration
opportunity sites. Meeting notes from the workshops are
contained in AAppendix 2. Interested parties included residents
from the South Park and Georgetown neighborhoods, local
scientists, representatives from the DDuwamish RRiver Cleanup
Coalition (DRDRCC), People for Puget Sound, EEnvironmental
Coalition of South Seattle, King County, the City of Seattle and
the National Oceanic and AAtmospheric AAdministration (NOAAAA).
The first workshop focused on the overall vision of the Plan,
as well as on identifying the strengths, weaknesses and
opportunities for restoration within each section of the
river. The second workshop focused more specifically on
habitat typologies. DDesign ideas for each habitat typology
including large habitat hubs, small habitat pockets and
habitat corridors, were discussed in the context of specific
sites. The third and final workshop included discussion of
potential implementation scenarios.                  Port sponsored DDuwamish River lunch tour

chchAptptER ononE: intintRooDUctionction   11

AAfter the first draft of the HabitatRR estoration Plan was released   Chapter 2 provides framework goals and policies to guide
on October 29, 2008, a second open house was held to get     implementation of habitat restoration along the river.
feedback on the draft plan. AAn environmental review of the
plan , pursuant to the Washington State EEnvironmental Policy    Chapter 3 describes habitats that occur within the different
AAct, was concluded on January 7, 2009. Throughout the       shoreline zones such as riparian buffers, marshes and
process the public has been encouraged to give input either     mudflats. It also describes different habitat restoration
by mail or email in conjunction with the project website.       typologies including habitat hubs, habitat pockets and
habitat corridors.
Organization of the Plan      Chapter 4 provides details about the restoration needs,
constraints and opportunities along each section of the river.
Chapter 1 provides background information about the
history of the DDuwamish RRiver including its natural history    Chapter 5 discusses potential implementation scenarios,
and the history of industrial development along the        opportunities for public and private coordination, monitoring
shoreline and existing restoration. It also discusses the       and tracking, key recommendations and next steps.
purpose of the plan; and how the plan was developed
including public involvement processes.

VVolunteers working at Turning Basin number 3 in 2002

12   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Other Lower Duwamish    LooWerer DuuWamishamish Riveriver Draftraft 
RestorationestorationPlanlan andand Programmaticrogrammatic 
River Planning Efforts      Environmentalnvironmental Impactmpact Statementtatement
This project is being carried out by the Lower
Today, there are a number of projects underway to clean   DDuwamish RRiver Natural RResource Trustees with the
up the Waterway while ensuring it continues to serve as    National Oceanic and AAtmospheric AAdministration
the industrial heart of Seattle. The Superfund process,     (NOAAAA) in a lead role. It involves a process to identify
including both remediation and NRDRD aspects, is one of    the general types of restoration projects that will be
the major drivers for cleanup and restoration efforts,      used to compensate for natural resource damage. The
although numerous additional efforts are underway. It     plan will also consider the unique characteristics of
should be noted that these are the major investigations    different segments of the river and how they inform the
and planning projects rather than a complete list of all     restoration strategy. The draft plan is expected to be
entities playing a role in the cleanup effort.             completed by the end of 2008 or beginning of 2009.
LooWerer DuuWamishamish Riveriver Remedialemedial        DuuWamishamish VallealleY Visioningisioning ProroJectect 
Investigationnvestigation/ FeasibiliteasibilitY StudtudY
This project is being led by the DDuwamish RRiver Cleanup
This major investigation is a joint initiative of four         Coalition with outreach to DDuwamish valley residents,
entities with liability for historic contamination: The Port    workers, industrial leaders and recreational visitors. The
of Seattle, City of Seattle, King County and the BBoeing     project is a comprehensive, community-based future
Company, collectively the "Lower DDuwamish Waterway    visioning project, engaging people who live work or visit
Group." AAs a component of the Superfund process,       the DDuwamish VValley through workshops, mapping and
the "RRemedial Investigation/Feasibility Study" (RRI/FS)      interviews. The project aims to compile the community's
is being carried out for the site under EEnvironmental      ideas, concerns and visions of the future DDuwamish
Protection AAgency's and the DDepartment of EEcology's     VValley into a comprehensive 'future map,' which will be
oversight and direction. The RRemedial Investigation      presented to local, state and federal agencies responsible
component of the study involves identifying the nature    for the Superfund cleanup and other stakeholders. The
and extent of site contamination and assessing the       DDuwamish RRiver Cleanup Coalition is a Community
risks associated with that contamination. The Feasibility    AAdvisory Group as sanctioned by the EEnvironmental
Study component of the RRI/FS presents and evaluates     Protection AAgency. The project is expected to be
cleanup options. Once the RRI/FS is complete, a Proposed   completed in the fall of 2008.
Plan for the final site cleanup is issued by the agencies.
The Proposed Plan is subject to public comment and is    CititY ofof Seattleeattle andand CititY ofof TuuKWilaila 
then followed by a final cleanup decision. That decision    Shorelinehoreline Masteraster Programrogram Updatespdates
is then implemented by responsible parties under legal
settlement agreements or agency orders. The Proposed    Shoreline Master Programs establish policies and
Plan is expected to be available for public review and      regulations that govern development and uses on and
comment in late 2010.                        adjoining shorelines. AAn overarching objective of the
program updates will be natural resource protection
One outcome of the process to date has been the        with the adopted standard of preventing any net loss of
identification of seven locations with pronounced        environmental function. AA component of the updates
contamination issues warranting remedial action prior     will be a restoration plan that identifies specific habitat
to establishment of the river-wide cleanup plan. These     restoration opportunities along the Lower DDuwamish
areas are termed "EEarly AAction AAreas." Preparation of the    RRiver. The updates are scheduled to be completed by
RRemedial Investigation / Feasibility Study is being done    DDecember 2009.
with oversight by the UU.S. EEnvironmental Protection
AAgency and the Washington State DDept. of EEcology.

chchAptptER ononE: intintRooDUctionction   13

WWRIA 9 Salmonalmon Habitatabitat RecoverecoverY
This project is a cooperative effort between 15
cities (including Seattle, Tukwila and Tacoma)
and King County. The geographic focus is the
entire Green/DDuwamish and Central Puget Sound
Watershed stretching from southern King County
to West Point in Seattle. This watershed is also
known as Water RResource Inventory AArea 9 (WRRIAA 
9). In response to the listing of Chinook salmon
under the EEndangered Species AAct in 1999, local
governments worked with the Port of Seattle, the
local King Conservation DDistrict, federal and state
agencies, businesses, and environmental groups
to draft a Salmon Habitat Plan for the watershed.
Completed in 2005, the Salmon Habitat Plan was
subsequently folded into the overall Puget Sound
Salmon RRecovery Plan, approved by the federal
government in 2007. The plan proposes a mix
of voluntary habitat restoration projects, habitat
protection, and programs to be implemented
during 2006-2015. While focused on the needs
of salmon, the plan seeks to improve the entire
aquatic ecosystem of the watershed. AA key part of
the plan is restoration of "transition zone" habitat
in the DDuwamish, which has a mix of fresh and
salt water and plays a role in the rearing of young

14   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

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RRestoration Policy Guidance
The Lower DDuwamish RRiver Habitat RRestoration Plan serves as an inventory of
habitat restoration opportunities on Port-owned properties at the project, section
and site-specific scales. This chapter addresses a few aspects of habitat planning
where guiding goals and policies apply.

16   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
General Habitat Planning
Goal: Involve affected stakeholders in habitat planning      Goal: EEnsure that habitat projects will be effective and
endeavors and build mutually beneficial partnerships for     enduring.
river stewardship.
Policy: The design of new habitat projects should include
Policy: AAll restoration planning and design should be       structural erosion control measures when necessary to
coordinated with tribal treaty fishing stakeholders. In        ensure the ecological value of the restored habitat and/or
general, habitat restoration can be expected to improve     to protect adjacent infrastructure.
conditions for the DDuwamish RRiver fisheries. With regard
to net fishing practices, most projects will improve access.    Policy: Habitat planning should follow the adaptive
However, some measures, such as installation of large       management doctrine developed by the WRRIAA 9 Plan
woody debris, could have negative impacts on access.       to respond to improved scientific understanding of the
For this reason, tribal treaty fishing interests should be       DDuwamish estuary as well as "lessons learned" from current
considered in the design of habitat projects.              and future habitat restoration projects in this and other
Puget Sound estuaries. AA potentially changing condition
Policy: Opportunities for collaboration with water-         that is receiving increasing attention is sea level rise. In a
dependent businesses should be actively sought. In        case where the Port is not implementing habitat projects
particular, when a restoration project in a Port-owned       on Port land it should pursue mechanisms to ensure
ribbon property is being designed, the input of surrounding   that the implementing entity adheres to the adaptive
businesses or other surrounding property owners should    management doctrine.
be sought and considered.
Policy: Habitat restoration projects should be designed
Policy: EExplore opportunities for habitat restoration        to facilitate cost-effective maintenance. The Port should
collaboration with other public agencies, area residents,      establish procedures for the ongoing maintenance
and community groups.                       of habitat projects. In a case where the Port is not
implementing habitat projects on Port land, it should
Policy: While public access will be impractical in many Port   pursue mechanisms to ensure that the implementing entity
ribbon properties, it should be considered as a component   adheres to the maintenance procedures.
of the habitat projects on the larger sites. Public access
to the shoreline along with interpretive signage has the
potential to build community stewardship of a site.

Port Staff describes the goals of the Plan to community stakeholders    Turning BBasin number 3 habitat hub

Working Waterfront
The Lower DDuwamish RRiver is a vital home to industry and    Policy: Sites which impose significant constraints from
manufacturing. It provides water access to the DDuwamish    current or expected future water dependent business
industrial area from EElliott BBay and is a vital component of    operations should be avoided.
the industrial harbor. While working to protect and enhance
water quality and wildlife habitat, the Port of Seattle must    Policy: Safe navigation and docking for ships at existing
also work to sustain industrialized activity in the Lower       and potential future water-dependent business sites should
DDuwamish, operate its facilities as efficiently as possible      be preserved while working to restore habitat.
and continue to build needed facilities to serve our local
economy. EEcological value, costs and benefits, community    Policy: In coordination with water-dependent businesses,
input and the constraints of a working river must all be      habitat-friendly alternatives for piers and shoreline
balanced in the Plan.                             armoring should be considered where shoreline
modifications are needed for water dependent activities.
Goal: Protect and foster water dependent businesses while
working to restore habitat along the DDuwamish RRiver.       Policy: UUnder the Washington State Shoreline Management
AAct, a habitat project that involves a landward shift in
Policy: EExisting and potential sites for water-dependent     the ordinary high water mark will result in the regulated
activities should be identified and preserved.             shoreline zone extending further inland. The Port should
work with upland property owners in identifying the
Policy: Where new habitat projects are constructed        consequences of this law, when it applies on a specific site.
adjacent to cargo terminals, their design must maintain
lines of sight needed for the terminal's security plan.

Tub boats are a common sight on the DDuwamish

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Habitat RRestoration
RRestoration of different types of habitat could occur on different Port-owned
properties along the Lower DDuwamish Waterway. This chapter provides
descriptions of habitats that occur within the different shoreline zones such
as riparian buffers, marshes and mudflats. It also describes different habitat
restoration typologies that differ in terms of their size, shape and function,
including habitat hubs, habitat pockets and habitat corridors.

20   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Shoreline Zones and Habitats
The river shoreline is made up of different shoreline zones
that contain plants and animals that reflect the moisture
continuum from the upland down to the river channel.
UUpland areas, adjacent to the waterway are considered
part of the riparian zone. Lower in elevation is the intertidal
zone, which experiences different levels of inundation
depending on the tides. The subtidal zone is continuously
inundated by water.
Mudflat, marsh and riparian habitats, each occur within
a different shoreline zone.UUnderstanding where the
different shoreline zones exist along the waterway is
therefore important for identifying the types of habitat
restoration possible within each opportunity site.
Information regarding the characteristics of and methods
for restoring these habitats is based on the experience of
the environmental staff of the Port as well as consultation
with representatives of the Lower DDuwamish RRiver Natural
RResource Trustees (Hoff, 2008).

Marsh Pullback CConcept Plan VView

Marsh Pullback CConcept section  existing conditions

Marsh Pullback CConcept Section  Potential RestoredCCondition

chchAptptER ththREE: hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion ttYpologipologiEss   21
Marshes are a type of wetland, which is subject to
frequent or continual inundation, and are characterized by
emergent soft-stemmed vegetation adapted to saturated
soil conditions. Marsh vegetation and microorganisms
that use excess nutrients for growth, such as nitrogen and
phosphorus, are very important to preserving the quality
of surface waters (EEPAA, 2008). Marsh vegetation is also a
key component of an estuarine food web. Productivity in
the marsh habitat influences the structure and abundance
of the epibenthic and benthic communities.1 Marshes also
serve as refuge and foraging habitat for salmonids and
1. BBenthic communities are made up of organisms which live on, in,
or near marine sedimentary environments. EEpifauna live upon the
seafloor or upon bottom objects; the so-called infauna live within
the sediments of the seafloor. The main food sources for benthos are
plankton and organic runoff from land. The depth of water, temperature
and salinity, and type of local substrate all affect what benthos is
present. Where light reaches the bottom benthic photosynthesizing
diatoms are a significant food source. Filter feeders, such as sponges
and pelecypods, dominate hard, sandy bottoms. DDeposit eaters,
such as polychaete worms, populate softer bottoms. Fish, starfish,
snails, cephalopods, and crustaceans are important predators and
scavengers. BBenthic organisms, such as sea stars, oysters, clams, sea           Marsh Bench CConcept Plan VView
cucumbers, brittle stars and sea anemones, play an important role as
a food source for fish and humans (BBritannica, 2008).

Marsh Bench CConcept section  existing conditions

Marsh Bench CConcept Section  Potential RestoredCCondition

22   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

other wildlife species. Marshes experience regular tidal      Riparian Buffers
inundation and include low marshes which are vegetated
with aquatic vascular plants, and high marshes, which       VVegetated riparian buffers dampen noise, filter stormwater
are vegetated with aquatic vascular plants and terrestrial     runoff, and stabilize the shoreline thereby preventing
plants.                                        erosion. They also provide an indirect source of food for fish
and waterfowl by creating habitat for insects that fall into
Marsh habitat could be constructed in both the main       the water. Trees within the riparian zone provide shade and
channel and side channels off theDD uwamish RRiver. Side     nesting habitat for birds.
channel habitat is more protected from disturbances
such as boat wakes than habitats in the main channel and    RRiparian buffers are found along the LowerDD uwamish
therefore provides better refuge for juvenile salmon. Main    RRiver, but are reduced, degraded, or absent in many areas.
channel marshes would be constructed by excavating and    RRiparian habitats in the project area contain a mixture of
re-grading the existing banks to create the appropriate      scrub/shrub vegetation and trees, such as willows and Sitka
elevation and a lower gradient slope. Side channels could    spruce (water tolerant species) and upland species such
be enhanced by excavating tributaries to create a more      as DDouglas firs and hemlocks. Non-native species, such as
natural marsh elevation, reconfiguring the channels to      Himalayan blackberry and reed canary grass, are common.
increase sinuosity, and planting dense communities of      VVegetated buffers provide additional benefit when they
native species. RRestored side channels should be designed    contain healthy communities of native species and are
to retain water during low tides. Invasive species can be      located adjacent to marshes, mudflats, or creek mouths.
discouraged through the proper dense planting of native    Planting buffers adjacent to marshes increases the ability of
species following construction of the restored channels.      a larger variety of species to use both habitats, such as birds
that perch in the trees and bushes and those that forage
Marshes can be divided into two types, high marsh and      in the intertidal area. The width of a restored buffer is very
low marsh, based on their elevation and related degree of    important and influences the integrity of the habitat and
tidal influence. High marsh communities contain shrubs,     its ability to support wildlife. Larger buffers provide greater
in addition to a variety of herbaceous species. Low marsh     ecological benefits.RR estoring riparian buffers could involve
vegetation communities are dominated by herbaceous     removing invasive species, removing bank armoring and
species. DDense marsh vegetation supports inputs of insects   debris, potentially regarding the bank to a more natural
and other organic matter to the river, as well as terrestrial     slope, planting and maintaining native vegetation, locating
wildlife habitat. The viability of restored marsh habitat is      large woody debris, and enhancing substrate.
partially dependent on its size and width. RRestored marshes
will have increased ecological value if they contain wellvegetated
riparian buffers, high and low marsh habitat, and
mudflats. Greater value can also be provided when restored
marshes are positioned adjacent to existing functioning
marsh habitat.

Restored marsh at Turning Basin #3                           Riparian Enhancement CConcept Section

chchAptptER ththREE: hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion ttYpologipologiEss   23
Mudflats form when mud is deposited by tides or rivers
and are typically found in sheltered areas such as bays
and estuaries. They support benthic and epibenthic
communities that are important sources of food for birds
and fish, including juvenile Chinook salmon. Low elevation
mudflats are especially important for salmonids. Where
possible, mudflats should be constructed to border existing
or restored marsh or vegetated buffers.AA ppropriate
substrate may need to be added and any derelict vessels,
trash, or rubble located within the intertidal mudflat range
would be removed.
BBecause of the navigational use of the river, most mudflat
restoration projects would involve excavation of the
existing bank to create the appropriate tidal elevations.        Mud Bench CConcept Section
Where appropriate elevations already exist, less extensive
bank cutting and regrading would be needed. In some
locations a combination of bank cutting and filling in
lower elevations would be needed to achieve the required
mudflat elevations.

Existing mudflat at (River Mile 4.2)

24   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Typologies are classes of habitat that have characteristics     restoration of the intertidal zone could include extensive
or traits in common, such as size or configuration. They      restoration of tidal marshes and mudflats, and restoration
help to differentiate the different forms of habitat and       of the riparian zone could extend far upland. In contrast,
restoration projects needed along the waterway. Habitat     within a Corridor where there are constraints with existing
restoration typologies used in this Plan include Hubs,       development, restoration of the intertidal zone would
Pockets, and Corridors. EEach of these represents a different    include smaller improvements to slope and vegetation,
size and/or shape of potential restoration project. These      and restoration of the riparian zone may be more narrowly
three typologies are useful for describing existing types of    focused along the shoreline edge.
habitat features as well as for serving as models for future
restoration projects along the waterway.
Within hubs, pockets and corridors, restoration efforts could
take place within the shallow subtidal, the intertidal and/or   Hubs are large, well established habitats that tend to have
the riparian zone. RRestoration of the major shoreline zones    a greater degree of long-term variability and stability
could occur to different extents. For instance, within a Hub,    than smaller habitats. Greater variability and stability
increase the ability of the overall system to withstand
and recover from disturbances (resistance and resilience).
AAlthough most potential restoration sites within the Lower
DDuwamish are too small to be considered true hubs by
most ecologists, Kellogg Island and Turning BBasin Number
3 likely serve in many ways as habitat Hubs in the Lower
DDuwamish due to their large size. These two sites, enhanced
and expanded, could serve as habitat anchors, providing
fish and other wildlife with abundant and diverse refuge
and feeding areas.

KKellogg Island (above) and Turning Basin #3 (right) are existing habitat
hubs that could be expanded and enhanced

chchAptptER ththREE: hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion ttYpologipologiEss   25
Pockets                      Corridors 
Pockets are small habitats. AAlthough they provide habitat for     Corridors are primarily linear features that provide narrow
fewer species and are less resistant to disturbances than larger   strips of habitat. They are rich in food sources and/or cover
ones, pockets still provide important habitat areas for wildlife    and form important routes between Hubs, Pockets, and
and contribute to habitat continuity. Pockets are typically       other types of habitat as well as critical links between sources
created at side channels, where the water has a chance to slow   of species and restored habitats. EExamples include narrow
down and pool and where marsh vegetation or mudflats can    strips of sedge marshes along river banks, channels from
be formed. Pools provide space, cover, and nutrition to fish as    deep areas to marsh flats, and bands of eelgrass and kelp.
well as a place for fish to seek shelter during storms and other    This typology applies best to the typical "ribbon" properties
catastrophic events (Spence et al. 1996). Side channel mudflats   owned by the Port within Commercial Waterway Number 1.
also provide important resting areas for juvenile salmonids.

Restored pocket habitat at Terminal 105                        Restored marsh at Terminal 107 (River Mile 1.0)

Terminal 105 Intertidal restoration area and Public Shoreline Access SiteDDiagram

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RRestoration Constraints &
The Lower DDuwamish Habitat RRestoration Plan focuses on restoration
opportunities located on Port-owned shoreline and aquatic area property.
This section describes existing industrial development/use and estuarine
habitat conditions in each of the four waterway sections, along with evaluation
of potential shoreline and aquatic habitat restoration actions. Constraints,
particularly the shoreline facility and operational needs of water-dependent
commercial and industrial uses, are also described, along with potential
restoration opportunities at Port-owned waterway sites.

28   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

1   2

1 4

WEST MARGINAL WAY SW                                         I-5
2 9
8  1ST AVE S
10   12
11 13
15 16
3  22
SR 509                       BRIDGE         24
25 26
RIVER MILE 4.0                                   28
4 SR 99
31 30

Potential Hub          Potential Corridor          Adjacent Parcels          Commercial Waterway #1       Existing Restoration
Port of Seattle Owned         Site by Others
Existing Port              Intertidal/Riparian                                                       N
Potential Pocket         Restoration Site           Interface               Project Number                             Not to Scale
fIGUREfIGURE6. Restestoratirationn OppOpportrtunitnity Siteite OOverervieiew

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   29

Individual opportunities described in this section outline
the scope of potential restoration actions that could be
constructed at particular sites, based on existing industrial
use conditions and habitat features. EEach of the habitat
restoration opportunities are presented as a planning/
concept design and apply to Port-owned shoreline and
aquatic area property only. Subsequent site-specific
design for particular sites will require detailed survey
information, civil engineering/geo-technical analysis and
additional biological analysis. In addition, all potential
shoreline and aquatic area restoration sites will require
soil and sediment contamination investigations. Soil and
sediment characterization is essential in light of Superfund
coordination and decision-making needs in the DDuwamish
Waterway. These site-specific evaluations, combined with
Terminal 107, public shoreline access/habitat restoration site,
habitat objectives identified for the location, will determine   illustrating native riparian vegetation (River Mile 1.0)
the dimension and extent of particular restoration actions.
Project-Wide Overview
Two large habitat hubs, Kellogg Island/Terminal 107 and
Turning BBasin Number 3, as well as several past restoration
successes at Terminals 105, 107 and 108 and Portland
Street, provide a strong framework for future habitat
restoration efforts along the LowerDD uwamish RRiver. The
two habitat hubs provide a diverse array of ecological
niches and thereby support a diversity of species. Their
large size also improves their resistance and resilience to
disturbances leading to overall ecosystem longevity.
Artificially hardened and eroded bank at east side slip (River Mile 1.8)
DDocks, piers, armoring and other modifications to the
shoreline for water-dependent activities may constrain
restoration opportunities in certain areas of the waterway.
Limited "ribbon parcel" width, especially within Sections 1
and 2 of the waterway could also constrain the amount of
corridor restoration possible in those areas.
DDespite constraints, at least 31 viable restoration
opportunities have been identified along the waterway on
the Port of Seattle's "ribbon" and terminal properties (Figure
6). The overall emphasis of the Plan is on maximizing the
potential for restoring mudflats, marshes and riparian
buffers on "ribbon parcels" and underutilized terminal areas.

30   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn



WEST MARGINAL WAY SW                       2
106                     EAST MARGINAL WAY S




Section 1
Legend  Note: not all color codings occur in each river section
Potential Hub          Potential Corridor          Adjacent Parcels          Commercial Waterway #1       Existing Restoration
Port of Seattle Owned         Site by Others
Existing Port              Intertidal/Riparian                                                       N
Potential Pocket         Restoration Site           Interface               Project Number                             Not to Scale

fIGUREfIGURE7. Seectitionn 1 Restestoratirationn OppOpportrtunitnity Sitesites

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   31
Section 1, North:
Harbor Island to AAlaska Marine Lines
Section 1 currently has the highest quality of habitat along
the river. Kellogg Island, Terminal 107, Terminal 105 and
Terminal 108, along with the presence of natural shoreline
banks and shallow intertidal areas provide a key habitat
hub at the northern project limit with refuge and feeding
areas for a diversity of species.
Heavy shipping activities requiring shoreline armoring and
deep subtidal and intertidal channels and limited "ribbon
parcel" width constrain opportunities for connectivity
along some shoreline areas. Specifically, heavy shippers
at Terminal 106, LaFarge and AAlaska Marine Lines require
shoreline armoring to enable ships to dock and load and
unload containers and raw bulk materials.
Opportunities Overview
Section one has fewer opportunities than the
other sections because the large amount of habitat
presently found here more closely emulates the
continuity of habitat that originally existed in the
BBuild on past restoration success in an area with
extensive Port properties.                     Terminal 107, public shoreline access/habitat restoration site (River
Mile 1.0)
EExpand and enhance existing habitat hub and
pocket sites
Create new habitat corridors between Sections 1
and 2
Coordinate restoration planning to restore habitat
connections to estuary
RRestoration opportunities in Section 1 include creation of a
habitat pocket at Terminal 105 (Project 1), creation of a habitat
corridor along Terminal 106 (Project 2), expansion of the
DDiagonal AAvenue South/Terminal 108 habitat pocket (Project
3) and enhancement of the Kellogg Island/Terminal 107 hub
(Project 4). See Figure 7 and project descriptions below.

LLarge scale water-dependent, marine industrial pier facility (River Mile 1.0)

32   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Opportunity Details               Project 3  Terminal 108, EEast BBank line,
RRiver Mile 0.5  Pocket Habitat
This section contains descriptions of existing conditions      This area currently has a moderate, unobstructed intertidal
and potential restorative actions that could be            substrate; however no emergent vegetation is present.
implemented at each of the currently identified restoration   EErosion is active in this bank line area, despite existing
opportunity sites within Section 1. Numbered projects      riparian vegetation. Potential restoration actions could
correspond to opportunities on Port property. More        include reshaping and reducing the bank line to create
detailed notes of existing conditions and potential         an intertidal, marsh planting bench along the length of
restoration actions at each site are provided in AAppendix 1.    the site with an elevation ranging from approximately
plus10 to 12 feet MLLW. Large woody debris could also be
Project 1  Terminal 105, West BBank line,           incorporated into the emergent planting areas. The bank
RRiver Mile 0.1  Pocket Habitat                 line upslope of the marsh planting bench, with a slope
This area currently has an unobstructed low slope and       between 3:1 and 4:1, could be planted with native riparian
fine grained intertidal and shallow subtidal aquatic areas.     vegetation. AA riparian vegetation buffer could be restored
EEmergent and riparian vegetation are absent. Potential      at the top-of-bank. Potential actions at this site could cover
restoration actions could include excavation of the top-      approximately 750 linear feet of bank line alteration.
of-bank to reduce bank line elevation to approximately 10
to plus 12 feet above MLLW, extension of intertidal area      Project 4  Terminal 107, Kellogg Island, West BBank
approximately 50 to 80 feet west and construction of a      line, RRiver Mile 1.0  Hub Habitat
berm at west margin of site.                        Currently the portion of the DDuwamish Waterway adjacent
to this site includes substantial exposed intertidal and
DDerelict structures, rubble and metal slag materials could     shallow subtidal mud/sand substrate. Marsh vegetation
also be removed from existing intertidal area and the re-     was formerly abundant, but exists only in small pockets at
shaped and graded area could be planted with emergent    present.
vegetation. AA 15-foot wide riparian buffer/berm at the
west margin could also be planted. EExisting Cottonwoods    Potential restoration actions could include restoration
at the north end of the site could remain as a buffer         of intertidal conditions in approximately 11.5 to 12 acres
between the site and the off-channel intertidal habitat site,    of the site. Previously placed dredged materials could
adjacent to north. Potential actions at this site could cover    be removed to expose sediments to tidal influence,
approximately 350 linear feet of bank line restoration.       between 10.5 and 13 feet MLLW. EEmergent vegetation
could also be installed throughout. RRestoration actions
Project 2  Terminal 106, EEast BBank line,            could leave portions of the existing berm located at the
RRiver Mile 0.1 to 0.4  Corridor Habitat             east margin of the site in place to protect restored marsh
Currently this area does not have a fine grained, low slope    areas from vessel-wake erosion. Large woody debris
intertidal area and riparian vegetation is absent. Potential     could be placed throughout the perimeter of the site as
restoration actions could include reshaping and reducing
the bank line to create a fine grain substrate bench along
the length of the site, with an elevation ranging from
approximately zero to plus two feet MLLW. The bank line
landward of plus two feet MLLW could be sloped at 1:1
between plus two and plus 12 feet MLLW, serving as a
stable armored shoreline. EExisting riprap bank line between
plus 12 and 18 feet MLLW could be re-shaped with variable
slope between 2:1 and 3:1 to receive native riparian
plantings, installed as bank line vegetation pockets and
planting wells. AA native riparian strip could also be planted
at the new top-of-bank profile. Potential actions at this site
could include approximately 1,350 linear feet of bank line

Existing inter-tidal mud/sand substrate and marsh vegetation,KK   ellogg
Island (River Mile 1.0)

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   33

an additional substrate stabilization measure. Intertidal
restoration at Kellogg Island could be guided by data
describing site elevations and conditions prior to use as
a dredged material disposal site. RRemoval of dredged
sediments from the site may require excavation below
10.5 feet MLLW in some locations, due to the compression
of underlying native sediments. EEmergent and riparian
plantings at the site could make the greatest possible use
of the re-exposed native sediments. However, placement
of additional fine grained sediments may be required to
obtain appropriate elevations following removal of stockpiled
dredged materials.

South KKellogg Island, illustrating existing dredged material site, with
shoreline vegetation established at upper edge of dredged material
deposit. Note barge moorage dolphins in adjacent sub-tidal area
(River Mile 1.0)

Terminal 108, riprap bank line, illustrating potential marsh and riparian vegetation pocket restoration site (River Mile 0.5)

34   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn


WEST MARGINAL WAY SW        TERMINAL 115                                                    S MICHIGAN ST

Section 2                 11   12
Legend  Note: not all color codings occur in each river section
Potential Hub          Potential Corridor          Adjacent Parcels          Commercial Waterway #1       Existing Restoration15         16
Port of Seattle Owned         Site by Others
Existing Port              Intertidal/Riparian                                                       N
Potential Pocket         Restoration Site           Interface               Project Number                             Not to Scale

fIGUREfIGURE8. Seectitionn 2 Restestoratirationn OppOpportrtunitnity Sitesites

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   35
Section 2, North/Central:
AAlaska Marine Lines to BBoyer Towing
Section 2 has less existing habitat than other sections of
the river on which to build. YYet, remnants of historic oxbows
and small inlets near the 1st AAvenue BBridge and Glacier
Marine, as well as a few natural shoreline banks and shallow
intertidal areas, provide some habitat potential.
Heavy shippers, common and contract carrier and marine
construction activities in this section requiring shoreline      WWest bank line, FFirst Avenue South Bridge, illustrating substantial
hardening and piers for loading and unloading operations,    habitat restoration opportunity, including partnership withCCity of
constrain restoration opportunities along some shoreline     Seattle (River Mile 2.1)
Opportunities Overview
Create new habitat pockets in an active waterdependent
business area with minimal existing
habitat and significant constraints.
Provide corridors between higher quality habitat
upstream and downstream.
RRestoration opportunities in Section 2 could include the
creation of a habitat hub at Terminal 115 (Project 8) and
the creation of habitat pockets under and around the
1st AAvenue BBridge (Projects 10 and 11). Collaboration
with Northwestern Glass Company, BBPBB Gypsum, Hale's
Construction, DDouglas Management, BBunge Foods and      Terminal 115, marine industrial use site. Habitat restoration potential at
BBoyer Towing could be coordinated for the creation of       this and similar marine industrial sites is proposed for areas not needed for
habitat pockets and corridors in and around Port ribbon     water-dependent use (River Mile 1.9)
parcels near these businesses (Projects 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 and
13 respectively). Coordination with the City of Seattle and
the Washington State DDepartment of Transportation on
restoration in and around the "ribbon parcel" adjacent to
the 1st AAvenue BBridge, could also greatly further restoration
goals (Projects 8 and 10). See Figure 8 and project
descriptions below.

FFirst Avenue South Bridge, illustrating potential restoration area
between top-of-bank and floating moorage (River Mile 2.0)

36   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Opportunity Details               debris from Port-owned aquatic and bank line area and
excavation and re-shaping of approximately 175 linear feet
This section contains descriptions of existing             of existing bank line to create an intertidal bench at plus
conditions and potential restorative actions that could       10 to 12 feet MLLW. Marsh vegetation and large woody
be implemented at each of the currently identified         debris could be installed to expand existing bulrush area in
restoration opportunity sites within Section 2. Numbered    this location. RRiparian vegetation, as planting pockets and
projects correspond to opportunities on Port property.      ledges in remaining portions of Port-owned bank line area
UUnnumbered projects discuss opportunities for restoration   could also be installed above plus 12 feet MLLW.
on other properties. More detailed notes of existing
conditions and potential restoration actions at each site are   Project 7  Southwest corner Slip Two, EEast BBank
provided in AAppendix 1.                         line, RRiver Mile 1.9  Corridor Habitat
Currently this area has a small area of unobstructed
Project 5  Northwestern Glass Company, EEast BBank   moderate intertidal and shallow subtidal fine grained, low
line, RRiver Mile 1.3  Corridor Habitat              slope substrate. However, no riparian or marsh vegetation
This area currently has a substantial unobstructed intertidal   is present. Potential restoration actions could include
substrate. However, no emergent or riparian vegetation is    excavation and regrading of approximately 125 linear feet
present. The site is also narrow, with limited Port-owned      of existing riprap/rubble bank line and construction of
bank line available for improvement. Potential restoration    a fine grain intertidal substrate bench, at an elevation of
actions could include removal of rubble, debris and derelict   approximately 10 to 12 feet above MLLW. The bench could
creosote piling from Port-owned aquatic and bank line      be suitable for placement of emergent vegetation and
areas. AApproximately 250 to 275 linear feet of large woody    large woody debris. RRemaining portions of the Port-owned
debris conditions in the intertidal area could be established   bank line landward of plus 12 feet MLLW, could be shaped
at plus10 to 12 feet MLLW. RRiparian vegetation planting      at approximately 3:1 slope and planted with riparian
pockets and ledges in Port-owned bank line area could also   vegetation.
be installed above plus 12 feet MLLW.
Project 8  Southwest Terminal 115, West BBank line,
Project 6  BBritish Plaster BBoard, EEast BBank line, RRiver   RRiver Mile 2.0  Hub Habitat
Mile 1.6  Corridor Habitat                    The portion of DDuwamish Waterway adjacent to this
Currently this area has an unobstructed intertidal substrate   site includes minimal exposed intertidal substrate and
with a small amount of marsh vegetation in an exposed     no riparian or marsh vegetation is present. This reach of
native substrate. However, there is limited riparian          waterway is occupied by numerous in-water and overvegetation
present and the site is narrow, with limited       water structures, including the First AAvenue South bridge
Port-owned bank line available for improvement. Potential    crossings. AA fish and wildlife habitat restoration channel
restoration actions could include removal of rubble and      constructed by WDDOT is present at the south landfall of the
First AAvenue South BBridge, which connects to an emergent
vegetation area.
Potential restoration actions could include removal of
existing in-water and over-water structures to re-expose
approximately 320 linear feet of intertidal and shallow
subtidal aquatic area. AAn intertidal substrate suitable for
emergent vegetation (elevation plus 10 feet to 12 feet
MLLW) could be created by excavating landward from
existing plus 10 feet MLLW elevation. The side margins
of the excavation area includes a 3:1 slope, beginning at
12 feet MLLW, which could allow the new top-of-bank in
the interior of the excavated restoration area to match
the surrounding upland elevations between 20-24 feet
MLLW. Side slopes could also be planted with native
riparian vegetation band, 18 to 36 feet in width. The toe of
riparian slope and side slopes of excavated intertidal area
Illustrating existing non-water dependent industrial shoreline use, with
potential for placement of native riparian vegetation and large woody    could be stabilized with large woody debris. The intertidal
debris as a partnership opportunity (River Mile 1.4)                 and riparian habitat restoration area includes up to 3.2
acres, with the potential to expand the restoration site

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   37

to approximately 4.5 acres if the adjacent public right-ofway
is included. In addition, restoration at this site could
include an intertidal channel connection to the interior of
the existing WDDOT aquatic habitat restoration area. The
installation of a 300 to 400 feet long intertidal channel
connection between the proposed restoration site and the
existing WDDOT site could benefit both areas.
Project 9  North First AAvenue South BBridge, EEast
Shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.0  Corridor Habitat
This site currently has a small area of unobstructed
intertidal and shallow subtidal substrate. The upper and
intertidal bank line contains a fine grained, low slope
substrate. However, no riparian or marsh vegetation
is present. Potential restoration actions could include
excavation and regrading of approximately 225 linear feet
of existing riprap/rubble bank line. AA fine grain intertidal      Existing recreational boat moorage, east bank line,FFirst Avenue South
substrate bench could be constructed at an elevation of      Bridge (River Mile 2.0)
approximately zero to two feet above MLLW could. The
remaining portions of Port-owned bank line landward of     Project 11  South First AAvenue South BBridge, West
plus two feet MLLW, could be shaped at approximately 3:1    Shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.2  Corridor Habitat
slope and portions of the slope above 12 feet MLLW could
be planted with riparian vegetation.                   This site currently has a moderate area of unobstructed
intertidal and shallow subtidal substrate. UUpper and
Project 10  North First AAvenue South BBridge, West    intertidal bank line consists of riprap and debris and no
Shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.1  Corridor Habitat         substantial riparian vegetation or marsh vegetation is
Currently, this site has a moderate area of unobstructed      present. Potential restoration actions could include reintertidal
and shallow subtidal substrate. The upper and      shaping and reducing the bank line to create a 400 foot
intertidal bank line consists of riprap and rubble, with an     long, intertidal, fine grain substrate, at an elevation of
unstable and eroding intertidal slope. No riparian or marsh    approximately plus 10 to 12 feet MLLW. This could run
vegetation is present. Potential restoration actions could     parallel and landward of the existing barge moorage
include excavation and regrading of approximately 75      dolphins. The upper intertidal bench could be planted with
linear feet of an existing riprap/rubble bank line to form a     emergent vegetation. The slope landward of the marsh
3:1 slope bank line suitable for placement of native riparian   planting area could receive large woody debris and riparian
vegetation. AA top-of-bank berm could also be installed to    vegetation arranged in slope pockets. AApproximately 400
eliminate surface water flow over top-of-bank and large     linear feet of improvement is available at this site.
woody debris, at an elevation of approximately eight to
12 MLLW, could be installed as toe-of-slope stabilization      Project 12  Cold Storage Warehouse/Industrial
measure. Large woody debris could extend approximately    UUpland Site, EEast Shoreline,
100 feet north along the Port-owned waterway boundary,    RRiver Mile 2.3  Corridor Habitat
across high intertidal portions of previously constructed     Currently, this site has a moderate area of unobstructed
WDDOT restoration site. AApproximately 175 linear feet of      intertidal and shallow subtidal substrate. The upper and
improvement is available at this site.                   intertidal bank line consists of riprap and no substantial
riparian or marsh vegetation is present. The Port-owned
bank line area is narrow. Potential restoration actions
could include excavation of the bank line to reduce slope
and removal of any rubble or debris present. The bank
line could be sloped to the maximum extent possible
within the Port-owned area between 12 to 19 feet MLLW
to create a riparian planting area as a graded bench or
pocket plantings. Large woody debris could be installed
at lower margin of riparian planting area, between 12 and
14 feet MLLW. AApproximately 600 linear feet of bank line
improvement is available at this site.

38   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Project 13  South Orchard Street/Second AAvenue
South, West Shoreline,
RRiver Mile 2.3  Pocket Habitat
The site currently has a substantial area of unobstructed
intertidal and shallow subtidal substrate. The upper and
intertidal bank line consists of rubble and debris and
no substantial riparian vegetation or marsh vegetation
is present. The Port-owned bank line area includes the
existing upland as well as the bank line and the aquatic
area. Potential restoration actions could include excavation
of the bank line and removal of rubble and derelict
materials. The top-of-bank could be reshaped landward
approximately 25 feet and a fine grain intertidal substrate
area could also be created at an elevation of 10 to 13 feet
MLLW for use as emergent vegetation planting area.
Existing side channel, intertidal pocket, west shoreline, (River Mile
2.4). This area is located between projects 11 and 13. IT illustrates a
AA 2:1 sloped shoreline with riparian vegetation extending    potential restoration opportunity involving private property owners
up-slope from 13 feet MLLW to a mounded berm could      and the Port.
be constructed at plus 13 feet to 15 feet MLLW for use as
a riparian planting area. Large woody debris could also
be installed along the bank line at 12 to 13 feet MLLW.
AApproximately 175 linear feet of site bank line is available
for improvement at this site. Port-owned bank line
property at this site represents substantial pocket habitat
restoration potential. EEfficient use of this site will benefit
from collaboration with the City of Seattle relating to
maintenance of and potential reconfiguration of existing
right-of-way adjacent to the northeast intersection of South
Orchard Street and Second AAvenue South.
Side Channel RRestoration
The Port is supportive of collaboration with adjacent
property owners on restoration of the existing side channel
at river mile 2.4 near Orchard Street and the 1st AAvenue S
BBridge to create high-functioning habitat pockets. Project
13 is located at the southeast corner of the existing side
Restoration opportunity for habitat corridor adjacent toJJames
channel noted here. The side channel, approximately 525
Hardie GGypsum
feet long and including approximately 0.9 acres of intertidal
sand/mud substrate, includes Port property in the
approximately 160 feet wide inter-tidal area where the side
channel joins with the DDuwamish Waterway. Future cleanup
and restoration in this area would provide significant fish
and wildlife habitat attributes. RRestoration at this site would
require project coordination and partnership between the
Port, private property owners, and, potentially, the City of
Seattle, if the margins of adjacent public right-of-way areas
were included in a potential restoration action.

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   39

Illustrating potential habitat restoration noted in Site 11 and Site 12 descriptions.
Note fishing net at center left, indicating active treaty tribe fishing access inDDuwamish WW     aterway

40   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
14         8TH AVE S                   AIRPORT

15  16
S PORTLAND ST                    18                         EAST MARGINAL WAY S
SR 99                                                           BRIDGE
23  24
Section 3
28 27
Potential Hub          Potential Corridor          Adjacent Parcels          Commercial Waterway #1       Existing Restoration
Port of Seattle Owned         Site by Others
Existing Port              Intertidal/Riparian                                                       N
Potential Pocket         Restoration Site           Interface               Project Number                             Not to Scale

fIGUREfIGURE9. Seectitionn 3 Restestoratirationn OppOpportrtunitnity Sitesites

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   41
Section 3, South/Central:
BBoyer Towing to Terminal 117
Section 3, has a few habitat pockets and some shallow
intertidal areas, including an existing restoration site at
Portland Street. Immediately north and south of the South
Park BBridge, the left bank has less shoreline hardening and
more natural shoreline than other areas in this section.
AActive residents from the nearby Georgetown and South
Park neighborhoods afford greater opportunity for
partnership, coordination, synergy and stewardship.
Existing DDuwamish WWaterway Park, illustrating continuing community
Constraints                     effort to improve shoreline access and shoreline habitat (River Mile 3.1)
Marine construction activities and barge mooring and
loading requiring some shoreline hardening and piers for
business operations, constrain restoration opportunities
to some extent. RRelatively smaller parcel sizes resulting
in a variety of ownerships may make coordination more
challenging. However, much of the shoreline in this section
is bordered by non-water dependent and residential uses.
Opportunities Overview 
EEnhance and create new habitat pockets and
corridors in a community context.
Take advantage of shallow intertidal areas to create
mudflat and marsh habitats.
Provide corridors between higher quality habitat
upstream and downstream.                South Park Marina, illustrating over-water coverage
(River Mile 3.5)
Successful habitat restoration will require close
coordination with state and federal clean-up
managers and property owners, particularly
BBoeing, to ensure effective soil and sediment cleanup
, complemented by restoration actions along the
east shoreline.
RRestoration opportunities in Section 3 exist along several
shorelines adjacent to businesses, residences and public
shoreline street ends. Opportunities include the creation of
habitat corridors along the shorelines adjacent to the South
Park neighborhood (Project 20), 8th AAvenue South near
Georgetown (Project 17) and the BBoeing Public AAccess Site
(Project 18), and the creation of a habitat hub at Terminal
117 (Project 23). Partnerships with adjacent businesses,
including tug and barge operators, could be coordinated, to
create habitat corridors in and around Port-owned ribbon    DDuwamish WWaterway in area of Eighth Avenue South
parcels (Projects 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22 and 24). See Figure 9     (River Mile 2.9)
and project descriptions below.

42   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Opportunity Details               along the bank line at 12 to 13 feet MLLW. AApproximately
200 linear feet of bank line is available for improvement at
This section contains descriptions of existing             this site.
conditions and potential restorative actions that could
be implemented at each of the currently identified         Project 15  South Fontanelle Street/Fifth AAvenue
restoration opportunity sites within Section 3. Numbered    South UUpstream AAlong DDerelict Industrial BBank line,
projects correspond to opportunities on Port property.      West Shoreline,
UUnnumbered projects discuss opportunities for restoration   RRiver Mile 2.6  Corridor Habitat
on other properties. More detailed notes of existing        This site currently has a substantial area of intertidal
conditions and potential restoration actions at each site are   and shallow subtidal substrate, without any permanent
provided in AAppendix 1.                         structures. The upper and intertidal bank line consists
of rubble, concrete block bulkhead and equipment and
Project 14  North Portion EExisting BBarge Cargo      structures. No substantial riparian or marsh vegetation is
Facility, West Shoreline,                        present. The Port-owned area includes the existing upland
RRiver Mile 2.5  Corridor Habitat                 as well as the bank line and the aquatic area. Potential
Currently, this site has a moderate area of unobstructed      restoration actions could include excavation of the bank
intertidal and shallow subtidal substrate. The upper and      line area in Port ownership and removal of rubble and
intertidal bank line consists of riprap and rubble and no      derelict materials. The top-of-bank could be re-shaped
substantial riparian vegetation or marsh vegetation is       landward to match upland elevation, moving the bank line
present. The Port-owned area includes the existing upland    landward approximately 20 to 30 feet. AA fine grain intertidal
as well as the bank line and the aquatic area. Potential       substrate at an elevation of 10 to 13 feet MLLW could be
restoration actions could include excavation of the bank     constructed for use as emergent vegetation planting area.
line and removal of rubble and derelict materials. The top-    AA 2:1 slope shoreline with riparian vegetation extending
of-bank could be reshaped landward approximately 15      up-slope from 13 feet MLLW to the top-of-bank elevation
feet and a fine grain intertidal substrate at an elevation       could be constructed for use as riparian planting area. Large
of plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW, could be created for use as an     woody debris could also be installed along the bank line
emergent vegetation planting area. AA 2:1 sloped shoreline    at 12 to 13 feet MLLW. AApproximately 450 linear feet of site
with riparian vegetation extending up-slope from 13 feet     bank line is available for improvement at this site.
MLLW to top-of-bank could be constructed for a riparian
planting area. Large woody debris could also be installed

Illustrating South Park neighborhood/street-end restoration potential     Illustrating industrial building edge of waterway and potential for
(River Mile 3.3)                                           partnership restoration action with Boeing (River Mile 3.5)

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   43

Project 16  South Othello Street to EEighth AAvenue
South, EEast Shoreline,
RRiver Mile 2.7  Corridor Habitat
Currently this site has a substantial intertidal and shallow
subtidal substrate and no permanent structures. The
aquatic area is generally clear of industrial debris and relic
materials. However, the upper and intertidal bank line
consists of rubble and industrial fill material. No substantial
riparian vegetation or marsh vegetation is present. Potential
restoration actions could include excavation of the bank line
area in Port ownership and removal of rubble and industrial
fill.DDisplacement of the top-of-bank landward five to 20
feet could also occur depending on ownership. AA low bank
riparian vegetation area five to 15 feet in width at an elevation
of 13 feet MLLW to top-of-bank could be created and large
woody debris could be placed between 13 and 14 feet MLLW.
Landward, the 2:1 to 3:1 slope could receive native riparian
vegetation and a top-of-slope berm to prevent surface water
flow over the bank line.AA pproximately 700 linear feet of bank
line is available for improvement at this site.
Project 17  Southwest corner, EEighth AAvenue
South, EEast Shoreline,
RRiver Mile 2.8  Corridor Habitat
This site currently has comparatively abrupt intertidal and
shallow subtidal slopes, with a rocky/cobble substrate. No
over water structures are present and no riparian or marsh
vegetation is present. Potential restoration actions could
include excavating and regrading of the Port-owned bank
line and narrow upland strip to remove rubble and re-shape
the profile. Native riparian vegetation could be planted
from 13 feet to 20 feet MLLW. The top-of-bank could be
moved landward approximately five to 10 feet.RR iparian
upper photograph: Existing rubble and industrial fill shoreline edge at
vegetation could provide a native shoreline feature at the
Eighth Avenue South
northwest corner of Slip 4. AApproximately 100 linear feet of
bank line is available for improvement at this site.

Illustrating potential habitat restoration at Project 22 site, with the       ExistingGGeorgetown Eighth Avenue South street-end, illustrating
potential for substantial expanded habitat in partnership with upland     potential partnership restoration opportunity withCCity of Seattle
property owner (River Mile 3.5)                             (River Mile 2.8)

44   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Project 18  Southwest Corner, Slip 4 and AAdjacent    Potential restoration actions could include regrading of the
UUpstream BBank line, EEast Shoreline,              Port-owned bank line and narrow upland strip and removal
RRiver Mile 3.0  Corridor Habitat                 of rubble to establish the top-of-bank approximately 10 to
Currently this site has a uniform riprap bank line, with no     15 feet landward. The dimensions and shape of the bank line
over water structures. The riprap slope extends landward     could be irregular, consistent with the existing residential
from a substantial exposed intertidal and shallow          structures and street end availability. AAn intertidal fine grain
subtidal aquatic area. RRiparian vegetation exists 10 to 15     substrate bench could be constructed, variable in width, at
feet landward of the top-of-bank. However, no riparian      an elevation of plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW, for use as emergent
vegetation is present in the shoreline slope areas. Marsh     vegetation area. RRiparian vegetation could be established
vegetation is also not present. Potential restoration actions    from an elevation of plus 13 feet to 16 feet MLLW and large
could include excavation of the bank line to remove        woody debris could be installed at plus 12 to 13 feet MLLW.
portions of riprap and to regrade and reshape the Port-      Public access could be included to restored shoreline in
owned bank line profile landward approximately 40 feet.     street end areas. AApproximately 850 linear feet of bank line is
AAn intertidal fine grain substrate could be constructed at an   available for improvement at this site.
elevation of plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW for use as an emergent
vegetation area. RRiparian vegetation could be established    Project 21  Industrial Structure (Plant 2) North of
from an elevation of plus 13 feet to 20 feet MLLW. Large      South Park BBridge, EEast Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.2 
woody debris could be restored throughout at an elevation   Corridor Habitat
of 12 to 13 feet MLLW. AApproximately 1050 linear feet of     Currently the margin of this site consists of a piling
bank line is available for improvement at this site.          supported industrial building. Intertidal conditions
extend beneath the structure and over water coverage
Project 19  South Chicago Street to South Kenyon   extends east of Port ownership area. However, no over
Street, West Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.0  Corridor       water structures are present in Port-owned aquatic area.
Habitat                               Substantial intertidal and shallow subtidal exposed sand/
This site currently has an irregular rubble bank line, with      mud substrate is present. However, no riparian or marsh
no over-water structures. The rubble slope ends at the       vegetation is present. Potential restoration actions could
landward margin of a substantial exposed intertidal        include installation of continuous large woody debris in
and shallow subtidal aquatic area. No riparian or marsh      the Port-owned aquatic area, placed between plus two and
vegetation is present. Potential restoration actions could     four feet MLLW. Large woody debris serves as intertidal
include regrading the Port-owned bank line and narrow     enhancement and protects adjacent upland structure
upland strip, removal of rubble and establishing the top-of-   from vessel wake energy. AApproximately 900 linear feet of
bank at approximately 10 to 15 feet landward. AAn intertidal   exposed sand/mud substrate is available for improvement
fine grain substrate bench could be constructed at an       at this site.
elevation of plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW for use as an emergent
vegetation area. RRiparian vegetation could be established
from an elevation of plus 13 feet to 19 feet MLLW and large
woody debris could be installed at plus 12 to 13 feet MLLW.
AApproximately 475 linear feet of bank line is available for
improvement at this site.
Project 20  South Park Neighborhood Street
ends: South Kenyon Street, South EElmgrove Street,
South Southern Street and South RRose Street, West
Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.2  Corridor Habitat
Currently this site has an irregular rubble bank line, which
changes in character among different privately owned
parcels and public street-ends. No over-water structures are
present. The rubble slope ends at the landward margin of a
substantial exposed intertidal and shallow subtidal aquatic
area. No riparian or marsh vegetation is present.

Illustrating present bank line conditions at River Mile 3.5, east bank line
(refer to Project 22)

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   45

Project 22 AA  Industrial BBank line, South Portion     Project 22 BB  South of South Portion, Plant 2, EEast
of Plant 2 and South of South Park BBridge, EEast       Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.5  Corridor Habitat
Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.5  Corridor Habitat         Currently this site has a riprap and rubble bank line, with no
The margin of this site currently consists of a piling          over-water structures present. AA narrow band of exposed
supported industrial building. Intertidal conditions         intertidal substrate is present, between plus six and zero
extend beneath the structure and over-water coverage      feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation present at
extends east of Port ownership area. However, no over-      this site or in adjacent areas of east bank line. Potential
water structures present, in Port-owned aquatic area.       restoration actions could include regrading the Port-owned
Substantial intertidal and shallow subtidal exposed sand/    bank line and narrow upland strip and removal of riprap
mud substrate is present. However, no riparian or marsh     and rubble to establish the top-of-bank approximately 20
vegetation is present. Potential restoration actions could     to 25 feet land ward. AA bench could be constructed at an
include installation of continuous large woody debris,       elevation of approximately plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW for use
placed between plus two and four feet MLLW. Large woody   as an emergent vegetation area. RRiparian vegetation could
debris serves as intertidal enhancement and protects       be established between an elevation of plus 13 feet to 18
adjacent upland structure from vessel wake energy.        feet MLLW. Large woody debris could also be installed at
AApproximately 1,100 linear feet of exposed sand/mud      plus 12 to 13 feet MLLW as a slope protection measure.
substrate is available for improvement at this site.          AApproximately 275 linear feet of bank line is available for
improvement at this site.

Project Site 18, illustrating existing vegetated top-of-bank. Note active     East bank line of waterway, including Eighth Avenue South street end,
Treaty fishing access at right margin of image                      illustrating corridor and habitat pocket restoration potential in partnership
with CCity of Seattle (River Mile 2.8)

46   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Project 23  Terminal 117, West Shoreline,          Project 24  Industrial BBank line (Jorgensen
RRiver Mile 3.7  Hub Habitat                   Forge), EEast shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.7 
The intertidal area at this site currently includes a moderate   Corridor Habitat
slope and an exposed medium grain substrate at the       This site has a vertical intertidal bank line and no over-water
west margin of the DDuwamish Waterway channel. The      structures. AA substantial band of exposed intertidal substrate
portion of the DDuwamish Waterway adjacent to this        is present between plus 10 and 0.0 feet MLLW. No riparian or
site includes a substantial exposed intertidal substrate.       marsh vegetation is present at this site or in adjacent areas
However, the area does not include any significant marsh     of the east bank line. Potential restoration actions could
or riparian vegetation. Potential restoration actions could     include regrading the Port-owned bank line and narrow
include removal of existing buildings and the wood crib     upland strip and removal of vertical bulkhead and top-of-
bulkhead. EExcavation of the existing filled upland area land-   bank structures to establish the top-of-bank approximately
ward from approximately nine feet MLLW could expose     40 feet land ward. AA bench could be constructed at an
approximately 2.5 acres of intertidal area. AA re-graded site    elevation of approximately plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW for use
would include approximately 0.7 acres of unvegetated      as emergent vegetation area. RRiparian vegetation could
mud/sand substrate at plus nine feet to 10.5 feet MLLW      be established from an elevation of plus 13 feet to 20 feet
and approximately 1.8 acres suitable for establishing marsh   MLLW. Large woody debris could be established at plus
vegetation at plus 10.5 to 12 feet MLLW. This restoration      10 to 13 feet MLLW as a slope transition structure and for
site could also include approximately 0.45 acres of riparian    shoreline protection. AApproximately 650 linear feet of bank
shoreline planting, between plus 12 feet MLLW and the new   line is available for improvement at this site.
top-of-bank. AApproximately 750 linear feet of bank line is
available for improvement at this site.

Illustrating Terminal 117 restoration potential (River Mile 3.7)

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   47

EExpanded Habitat at 8th AAvenue South           Coordination with BBoeing property and Superfund
The Port is supportive of collaboration with the City         remediation
of Seattle and the Georgetown neighborhood in their       DDuring preparation of the present plan, numerous
planning for improvements at the 8th AAvenue Street end     comments identified the potential for combining Port-
/ Gateway Park, which has included planning for some      owned area along the east shoreline of the waterway with
degree of habitat restoration.                        future Superfund clean-up and upland property ownership
are, including BBoeing properties. RRestoration along the
EExpanded corridor Habitat along RRiverfront RRevival   east shoreline of the waterway, river mile 3.0 through 3.5,
Planning AArea                         would require close coordination between state and federal
The Port is supportive of collaboration with residents of the   agencies, natural resource trustees, the Port and adjacent
South Park neighborhood on restoration of the Port-owned   property owners.
ribbon parcel along the RRiverfront RRevival planning area.
Numerous public comments focused on the potential to     Collaboration with Stakeholders at Terminal 117
use existing concept plans created as a citizen-led planning   The Port will continue to work with the DDuwamish
effort as a guide to larger scale use of publicly-owned Port    RRiver Cleanup Coalition, the South Park Neighborhood
property and County right-of-way. Coordinated planning    AAssociation, and other stakeholders on the cleanup and
and design in this reach of Section 3 will provide substantial   planning for habitat restoration and public access at
habitat benefits (river mile 3.7-3.8).                     terminal 117.

Illustrating South Park neighborhood/street-end restoration potential, Riverfront Revival Site (River Mile 3.3)

48   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhAB ititAtt REstosto RAtiontion plplAnn
14TH AVE S                         25
26              KING COUNTY
28 27
SR 99            31    30

Section 4
Legend  Note: not all color codings occur in each river section
Potential Hub          Potential Corridor          Adjacent Parcels          Commercial Waterway #1       Existing Restoration
Port of Seattle Owned         Site by Others
Existing Port              Intertidal/Riparian                                                       N
Potential Pocket         Restoration Site           Interface               Project Number                             Not to Scale

fIGUREfIGURE10. Seectitionn 4 Restestoratirationn OppOpportrtunitnity Sitesites

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   49
Section 4, South
Terminal 117 to Turning BBasin Number 3
The habitat hub at Turning BBasin Number3 and sediment
and freshwater inputs from upstream, along with some
natural shoreline banks, upland vegetation and shallow
intertidal areas, provide important habitat for fish and
wildlife in Section 4. Previous restoration efforts at Turning
BBasing Number3 provide a strong foundation on which to
do further enhancement.
Section 4 has the fewest constraints from water-dependent   Illustrating successful establishment of marsh vegetation at Turning
businesses. YYet, some marina and shipyard activities in       Basin Number Three restoration site (River Mile 4.6)
this section, requiring shoreline hardening and piers for
business operations, constrain restoration opportunities in
some areas.
Opportunities Overview 
BBuild on previous efforts by creating new pockets
and expanding corridors on non-water dependent
Non-water dependent businesses equal significant
restoration opportunities.
EExpand shallow and slow water areas to enlarge
estuarine transition zone habitat.
Provide connectivity to a major habitat hub
Existing marine industrial use, west shoreline (River Mile 4.4)
Several opportunities for corridor creation exist in Section
4 within Port-owned "ribbon parcels" located adjacent to
non-water dependent businesses (Projects 26-29 and 31),
along with opportunities for additional hub enhancement
at Turning BBasin Number 3 (Project 30). See Figure 10 and
project descriptions below.

Illustrating rubble, industrial fill shoreline, east bank, (River Mile 3.8)

50   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Opportunity Details:               Project 27  UUpland Industrial Facility
(Merrill Creek Holdings), EEast Shoreline,
This section contains descriptions of existing             RRiver Mile 3.9  Corridor Habitat
conditions and potential restorative actions that could       This site currently has a vertical intertidal bank line, with
be implemented at each of the currently identified         no over-water structures present. AA substantial band of
restoration opportunity sites within Section 3. Numbered    exposed intertidal substrate is present, between plus
projects correspond to opportunities on Port property.      four and 0.0 feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation
UUnnumbered projects discuss opportunities for restoration   is present at this site or in adjacent areas of the east bank
on other properties. More detailed notes of existing        line. Potential restoration actions could include placement
conditions and potential restoration actions at each site are   of continuous large woody debris between plus two and
provided in AAppendix 1.                         four feet MLLW within the Port-owned aquatic area. Large
woody debris could serve as an intertidal enhancement and
Project 25  RResearch Facility Campus, West        could protect adjacent upland structure from vessel wake
Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.8  Corridor Habitat         energy. AApproximately 375 linear feet of exposed sand/mud
This site currently has a vertical, unstabilized upper bank     substrate is available for improvement at this site.
line, with no over-water structures present. AAn intertidal
area exists below approximately plus 12 feet MLLW without   Project 28  Sea King Industrial Park, West Shoreline,
riprap or other protection. AA substantial band of exposed     RRiver Mile 4.0  Corridor Habitat
intertidal substrate is present between plus 10 and 0.0 feet    Currently this site has a riprap and rubble bank line, with no
MLLW. RRiparian vegetation exists at top-of-bank and some    over-water structures present. AA narrow band of exposed
recruitment of woody debris takes place as a result of bank    intertidal substrate is present, between plus 10 and 0.0 feet
line erosion. No marsh vegetation is present. Potential       MLLW. AA small amount of marsh vegetation is present north
restoration actions could include regrading the vertical      of the site, outside of Port ownership. Potential restoration
portion of the Port-owned upper bank line and shifting the   actions could include reshaping the Port-owned bank line
bank line landward approximately 15 feet. RRegrading the     to create a 2:1 stable slope. The bank line could receive
riparian slope at 2:1 and planting with vegetation. The new   native riparian vegetation and large woody debris could
lower slope could be prepared for emergent vegetation at    be installed at the waterward margin of the slope, between
an elevation of 10 to 13 feet MLLW. AA continuous margin     plus 10 and 13 feet MLLW, as a bank line stabilization
of large woody debris could be installed between 13 and     measure. AApproximately 275 linear feet of bank line is
14 feet MLLW at the base of the newly contoured slope.      available for improvement at this site.
AApproximately 600 linear feet of bank line is available for
improvement at this site.                          Project 29  Former Industrial Site and BBarge
Moorage (Container Properties), EEast Shoreline,
Project 26  UUpland Industrial Facility             RRiver Mile 4.1  Intertidal Habitat
(BBoeing/Thompson), EEast Shoreline, RRiver Mile 3.8    This site consists entirely of existing intertidal exposed
Corridor Habitat                          sand/mud substrate at the east margin of the navigation
Currently this site has a vertical intertidal bank line, with      channel. Intertidal conditions extend approximately 150
no over-water structures present. AA substantial band of      feet east in private ownership. Substantial tide flat area
exposed intertidal substrate is present between plus four     exists at this site. However, no riparian or marsh vegetation
and zero feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation is      is present. Potential restoration actions could include
present at this site or in adjacent areas of the east bank       placement of continuous large woody debris within Portline.
Potential restoration actions could include placement    owned aquatic area between plus two and four feet MLLW.
of continuous large woody debris between plus two and     Large woody debris could serve as intertidal enhancement
four feet MLLW within the Port-owned aquatic area. Large    and could provide slack water and off-channel habitat.
woody debris could serve as an intertidal enhancement and   AApproximately 800 linear feet of exposed sand/mud
could protect adjacent upland structure from vessel wake    substrate is available for improvement at this site.
energy. AApproximately 375 linear feet of exposed sand/mud
substrate is available for improvement at this site.

chchAptptER fofoUR: REESTORARATION ConstonstRAintsints AnnD OppoppoRttUnitinitiEss   51

Project 30  BBoeing Facility Campus and Industrial
Park, EEast Shoreline, RRiver Mile 4.6  Corridor Habitat
Currently this site has a riprap bank line, with no over-water
structures present. AA substantial band of exposed intertidal
substrate is present, between plus 10 and zero feet
MLLW. No marsh vegetation and limited riparian features
are present. Potential restoration actions could include
excavation of 650 linear feet in two locations to create a 2:1
slope between 10 feet and 22 feet MLLW, moving the topof-bank
up to 15 feet landward, consistent with property
ownership. AAn approximately 10-foot wide and 650-foot
long emergent planting bench could be created at an
elevation of plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW. The area up-slope of
the emergent planting area, spanning an additional 400
linear feet of shoreline, could receive riparian vegetation.
AApproximately 1,050 linear feet of bank line is available for
improvement at this site.                          Illustrating shoreline and aquatic area restoration potential at west bank
line, Turning Basin Number Three, (River Mile 4.6)
Project 31  Seattle City Light Substation, West
Shoreline, RRiver Mile 4.6  Corridor Habitat
This site currently has a riprap bank line, with no over-water
structures present. Little exposed intertidal substrate is
present between plus 10 and zero feet MLLW. No marsh
vegetation and limited riparian features are present.
Potential restoration actions could include reshaping of the
lower intertidal riprap slope to include a fine grain substrate
bench at an elevation of plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW, which is
five to 10 feet in width and suitable for placing emergent
vegetation. The area below plus 10 MLLW could remain as
a riprap slope. The area in Port control above plus 13 feet
MLLW could receive riparian vegetation. AApproximately 625
linear feet of bank line is available for improvement.
Collaboration opportunities, west Turning BBasin
Number Three
RRestoration occurring within the Port ribbon parcel could
be complementary to any potential restoration efforts on     Existing creosote timber bulkhead, east bank line (River Mile 3.8)
the adjacent City Light parcel through collaborative efforts.
DDredging at Turning BBasin Number Three
The Port believes that it is important that the area of
Turning BBasin Number Three continue to function
as a sediment collection basin, aiding maintenance
of downstream navigation uses. Coordination of
maintenance dredging needs and potential fish and
wildlife habitat improvements requires participation
by local, state, federal and natural resource trustee

Illustrating potential marsh and riparian restoration site at east turning
basin bank line (River Mile 4.6)

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Implementation DDiscussion
The Lower DDuwamish Habitat RRestoration Plan identifies and describes potential
habitat restoration opportunities that exist at a vetted inventory of sites. The Plan
also contains policy guidance and examples of applicable restoration typologies.
This chapter contains some discussion of how implementation of the projects
might move forward including linkages to progress on related DDuwamish RRiver
cleanup projects.

54   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn
Implementation Scenarios    restoration projects in the identified project opportunity areas,
with the greatest emphasis on water dependent businesses
While the product of this report is primarily an inventory     immediately adjacent to the properties in question.
of Port-owned sites available for habitat projects, there are
some plausible implementation concepts apparent at this    AAs part of the public involvement effort for this Plan, the
time. First, new waterfront construction projects usually      Port conducted outreach to community groups, public
require habitat enhancement and/or restoration as part      agencies, citizens, property owners, businesses and
of the permit approval process. This is commonly known     other stakeholders in the project area. AA series of public
as project mitigation. Second, as discussed in Chapter 1 at    open houses and workshops were held to coordinate
some future time, the Natural RResource Trustees are likely to   with stakeholders. In addition, the Port targeted water
follow up on the DDraft RRestoration Plan and Programmatic    dependent businesses in a series of meetings. Follow-
EEnvironmental Impact Statement by pursuing settlements    up contact included a project mailer that described
with liable parties involving new habitat construction.       and mapped specific potential habitat restoration sites.
RRevisions to potential opportunity sites were made based
The RRestoration Plan and Programmatic EEnvironmental      on the input received. The Port will continue to coordinate
Impact Statement will provide direction on habitat         with adjacent businesses during future habitat design and
emphasis and construction priorities. The approach of       implementation efforts. These efforts will include seeking
this plan has been to inventory all Port-owned sites where    specific feedback as proposed designs are developed and
restoration is thought to be currently feasible and would     providing updates to adjacent property owners and the
not unreasonably interfere with other river users, most      public on the progress of implementation.
importantly water-dependent businesses. The Port would
need to determine programmatic and/or case specific
requirements and compensation in a scenario of other
parties using Port land for their habitat projects. The terms
of such transactions are at this time unknown and are
beyond the scope of this plan.
Coordination with
Other Governments
and Property Owners
Several opportunities for collaboration on restoration
projects exist along the Waterway, both with public
and private entities. Most notable are opportunities for
collaboration with owners of properties adjacent to the
Port's "ribbon parcels." In many cases the landward side
of a ribbon property corresponds to the high water mark,
resulting in the Port being able to restore intertidal habitats,
whereas the adjacent property owners would have greater
ability to restore the corresponding riparian habitats.
The potential conceptual projects and opportunities
described in this Plan are limited to those projects which
could be undertaken on Port owned properties that are
currently thought to be available for restoration. Furthermore,
the emphasis of this Plan is on those upland, intertidal and
shallow subtidal portions of the Commercial Waterway
N. 1 parcel, with intertidal areas being the most critical.
Coordination efforts to date have thus focused on those
stakeholders who would be most impacted by future

chchAptptER fifiVE: ImplmplEmmEntntAtiontion DISCUUSSION   55
Monitoring and Tracking      RRecommendations & Next Steps
RRecommendations        The Port will continue to provide input on the Lower
DDuwamish RRiver DDraft RRestoration Plan and Programmatic
The Port currently conducts monitoring at existing         EEnvironmental Impact Statement, including input on
restoration sites. AAs restoration efforts are expanded within   project prioritization criteria. The Port will continue to
the Lower DDuwamish RRiver the Port is supportive of the      address historic contamination at Terminal 117, which has
notion of adaptive management as developed by the       been identified as anEEarly AA ction AArea. Two upland removal
WRRIAA 9 Plan. This will allow the Port to respond to improve    actions have already occurred on the site. AA separate study
scientific understanding of theDD uwamish estuary as        is being performed to identify a final removal action for the
well as "lessons learned" from current and future habitat      sediment, bank upland and adjacent streets.
restoration projects in this and other Puget Sound estuaries.
BBy sharing the restoration challenges and successes of       On a parallel track, the Port will continue to participate
this initiative, the broader public can learn from the Port's     in the Lower DDuwamish Waterway Group (LDDWG) on the
efforts and this data can be used to coordinate and improve   Lower DDuwamish RRiver RRemedial Investigation / Feasibility
future habitat restoration and enhancement efforts. In a      Study. This project is a study of the extent of contaminants
case where the Port is not implementing habitat projects     in the river and the risks to humans and the environment.
on Port land it will consider the use of mechanisms that      The LDDWG includes the City of Seattle, King County, the Port
ensure that the implementing entity adheres to the        of Seattle and the BBoeing Company, with oversight from
adaptive management doctrine.                   the UU.S. EEnvironmental Protection AAgency and Washington

VVolunteer efforts will be an important
component of project implementation

56   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

State DDepartment of EEcology. Habitat restoration planning
for one of the Lower DDuwamish Waterway early action sites
(T117) is ongoing and will include extensive community                                PIER 34
outreach. In addition to these core efforts, the Port will
continue to participate as a stakeholder, property owner
and affected agency in City of Seattle's Shoreline Master
Program update, as well as DDuwamish VValley VVisioning
Project, a grassroots community planning effort led by the
DDuwamish RRiver Cleanup Coalition.
The Port of Seattle's efforts for habitat restoration planning
extend outside of the DDuwamish waterway. The Seaport
Shoreline Plan was adopted by the Port Commission in                                        SR 99
DDecember 2007. It includes the designation of three future
habitat restoration sites in the Harbor Island area. These                                     SLIP 27
are as follows: the shoreline area at the southern end of                      ISLAND
Terminal 25, the tip of Slip 27, and the shoreline adjacent to
the mooring dolphins at Pier 34.
The overall DDuwamish RRiver cleanup and restoration effort                             Terminal 25
has the potential to transform the Lower DDuwamish RRiver.
The Port believes that proactive planning is necessary to
prepare for the changes to come. The Port hopes that The               WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE
Lower DDuwamish RRiver Habitat RRestoration Plan will provide
initial leadership and guidance for future implementation
efforts. Specifically, this plan will create a long-range
framework for investments on Port property that lie along     Legend
the shoreline of the river. The intent of this plan will be                                               N
Potential Pocket
to provide for the coexistence of natural habitat and the                                        Not to Scale
commerce that relies on the waterway for navigation, in a     fIGUREfIGURE 11. Potenntialal Haabitaat Projectss inn Haarbor IslandIsland Areaa
way that emphasizes community values and stakeholder
coordination. This Plan is a necessary early step in the
habitat restoration process for Port owned shoreline sites
in the Lower DDuwamish RRiver and additional coordination,
prioritization, design and other implementation efforts will
be needed to realize the opportunities identified.

CChinook Salmon (Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nylffn/1333167157)     Blue Heron on Duwamish River

chchAptptER fifiVE: ImplmplEmmEntntAtiontion DISCUUSSION   57

OOsprey nest box, in place at Terminal 18, East WWaterway
Note: FFive activeOOsprey nests are present in DDuwamish WW aterway

< This page intentionally left blank >

RREffEREncncEss   59
BBenthos. 2008. EEncyclopdia BBritannica. RRetrieved October 8, 2008, from EEncyclopdia BBritannica Online.
Green/DDuwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed Water RResource Inventory AArea 9 (WRRIAA 9) Steering Committee.
AAugust 2005. Salmon Habitat Plan  Making Our Watershed Fit for a King. Prepared for the WRRIAA 9 Forum.
Kerwin, John and Nelson, Tom S. (EEds.). DDecember 2000. Habitat Limiting Factors and RReconnaissance AAssessment RReport,
Green/DDuwamish and Central Puget Sound Watersheds (WRRIAA 9 and VVashon Island). Washington Conservation
Commission and the King County DDepartment of Natural RResources. http://dnr.metrokc.gov/Wrias/9/RRecon.htm 
Hoff,RR ebecca. AAugust 2008. National Oceanic and AAtmospheric AAdministration. Personal contact regarding habitat
restoration guidelines that are expected to be promulgated by the Lower DDuwamish RRiver Natural RResource Trustees.
Marshes 2008. UU.S. EEnvironmental Protection AAgency. RRetrieved October 8, 2008, from
Spence, BB.C., G.AA. Lomnicky, RR.M. Hughes, and RR.P. Novitzki, 1996. AAn EEcosystem AApproach to Salmonid Conservation.

< This page intentionally left blank >

AppAppEnnDicicEss   61
Appendix 1
Duwamish Restoration Notes
Site Number One: Terminal 105, west bank line,    Habitat Statement: AArea has existing, unobstructed low
RRiver Mile 0.1                             slope, fine-grained inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal aquatic
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: pocket habitat        area. EEmergent and riparian vegetation are absent.
Planning Area: One                          Potential Restoration Actions: EEstablish emergent
vegetation, improve riparian vegetation: AApproximately
Ownership: POS upland and aquatic area              350 linear feet bank line restoration. EExcavate top-of-bank
to reduce bank line elevation to approximately ten to 12
Existing Conditions:                           feet above MLLW, extending inter-tidal area approximately
50 to 80 feet west, constructing berm at west margin of
Bank line slope and configuration: BBank line is un-    site. RRemoval derelict structures, rubble, and metal slag
stabilized, eroding margin of previous un-armored   materials from existing inter-tidal area. Plant re-shaped
fill area, upper south bank line includes remains of    and graded area with emergent vegetation planting site,
former small boat shipway, slope approximately     plant 15 feet wide riparian buffer/berm at west margin.
8:1. Top-of-bank approximately 14 to 15 feet MLLW.   Note: Cottonwood growth at north end of site to remain as
buffer between site and off-channel inter-tidal habitat site
Existing bank line vegetation: Small number        adjacent to north.
deciduous trees at north portion of site, nearly
continuous Scott's broom and other non-native     Site Number Two: Terminal 106, east bank line,
shrubs and low vegetation throughout site, with     RRiver Mile 0.1-0.4
small amount non-native beach grass.           Habitat Restoration Opportunity: corridor habitat
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:        Planning Area: One
EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 8:1, sand/
mud substrate. Ledges of pre-development organic   Ownership: POS upland and aquatic area
marsh are exposed in limited areas of in inter-tidal
shoreline. No marsh vegetation and little algal       Existing Conditions:
Bank line slope and configuration: BBank line is
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent            structurally stabilized, including 1.75:1 heavy riprap
sub-tidal area includes un obstructed west              slope. Top-of-bank approximately 18 feet MLLW.
margin of DDuwamish navigation channel, slope
approximately 8:1 to 5:1. No substantial algal             Existing bank line vegetation: Slope is largely
growth.                                  vacant of vegetation, with only small number low
growing invasive plants present.
Existing structures: EExisting upland undeveloped,
with light industrial fabrication and warehouse            Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
uses adjacent to west, including paved/drained           EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1.75:1,
heavy truck/vehicle use area, site storm water             similar to upper-bank line, with constructed
outfall at south margin of site. Note: substantial            riprap slope extending from inter-tidal elevations
relic creosote piling and rubble, including               to sub-tidal area of Turning BBasin Number One,
sandblast grit and slag, remaining from former            approximately 20-25 feet below MLLW. No marsh
small boat yard and shipway.                       vegetation and little algal growth.

62   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             vegetation, while south 100 feet has received past
sub-tidal area includes east margin of DDuwamish          riparian plantings.
navigation channel and Turning BBasin Number
One, slope approximately 5:1. Sub-tidal conditions         Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
include heavy riprap slope and minus 20-25 feet          EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 2:1 riprap,
MLLW sand/mud substrate in adjacent turning           extending from approximately 10 to 11 feet MLLW
basin. No substantial algal growth.                    to plus 16 to 18 feet MLLW. Lower inter-tidal
slope, below approximately 10 to 11 feet MLLW,
Existing structures: AActive marine-related uses             approximately 3:1 to 5:1, includes imported fill and
and activities in upland area. No existing or former         localized areas of exposed native substrate. No
dock, in-water structures present. UUpland area used        marsh vegetation present and little algal growth.
for marine cargo container servicing/maintenance/
marshalling, including paved yard area, with             Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
heavy truck and equipment use. Site storm water          sub-tidal area slopes to east margin of DDuwamish
discharges present.                             navigation channel. No substantial algal growth.
Habitat Statement: AArea has no existing fine-grained, low         Existing structures: AActive marine-related uses and
slope inter-tidal area and riparian vegetation absent.              activities in upland area. South portion of adjacent
upland includes pavement and storm drainage
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 1350 linear        system, while north portion is unpaved. EExisting
feet bank-line alteration. RReshape and reduce bank line to          skeleton pier present, approximately 350 linear
create 40 feet wide inter-tidal, fine-grain substrate bench           feet, with associated moorage dolphins. Moorage
along length of site, elevation approximately 0.0 to plus           in-active at present. Moorage includes only
two feet MLLW. BBank line above plus two feet MLLW sloped        minimal over-water obstruction/coverage.
at 1:1 between plus two and plus 12 feet MLLW, ensuring
erosion resistant upper inter-tidal shoreline. BBank line       Habitat Statement: AArea has moderate, un-obstructed
between plus 12 and 18 feet MLLW re-shaped with variable   inter-tidal substrate. No emergent vegetation present,
slope, approximately 2:1 and 3:1, to receive native riparian    however, and riparian vegetation can be expanded. EErosion
plantings, installed as bank line vegetation pockets and      is active in this bank line area.
planting wells. EEstablish native riparian at new top-of-bank
profile.                                            Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 750 linear
feet linear feet bank-line alteration. RReshape and reduce
Site Number Three: Terminal 108, east bank line,    bank line to create 20 feet wide inter-tidal, marsh planting
RRiver Mile 0.5                             bench along length of site, elevation approximately 10 to
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: pocket habitat        12 feet MLLW. Incorporate large woody debris in emergent
planting areas. BBank line upslope of marsh planting bench
Planning Area: One                          sloped between 3:1 and 4:1 to receive native riparian
vegetation. Top-of-bank receives ten feet wide native
Ownership: POS upland and aquatic area              riparian vegetation buffer.
Existing Conditions:                           Site Number Four: Terminal 107, Kellogg Island,
west bank line, RRiver Mile 1.0
Bank line slope and configuration: BBank line is       Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Hub habitat site
variable with structurally stabilized 2:1 slope above
approximately 10 to 11 feet MLLW and lower       Planning Area: One
inter-tidal slope between 3:1 and 5:1. Top-of-bank
between 18 and 22 feet MLLW.               Ownership: POS upland and aquatic area.
Existing bank line vegetation: AApproximately 350    Existing Conditions:
linear existing top-of-bank includes combination
of native and invasive trees and shrubs. Note: AArea          Bank line slope and configuration: BBank line
has not been managed or planted, all vegetation          consists of disintegrating, forty year-old berm
present as in-fill from adjacent locations. Center            installed as perimeter enclosure at Kellogg Island.
300 feet of bank-line is absent of riparian                BBerm placed as containment structure for receiving

AppAppEnnDicicEss   63

dredged sediments from DDuwamish Waterway.     woody debris could be placed throughout perimeter of site
BBank line berm has slumped and breached in       as additional substrate stabilization measure.
numerous locations, allowing for tidal flooding,
elevations above plus 11 feet MLLW. RRemaining     Inter-tidal restoration at Kellogg Island could be guided by
berm is abrupt 1:1 to vertical slope, with invasive     data describing site elevations and conditions prior to use
vegetation. No riprap present.                 as a dredged material disposal site. RRemoval of dredged
sediments from site may require excavation below 10.5
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:        feet MLLW in some locations, due to compression of under-
Kellogg Island includes approximately 1.2 acres,     lying native sediments. EEmergent and riparian plantings at
with approximately 4.3 acres between 11 to 13      site could make greatest possible use of re-exposed native
feet MLLW and approximately 7.9 acres between     sediments, however, placement of additional fine-grained
13 and 30-45 feet above MLLW. AArea 11 to 13 feet    sediments at site may be required to obtain appropriate
above MLLW includes native and invasive marsh     elevations following removal of stock-piled dredged
vegetation and riparian vegetation. AArea above      materials.
approximately 13 feet MLLW includes native and
invasive upland vegetation. AArea water-ward of      Site Number Five: Northwestern Glass Company,
existing berm includes native inter-tidal mud/sand   east bank line, RRiver Mile 1.3
substrate, with slope conditions approximately 10:1   Habitat Restoration Opportunity: corridor habitat
Planning Area: One
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: Shallow
sub-tidal area consists of exposed mud-sand       Ownership: POS aquatic and bank line area, with top-of-
substrate throughout, with east portions of site      bank and upland in private ownership
sloping at approximately 5:1 to 3:1 to adjacent
DDuwamish Waterway channel.               Existing Conditions:
Existing structures: No over-water or upland               Bank line slope and configuration: BBank line is
structures present. Site has been used in past             uniform low riprap and rubble slope, variable in
decades to receive dredged sediments from the          section 1:1 to 3:1. Top-of-bank approximately 16.5
DDuwamish Waterway. Note: EExisting approximately        to 17 feet MLLW.
12.2 acre site was formerly inter-tidal marsh area.
EEntire site has been bermed and filled, with up            Existing bank line vegetation: No substantial
to two feet over-burden of dredged material             riparian vegetation present. Top-of-bank includes
covering north 35 percent of site and 10 to 30            non-native shrubs.
feet dredged sediments present in south 70
percent of site. DDredged material has compressed          Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
native sediments. In addition, dredged materials          EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1:1 to 3:1
previously placed at the site include contaminated         riprap and rubble, extending from top-of-bank to
sediments.                                 approximately six to eight feet MLLW. Narrow band
exposed native sand/mud sediment between toe
of riprap slope and at east margin of DDuwamish
Habitat Statement: AAdjacent portion of DDuwamish            navigation channel, with approximately 40 to 50
Waterway includes substantial existing exposed inter-            feet exposed mid and low inter-tidal substrate
tidal and shallow sub-tidal mud/sand substrate. Marsh            present, slope approximately 5:1 to 10:1. No marsh
vegetation was formerly abundant and is present in small          vegetation present and little algal growth.
pockets at present.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: Moderate
Potential Restoration Actions: RRestore inter-tidal              approximate 5:1 adjacent sub-tidal area to east
conditions in 11.5 to 12 acres at site. RRemove previously           margin of DDuwamish navigation channel. No
placed dredged materials, re-exposing sediments to tidal          substantial algal growth.
influence, between 10.5 and 13 feet MLLW. Install emergent
vegetation throughout. RRestoration could leave portions           Existing structures: No active marine-related uses
of existing berm at east margin of site in place to protect           and activities in upland area. UUpland area includes
restored marsh areas from vessel-wake erosion. Large            industrial warehouse, truck access, and parking.

64   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Habitat Statement: AArea has substantial, un-obstructed          transshipment at south margin of site, including
inter-tidal substrate. No emergent or riparian vegetation           skeleton dock and deep draft moorage. UUpland
present. Site is narrow, with limited port-owned bank line          area used for heavy vehicle access serving adjacent
available for improvement.                             manufacturing/warehouse uses.
Potential Restoration Actions: RRemove rubble, debris, and   Habitat Statement: AArea includes un-obstructed inter-tidal
derelict creosote piling from port-owned aquatic and bank   substrate. Limited riparian vegetation present, with small
line area. EEstablish approximately 250 to 275 linear feet      amount of marsh vegetation in exposed native substrate.
large-woody debris conditions in inter-tidal area plus 10 to    Site is narrow, with limited port-owned bank line available
12 feet MLLLW. Install riparian vegetation planting pockets    for improvement.
and ledges in port-owned bank-line area above plus 12 feet
MLLW.                              Potential Restoration Actions: RRemove rubble and debris
from port-owned aquatic and bank line area. EExcavate and
Site Number Six: BBritish Plaster BBoard, east bank    re-shape approximately 175 linear feet of existing bank line,
line, RRiver Mile 1.6                            creating inter-tidal bench plus 10 to 12 feet MLLLW. Install
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: corridor habitat        marsh vegetation and large woody debris (expanding
existing bulrush area in this location). Install riparian
Planning Area: Two                          vegetation as planting pockets and ledges in remaining
portions of port-owned bank-line area above plus 12 feet
Ownership: POS aquatic and bank line area, with top-of-     MLLW.
bank and upland in private ownership
Site Number Seven: Southwest corner Slip Two,
Existing Conditions:                           east bank line, RRiver Mile 1.9
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: corridor habitat
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
approximately 16 to 18 feet MLLW. Industrial       Planning Area: Two
upland development immediately land-ward of
bank line. EEntire shoreline consists of heavy riprap    Ownership: POS bank line area, with adjacent upland area
and rubble slope, generally 1.75:1 and 2:1 slope.     in private and public ownership
RRiprap has slumped in areas, creating irregular
bank profile.                              Existing Conditions:
Existing bank line vegetation: RRiparian vegetation          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
present as thicket and shrubs, with no trees.              approximately 16 to 19 feet MLLW. Industrial
upland development area extends to top-of-bank
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              throughout site. BBank line consists of continuous
EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1.75:1 to 2:1         riprap and rubble, with variable slope and irregular
riprap and rubble, extending from top-of-bank to          condition, approximately 2:1 to 3:1 slope.
approximately four feet MLLW. Note: narrow band
of marsh vegetation present in north portion of           Existing bank line vegetation: No riparian
site, in exposed native sediment layer, in horizontal         vegetation present. Site bank line includes invasive
terrace in exposed riprap slope. Little algal growth.         plants.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent            Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
sub-tidal area slopes to east margin of DDuwamish         EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 2:1
navigation channel. Narrow shoulder exposed           to 3:1 riprap, extending from top-of-bank to
native sand/mud sediment between toe of riprap         approximately 10.0 feet MLLW. No marsh or
slope and east margin of DDuwamish navigation          algal growth present. Mid and lower interchannel
, with approximately 20 feet wide exposed         tidal area consists of exposed crushed rock/
mid and low inter-tidal substrate present, slope           aggregate substrate, resulting from release of
approximately 5:1 to 10:1. No substantial algal            bulk construction materials during barge/upland
growth.                                  transfer operations. AArea between 10 feet and 0.0
MLLW approximately 10:1 slope. No dock or over-
Existing structures: AActive marine bulk cargo

AppAppEnnDicicEss   65

water structures present.                          320 linear feet, port-owned bank line.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent            Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
shallow sub-tidal area includes sloping crushed           UUpper inter-tidal bank line consists of rubble and
rock/aggregate substrate, with some sand/mud to         riprap, with abrupt constructed slopes. Inter-tidal
east margin of DDuwamish navigation channel.           area below approximately five feet MLLW includes
mud/sand substrate in limited areas, adjoining
Existing structures: AAdjacent sites to north and             adjacent west slope of DDuwamish Waterway
south includes marine industrial shoreline and            channel (slopes approximately 3:1).
upland uses and activities. Over-water creosote
piling supported dock structures, active and              Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: Shallow
derelict, with timber crib bulkheads. South              sub-tidal area represents west side-slope of
portion of adjacent site includes recreational boat          DDuwamish Waterway channel. Side slope is
moorage. UUpland portion of site includes barge           approximately 3:1.
cargo transshipment and marshalling, with heavy
vehicle use.                                    Existing structures: EExisting derelict creosote dock
structure present, approximately 3000 square
Habitat Statement: AArea includes small area of un-             feet, with adjacent moorage floats. Shore land and
obstructed inter-tidal substrate. No riparian or marsh             adjacent upland area includes paved equipment
vegetation present. Site includes moderate inter-tidal and          storage and approximately 5300 combined square
shallow sub-tidal fine-grained, low slope substrate.               feet existing wood-frame buildings.
Potential Restoration Actions: EExcavate and re-grade      Habitat Statement: AAdjacent portion of DDuwamish
approximately 125 linear feet existing riprap/rubble bank     Waterway includes minimal exposed inter-tidal substrate,
line. Construct approximately 20 feet wide, fine-grain       with no riparian or marsh vegetation present. This reach of
inter-tidal substrate bench, elevation approximately ten to    waterway occupied by numerous in-water and over-water
12 feet above MLLW, suitable for placement of emergent     structures, including First AAvenue South bridge crossings.
vegetation and large woody debris. RRemaining portions     Note: Fish and wildlife habitat restoration channel is
of port-owned bank line land-ward of plus 12 feet MLLW,     present at south landfall of First AAvenue South BBridge
shaped at approximately 3:1 slope and planted with        (WDDOT constructed site, including connection to emergent
riparian vegetation.                              vegetation area.
Site Number Eight: Southwest Terminal 115, west    Potential Restoration Actions: RRemove existing in-water
bank line, RRiver Mile 2.0                       and over-water structures, re-exposing approximately
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Hub habitat site       320 linear feet inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal aquatic
area. EExcavate landward from existing plus ten feet
Planning Area: Two                          MLLW elevation to create inter-tidal substrate suitable for
emergent vegetation (elevation plus ten feet to 12 feet
Ownership: POS bank line area, including adjacent port-     MLLW). Side margins of excavation area includes 3:1 slope,
owned and City of Seattle right-of-way in upland area       beginning at 12 feet MLLW, allowing for new top-of-bank in
interior of excavated restoration area to match surrounding
Existing Conditions:                           upland elevations between 20-24 feet MLLW. Side slopes
planted with native riparian vegetation band, 18 to 36 feet
Bank line slope and configuration: Site is           in width. Toe of riparian slope and side slopes of excavated
downstream of First AAvenue South BBridge,        inter-tidal area stabilized with large woody debris.
adjacent to south margin of Terminal 115. Top-ofbank
15 to 18 feet MLLW, with riprap, rubble, and     Note: Inter-tidal and riparian habitat restoration area
creosote bulkhead structures present. BBank line     includes up to 3.2 acres, with the potential to expand
slope variable, 3:1 to nearly vertical. Toe of slope      restoration site to approximately 4.5 acres if adjacent public
emerges at narrow margin mud/sand substrate,     right-of-way is included. In addition, restoration at this site
approximately five feet MLLW.                 may include inter-tidal channel connection to interior of
existing WDDOT aquatic habitat restoration area. Installation
Existing bank line vegetation: No functional        of 300 to 400 feet long inter-tidal channel connection
riparian or marsh vegetation present along existing   proposed restoration site with existing WDDOT side could

66   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

benefit both areas.                               UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line contains fine-grained, lowslope
substrate. No riparian or marsh vegetation present.
Site Number Nine: North First AAvenue South
BBridge, east shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.0              Potential Restoration Actions: EExcavate and re-grade
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       approximately 225 linear feet existing riprap/rubble bank
line. Construct approximately 15 feet wide, fine-grain inter-
Planning Area: Two                          tidal substrate bench, elevation approximately 0.0 to two
feet above MLLW, suitable for placement of fine-grain inter-
Ownership: POS bank line area                    tidal substrate. RRemaining portions of port-owned bank line
land-ward of plus two feet MLLW, shaped at approximately
Existing Conditions:                           3:1 slope. Portions of slope above 12 feet MLLW planted
with riparian vegetation.
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
approximately 20 to 22 feet MLLW. Industrial       Site Number Ten: North First AAvenue South BBridge,
upland development area extends to top-of-bank    west shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.1
north of site. BBank line consists of continuous       Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
riprap and rubble, with variable slope and irregular
condition, approximately 2:1 slope. Note site        Planning Area: Two
extends under north end of parallel First AAvenue
South bridges. Shoreline also includes large        Ownership: POS bank line area
city CSO and water supply pipe line crossing of
DDuwamish Waterway.                   Existing Conditions:
Existing bank line vegetation: No riparian                 Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
vegetation present. Site bank line includes invasive         approximately 17 to 19 feet MLLW. Industrial
plants.                                        upland development area extends to top-of-bank
throughout site. BBank line consists of continuous
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              riprap, rubble, and wood crib bulkhead structures,
EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 2:1               with variable slope and irregular condition,
to 3:1 riprap, extending from top-of-bank to             approximately 1:1 to 2:1 slope, extending from
approximately 10.0 feet MLLW. No marsh or algal          top-of-bank to approximately 0.0 to minus two
growth present. Mid and lower inter-tidal area,            feet MLLW. Note: north portion of site adjacent
from approximately plus 10 feet to 0.0 (MLLW)            to recent aquatic area restoration completed by
consists of exposed rubble, debris, and moderate          Washington DDepartment of Transportation, 1998,
area of fine-grained substrate, approximately 5:1          during construction of second First AAvenue BBridge
slope.                                       crossing.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent            Existing bank line vegetation: No riparian
shallow sub-tidal area includes approximate 5:1 to         vegetation present. BBank line is unstable and
10:1 slope sand/mud substrate, extending from 0.0        eroding at toe. Site bank line includes invasive
to minus 10 to 15 feet MLLW.                       plants.
Existing structures: AAdjacent site to north                 Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
includes marine industrial shoreline and upland           EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1:1
uses and activities. North half of site includes              to 2:1 riprap, extending from top-of-bank to
covered recreational boat moorages, with              approximately 0.0 to minus two feet MLLW. No
connecting floating walkways. Moorage structures         marsh or algal growth present. Mid and lower interapproximately
60 feet water-ward of 0.0 contour.          tidal area, from approximately 0.0 (MLLW) consists
South portion of site includes storm water and            of exposed mud/sand substrate with moderate
water supply pipeline infrastructure, with above-          amount debris and derelict creosote piling stubs.
grade First AAvenue South bridge structures.             Inter-tidal slope approximately 4:1 to 5:1.
Habitat Statement: Site includes small area of un-               Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
obstructed inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate.             shallow sub-tidal area includes approximate 5:1

AppAppEnnDicicEss   67

to 10:1 slope sand/mud substrate, extending from         EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1:1
minus 10 to west margin of DDuwamish navigation         to 2:1 riprap, extending from top-of-bank to
channel.                                   approximately 0.0 to minus two feet MLLW. No
marsh or algal growth present. Mid and lower
Existing structures: AAdjacent site to south includes          inter-tidal area, from approximately 0.0 (MLLW) to
upland area used for barge cargo transshipment          minus ten feet MLLW consists of 30 to 40 feet wide
and equipment storage. Concrete piling supported        exposed mud/sand substrate, moderate slope,
barge dock (approximately 100 feet by 60) and           approximately 4:1 to 5:1. Some industrial debris
steel moorage dolphins at site.                       and derelict creosote piling present.
Habitat Statement: AArea includes moderate area of un-           Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
obstructed inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate.             shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10
UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line consist of riprap and rubble,         feet MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation
with unstable, eroding inter-tidal slope. No riparian or             channel, is used as barge moorage.
marsh vegetation present.
Existing structures: AAdjacent site to north includes
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 175 linear         upland area used for barge cargo transshipment
feet of site improvement area available. EExcavate and re-           and equipment storage. Concrete piling supported
grade approximately 75 linear feet existing riprap/rubble          barge dock (approximately 100 feet by 60). Steel
bank line to form 3:1 slope bank line suitable for placement         moorage dolphins present in sub-tidal area
of native riparian vegetation. Include top-of-bank berm to          adjacent to site shoreline.
eliminate surface water flow over top-of-bank. Install large
woody debris, elevation approximately eight to 12 MLLW    Habitat Statement: Site includes moderate area of un-
as toe-of-slope stabilization measure. Large woody debris    obstructed inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate.
extends approximately 100 feet north along port-owned     UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line consists of riprap and
waterway boundary, across high inter-tidal portions of      debris. No substantial riparian vegetation present. No
previously constructed WDDOT restoration site.            marsh vegetation present.
Site Number Eleven: South First AAvenue South
BBridge, west shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.2
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 400 linear
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-
Planning Area: Two                          owned bank line area could be re-shaped and reduced to
create 10-12 feet wide, 400 feet long, inter-tidal, fine-grain
Ownership: POS bank line area                    substrate along length of site, elevation approximately
plus ten to 12 feet MLLW, parallel and landward of existing
Existing Conditions:                           barge moorage dolphins. UUpper inter-tidal bench could
be planted with emergent vegetation. Slope landward of
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank      marsh planting area could receive large woody debris and
approximately 20 to 21 feet MLLW. Industrial       riparian vegetation arranged in slope pockets.
upland development area extends to top-of-bank
throughout site. BBank line consists of continuous     Site Number Twelve: Cold storage warehouse/
riprap, rubble, and wood crib bulkhead structures,    industrial upland site, east shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.3
with variable slope and irregular condition,         Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
approximately 1:1 to 2:1 slope, extending from
top-of-bank to approximately 0.0 to minus two feet   Planning Area: Three
MLLW. BBank line is stable.
Ownership: POS bank line area
Existing bank line vegetation: No riparian
vegetation present, however, several trees occupy    Existing Conditions:
inactive areas at top-of-bank (no substantial woody
vegetation).                                   Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
approximately 18 to 19 feet MLLW. Privately held
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              industrial upland development area extends to

68   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

top-of-bank throughout site. BBank line consists of    Site Number Thirteen: South Orchard Street/
continuous riprap and rubble, with pavement to     Second AAvenue South, west shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.3
top-of-bank at north one-half of site. South half of    Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Pocket habitat
site is unpaved. BBank line is stable.
Planning Area: Three
Existing bank line vegetation: Minimal riparian
vegetation present, however, with limited amount    Ownership: POS bank line area
of top-of-bank vegetation present as planted
landscaping at north half of site. Several trees       Existing Conditions:
occupy top-of-bank at south half of site.
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              approximately 14 to 15 feet MLLW. Privately held
EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1:1               upland/marina at south margin, with north portion
to 2:1 riprap, extending from top-of-bank to             of site abutting public right-of-way. BBank line
approximately eight feet MLLW. No marsh or algal         consists of continuous rubble and debris. BBank line
growth present. Mid and lower inter-tidal area,            is stable.
from approximately eight feet (MLLW) to minus
ten feet MLLW consists of 30 to 40 feet wide              Existing bank line vegetation: Minimal vegetation
exposed mud/sand substrate, moderate slope,           present, consisting of invasive plants and vines. No
approximately 4:1 to 6:1. Some industrial debris           woody vegetation present.
and derelict creosote piling present. Note: heavy
mooring dolphins present in sub-tidal area.              Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1:1 to 2:1
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             rubble, with some riprap, extending from top-ofshallow
sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10          bank to approximately eight feet MLLW. No marsh
feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation,        or algal growth present. Mid and lower inter-tidal
channel is used as barge moorage.                   area, from approximately eight feet (MLLW) to
minus five feet MLLW includes exposed mud/sand
Existing structures: UUpland area includes                  substrate, up to 70 feet in width, with moderate
warehouse and industrial production buildings and        slope, approximately 6:1 to 8:1. Some industrial
structures. No dock or shoreline structures present.         debris and derelict creosote piling present. Note:
Creosote and steel moorage dolphins present in          several mooring dolphins present in sub-tidal area.
sub-tidal area adjacent to site shoreline in active
use as barge and floating equipment moorage.           Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10
feet MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation.
Habitat Statement: Site includes moderate area of un-
obstructed inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate.             Existing structures: UUpland area absent of
UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line consists of riprap. No              structures or improvements. Several derelict
substantial riparian vegetation present. No marsh               concrete foundations present. No dock or shoreline
vegetation present.                                  structures present. Creosote and steel moorage
dolphins present in sub-tidal area adjacent to site
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 600 linear         shoreline, with in-frequent moorage use. Note: site
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-            includes numerous stored metal structures and
owned bank line area is narrow. EExcavate bank line to             equipment in top-of-bank area.
reduce slope, removing any rubble or debris present. Slope
bank line to maximum extent possible within port-owned    Habitat Statement: Site includes substantial area of un-
area to create riparian planting area as graded bench       obstructed inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate.
or pocket plantings, between 12 to 19 feet MLLW. Large      UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line consists of rubble and
woody debris installed as lower margin of riparian planting   debris. No substantial riparian vegetation present. No
area, between 12 and 14 feet MLLW.                  marsh vegetation present.
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 175 linear
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-

AppAppEnnDicicEss   69

owned bank line area includes existing upland as well as           Existing structures: UUpland area includes
bank line and aquatic area. EExcavate bank line, removing          structures and cargo transfer improvements. BBarge
rubble and derelict materials. Top-of-bank re-shaped land-         cargo transfer dock present at south margin of site,
ward approximately 25 feet, creating fine-grain inter-tidal          with moorage dolphins present adjacent to site,
substrate approximately 15 to 20 feet wide, elevation ten          frequently used for barge marshalling. Over-water
to 13 feet MLLW, for use as emergent vegetation planting          coverage present at existing cargo dock only.
area. Construct 2:1 slope shoreline with riparian vegetation
extending up-slope from 13 feet MLLW to mounded berm    Habitat Statement: Site includes moderate area of un-
at plus 13 feet to 15 feet MLLW, for use as riparian planting    obstructed inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate.
area. Installation of large woody debris along bank line at     UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line consists of riprap and
12 to 13 feet MLLW.                             rubble. No substantial riparian vegetation present. No
marsh vegetation present.
Site Number Fourteen: North portion existing
barge cargo facility, west shoreline, RRiver Mile 2.5     Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 200 linear
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Portowned
area includes existing upland as well as bank line
Planning Area: Three                          and aquatic area. EExcavate bank line, removing rubble
and derelict materials. Top-of-bank re-shaped land-ward
Ownership: POS bank line area                    approximately 15 feet, creating fine-grain inter-tidal
substrate approximately 15 feet wide, elevation ten to 13
Existing Conditions:                           feet MLLW, for use as emergent vegetation planting area.
Construct 2:1 slope shoreline with riparian vegetation
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank      extending up-slope from 13 feet MLLW to top-of-bank, for
approximately 15 to 18 feet MLLW. Privately owned   use as riparian planting area. Installation of large woody
upland barge cargo facility, with barge moorage     debris along bank line at 12 to 13 feet MLLW.
at south end of site, including approximately 80
feet by 120 feet dock structure, fitted with barge
loading ramps. UUpland area partially paved.
Shoreline consists of riprap and rubble stabilization.   Site Number Fifteen: South Fontanelle Street/Fifth
Toe of bank line extends to approximately six feet    AAvenue South, extending upstream along derelict
MLLW. BBank line is stable.                     industrial bank line area, west shoreline. RRiver Mile
Existing bank line vegetation: Minimal vegetation    Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
present, consisting of invasive plant/vine thicket.
No substantial woody vegetation present.         Planning Area: Three
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:        Ownership: POS bank line area
EExisting inter-tidal slope approximately 1:1 to 2:1
riprap and rubble, with some riprap, extending      Existing Conditions:
from top-of-bank to approximately six feet MLLW.
No marsh or algal growth present. Mid and lower          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
inter-tidal area, from approximately six feet               approximately 14 to 15 feet MLLW. Privately held
(MLLW) to minus five feet MLLW includes exposed         upland industrial use area, with barge moorage
mud/sand substrate, up to 40 feet in width, with           at south end of site. UUpland area includes partial
moderate slope, approximately 4:1 to 6:1. Some           pavement and unimproved surface. Shoreline
industrial debris and derelict creosote piling              consists of rubble and concrete block stabilization.
present. Note: several mooring dolphins present in         Toe of bank line extends to approximately six feet
sub-tidal area.                                   MLLW. AAbundant industrial equipment, debris, and
derelict barges/barge equipment at bank line.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10           Existing bank line vegetation: V Vegetation
feet MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation.        generally absent. Some invasive plants at north end
of shoreline.

70   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:        Site Number Sixteen: South Othello Street to
EExisting inter-tidal slope consists of vertical         EEighth AAvenue South, east shoreline. RRiver Mile 2.6
concrete block bulkhead structures, approximately   Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
1:1 to 2:1 rubble bank line, and derelict barges
and industrial equipment. Inter-tidal area includes    Planning Area: Three
substantial amount of spilled bulk construction
materials, concrete rubble and wood/metal debris.   Ownership: POS bank line area
No marsh or algal growth present. Note: mid and
lower inter-tidal area, from approximately six        Existing Conditions:
feet (MLLW) to minus five feet MLLW present as
exposed substrate, between 80 to 100 feet wide,          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
with slope 8:1 to 10:1.                              approximately 16 to 18 feet MLLW. Privately held
upland industrial use area in place at top-of-bank
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             throughout site, including paved/drained vehicle
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10          use area. Shoreline consists of rubble and metal
feet MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation.        slag in place as riprap. Toe of bank line extends to
Note: shallow sub-tidal area includes abundant           approximately eight feet MLLW.
industrial/marine debris.
Existing bank line vegetation: V Vegetation
Existing structures: UUpland area includes                  generally absent. Some invasive plants at north
numerous structures and industrial uses and             end of shoreline, with several small trees and vine
activities. Personnel and light equipment transfer          thicket at south end. Note: upland use area and
ramp at south half of site, connecting to barge            top-of-bank separated by 10 to 15 feet wide vacant
platform. No moorage dolphins. Over-water             area.
coverage present at industrial equipment dock
adjacent to south.                               Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
EExisting inter-tidal slope consists of rubble and
Habitat Statement: Site includes substantial area of inter-         industrial fill shoreline with abrupt 1:1 or nearly
tidal and shallow sub-tidal substrate, without permanent          vertical slope. No riparian vegetation present. No
structures. AAbundant debris and derelict equipment             marsh or algal growth present. Substantial interobstructs
aquatic area, however. UUpper and inter-tidal            tidal area present extending water-ward from
bank-line consists of rubble, concrete block bulkhead, and         toe of rubble bank line. AApproximately 30 to 100
derelict equipment/structures. No substantial riparian            feet wide inter-tidal sand/mud substrate extends
vegetation present. No marsh vegetation present.               from approximately eight feet MLLW to 0.0 feet
MLLW, slope 10:1 to 12:1 Several derelict creosote
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 450 linear         moorage dolphins and individual piling present
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-            in inter-tidal area. No over-water structures or
owned area includes existing upland as well as bank line           coverage present.
and aquatic area. EExcavate bank line area in port ownership,
removing rubble and derelict materials. Top-of-bank re-           Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
shaped land-ward to match upland elevation, moving bank        shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10
line land-ward approximately 10 to 30 feet, depending on         feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation.
ownership with respect to filled upland area. Construct            Note: no over-water coverage adjacent to site,
fine-grain inter-tidal substrate approximately 15 feet              with continuous moderate slope sub-tidal,
wide, elevation ten to 13 feet MLLW, for use as emergent           approximately 5:1 to adjoining sand/mud intervegetation
planting area. Construct 2:1 slope shoreline with        tidal area.
riparian vegetation extending up-slope from 13 feet MLLW
to top-of-bank elevation for use as riparian planting area.           Existing structures: UUpland area includes
Installation of large woody debris along bank line at 12 to          warehouse and heavy vehicle maintenance
13 feet MLLW.                                     structures. AAdjacent upland site in use as heavy
truck maintenance, parking, and dispatch
operation. No upland uses and activities linked
with adjacent navigation channel access. Several
moorage piling and dolphins present. Structures

AppAppEnnDicicEss   71

un-used at present, however.                       approximately 4:1 extending water-ward from 10
feet MLLW approximately 30-35 feet to 0.0. No
Habitat Statement: Site includes substantial inter-tidal           over-water structures or coverage present. EExposed
and shallow sub-tidal substrate, without permanent             inter-tidal area is industrial fill and riprap debris.
structures. AAquatic area generally clear of industrial debris
or relic materials. UUpper and inter-tidal bank-line consists           Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
of rubble and industrial fill material. No substantial riparian          shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10
vegetation present. No marsh vegetation present.               feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation,
is 3:1 to 4:1 slope. No over-water coverage adjacent
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 700 linear         to this site, moorage dolphins present, however.
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Portowned
area, including existing upland, bank line, and             Existing structures: UUpland area includes marine
aquatic area proposed for excavation and re-grading.             cargo dock extending along north margin of Slip
EExcavate bank line area in port ownership, removing rubble        4 and to southeast corner of present site. UUpland
and industrial fill.DDisplace top-of-bank land-ward five to            area includes pavement/drainage as heavy vehicle
20 feet, depending on ownership. Create low bank riparian         and cargo use area. Note: all cargo transfer at Slip
vegetation area five to 15 feet in with, elevation 13 feet            4 margin, with over-bank activity at DDuwamish
MLLW to top-of-bank. Large woody debris placed between        Waterway margin.
13 and 14 feet MLLW. Land-ward 2:1 to 3:1 slope receives
native riparian vegetation, with top-of-slope berm to       Habitat Statement: Site includes comparatively abrupt
prevent surface water flow over bank line.               inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal slopes, with rocky/cobble
substrate. No over-water structures present. No riparian or
Site Number Seventeen: Southwest corner, EEighth   marsh vegetation present.
AAvenue South, east shoreline. RRiver Mile 2.8
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 100 linear
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-
Planning Area: Three                          owned bank line and narrow upland strip could be resloped.
EExcavate bank line to remove rubble and re-shape
Ownership: POS bank line area                    profile 13 feet to 20 feet MLLW to receive native riparian
vegetation. Top-of-bank moved land-ward approximately
Existing Conditions:                           five to ten feet.RR iparian vegetation provides native
shoreline feature at northwest corner Slip 4.
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
approximately 18 to 20 feet MLLW. Port-owned
bank line adjacent to privately operated barge
cargo dock and cargo transfer site. EExisting         Site Number Eighteen: Southwest corner, Slip 4
shoreline includes rubble, metal slag, metal and     and adjacent up-stream bank line, east shoreline.
timber debris, and riprap slope adjacent to cargo     RRiver Mile 3.0
dock at northwest margin Slip 4. Toe of bank line     Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
extends to approximately 10 feet MLLW.
Planning Area: Three
Existing bank line vegetation: V Vegetation
generally absent, with only invasive plants.         Ownership: POS bank line area
Note: EEighth AAvenue South street-end includes
substantial top-of-bank vegetation, placed during    Existing Conditions:
past 15 years as modest shoreline restoration site.
Present site includes bank line south of street-end.          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
approximately 18 to 20 feet MLLW. Port-owned
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              bank line and top-of-bank upland adjacent to
EExisting inter-tidal slope consists of rubble,               privately owned upland. EExisting shoreline consists
industrial fill, and riprap, slope 1:1 to 2:1. No               of constructed, uniform riprap 2:1 slope, with toe of
riparian vegetation present. No marsh or algal            riprap approximately six feet MLLW.
growth present. Inter-tidal area present as rubble/
riprap slope above 10 feet MLLW, and slope              Existing bank line vegetation: V V

72   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

present at top-of-bank, included native riparian      South Kenyon Street, west shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.0
and landscape vegetation placed as element of     Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
previous upland development. Note: riparian
vegetation at top-of-bank only, with exposed       Planning Area: Three
riprap slope in all water-ward slope areas.
Ownership: POS bank line area
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes 2:1 heavy riprap    Existing Conditions:
slope. No marsh or algal growth present. Inter-tidal
area at toe of riprap slope includes exposed sand/          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
mud substrate, with limited portions of native            approximately 18 to 19 feet MLLW. Port-owned
sediment present. Inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal         bank line and narrow top-of-bank upland adjacent
substrate extends 30 to 40 feet water-ward from          to privately owned upland. EExisting shoreline
toe of riprap to 0.0 MLLW, 9:1 to 10.1 slope. No            consists of concrete rubble, industrial materials
over-water structures or coverage present. Inter-           used as riprap, and debris at approximately 1:1
tidal area clear of debris.                             slope, with some areas approaching vertical. Toe of
slope extends to approximately plus ten feet MLLW.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10           Existing bank line vegetation: Limited vegetation
feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation,        present at top-of-bank, generally invasive plants
is 3:1 to 4:1 slope. No over-water coverage adjacent         and vine thicket.
to this site, with single moorage dolphin at
downstream margin.                        Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes 1:1 irregular
Existing structures: UUpland area includes industrial          rubble slope. No marsh or algal growth present.
building, surrounded by landscaped parking and          Inter-tidal area at toe of riprap slope includes
employee use area. Landscaping at top-of-bank          exposed sand/mud substrate. Inter-tidal and
includes riparian vegetation. Note: surface water           shallow sub-tidal substrate extends up to 60 feet
control structures in existing upland area include          water-ward from toe of riprap to 0.0 MLLW, 9:1 to
exposed drainage collection swales/retention            10.1 slope. No over-water structures or coverage
features, discharging over top-of-bank.                 present. Inter-tidal area includes industrial debris.
Moorage dolphins serving dock at north end of site
Habitat Statement: Site includes uniform riprap bank line,         in active use.
with no over-water structures present. RRiprap slope extends
landward from substantial exposed inter-tidal and shallow         Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
sub-tidal aquatic area. RRiparian vegetation in place ten to          shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10
15 feet land-ward of top-of-bank. No riparian present in           feet MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation,
shoreline slope areas. No marsh vegetation present.              is 3:1 to 4:1 slope. No over-water coverage adjacent
to this site in form of dock structure, however,
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 1050            moorage dolphins at sub-tidal margin of site.
linear feet of site bank line proposed for improvement.
Port-owned bank line and narrow upland strip could be           Existing structures: UUpland area includes industrial
re-sloped. EExcavate bank line to remove portions of riprap          building, approximately 130 feet long, 60 feet wide
slope and re-shape profile land-ward approximately 40           concrete dock, and paved upland area. EExisting
feet. Construct inter-tidal fine-grain substrate bench              dock, located north of site, used for cargo transfer.
(approximately 30 feet wide, elevation plus ten to 13 feet           UUpland area includes bulk cargo and equipment
MLLW) for use as emergent vegetation area. EEstablish            storage. Site also used as metal re-cycling yard.
riparian vegetation from elevation plus 13 feet to 20 feet
MLLW. Install large woody debris throughout, elevation 12    Habitat Statement: Site includes irregular rubble bank
to 13 feet MLLW.                               line, with no over-water structures present. RRubble slope
ends at land-ward margin of substantial exposed inter-tidal
and shallow sub-tidal aquatic area. No riparian or marsh
vegetation present.
Site Number Nineteen: South Chicago Street to

AppAppEnnDicicEss   73

Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 475            Existing structures: UUpland area includes
linear feet of site bank line proposed for improvement.            residential uses, open yard, and right-of-way street-
Port-owned bank line and narrow upland strip re-               ends.
sloped, removing rubble, and establishing top-of-bank
approximately 10 to 15 feet land ward. Construct inter-tidal   Habitat Statement: Site includes irregular rubble bank
fine-grain substrate bench (approximately 10 feet wide,      line, changing in character among private parcels and
elevation plus ten to 13 feet MLLW) for use as emergent      street-ends. No over-water structures present. RRubble slope
vegetation area. EEstablish riparian vegetation from         ends at land-ward margin of substantial exposed inter-tidal
elevation plus 13 feet to 19 feet MLLW. Install large woody    and shallow sub-tidal aquatic area. No riparian or marsh
debris plus 12 to 13 feet MLLW.                      vegetation present.
Site Number Twenty: South Park Neighborhood   Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 850
street ends: South Kenyon Street, South EElmgrove    linear feet of site bank line proposed for improvement.
Street, South Southern Street, and South RRose       Port-owned bank line and narrow upland ownership re-
Street, west shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.2              sloped, removing rubble, and establishing top-of-bank
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       approximately 10 to 15 feet land-ward. DDimensions and
shape of bank line could be irregular, consistent with
Planning Area: Three                          existing residential structures and street-end availability.
Construct inter-tidal fine-grain substrate bench, variable
Ownership: POS bank line area                    in width, elevation plus ten to 13 feet MLLW, for use as
emergent vegetation area. EEstablish riparian vegetation
Existing Conditions:                           from elevation plus 13 feet to 16 feet MLLW. Install large
woody debris plus 12 to 13 feet MLLW. Include public
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank      access to restored shoreline in street-end areas.
approximately 16 feet MLLW. Port-owned bank
line and narrow top-of-bank upland adjacent to     Site Number Twenty-one: Industrial Structure
privately owned residential lots and public right-     (Plant 2) north of South Park BBridge, east shoreline.
of-way street-ends. EExisting shoreline consists       RRiver Mile 3.2
of concrete rubble, other riprap-like rubble, and      Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
debris at approximately 1:1 slope, with some areas
approaching vertical. Toe of slope extends to       Planning Area: Three
approximately plus eight to ten feet MLLW.
Ownership: POS aquatic area
Existing bank line vegetation: Limited vegetation
present at top-of-bank as landscape vegetation     Existing Conditions:
and invasive plants/vine thickets.
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              occupied by existing piling supported industrial
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes irregular, abrupt          building. BBuilding west margin co-linear with
rubble slope. No marsh or algal growth present.           waterway boundary. Piling supported building
Inter-tidal area at toe of riprap slope includes              margin at approximately plus 4 to 6 feet MLLW.
substantial exposed sand/mud substrate. Intertidal
and shallow sub-tidal substrate extends up to         Existing bank line vegetation: Top-of-bank
60 feet water-ward from toe of rubble slope to 0.0          present as west margin of existing piling supported
MLLW, 9:1 to 10.1 slope. No over-water structures or        industrial structure. No vegetation present.
coverage present. No cargo or active marine uses
present.                                     Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
EExisting inter-tidal are consists of sand/mud
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             substrate along east shoreline of waterway.
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10          EExposed inter-tidal substrate is low slope, with
feet MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation,        exposed tide flat conditions, approximately 70 to
is 3:1 to 4:1 slope. No over-water coverage adjacent         90 feet between plus four to six feet MLLW and 0.0
to this site.                                           MLLW, slope eight to ten percent. No marsh or algal
growth present. Inter-tidal is free of riprap or other

74   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

debris. Several timber dolphin structures present,          EExposed inter-tidal substrate is low slope, with
however, no moorage use of area is evident. No           exposed tide flat conditions, approximately 50
cargo or active marine uses present.                   to 60 feet between plus two feet MLLW and 0.0
MLLW, slope five percent. No marsh or algal growth
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             present. Inter-tidal is free of riprap or other debris.
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 10          No moorage use or active marine uses present.
feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation,
is approximately 5:1 slope. No over-water coverage         Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
adjacent to this site.                                shallow sub-tidal area, extending from minus 0.0
feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation,
Existing structures: UUpland area includes                  is approximately 5:1 to 8:1 slope. No over-water
continuous industrial building edge, piling              coverage adjacent to this site.
Existing structures: U Upland area includes continuous
Habitat Statement: Site margin consists of piling               industrial building edge, piling supported.
supported industrial building. Note: inter-tidal conditions
extend beneath structure, with over-water coverage east of   Habitat Statement: Site margin consists of piling
port ownership area. No over-water structures present, in     supported industrial building. Note: inter-tidal conditions
port-owned aquatic area, however. Substantial inter-tidal     extend beneath structure, with over-water coverage east of
and shallow sub-tidal exposed sand/mud substrate present.   port ownership area. No over-water structures present, in
No riparian or marsh vegetation present.               port-owned aquatic area, however. Substantial inter-tidal
and shallow sub-tidal exposed sand/mud substrate present.
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 900        No riparian or marsh vegetation present.
linear feet exposed sand/mud substrate proposed for
improvement. Port-owned aquatic area receives continuous   Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 1100
large woody debris, placed between plus two and four      linear feet exposed sand/mud substrate proposed for
feet MLLW. Large woody debris serves as inter-tidal         improvement. Port-owned aquatic area receives continuous
enhancement and protects adjacent upland structure from   large woody debris, placed between plus two and four
vessel wake energy.                            feet MLLW. Large woody debris serves as inter-tidal
enhancement and protects adjacent upland structure from
Site Number Twenty-two (A): Industrial bank line,   vessel wake energy.
south portion of Plant 2 and south of South Park
BBridge, east shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.5              Site Number Twenty-two (B): South of south
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       portion, Plant 2, south of South Park BBridge, west
shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.5
Planning Area: Four                          Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat site
Ownership: POS aquatic are only                   Planning Area: four
Existing Conditions:                           Ownership: POS bank line area
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank      Existing Conditions:
occupied by existing piling supported industrial
building. BBuilding west margin co-linear with             Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
waterway boundary. Piling supported building           approximately 16 to 18 feet MLLW. Port-owned
margin at approximately plus 2 feet MLLW.              bank line and narrow top-of-bank upland adjacent
to privately owned upland. EExisting shoreline
Existing bank line vegetation: Top-of-bank                consists of riprap and concrete rubble, exposed
present as west margin of existing piling supported        slope, at approximately 1:1. Toe of slope extends to
industrial structure. No vegetation present.              approximately plus six feet MLLW.
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              Existing bank line vegetation: Limited vegetation
EExisting inter-tidal are consists of sand/mud              present at top-of-bank, generally invasive plants
substrate along east shoreline of waterway.              and vine thicket.

AppAppEnnDicicEss   75

Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              Existing bank line vegetation: No riparian or
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes 1:1 irregular             marsh vegetation present at site. Top-of-bank
riprap and rubble slope. No marsh or algal               includes invasive plants and vines.
growth present. Inter-tidal area at toe of riprap
slope includes narrow band exposed sand/mud         Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
substrate, less than 20 feet, slope 5:1.                    EExposed inter-tidal substrate consists of rubble
material, derived from eroding bank line areas.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             AArea water-ward of bulkhead is cobble and sand
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet            substrate. Mud/sand substrate present below
MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation, is          approximately plus four feet MLLW, slope 4:1 to 5:1,
3:1 to 4:1 slope.                                    extending to west margin DDuwamish Waterway
channel. No marsh or substantial algal vegetation
Existing structures: UUpland area includes adjacent           present.
industrial buildings, however, top-of-bank and
immediate upland area has no structures present.          Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: Sub-tidal
Pavement is irregular land-ward of top-of-bank.           conditions include approximately 3:1 side slope of
DDuwamish Waterway channel.
Habitat Statement: Site includes riprap and rubble bank
line, with no over-water structures present. Narrow band of         Existing structures: No dock or pier structures
exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between plus six and         present, with approximately 750 linear feet
0.0 feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation present at          exposed shoreline. AApproximately five feet wide
this site or in adjacent areas of east bank line.                    un-paved top-of-bank area present, with remaining
area of site consisting of impervious surface. Two
Potential RRestoration AActions: AApproximately 275 linear           steel-frame warehouse buildings present totaling
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-            approximately 19,500 square feet. AA third, woodowned
bank line and narrow upland strip re-sloped,             framed, storage building is present, approximately
removing riprap and rubble, and establishing top-of-bank         2600 square feet.
approximately 20 to 25 feet land ward. Construct bench
at approximately plus ten to 13 feet MLLW, ten feet wide,     Habitat Statement: Inter-tidal area at site includes
for use as emergent vegetation area. EEstablish riparian       moderate slope, exposed medium grain substrate, at west
vegetation from elevation plus 13 feet to 18 feet MLLW.      margin of DDuwamish Waterway channel. This portion of the
Install large woody debris plus 12 to 13 feet MLLW as slope    DDuwamish Waterway includes substantial adjacent exposed
protection measure.                           inter-tidal substrate. AArea does not include significant
marsh or riparian vegetation.
Site Number Twenty-three: Terminal 117, west
shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.7                       Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 750 linear
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Hub habitat          feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. RRemove
existing buildings and wood crib bulkhead and excavate
Planning Area: four                           existing filled upland area land-ward from approximately
nine feet MLLW to expose approximately 2.5 acres inter-
Ownership: POS bank line area                    tidal area. RRe-graded site could include approximately 0.7
acres un-vegetated mud/sand substrate (plus nine feet to
Existing Conditions:                           10.5 feet MLLW) and approximately 1.8 acres suitable for
establishing marsh vegetation (plus 10.5 to 12 feet MLLW).
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank      RRestoration site could include approximately 0.45 acres
approximately 15 to 18 feet MLLW. EEntire bank line   riparian shoreline planting, between plus 12 feet MLLW and
consists of past industrial fill activities and includes    new top-of-bank.
areas of riprap, concrete rubble, creosote timber
bulkhead, and eroded bank. AArea between top-     AAdjacent UUpland "Terminal 117" Parcel: It will be essential
of-bank and approximately 11 to 11.5 feet MLLW     for agency and natural resource trustee participants, the
is nearly vertical in profile. Wood crib bulkhead      City of Seattle, and the port to collaborate in planning
is vertical, top elevation approximately nine feet     and design of effective site cleanup and aquatic habitat
MLLW and toe of bulkhead approximately four to    restoration at Terminal 117.
4.5 feet MLLW.

76   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Site Number Twenty-four: Industrial bank line      MLLW. Install large woody debris plus 10 to 13 feet MLLW as
(Jorgensen Forge), east shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.7       slope transition structure as for shoreline protection.
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Site Number Twenty-five: RR esearch facility campus,
Planning Area: four                           west shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.8
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Ownership: POS bank line area
Planning Area: four
Existing Conditions:
Ownership: POS bank line area
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
approximately 20 to 24 feet MLLW. Port-owned bank   Existing Conditions:
line and narrow top-of-bank upland adjacent to
privately owned upland. EExisting shoreline consists          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank is
of vertical steel and treated timber bulkhead, top-           variable, approximately 20 to 24 feet MLLW. Portof-bank
includes industrial building and heavy             owned bank line and narrow top-of-bank upland
industrial uses and activities. Toe of bulkhead              adjacent to privately owned upland. Top-of-bank
extends to approximately plus ten feet MLLW.             is vacant, with landscaped open space. BBank line is
abrupt, consisting of dense un-stabilized industrial
Existing bank line vegetation: No shoreline                fill. No riprap present and small amounts of rubble
vegetation, limited amounts of invasive plants and         evident at water-ward edge of slope, approximately
vine thicket.                                     plus ten feet MLLW
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              Existing bank line vegetation: UUpland and top-of-
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes vertical bulkhead         bank includes landscape use area, serving as open
surface. AArea water-ward of ten feet MLLW includes        space for adjacent facility. Cottonwood and alder
substantial band sand/mud substrate, up to 60 feet        growth present at top-of-bank.
between ten feet MLLW and 0.0 MLLW, slope 10:1.
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent              EExisting inter-tidal slope includes abrupt dense fill
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet             slope. Ten to 14 feet nearly vertical slope subject to
MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation, is 3:1         erosion. AArea water-ward of ten feet MLLW includes
to 4:1 slope.                                       substantial cobble and sand/mud substrate, up to
60 feet in width between ten feet MLLW and 0.0
Existing structures: UUpland area includes adjacent           MLLW, slope 10:1.
industrial buildings, placed in port ownership bank
line. Pavement is irregular land-ward of top-of-            Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
bank. No active cargo or marine uses present.            shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet
MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation, is
Habitat Statement: Site includes vertical inter-tidal bank          3:1 to 4:1 slope.
line, with no over-water structures present. Substantial
band of exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between            Existing structures: UUpland area includes adjacent
plus ten and 0.0 feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation        buildings, paved parking, and top-of-bank
present at this site or in adjacent areas of east bank line.            landscaping, with pathway and seating. No active
cargo or marine uses present.
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 650
linear feet of site bank line proposed for improvement.      Habitat Statement: Site includes vertical, un-stabilized
Port-owned bank line and narrow upland strip re-sloped,     upper bank line, with no over-water structures present.
removing vertical bulkhead and top-of-bank structures,      Inter-tidal area below approximately plus 12 feet MLLW
establishing top-of-bank approximately 40 feet land ward.    is without riprap or other protection. Substantial band of
Construct bench at approximately plus ten to 13 feet MLLW,   exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between plus ten
ten feet wide, for use as emergent vegetation area. EEstablish   and 0.0 feet MLLW. RRiparian vegetation at top-of-bank and
riparian vegetation from elevation plus 13 feet to 20 feet     some recruitment of woody debris takes place as result of
bank line erosion. No marsh vegetation present at site.

AppAppEnnDicicEss   77

Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 600 linear    Habitat Statement: Site includes vertical inter-tidal bank
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-       line, with no over-water structures present. Substantial
owned bank line and upland strip re-sloped, re-grading      band of exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between plus
vertical portion of upper bank line and shifting bank line     four and 0.0 feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation
land-ward approximately 15 feet. RRiparian slope at 2:1       present at this site or in adjacent areas of east bank line.
installed and planted. New lower slope prepared for ten
feet wide band emergent vegetation, elevation ten to       Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 375
13 feet MLLW. Continuous margin of large woody debris     linear feet exposed sand/mud substrate proposed for
installed between 13 and 14 feet MLLW at base of newly     improvement. Port-owned aquatic area receives continuous
contoured slope.                              large woody debris, placed between plus two and four
feet MLLW. Large woody debris serves as inter-tidal
Site Number Twenty-six: UUpland industrial facility   enhancement and protects adjacent upland structure from
(BBoeing/Thompson), east shoreline. RRiver Mile 3.8    vessel wake energy.
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Site Number Twenty-seven: UUpland industrial
Planning Area: four                           facility, east shoreline. RRiver Mile 4.3
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Ownership: POS bank line area
Planning Area: four
Existing Conditions:
Ownership: POS bank line area
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
generally uniform due to bulkhead structure.       Existing Conditions:
Port-owned bank line and very narrow top-ofbank
upland adjacent to privately owned upland.          Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-
EExisting shoreline consists of combined steel and          bank generally uniform due to vertical bulkhead
treated timber bulkhead, top-of-bank includes           structure. Port-owned bank line and very narrow
industrial buildings, pavement, equipment              top-of-bank upland area adjacent to privately
storage, and parking. Toe of bulkhead extends to          owned upland. EExisting shoreline consists of
approximately plus four feet MLLW.                   combined steel and treated timber bulkhead, topof-bank
includes industrial buildings, pavement,
Existing bank line vegetation: No shoreline                equipment storage, and parking. Toe of bulkhead
vegetation, limited amounts of invasive plants and         extends to approximately plus four feet MLLW.
vine thicket.
Existing bank line vegetation: No shoreline
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              vegetation, limited amounts of invasive plants and
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes vertical bulkhead         vine thicket.
surface. AArea water-ward of four feet MLLW
includes substantial band sand/mud substrate, up         Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
to 80 feet between ten feet MLLW and 0.0 MLLW,          EExisting inter-tidal slope includes vertical bulkhead
slope 10:1 to 12:1.                                surface. AAquatic area water-ward of four feet MLLW
includes substantial band sand/mud substrate, up
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             to 80 feet in width, between plus four feet MLLW
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet            and 0.0 MLLW, slope 10:1 to 12:1.
MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation, is
3:1 to 4:1 slope.                                    Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet
Existing structures: U Upland area includes adjacent            MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation
industrial buildings, with limited top-of-bank              channel, is 3:1 to 4:1 slope.
ownership. Pavement and structures throughout
upland area. No active cargo or marine uses present.         Existing structures: UUpland area includes adjacent
industrial buildings, with limited public topof-bank
ownership. Pavement and structures
throughout upland area. No active cargo or marine

78   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

uses present.                            Habitat Statement: Site includes riprap and rubble bank
line, with no over-water structures present. Narrow band
Habitat Statement: Site includes vertical inter-tidal bank     of exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between plus ten
line, with no over-water structures present. Substantial      and 0.0 feet MLLW. Small amount marsh vegetation present
band of exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between plus   north of site, outside port ownership.
four and 0.0 feet MLLW. No riparian or marsh vegetation
present at this site or in adjacent areas of east bank line.      Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 275 linear
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. Port-
Potential Restoration Actions: Improve approximately     owned bank line re-shaped to create 2:1 stable slope. BBank
325 linear feet exposed sand/mud substrate at north       line receives native riparian vegetation. Water-ward margin
portion of site. Port-owned aquatic area at toe of existing     of slope, between plus ten and 13 feet MLLW, receives large
bulkhead structure receives continuous large woody debris,   woody debris as bank line stabilization measure.
placed between plus two and four feet MLLW. Large woody
debris serves as inter-tidal enhancement and protects       Site Number Twenty-nine: Former industrial site
adjacent upland structure from vessel wake energy.        and barge moorage (Container Properties), east
shoreline. RRiver Mile 4.1
Site Number Twenty-eight: Sea King Industrial     Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Park, west shoreline. RRiver Mile 4.0
Planning Area: Four
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Ownership: POS aquatic area
Planning Area: four
Existing Conditions:
Ownership: POS bank line area
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank
Existing Conditions:                                occupied by fill upland area. Port ownership
consists of existing inter-tidal area, no upland
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank            present.
approximately 20 feet MLLW. Port-owned bank
line adjacent to privately owned upland. EExisting          Existing bank line vegetation: No upland
shoreline consists of riprap and rubble, exposed           vegetation present.
slope, at approximately 1:1. Toe of slope extends to
approximately plus ten feet MLLW.                   Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:
EExisting inter-tidal area consists of sand/mud
Existing bank line vegetation: Limited vegetation           substrate along east shoreline of waterway. EExposed
present at top-of-bank, generally invasive plants           inter-tidal substrate is low slope, with exposed tide
and vine thicket.                                 flat conditions. AArea in port ownership includes
20-40 feet at east margin of navigation channel
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation:              slope. Tide flat area in private ownership includes
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes 1:1 irregular             approximately 130 to 150 additional width tide flat.
riprap and rubble slope. No marsh or algal               EElevation 0.0 to plus ten feet.
growth present. Inter-tidal area at toe of riprap
slope includes modest band exposed sand/mud         Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
substrate, approximately 40 feet, slope 4:1.               shallow sub-tidal area, extending from plus two
feet MLLW to east margin of DDuwamish navigation,
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent             is approximately 5:1 slope. Over-water coverage
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet            at site consists of derelict timber skeleton pier,
MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation, is         previously uses for bulk liquid cargo transfer.
3:1 to 4:1 slope.
Existing structures: UUpland area in adjacent upland
Existing structures: UUpland area includes adjacent           area. Port ownership is up to 150 feet water-ward of
industrial buildings, however, top-of-bank and            bank line
immediate upland area includes storm water
retention pond and over-flow weir. No pavement.

AppAppEnnDicicEss   79

Habitat Statement: Site consists entirely of existing        Habitat Statement: Site includes riprap bank line, with
inter-tidal exposed sand/mud substrate at east margin      no over-water structures present. Substantial band of
of navigation channel. Note: inter-tidal conditions          exposed inter-tidal substrate present, between plus ten
extend approximately 150 feet east in private ownership.     and 0.0 feet MLLW. No marsh vegetation and limited
Substantial tide flat area at site. No riparian or marsh        riparian features present.
vegetation present.
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 1050 linear
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 800        feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. EExcavate
linear feet exposed sand/mud substrate proposed for       total of 650 linear feet in two locations, creating 2:1 slope
improvement. Port-owned aquatic area receives continuous   between ten feet and 22 feet MLLW, moving top-of-bank
large woody debris, placed between plus two and four      up to 15 feet land-ward, consistent with ownership. Create
feet MLLW. Large woody debris serves as inter-tidal         approximately 650 linear feet, ten feet, emergent planting
enhancement, providing slack water, off-channel habitat.     bench, plus ten to 13 feet MLLW. AArea up-slope of emergent
planting area and additional 400 linear feet of shoreline
Site Number Thirty: BBoeing facility campus and     receives riparian vegetation.
industrial park, east shoreline. RRiver Mile 4.6
Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat       Site Number Thirty-one: Seattle City Light
substation, west shoreline. RRiver Mile 4.6
Planning Area: four                           Habitat Restoration Opportunity: Corridor habitat
Ownership: POS bank line area                    Planning Area: four
Existing Conditions:                           Ownership: POS bank line area
Bank line slope and configuration: Top-of-bank      Existing Conditions:
approximately 21 to 22 feet MLLW. Port-owned
bank line and top-of-bank adjacent to privately           Bank line slope and configuration: Narrow top-
owned upland. EExisting shoreline consists of             of-bank margin, approximately 18 feet MLLW. Portexposed
riprap, exposed slope, at approximately          owned bank line adjacent to substation upland use
1:1. Toe of slope extends to approximately plus ten         area. EExisting shoreline consists of exposed riprap
feet MLLW.                                 slope, at approximately 1:1. Toe of slope extends to
approximately plus two to four feet MLLW.
Existing bank line vegetation: Limited vegetation
present at top-of-bank, generally invasive plants/          Existing bank line vegetation: Limited vegetation
vine thicket, with some deciduous trees.                present at top-of-bank, generally invasive plants/
vine thicket, with several large woody trees.
Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
EExisting inter-tidal slope includes 1:1 riprap slope.          Existing inter-tidal substrate and vegetation: 
No marsh or algal growth present. Inter-tidal area          EExisting inter-tidal slope includes 1:1 riprap slope.
at toe of riprap slope includes substantial band            No marsh or algal growth present. Inter-tidal area
exposed sand/mud substrate, approximately 80          at toe of riprap slope includes little exposed sand/
feet, slope 5:1 to 6:1.                                 mud substrate.
Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent            Existing shallow sub-tidal conditions: AAdjacent
shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet            shallow sub-tidal area, extending from 0.0 feet
MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation          MLLW to west margin of DDuwamish navigation
channel and turning basin.                        channel and turning basin.
Existing structures: UUpland area includes adjacent          Existing structures: No adjacent upland area in
industrial buildings. Top-of-bank and immediate          port ownership. UUpland site includes adjacent
upland area paved/drained upland.                  industrial sitesubstation use. Top-of-bank and
immediate upland area unpaved.

80   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Habitat Statement: Site includes riprap bank line, with
no over-water structures present. Little exposed inter-tidal
substrate present, between plus ten and 0.0 feet MLLW. No
marsh vegetation and limited riparian features present.
Potential Restoration Actions: AApproximately 625 linear
feet of site bank line proposed for improvement. RRe-shape
lower inter-tidal riprap slope to include fine-grain substrate
bench, elevation plus ten to 13 feet MLLW, five to ten
feet in width, suitable for placing emergent vegetation.
AArea below plus ten MLLW remains as riprap slope. AArea
in port control above plus 13 feet MLLW receives riparian

AppAppEnnDicicEss   81
Appendix 2  Opportunities on Port property near future BBluefield
sites should be pursued and represent an important
partnership potential
Opportunities on Port property near other public-and
private sites also important
Workshop Meeting Notes
The top of the topographic break (often the
constructed top of banks is a key feature at both the
Note: The Port conducted a series of three planning workshops     site and reach scale
in an effort to encourage collaborative public involvement. 
The workshops were structured to each examine different         How you treat the top of bank will drive the type and
aspects of planning for habitat projects on Port-owned land.        distribution of created habitat and the related cost and
References in the following notes to potential projects on land       impact to properties.
not owned by the Port are included for completeness of the
record. However, it is not the intent of the Port to direct habitat      UUpland habitat provides important inputs and benefits
planning for any land not owned by the Port.                 for the RRiver and should not be discounted.
Workshop #1  Meeting Notes           UUpland habitat enhancement can be an important and
cost effective strategy in locations, particularly where
this habitat is lacking.
Restoration Plan Framework, Objectives
and Opportunities                  The presence and distribution of different types of
habitat should be considered when deciding what to
do at a particular site
South Park Neighborhood Center
II.  Mapping Exercise Input
July 10, 2008
I.  General comments                                    a. Section # 1
Corridor bank treatment along vacant portion
Projects in restoration plan should reflect the priorities               of Terminal #108
that will be established through the Lower DDuwamish
RRiver Natural RResource Trustees/NOM process to ensure            UUpland enhancement of Kellogg Island
they are eligible for resource damage credits.
Creation of enhanced large pocket or hub at
Priorities include: marsh/ intertidal and shallow subtidal              Kellogg Island, particularly north tip and low
habitats, with salmon being the species of greatest               tide crossing near SW corner
DDaylight of Puget Creek and related pocket on
EEnhancements for salmon often provide benefits for                 Port property and private party enhancement
other fish and wildlife                                     opportunity
Kellogg Island provides good habitat currently and has               Corridor enhancement potential, but issues
been the site-of lots of research                             with fill/ on active portion of Port property
north of LaFarge
Focus should be on areas further upstream on the
Lower DDuwamish where there is less habitat                   Private enhancement potential on LaFarge
shoreline west and north of active terminal
Stormwater treatment ponds on public and private
sites that discharge to the LDDK represent an important
opportunity (e.g. WSDDOT cloverleaf)

82   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

b. Section #2                                                     Private opportunity for stormwater pond
enhancement on SeaKing site Potential
Port and public pocket and corridor                      private pocket between DDelta and Marina
opportunities at and north of 1st AAve. So
BBridge near small marina                         Private pocket at head of old oxbow inlet at
Museum of Flight site EExtensive opportunities
Pocket enhancement opportunities on                    at Turning BBasin #3/ including south of City
private sites in old oxbow inlets NEE of Hale's              Light substation, Port properties and public
construction and near Glacier Marine Services            and private sites
Corridor enhancements at Terminal 115        III. Site Specific Locations for Future Study
Corridor and pocket enhancement
opportunities at early action site north of         Terminal 117 (subject of ongoing related effort)
BBoyer Towing
Turning BBasin #3
EEnhancement opportunities in historic marsh,
related drainage and in constructed storm        8th AAver S. Georgetown Site
ponds near WSDDOT cloverleaf and RROW lands
DDuwamish RRiver RRevival Site in South Park
c. Cal Section #3
BBoeing Public AAccess Site (potential reconfiguration)
Corridor enhancements on Port property and
opportunities for private partnership near         Other sites with BBluefield nexus
BBoeing Plan 2 and related public access site
Corridor, pocket Port and private partnership
opportunities at and north of Slip #4 (Crowley
and Puget Sound Truck Lines)             Workshop #2  Meeting Notes
Potential for green corridor extending north     Habitat Project Opportunities
of the head of slip #4 on private and public
lands south of Georgetown
Georgetown Ballroom
Corridor enhancements on Port-property
near Hurlen                        July 16, 2008
South Park enhancements, including pockets    I.   Public Comments on Opportunities, Needs
and corridors on Port property DDuwamish        and Constraints Discussion
RRiver RRevival site and private partnership
opportunities                          a. Section #1 (Harbor Island to AAlaska Marine Lines)
d. Section #4                                                     AAre there ways we can connect the habitats
around Kellogg Island to upland habitats in
EExtensive corridor enhancement                         adjacent green belt?
opportunities on Port lands adjacent to non-             West Marginal Way a major barrier to
water dependent uses on right bank                 connecting habitats
Focus should be on connecting surface
Corridors and pockets at Terminal 1 17 and                 waters
south on non-water dependent sites on                For example, provide a surface connection
left bank on Port property and on BBoeing               and enhancement of Puget Creek as a
property                                 corridor to connect
b. Section #2 (AAlaska Marine Lines to Hurlen
Private opportunity at BBoeing South Park              Construction)

AppAppEnnDicicEss   83

Importance of area near SRR 509 BBridge and                AAt 2.5 acres this site is one of the largest
WSDDOT interchange                        single sites in the estuary
Limited existing habitat in this area                      Site is a key access point for viewing the river
EExtensive water dependent uses in this reach               and habitat
Old oxbows are key features and potential                 Central feature of the site is a pump station
enhancement sites                           for an old steam plant, but many of the
c. Section #3 (Hurlen Construction to 16th AAve. South)              opportunities are adjacent
Idea is to pull back, reconfigure and soften
Importance of creating and enhancing                    existing bank to expand intertidal area and
connections to communities of South Park              upland planting area and perhaps create off
and Georgetown in this reach                      channel area as well
DDesigns should incorporate public access                  Substantial enhancement would require
where possible                              public and private partnerships
DDesigns should incorporate interpretive                   Paths near shoreline should be integrated
opportunities                                (e.g. downstream on Puget Sound Truck Lines
South Park is located along river for length of               site)
community                           DDesire to retain the knoll area as a view area
AAlthough Georgetown residential area is                  and regrade the area east of it
separated from the river by EEast Marginal               "Wild card" idea to create a off channel slough
Way South and industrial properties, the                area north on in 8th AAve AAve. S. RROW
community values its proximity and existing             Is it possible to pull shoreline in beyond
opportunities to access the river                      pump house?
AAdditional and enhanced access desired by                Others thought that this site was a good
Georgetown residents                         viewpoint and might be important as a future
Importance of 8th AAve. S. and BBoeing public                are for a viewpoint, kiosk
access sites                                     Habitat enhancement at this site mush follow
Public access improves stewardship and                   remediation efforts
creates connection to community                  Large plume of contaminants in subtidal area
d. Section #4 (16th AAve. South to Turning BBasin)                   Some workshop participants felt it would be
a benefit to reintroduce some fresh surface
Importance of this area as a ecological                    waters to the RRiver through this site through
transition zone (physiological change and               enhanced bioswales in the RROW and on
juvenile salmon)                               adjacent sites
Shallow benches are important in this area,                One constraint is quality of fill debris on
more are needed and some already exist               steeper banks
Some participants felt that projects in this          b. BBoeing Public AAccess Site
area offered the "biggest bang for the buck"
and that projects in this reach should be                Pull back bank create planting bench at a
prioritized                                      minimum
EExtensive non-water dependent properties in              Plant emergent vegetation
this area represent significant opportunities              Private partnership would yield a broader
for restoration and that should be reflected in             restoration, perhaps create marsh
the priorities                                     Knoll at northwest corner important
Public access needs better signage, entrance
and connectivity to community
II. Focus Sites Design Exercise: Public Comment             Opportunity to connect existing surface
Summary                        swales on the site
c. Turning BBasin #3
a. 8th AAve. South Site
This site offers a big bang for the buck
The Port, BBluefield, City (also including SDDOT)               Combine corridor opportunities with off
all have an interest in what happens at this               channel habitat
site and this represents an opportunity for               EExpand existing large habitat patch
partnership                                 Site is important for thermal refuge, intertidal

84   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

habitat and sediment collection            Workshop #3  Meeting Notes
Site is problematic for public access to
location of West Marginal Way and utilities     Establishing Priorities and Crafting Imple-
along left bank and controlled access on right
mentation Strategies
DDesire to provide bike path connections but
"pinch point" along West Marginal Way makes   South Park Neighborhood Center
this tough (location of sewer line as well)
EExtensive bank and corridor enhancement      July 24, 2008
opportunities along right bank adjacent to
BBoeing DDevelopment Center
AAlso opportunities for stormwater             I.  Participant Comments on Project Recap and
enhancements on right bank             Report Outline Ideas
Previous enhancements along left bank serve
as a good model                      DDesire to see something different than and in addition
Muckleshoot Tribe has important fishing and       to the "green dots" used in the working project
direct land ownership rights/interests in this       maps that only indicate project location. Participant
area                               understands that this project won't include actual
EExisting Seattle City Light substation use on        designs at individual sites, but wants more detail to
left bank is a major constraint to any real bank      respond to about what will occur at these sites.
re-alignment there
Some participants advocated a "wild card"         DDesire to see the bathymetric data before this meeting
idea to move turning basin to area near DDelta       opinion of one individual was expressed that we may
Marine and let the current basin silt in  the        need another meeting after we get this data to refine
Port does not support this, has advocated and     project opportunities.
contracted for dredging this area in the past
and has significant concerns about this           Please show existing habitat in addition to the potential
Turning BBasin #3 serves both a navigation and       new projects so we have some context.
sediment collection function and prevents
clean sediments from co-mingling with dirty       Maps in the report should show more information  the
sediments downstream                 more info the better.
AAdditional discussion occurred about different maps
III. Other Comments                               for different purposes and the practical extent of
displaying information on a map, i.e. "busy" maps.
RRequest for more information about areas
where dredging is allowed and planned and      BBe clear about whether you are proposing habitat
what areas are recognized berths              enhancement or creation at any give site.
RRequest for bathymetric data that shows
subtidal areas on site plans and river maps        Questions from the group about future ownership of
Comment that street ends are extensively          restoration sites within the Commercial Waterway and
used, including use by a range of groups, e.g.      what terms, conditions or easements would be used to
new arrivals, ethnic groups, etc.                protect these areas in perpetuity.
Comment regarding the importance of the
DDuwamish Tribal Cultural Center and finding       Lots of questions and comments were expressed
related opportunities                      about the details and unknowns of the Superfund /
NRDARDA relationship and process, including whether the
Port would sell credits to other parties or only use the
habitat sites to address its own liability. The answers to
these questions are unknown at this time.
The Port is waiting for direction from The Trustees on
potential liability and will determine how potential
habitat projects identified along theDD uwamish relate

AppAppEnnDicicEss   85

to resolution of Port and third party liability at that       III. Comments on Implementation Discussion
Questions and discussion about the relationship of the
II. Comments on Prioritization Concepts, Frame-      Lower DDuwamish Habitat RRestoration Plan to other Port
work, Criteria and Evaluation                  plans, e.g. Port Shoreline Plan
Questions about what if there is not enough area in
Comment by workshop participant that the key             the Lower DDuwamish or resulting habitat values are
concepts presented in the talking points document        not sufficient to address resource damage through
RRestoration Project Prioritization Ideas appear to be "on      restoration. No clear answers at this time, but the
the mark".                                    opinion that "restoration of all available sites will likely
be needed to address damage" was expressed by a
UUnrelated public comment was made that restoration        couple meeting participants.
on existing Port of Seattle terminal sites could be
used to help address the limited habitat restoration         AAdditional discussion about how transactions will
opportunities available elsewhere in Section #2.           occur and whether the Port would provide land for
restoration by other liable parties or otherwise assist
Comment was made that the group may have been          with small business transactions. No clear answers at
able to identify more opportunities in Section #2 if they      this time.
had the bathymetric data.
AA representative of a marine construction business
Comment by Port staff that the primary purpose of this       stated that in previous meetings with the Port, they had
Plan is to IDD opportunities on "ribbon parcels" and it is       expressed openness to the possibility that Port-owned
not clear at what detail we will evaluate opportunities       ribbon parcels might be used to restore habitat to
on non-Port sites.                                address private party liability.
Participant comment that prioritization criteria should        AA comment was expressed that the project area should
value restoration sites which are permanent, durable        include Harbor Island and perhaps extend into EElliot
and sustainable.                               BBay.
Comment from Trustees that the prioritization criteria        AA question was asked whether the Plan would point to
should reflect the priorities that are emerging from that      future acquisitions (no).
process, including an emphasis on marsh, intertidal
and shallow subtidal habitats, with salmon being the
species of greatest concern.                      IV. Other Comments
AAdditional comments from the group about prioritizing
marsh and mudflat habitats and rating projects with        RRequest for bathymetric data showing subtidal areas
the highest "value" through existing methodologies.        on site plans and maps
AA meeting participant expressed the opinion that the        Comment regarding the importance of the DDuwamish
restoration plan should establish a goal of 30% of the       Tribal Cultural Center and finding related opportunities
linear bank line of the river within each river section be       to support this key stakeholder
restored. AA comment was made that this was similar to,
but less than, related planning goals of other agencies.
Questions were raised about the scientific validity and
applicability of this goal to the project area.

86   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

AppAppEnnDicicEss   87
Appendix 3 Adjacent Parcel Ownership MapsPROJECT SITE AERIALS

Section 1: Harbor Island to Alaska Marine Lines

Section 2: Alaska Marine Lines to Hurlen Construction
Source Data: Information displayed may include data from one or more of the         N
Commercial Waterway No. 1        Adjacent Parcels                             following: King County, Aerials Express.
Disclaimer: The information shown on this map is for planning purposes only. AHBL
and the Port of Seattle make no warranties, real or implied, as to the accuracy of this
information.                         1 INCH EQUALS 300 FEET

APRIL 14, 2008

88   lowlowER DUwwAmishmish RiiVER hhABititAtt REstostoRAtiontion plplAnn

Section 3: Hurlen Construction to 16th Avenue South

Section 4: 16th Avenue South to Turning Basin
Source Data: Information displayed may include data from one or more of the             N
Commercial Waterway No. 1        Adjacent Parcels                         following: King County, Aerials Express.
Disclaimer: The information shown on this map is for planning purposes only. AHBL
and the Port of Seattle make no warranties, real or implied, as to the accuracy of this
information.                             1 INCH EQUALS 300 FEET

APRIL 14, 2008

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