8e. Memo

Bldg 161G AVMG Facility Upgrade

AGENDA MEMORANDUM                        Item No.          8e 
ACTION ITEM                            Date of Meeting       June 27, 2023 
DATE:     June 16, 2023 
TO:        Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director 
FROM:    Keri Stephens, Director Aviation Facilities and Capital Programs 
Eileen Francisco, Director Aviation Project Management 
SUBJECT:  Bldg. 161G AVM Facility Upgrade – HVAC (CIP #C800924) (Short Form) 
Amount of this request:                 $300,000 
Previously Authorized:                $3,472,000 
Total estimated project cost:          $3,772,000 
Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to (1) Increase the project scope
and associated budget by $300,000, for a revised total budget of $3,772,000.
The Building 161G Aviation Maintenance facility project is nearing substantial completion. As part
of this project, new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have been installed,
to service the breakrooms and office spaces. It has been discovered that due to the building’s
proximity to the airfield taxiway the air intake requires additional filtration to mitigate the
exhaust fumes entering the building. In-line air filtration systems will be installed on the fresh air
intake for each system. This modification will ensure compliance with National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS), with improved air quality in the conditioned spaces for the building

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