8b. Memo
Fishermen’s Terminal ADA Compliance Project
COMMISSION AGENDA MEMORANDUM Item No. 8b ACTION ITEM Date of Meeting March 22, 2022 DATE: February 18, 2022 TO: Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director FROM: Melinda Miller, Director, Real Estate Portfolio & Asset Management Pete Ramels, General Counsel Julie Yun, Capital Project Manager SUBJECT: Fishermen's Terminal ADA Compliance Project Construction Funding Request Amount of this request: $850,000 Total estimated project cost: $1,190,000 ACTION REQUESTED Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to proceed with the Construction of the Fishermen's Terminal ADA Compliance Project (C801198/U00658) in the amount of $850,000. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Port of Seattle entered into a settlement agreement on October 5, 2020, to address alleged Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) related deficiencies at the Fishermen's Terminal parking lot area south of the Fishermen's Center Building. The required minor or non-structural alterations improvements relating to the number of accessible spaces and routes, and the height and visibility of signage, were completed within 120-days of the effective agreement date by Marine Maintenance through 2020 expense funds. Other required alterations such as regrading, filling, demolition, reconstruction, or other significant remediation to address remaining ADA-related issues are required to be completed by October 5, 2022. The project team has developed a 90% Design and permit submittals are currently under agency review. This request would allow staff to proceed with the Construction and deliver on Port commitments per the settlement agreement by October 5, 2022. JUSTIFICATION This project is driven by the settlement agreement committing the Port to deliver structural improvements at Fishermen's Terminal to comply with ADA code. Template revised January 10, 2019. COMMISSION AGENDA Action Item No. 8b Page 2 of 4 Meeting Date: March 22, 2022 Furthermore, this project would help improve safety and maintain Port assets to support the Port's Century Agenda objectives under the following strategies: Position the Puget Sound region as a premier international logistics hub. Responsibly invest in the economic growth of the region and all its communities. Advance this region as a leading tourism destination and business gateway. Diversity in Contracting Design development has been performed through Port's Infrastructure Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) consultant contract. The M/WBE goal for this contract was set at 18% and the current diversity in contracting utilization for the Service Directive is at 16% . Construction Services for this project will be contracted through Port Construction Services (PCS) Small Works Contracts. This project anticipates utilization of a Port-wide Asphalt Paving & Striping On-Call Contract, which is currently in the process of being executed. Diversity in Contracting Goals are not established on PCS Small Works Contracts as historically there are opportunities for WMBE firms to prime. As such, no Diversity in Contracting goal has been established. However, Diversity in Contracting along with CPO will ensure outreach to WMBE firms to encourage them to bid. DETAILS Scope of Work Scope of work under this project are: (1) Develop design and specifications, conduct project outreach, and develop construction phasing. (2) Apply for permits. (3) Construction implementation. Planned work includes sidewalk/roadway demolition and reconstruction, pavement overlays, pavement markings, signage installation, and landscaping. Schedule Activity Commission design authorization 2021 Quarter 2 (complete) Design start 2021 Quarter 2 (complete) Commission construction authorization 2022 Quarter 1 Construction start 2022 Quarter 2 In-use date 2022 Quarter 4 Cost Breakdown This Request Total Project Design $0 $300,000 Construction $850,000 $890,000 Total $850,000 $1,190,000 Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting). COMMISSION AGENDA Action Item No. 8b Page 3 of 4 Meeting Date: March 22, 2022 ALTERNATIVES AND IMPLICATIONS CONSIDERED Alternative 1 Delayed/No Action Cost Implications: Potential reduced costs for avoided work but potential for increased costs related to enforcement of Settlement Agreement. Pros: (1) Preserve Port capital funding and resources for other priority projects and financial initiatives Cons: (1) Would not comply with the Port's agreement to address ADA concerns. (2) Could potentially increase safety risk to customers and visitors. This is not the recommended alternative. Alternative 2 - Proceed with construction of the structural improvements as proposed, contracting through Port Construction Services small works contracts. Cost Implications: Requires allocation of $850,000 in the Capital Plan. Pros: (1) Comply with the Port's agreement to address ADA concerns within the committed timeframe. Cons: (1) Limited temporary construction impacts. This is the recommended alternative. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Cost Estimate/Authorization Summary Capital Expense Total COST ESTIMATE Original estimate $1,500,000 $30,000 $1,530,000 Previous changes net $0 $10,000 $10,000 Current change ($350,000) $0 ($350,000) Revised estimate $1,150,000 $40,000 $1,190,000 AUTHORIZATION Previous authorizations $300,000 $40,000 $340,000 Current request for authorization $850,000 $0 $850,000 Total authorizations, including this request $1,150,000 $40,000 $1,190,000 Remaining amount to be authorized $0 $0 $0 Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting). COMMISSION AGENDA Action Item No. 8b Page 4 of 4 Meeting Date: March 22, 2022 Annual Budget Status and Source of Funds This project has been included in the 2022 Plan of Finance under C801198 FT ADA Compliance at an estimated total project cost of $1,492,000. The expense portion ($40K) was funded through the 2020 and 2021 maintenance operating budgets. This project will be funded by the Tax Levy. Financial Analysis and Summary Project cost for analysis $1,190,000 Business Unit (BU) Maritime Portfolio Management Effect on business performance Depreciation will increase by $48K per year, thereby (NOI after depreciation) reducing the NOI by the same amount. IRR/NPV (if relevant) No incremental revenue. The NPV is the present value of the project cost. CPE Impact N/A Future Revenues and Expenses (Total cost of ownership) N/A ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND N/A ATTACHMENTS TO THIS REQUEST (1) Presentation slides PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTIONS OR BRIEFINGS April 15, 2021 Commission authorized Design funding September 22, 2020 Commission authorized Settlement Agreement for Accessibility Improvements at Fishermen's Terminal Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).
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