NOTICE On Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. The Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA) will hold a Regular Managing Member meeting. This will also be a special meeting of the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma Commissions. The meeting will be held at the Fabulich Center (3600 Port of Tacoma Road, Tacoma, WA 98424). The meeting will also be streamed live on the NWSA’s public meetings webpage found at The purpose of the special Port of Tacoma Commission meeting is to consider authorizing the Port of Tacoma Executive Director to enter into an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the Port of Tacoma and the Northwest Seaport Alliance for the “Thorne Road Properties”. The purpose of the special Port of Seattle Commission meeting is to consider authorization for the Executive Director or their delegate to increase the total costs for reimbursement to the NWSA for the replacement of the Terminal 46 Substation #1 replacement and to proceed with awarding the contract to the most responsive bidder, which is 13% above the final engineer estimate. The Port of Seattle Commission will also consider authorizing the Executive Director or their delegate to increase the total costs for executing a change order for upland disposal of a portion of the T5 Dredging Project under Port of Seattle management.
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