8e. Attachment 01

2022 Federal Legislative Agenda Action

Agenda Item: 8e_Attach_01
www.flySEA.org                             Meeting Date: January 25, 2022

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) is committed to creating a safe
and healthy travel experience and to serving as a key contributor to regional and statewide economic recovery. In addition to
our FlyHealthy@SEA efforts, we are focused on developing more modern, high-tech facilities that will speed travelers on their
way; better connecting the Puget Sound region to the world; maximizing the environmental sustainability of our operations; and
ensuring that our local communities and residents thrive. The federal government can help us achieve this vision by:
SEA is continuing to invest in our facilities  both to provide        As the pandemic subsides, SEA is working to accommodate
a safe, healthy travel experience as well as to prepare for the        the return of passengers in the most efficient and safe
return of passengers as the pandemic ends. This year alone,        manner possible. In particular, we seek to:
SEA is investing billions in airport renovations and new                a. Institute New Travel Protocols: We support
infrastructure. In particular, we seek to:                                     comprehensive national protocols that protect
a. Increase Self-Funding Flexibility: We will be a                     the health of passengers and employees while
national leader on the effort to modernize the                     simultaneously restoring traveler confidence in a
Passenger Facility Charge user fee  raising the                     return to air travel. In addition, we will look to play a
federal cap from $4.50 while maintaining the Port                 supportive role in vaccine distribution.
Commission's ability to determine whether or not to            b. Partner with Federal Agencies: We will work with U.S.
change the user fee based on locally determined needs           Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S.
and competitive dynamics.                                     Customs & Border Protection (CBP) leadership on the
b. Increase Federal Funding: We support passage                    safe and healthy return of air travel passenger levels,
of additional federal relief for airports, airport                       through proper staffing, necessary federal funding to
concessionaires and other aviation stakeholders, as                supplement lost user fees, appropriate health protocols
well as an infrastructure investment package that                  and the deployment of touchless technology solutions.
includes environmental sustainability enhancements.             In addition, we will fight to preserve TSA funding for
c.  Build Federal Support: We will work closely with                  Law Enforcement Officer reimbursement grants and
federal agencies and members of Congress to                   reimbursements for checkpoint-area janitorial services.
ensure their support for in-progress and future                c.  Increase the Efficiency and Safety of our Airport
capital projects, including the Sustainable Airport                and Airspace: We support airport industry
Master Plan near-term projects currently under                  recommendations to improve the integration,
environmental review.                                         detection, identification, and mitigation of Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (UAS) in and around airports. Similarly,
we encourage a consistent and predictable federal
approach to urban air mobility (UAM) deployment.
Finally, we encourage expedited deployment of the
FAA's Terminal Flight Data Manager (TFDM) airfield
congestion management program at SEA in order to
COVID-19 IMPACTS AT SEA AIRPORT                 improve flow and efficiency on the airfield.
COVID-19 Impacted had a major impact on travel through SEA Airport 2020 vs 2019 Traffic
Total Passengers (-61%)           Domestic Passengers (- 60%)       Int'l Passengers (-76%)            Total Air Cargo (+.2%)
2020: 20,061,507                  2020: 18,690,119                  2020: 1,371,388                   2020: 454,584
2019: 51,829,239                  2019: 46,101,340                  2019: 5,727,899                   2019: 453,549

SEA is an international gateway, and the success of our             As air travel rebounds, we are focused on how increased
airport depends being able to reopen international travel in       sustainability and addressing impacts on our surrounding
a safe, healthy manner while presenting a welcoming face to      communities. Federal legislation and regulation can help us:
the international visitors, immigrants and refugees who travel         a.   Fight Climate Change: We support comprehensive
through or work at our facility. To achieve these goals, we                 proposals for sector-specific and economy-wide
seek to:                                                                     solutions to address the climate crisis with legislation
a.  Welcome International Travelers and Residents: We              to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other
will be a leading voice on comprehensive immigration            harmful toxic pollutants while providing flexibility
policies that ensure the Port, its partner and its                     to respond to changing market conditions and
customers have the workforce to succeed in the global            technological advances.
economy, and that immigrants and refugees are fully           b.  Implement Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF): We
welcomed into the opportunities that our region's                 will engage federal partners to help us take next
economy provides.                                           steps toward widespread use of SAF at our airport.
b.  Lower Trade Barriers: We support policies that                     In particular, we will seek additional federal funding
level playing fields for international commerce while               for SAF research and implementation, tax credits
protecting workers and the environment. In addition,              for blending of these fuels, and to leverage the U.S.
we believe that tariffs should be a measure of last                  Departments of Defense, Agriculture, Energy and
resort and  when necessary  carefully and narrowly              Transportation as key partners.
targeted to minimize impacts on American producers          c.   Address Airplane Noise and Air Quality: We will
and consumers.                                             advocate for the shared federal agenda developed by
c.  Facilitate International Air Travel: We support global             the airport and its six surrounding cities  including
agreements that set clear health and safety standards              changes to federal funding, policies, regulations and
and protocols to facilitate the recovery of international             programs such as studying aviation-related ultrafine
travel and trade. In addition, we will coordinate with                particulates and allowing for secondary noise mitigation
CBP leadership to ensure operational readiness and               investments in certain previously insulated homes.
staffing for the opening of our new International                   We will work to better understand potential indoor air
Arrivals Facility.                                                      quality investment benefits near airports as well.
d.  Protect Passenger, Employee and Community
Safety: We will partner with federal agencies
to improve human trafficking prevention and
intervention efforts. In addition, we will engage
with FAA leadership to speed the transition to nonfluorinated
airfield fire-fighting foams.
e.  Increase Economic and Workforce Development:
We will engage actively in supporting policies and
programs that boost economic, workforce and tourism
For more information on the Port of Seattle's                  development, and augment existing Port efforts to
federal legislative agenda, contact:                            support small and minority-owned businesses. We
support realigning federal funding, programs and
Eric Schinfeld, Port of Seattle                              policies to support rebuilding the U.S. small business
Senior Manager Federal & Int'l Gov't Relations                sector, reviving entrepreneurship, and closing the
(206) 787-5031 | [email protected]                 racial wealth gap.
f.  Address Racial Equity: We will advocate for
comprehensive federal policing reforms that further
P.O. Box 1209                             the goals of the Port Commission's Task Force on
Seattle, WA 98111                       Policing and Civil Rights. In addition, we support federal
(206) 787-3000                          legislation on biometric technology that ensures
www.portseattle.org                              02/2021
protections for privacy, equity and civil liberties.

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