8c. Presentation

Energy Management System Project

Item No. _____8c_Supp_____
Meeting Date: April 26, 2022
Energy Management System
Project Authorization
April 26, 2022

Project Purpose
Efficiently provide energy use information to meet
compliance and regulatory requirements
Advance the Port's Century Agenda
Inform strategic investments using asset performance metrics
Enable remote meter reading
Alert on abnormal usage indicating problems that need
immediate attention
Support Port-wide awareness of resource consumption


Procure and implement an Energy
Management System for use Port-wide
Connect approximately 85 smart meters
for Maritime and Aviation Properties
Upload historical energy use data
Additional smart meters will be integrated with the Energy Management System as
they are installed with other projects


Cost Breakdown                              This Request  Total Project
Hardware, Software, and Vendor Services             $300,000      $300,000
Port Labor                                           $240,000      $240,000
Total                                                     $540,000       $540,000
System Procurement Complete             2022 Quarter 4
In-use date                                  2023 Quarter 3


Proceed with the Energy Management System project
Execute contract(s) for software, equipment, vendor services,
and up-to ten years of software license and maintenance fees

Total project request is $540,000. The up-to ten-year maintenance
and license fee contract is estimated not to exceed $3,500,000.


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