10a. Presentation
First Reading and Public Hearing to Surplus Tract B in
Item No. 10a_ supp Meeting Date: January 25, 2022 FIRST READING AND PUBLIC HEARING TO SURPLUS TRACT B IN THE DES MOINES CREEK BUSINESS PARK 1 Executive Summary Commission approved the 2012 Development Agreement and 2016 Ground Lease for the construction of Des Moines Creek Business Park. Permits (Clean Water Act) required the construction of two stormwater facilities (Tract A and Tract B stormwater retention ponds) to be built concurrent with the adjacent development phase, for conveyance to the City of Des Moines upon completion and the City's acceptance. In a prior action (2017) Commission approved the surplus of Tract A and conveyance to the City of Des Moines. Tract B stormwater improvements are complete and have been accepted by the City of Des Moines. This action requests approval of the surplus and conveyance of Tract B. 2 Surplus Property Location SEA Des Moines Creek Business Park Tract A (stormwater facility) A Tract B (stormwater facility) FAA Regional Office B 3 Prior Approval Authorizing Tract B Surplus 2012 Development Agreement between Port and City of Des Moines 2016 Ground Lease between Port and Des Moines Creek Business Park Phase III, LLC Section 7.1.1 4 Prior Approval Authorizing Tract B Surplus 2016 Short Plat Requirements 5
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