COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA January 25, 2022 To be held in virtually via MS Teams in accordance with Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402 and in accordance with Governor Inslee's Proclamations 20-05 and 20-28 et seq. You may view the full meeting live at To listen live, call in at +1 (425) 660-9954, (833) 209-2690 and Conference ID 963 380 304# ORDER OF BUSINESS 10:30 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION if necessary, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (executive sessions are not open to the public) 12:00 noon PUBLIC SESSION Reconvene or Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (at this time, commissioners may reorder, add, or remove items from the agenda) 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. PUBLIC COMMENT procedures available online at commission-meetings DUE TO SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 8402 AND THE GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION 20-28 there will be no physical location for this meeting and the PORT WILL NOT ACCEPT in-person, verbal comments during the regular meeting of January 25, 2022. Alternatively, during the regular order of business, those wishing to provide public comment will have the opportunity to: 1) Deliver public comment via email: All written comments received by email to commission-public- [email protected] will be distributed to commissioners and attached to the approved minutes. 2) Deliver public comment via phone or Microsoft Teams conference: To take advantage of this option, please email [email protected] with your name and the topic you wish to speak to by 9:00 a.m. PT on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. You will then be provided with instructions and a link to join the Teams meeting. This process will be in place until further notice. For additional information, contact commission-public- [email protected]. 8. CONSENT AGENDA (consent agenda items are adopted by one motion without discussion) Founded in 1911 by a vote of the people as a special purpose government, the Port of Seattle's mission is to promote economic opportunities and quality of life in the region by advancing trade, travel, commerce, and job creation in an equitable, accountable, and environmentally responsible manner. PRELIMINARY AGENDA Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of January 25, 2022 Page 2 of 3 8a. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 4, 2022 and the Special Meeting of January 6, 2022. (no enclosure) 8b. Approval of the Claims and Obligations for the Period December 1, through December 31, 2021, Including Accounts Payable Check Nos. 941898 through 942238 in the Amount of $4,316,026.35; Accounts Payable ACH Nos. 040754 through 041759 in the Amount of $ 55,297,956.81; Accounts Payable Wire Transfer Nos. 015737 through 015759 in the Amount of $10,582,120.76, Payroll Check Nos. 200360 through 202102 in the Amount of $ 53,787.91; and Payroll ACH Nos. 1056348 through 1060501 in the Amount of $12,208,491.26 for a Fund Total of $82,458,383.09. (memo enclosed) 8c. Commission Appointment of One (1) Public Member to the Portwide Arts and Culture Board for a Term of Three (3) Years. (memo enclosed) 8d. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute a Settlement Agreement with Lockheed Martin Corporation to Recover Costs Associated with the Cleanup of Terminal 91 Uplands. (memo enclosed) 8e. Commission Approval of the 2022 Federal Legislative Agenda. (memo, aviation agenda, maritime agenda, and presentation enclosed) 8f. Ratification of Snow Removal Service Expenditures for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport from December 23 - 31, 2021, via Emergency Snow Removal Contracts with Aero Snow Removal LLC and Scarsella Brothers, Inc.; Ratification of Amendment of the Existing Ceccanti Inc. Contract for Additional Snow Removal Service to Address the December 2021 Snow Event; Amendment of Contracts with Ceccanti to Add an Estimated $400,000 to Cover Future Snow Events through March 2022; and Amendment of Contracts with Aero Snow Removal LLC and Scarsella Brothers, Inc to Add an Estimated $250,000 to Each Contract and Extend the Contracts from January 30, 2022, to March 31, 2022. (memo and policy waiver enclosed) 8g. Authorization for the Executive Director to Execute an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract for External Audit Services for General Contractor/Construction Manager (GCCM) Capital Projects for a Total Not-to-Exceed $600,000 with a Contract Ordering Period of Not-to-Exceed Five Years. (memo enclosed) 8h. Authorization in the Amount of $1,061,000 for the Executive Director to Authorize an Additional Amount of $843,000 for the Design and Construction of Phase I and an Additional Amount of $218,000 for the Design of Phase II of the North Employee Parking Lot (NEPL) Improvements Project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. (CIP #C800957) (memo and presentation enclosed) 8i. Commission Authorization of the 2022 Tourism Marketing Grant Program (TMSP) and Authority for the Executive Director to Approve Execution for all Related Contract Agreements for the 2022 Selected Tourism Marketing Support Program Recipients in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $200,000. (memo and presentation enclosed) 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Commissioners: Ryan Calkins Sam Cho Fred Felleman Toshiko Hasegawa Hamdi Mohamed Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: [email protected] 206-787-3210 PRELIMINARY AGENDA Port of Seattle Commission Regular Meeting of January 25, 2022 Page 3 of 3 10. NEW BUSINESS 10a. PUBLIC HEARING and Introduction - Resolution No. 3799: Declaring Surplus and No Longer Needed for Port District Purposes Approximately 2.56 Acres of Port-owned Real Property, Commonly Referred to as Tract "B," and Located in the City of Des Moines, King County; and Further Authorizing the Transfer of Said Real Property to the City of Des Moines for Stormwater Facilities in Support of Improvements at Des Moines Creek Business Park. (memo, proposed resolution, and presentation enclosed) 11. PRESENTATIONS AND STAFF REPORTS 11a. 2021 Opportunity Youth Initiative Briefing (memo and presentation enclosed) 12. QUESTIONS on REFERRAL to COMMITTEE and CLOSING COMMENTS 13. ADJOURNMENT Commissioners: Ryan Calkins Sam Cho Fred Felleman Toshiko Hasegawa Hamdi Mohamed Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: [email protected] 206-787-3210
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