Advantage Rent A Car


lncorpornredin 1972
CertXedPublic Accountants
155 NE 100thSt.. Suite410
Fax (206) 729-3498
Seattle, WA 98125                                                                              Phone (206) 729-0114 (206) 024-4723
October 30, 2008

To: Applicable Management of Port of Seattle
We have performed procedures requested by you with respect to the calculation and payment of
concessionable revenue and audit requirements included in the Rental Car Lease and Concession
Agreement (t'he Agreement) dated November 1, 2004 between the Port of Seattle (POS) and
Advantage Rent-A-Car for the two twelve month periods ended October 31, 2006 and 2005.
This report is solely for your information and is not to be used for any other purpose. It is
intended to assist POS in evaluating compliance with the lease requirements. This agreed-upon
procedures engagement was performed in accordance with attestation standards established by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The sufficiency of these procedures is solely
the responsibility of the specified users of the report. Consequently, we make no representation
regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below either for the purpose for which this
report has been requested or for any other purpose. Following is a listing of the procedures that
we performed with respect to the above noted lease periods and the results and conclusions we
formed as a result of such procedures.
General Description of Procedures Performed
The majority of our fieldwork was performed with the assistance of Advantage Rent-A-Car's
accounting personnel in San Antonio, Texas. Advantage operates a rental system known as
Magic. Upon the arrival of a customer at Sea-Tac airport, an agent creates a rental contract in
the system, prints it and is then signed by the customer. The contract flows into the Daily
Business Report (DBR) for the day. At the end of each day the DBR is uploaded into the general
ledger system, called Platinum. At month end, the DBR to GL report is run from the general
ledger (See Exhibit A for a sample of this report) and the Airport Revenue Report (ARR) (See
Exhibit B for a sample of this report) is run from the Magic rental system. These monthly reports
are reconciled. The Concession Fee Reporting Form for the Port of Seattle is prepared from the
We obtained the Concession Fee Reporting Form and the ARR for all of the months included in
the two twelve-month periods ended October 31,2006 and 2005.
Following is a listing of procedures performed during this engagement.
1. Detailed sample selections from the 2005 and 2006 Daily Business Report (DBR) - We
selected a total sample size of 20 individual rental agreements for each of the months of
February '05, SeptemberYO5,January '06 and October '06, which totaled 80 rental
agreements, plus an additional five rental agreements in October '06for additional analysis.

We analyzed the revenue collected on each agreement and agreed supporting information per
the agreements to the postings in the DBR, which flowed into the account totals in the DBR
for the day.
2. Daily DBR to monthly DBR to GL report - The Daily DBR totals flow into the monthly
DBR to GL report. We agreed the daily DBR'totalsinto the monthly DBR to GL report for
selected days without exception.
3. Monthly DBR to GL report reconciliation to the monthly Airport Revenue Report
(ARR)- The monthly ARR is generated from the Magic rental system and is used to prepare
the Concession Fee Reporting Form sent to the Port, Because of the real time nature of
Advantage's Magicrental system, timing differences exist between the reported revenue on
ARR and the revenue reported in the monthly DBR to GL report. Advantage reconciled the
four months selected for detail testing, February '05, September'O5,January '06 and October
'06, to within immaterial amounts.
4. Monthly ARR to Concession Pee Reporting Form - The monthly ARR shows revenue
totals by account; Time and Mileage, Additional Drivers, Equipment, Insurance
(PACIPECIMDP), Drop Fees, Damage Waiver, Fueling Charges, and Recovery Fee. It also
breaks out revenue based on airport customer and non-airport customers. For the two twelve
month periods ended October 31, 2006 and 2005, we agreed totals in the ARR to the amounts
reported to the Port in the Concession Fee Reporting Form.
The Agreement defines Gross Revenue as to what must be included and what is excluded
from concessionable revenue. Based on that 'efinition, we reviewed all revenue sources and
deductions to determine whether Advantage was properly including or excluding all
appropriate revenue. The following are descrzptionsof the findings resulting from this
analysisand that we have included in our Schedule ofFindings at the end of the report.
We noted that reported Gross Revenue for the twelve months ended October 31,2006
was understated by $84,784. Based on our testing and discussions with Advantage, a
number of reporting errors in different months combined for the total reporting error. The
largest occurred in July 2006, when airport recovery fees of $83,725 were omitted from
the revenues reported in the Concession Fee Reporting Form and are shown in the
Schedule of Findings following this report.
We also noted that CFC and airport recovery fees were reported as one amount in
February, March and April 2006. Based on the Agreement CFC revenues are not
concessionable. Reported revenues resulted in an overstatement of gross revenue for the
twelve months ended October 31, 2006 by a total of $115,619 and are shown in the
Schedule of Findings following this report.
5. Testing for Contract Compliance Items - Contract compliance items of the Agreement that
we tested included Article 5.1 Concession ~ees;5.2.4Recovery of Percentage Fee; 5.2.2
Annual Report and 5.25 Customer Facility Charges (CFC). The following are the results of
our compliance testing.

Concession Fee and Recovery of Percentage Fee - We agreed the total monthly
Concessionable Revenue for each month of the twelve-month periods ended October 31, 2006
and November 2004 per the Airport Revenue Report to the monthly concession payments
received by the Port of Seattle. We were able to verifj, that amounts paid were ten percent of
total concessionable revenue per the Airport Revenue Report for the months that
concessionable revenues exceeded the monthly minimum guarantee. In the months that
concession revenue did not exceed the monthly minimum guarantee amount we noted that
Advantage paid the minimum guarantee.
Airport Customer- Based on the definition of Airport Customer in the Agreement, "Airport
Customer" shall mean: (i) any person who comes to the Airport by any means of transportation
and enters into a motor vehicle rental agreement with Concessionaireat Concessionaire'sRental
Car Concession;and (ii) any person who flies into the Airport and within twelve (12) hours
thereafter, enters into a motor vehicle rental agreement with Concessionaire at any of
Concessionaire'srental car operations located within a three (3) mile radius of the Airport's
boundary line. The following are excluded from the definition of "Airport Customer": (i)
any person who flies into the Airport and enters into a motor vehicle rental agreement with
Concessionaire at any of Concessionaire'srental car operations located outside a three (3) mile
radius fi-omthe Arport'sboundary line, (ii) any person who flies into the Arrport and enters into a
motor vehicle rental agreement with Concessionaire at any of Concessionaire's rentalcar
operations located inside a three (3) mile radius of the Airport'sboundary line if the rental is more
than twelve (12) hours after flying into the Airport; and (iii) any person who does not arrive
through the Airport and enters into a motor vehicle rental agreement with Concessionaire at any of
Concessionaire's rental caroperations outside the Airport's boundaryline.
We noted that the monthly ARR breaks out revenue based on airport customer and nonairport
customers. Based on discussions with Advantage personnel, customers are asked
for ID for verification of a local address if they did not fly into the airport. This procedure
is to veriQ that they are non-airport customers whether they rent from the airport or the
off-airport location. The Agreement states that an Airport Customer is: "any person who
comes to the Airport by any means of transportation and enters into a motor vehicle rental
agreement with Concessionaire at Concessionaire's RentalCar Concession." As such,
revenues fiom reported non-airport customers who entered into a rental agreement at the
airport need to be included in concessionable revenue. We reviewed a report fiom Advantage
that shows all non-airport rental agreements for each month and is sorted by computer terminal
location. We agreed the report total to the monthly ARR to within an immaterial amount. We
totaled the revenue fiom the airport computer terminals, which totals $145,468for the twelve
months ended October 2005 and $52,540 for the twelve months ended October 2006. This
additional revenue is shown in the Schedule of Findings following this report.
Annual Report - Based on the Agreement, "Concessionaire shall submit, for the approval of
the Port, an "Annual Report" for each Agreement year during the Term of this Agreement.
Such Annual Report shall be submitted no later than ninety (90) calendar days following the
last day of each Agreement Year. Concessionaire shall bear the entire cost of preparing and
providing such reports. The Annual Report shall be prepared by Concessionaire and signed

by its chief financial officer, or their designee, attesting to the amounts shown. The Annual
Report shall also be audited by an independent certified public accounting firm in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards ("GAAS"), with a copy of the independent certified public
accounting firm's audit report sent to the Port stating that in its professional opinion, based on
the audit, the Concession Fees paid by the Concessionaire during the previous Agreement Year
were properly calculated and paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Agreement ." Based on disczlssions with management and our review we noted that
Advantage did not have an audit for the twelve months ended October 31, 2005. We did
review the audit for the twelve months ended Octoher 31, 2006, the reports were not dated
within the 90 calender days as required by the agreement;as such Advantage was not in
compliance with the requirements of the Agreement for both periods under audit.
Customer Facility Charge - The Port required Advantage to collect a Customer Facility
Charge (CFC) of $4/day on all vehicle rental transactions originating at the Airport, starting
February 2006. For the rental agreements selected in the month of October '06, we selected
closed rental agreement from the DBR. Based on our review of the rental agreements, we
were able to verifj, that Advantage is charging its customers the accurate CFC. We were also
able to verifj, that total CFC's in the months from February 2006 to October 2006 per the
Advantage general ledger total was paid to the Port of Seattle. It appears that CFC'sare
being collected andpaid to the Port as required in the Agreement.
Based upon our detailed testing, rental agreement revenue per supporting rental agreements is
being captured by the system's summary reports used to report revenue. The discrepancies
resulting from our testing and explained above relate more to isolated reporting errors, accounting
oversight and misunderstanding of the definition of an airport customer. Included on the next
page is a Schedule of Findings that quantifies the revenue items we have added or deducted to
total concessionable revenue. For the twelve months ended October 3 1, 2005, unreported
revenue totaled $145,468. For the twelve months ended October 31, 2006 unreported revenue
totaled $21,705. This is additional revenue that we believe is concessionable per terms of the
Agreement. These additional revenues result in $14,547 of additional concession rent for the
twelve months ended October 3 1, 2005 and $2,170 of additional concession rent for the twelve
months ended October 31 2006, due to the POS.
Because the above described procedures were not sufficient to constitute an audit made in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, we do not express an opinion on the
overall financial position of Advantage Rent-A-Car.
We were not engaged to and did not conduct an examination, the objective of which would be the
expression of an opinion on financial balances or compliance of the audited parties with contract
requirements. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Had we performed additional
procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to
This report is intended solely for your informationand use by applicable Port of Seattle employees
and is not intended and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.


Certified Public Accountants
Seattle, Washington

Advantage Rent-A-Car
Nov-04   Dec-04   Jan-05   Feb-05   Mar-05   Apr-05   May-05   Jun-05   Jul-05   Aug-05   Sep-05   Oct-05   Total
Advantage Reported Gross Revenue   331,979,  360,339   244,838   289,227   304,306   323,088   373,846   451,507   747:146   695,532   516,091   399,710  5,037,609
Local Renter Revenue
Total Additions
Audited Gross Revenues          338,746   372,787   256,304   296,472   312,176   331,433   390,380   472,428   768,039   713,128   525,570   404,132  5,181,595

ConcessionFee Payable - 10%       33,875   37,279   25,630   29,647   31,218   33,143   39,038   47,243   76,804   71,313   52,557   40,413   518,159
Less Concession Fee Reported       (33,198)  (36,034)  (24,484)  (28,923)  (30,431)  (32,309)  (37,385)  (45,151)  (74,715)  (69,553)  (51,609)  (39,971)  (503,761)
Add'l Concession Payable       S   677  S  1,245  %  1,147  $ 725  $ 787  S   835  S  1,653  $ 2,092  S  2,089  S  1,760  %   948  S   442  $ 14,399

Advantage Rent-A-Car
Nov-05   Dec-05   Jan-06   Feb-06   Mar-06   Apr-06   May46   Jun-06   Jul-06   Aug-06   Sep-06   Oct-06    Total
Advantage Reported Gross Revenue    % 338,123  % 378,493  % 331,567  $368,423 S 490,644  % 510,746  $453,706  6 535,616  $757,668  f 935,675  5 528,349  $429,558 $6,058,567
Local Renter Revenue               4,092    5,293    2,667    2,110    2,998    1,654    2,553    5,884   12,337    8,359    1,485    2,575     52,007
Recoveryfee                                                                   788    43      83,725    (1,151)    (474)    1,853     84,784
Concession Fees on CFC                                   (30,340)  (40,148)   (45,132)                                                 (1 15,619)
Total Additions                    4,092     5,293    2,667   (28,230)   (37,150)   (43,478)    3,341     5,927    96,062     7,208     1,011     4,428     21,172
Audited Gross Revenues

Concession Fee Payable - 10%        34,221    38,379    33,423    34,019   45,349    46,727    45,705    54,154    85,373   94,288    52,936   43,399    607,974
Less Concession Fee Reported        (33,812)   (37,849)   (33,157)  (36,842)   (49,064)   (51,075)  (45,371)  (53,562)   (75,767)  (93,568)  (52,835)  (42,956)   (605.857)
Add'lConcession&CFCPayable  S  409 S  529 S  267 S (2,823) S (3,715) S (4.348) S  334 S  593 S 9,606 S  721 S  101 S  443 S  2,117


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Run Date: 11/04/06    DBR Post Listing        Page: ****
Run Time: 07:43:09

Center: 391 10/20/06  10

Audit #    CF #  Account GR Debit    Credit  Company PTT
.------ ------- ---
77.00   0.00 RLC  AXR
8.55    0.00 RLC  AXR
15.83    0.00 RLC  AXR
0.00   101.38 RLC  AXR
190.10    0.00 RLC  AXR
159.92    0.00 RLC  AXR
38.88    0.00 RLC  AXR
32.00    0.00 RLC  AXR
71.95    0.00 RLC  AXR
0.00   492.85 RLC  AXR
30.44    0.00 RLC  DSR
4.00    0.00 RLC  DSR
3.83    0.00 RLC  DSR
8.00    0.00 RLC  DSR
7.08    0.00 RLC  DSR
0.00    53.35 RLC  DSR
42.58    0.00 RLC MCR
4.73    0.00 RLC  MCR
4.00    0.00 RLC  MCR
8.75    0.00 RLC  MCR

Center: 391 10/20/06  10
Audit #    CF #  Account GR Debit    Credit  Company PTT
------------- -------------
-- ------------- ------------- --------__
Account GR Debit   Credit  Company
--------- -- ------------- --- .-----
Summary Line --->   1041-0100 2         594.23 RLC
Summary Line --->   1041-0100 3       3,3 1 1 -85 RLC
Summary Line --->   23 10-0100 0        12.31 RLC
Summary Line --->   23 1 1-8391 0        0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4 110-8391 0        0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   41 1 5-839 1 0          292.98 RLC
Summary Line --->   4120-8391 0        0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4.128-8391 0          0.00 RLC
Sum~naryLine --->   4130-8391 0          0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4131-8391 0          0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4 133-839 1 0          0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4134-8391 0          0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4190-839 1 0        300.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4200-8391 0          0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4201-339 1 0          12.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   42 16-339 1 0          0.00 RLC
Summary Line --->   4304-8391 0        0.00 RLC
Summal-y Line --->   4400-839 1 0           59.90 RLC
Summary Line --->   6542-3391 0        6.66 RLC

Run    Date:              DBR Dis tribution Tc GL Repo rt
Run   Time:                   for 1012006
Doucumen t # :
Date    Comp   Account  GP    Debits   Credits  Center   Shift
10119106 RLC    6542-3391      0   269.44    2.22     391
10/20/06 RLC    2310-0100      0    6.58  3399.82     391
10120106 RLC    2310-0100      0    409.2    12.31     39 1
10/20/06 RLC    2311-8391      0      0    1620     391
10/20/06 RLC    231 1-8391      0     164      0     391
10120/06 RLC    4 105-8391      0      0   14.88     251
10/20/06 RLC    4110-8391      0      0     15    391
10/20/06 RLC    4 110-8391      0      15      0     391
10/20/06 RLC    4115-8391      0      0  2708.06     391
10/20/06 RLC    4115-8391      0   362.92   292.98     391
10/20/06 RLC    4120-8391      0      0  1465.54    391
10120/06 RLC    4 120-8391      0    528.3      0     391
10/20106 RLC    41 28-8391      0    54.2  6150.84     391
10120/06 RLC    4 128-8391      0   416.15      0    391
10/20/06 RLC    4 130-8391      0    100      0    251
10/20/06 RLC    4 130-8391      0      0    200     391
10/20/06 RLC    4130-8391      0     25      0    391
10120/06 RLC    4131-8391      0      0    245     391
10120106 RLC    4131-8391      0      45      0     391
10120/06 RLC    4 1 33-839 1      0      0   987.91     391
10120106 RLC    4133-8391      0      65      0     391
10/20/06 RLC    4 1 34-839 1      0     15      0    391
10120106 RLC     4135-8391      0      0     240     39 1
10/20/06 RLC    4190-8391      0      0    2400     391
10/20106 RLC    41 90-8391      0    1200    300     391
10/20/06 RLC    4200-839 1      0    84.95       0     251
10120106 RLC    4200-8391      0      0  2677.57     391
10/20/06 RLC    4200-8391      0   396.79      0     391
10/20106 RLC    4201-3391      0      0    446    391
10120/06 RLC    4201-3391      0     36     12     391
10/20/06 RLC    4216-3391      0   59.75      0    251
10/20/06 RLC    4216-3391      0      0    572.6     391
10/20106 RLC    4216-3391      0   131.45      0    391
10/20/06 RLC    4300-839 1      0      0   34.75     391
10/20106 RLC    4304-839 1      0      0    83.4     39 1
10/20/06 RLC    4304-839 1      0   20.85      0     39 1
10120106 RLC    4400-839 1      0      0   999.12     391
10/20/06 RLC    4400-8391      0   236.19    59.9     391
10120106 RLC    5568-839 1      0      0      4     391
10/20/06 RLC    6542-3391      0   27.18      0     251
10120106 RLC    6542-3391      0      0  1679.38     391
10/20/06 RLC    6542-3391      0   223.08    6.66     391
10/20/06 RLC    8082-8391      0      0     635     391

DBR to GL report &t.,"Y)  t*p')*Lr"' J
Run D   ate:               DBR Dis   tribution To     GL Repo   rt (Sum
Run T    ime:                       for 10/2              6
Document # :
Comp  Account      Debits   Credits        Net
RLC   231 0-0100      12,075.47    98,889.97 (86,814.50)
RLC   41 90-0100
RLC   231 1-8391      5,057.32    46,813.32 (41,756.00)
RLC   41 05-8391        183.62      472.46   (288.84)
RLC   41 10-8391        950.00     1,810.00  (860.00)
RLC   41 15-8391      17,571.66    128,452.28 (1 10,880.62)
RLC   41 20-8391      16,154.73    85,449.00 (69,294.27)
RLC   4125-8391        274.04     1,960.35 (1,686.31)
RLC   41 28-8391      11,965.76    1 17,777.55 (105,811.79)
RLC   41 30-8391       1,590.00     7,906.95  (6,316.95)
RLC   41 31 -8391        51 0.00     4,235.00  (3,725.00)
RLC   41 33-8391       4,689.18     27,298.11  (22,608.93)
RLC   41 34-8391        140.00      750.00   (61 0.00)
RLC   41 35-8391        445.00     4,455.00  (4,010.00)
RLC   41 60-8391         7.50       30.00   (22.50)
RLC   41 65-8391        120.00      876.08   (756.08)
RLC   41 70-8391        330.00      602.11   (272.11)
RLC   41 75-8391       3,696.00     7,392.00  (3,696.00)
RLC   4178-8391                 361 -51  (361.51)
RLC   41 83-8391                 120.00   (1 20.00)
RLC   41 90-3391        408.24            408.24
RLC   41 90-8391      45,093.65    39,510.01  5,583.64
RLC   4200-8391      12,688.48    67,188.35 (54,499.87)
RLC   4201 -3391       1,584.66     10,014.66  (8,430.00)
RLC   421 0-8391                 113.94   (1 13.94)
RLC   421 6-3391       3,750.79     19,770.72 (1 6,019.93)
RLC   4300-8391        97.30      41 7.00   (319.70)
RLC   4304-8391       1,064.25     3,675.35  (2,611.I0)
RLC   4330-3391                 159.80   (159.80)
RLC   4400-8391       2,886.23     20,168.58 (1 7,282.35)
RLC   4500-8391        14.24       54.24   (40.00)
RLC   5568-8391         6.50       97.50   (9 1 .OO)
RLC   6542-3391       6,464.40     50,081.67 (43,617.27)
RLC   8082-8391       1,890.75     4,962.57  (3,071.82)
Company Total              151,709.77    751,866.08 (600,156.31)

Total GL Revenue 600,156.31
Non - Airport        45,164.91
Other Taxes       41,776.00
Damages        1,945.93
Sales Tax

Reconciled GL Revenue Balance  431,645.59


d rTaxCD
;ales Tax
r 151 Total

ncal Cente? 311
' 6 H
A1rport Rcvcnue Report             Page  8
10/01/06 to 10/11/06
6 /-7 ,-"I >LL-..?
)Ion .Ai:porc          A1rporc
rddl Fees                2.00        25734.55
:qu Lpnenc                   32.00          20952.00
IAC                        0.00           173.75
'EC 0.00  2205 .OO
IDP/UM                 47.80         9029.20
brop Fcco                   0.00          1600.00
,OW                        81.96          47858.12
./P Fcco                 3G. 05        41880.13
cher Taxes            21.00       16972.99
,amages               52 .OO        ZSOG .50
'uel                    0.00         16570.11
ales Tax             114.24       79171.69
'cntcr 31 1 TOCJ~

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.ddl Fees
.hC .
. -7.':
,.r Fees
chei- Taxoo //-
alco Tax
cntcr 3 9 )Total

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& M
ddl Fees
rop Feee
/P Fccs

ente? 6 0 1Total
hirporc Rc*:cr;;:c: RepcJrr
10/01/OG t3 :;/31/36
I:on.Ai rport         A i q x r r


Seattle #391
Port of Seattle
P.O. BOX 34249-1249
Seattle, WA 98124
Dear Sir or Madam:
This is a report of our gross revenue as defined by our concession contract for the
month ending  October-06
Time and Mileage
Intercity RevenueIDrop Fees
Tour/Promotional Fes Received
lnsurance ( PAI/PEC/PAE/ESP, Etc.
Additinoal Drivers
Supplemental Liability lnsurance
Foreign Vehicle Income
Fueling Charges
Change of Equipment
Cell Phones
Child Seat
Age Dlfferentlal
Special Equipment (ski racks, etc )
Customer/Business Rebates
GPS Equipment
Transportation Charges
Late Fees
Office Services or Fees
Recovery Fees
Retail sales of Vehicle from Airport
Other Revenue ( please specify )       sales taxes, damages
Less Exclusions ( All Authorized Exclusions Listed )
Sales Tax                                           $79,623.88
Other federal, state local taxes
Insurance proceeds for vehicle damagelabandonment                 $1,945.93
Revenue from wholesale transfer of vehicles                           $0.00
Non-revenue rental to employees                                 $0.00
Other government fees                                      $0.00
Total Gross Revenues                                  $429,557.89
Total Gross Revenues
Percantage Fee Payable 10%
Less MAG paid for the month
Additional Transaction Data:
Total Monthly Transactions                  3,160
Total Monthly Transaction Days              10,439
Average Transaction daysnransaction           3.30
Effective 2/1/06, CFC at 4.OOltrans is to charged
v.*                                          Date:     09119/08
Printed Name

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