7. Attachment

Exhibit A

6/26/23, 3:32 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
[EXTERNAL] 6-27-23 Public Comment from STACC4Justice re Item 10c SAMP EA
Funding & Request for TEAMS Instruction
Maria Batayola 
Mon 6/26/2023 3:09 PM
To:Cho.Sam@portseattle.org ;Hasegawa, Toshiko
;Felleman, Fred ;Mohamed, Hamdi
;Calkins, Ryan ;Pritchard, Aaron
Cc:Beacon Hill Council (Group Email) ;BHC-EJtaskforce ;Estela Ortega (El Centro) ;Velma Veloria
;ECO8CB@gmail.com ;Christian Poulsen
;Sheila Brush ;steveedmistonQ45@gmail.com
;Brandon Bowersox-Johnson ;laura
1 attachments (166 KB)
23 BHC ECDLR KCIACC QSPS 350 Port Commission 6-26 Letter.pdf;

WARNING: External email. Links or a achments may be unsafe.

Hon. Commissioners and Mr. Pritchard,
Attached and below for your convenience is our public comment letter regarding SAMP EA funding request.
Maria Batayola, STACC 4 Justice Steering Committee Chair, 206 293 2951
Dear Commission staff,
Kindly send me the TEAMS instruction and Link to testify at noon tomorrow June 27. Thank you in advance.
Maria Batayola
June 26, 2024 ESubmi
Port of Sea le Commission (PSC) President Sam Cho 
PSC Vice President Toshiko Hasegawa 
PSC Secretary Fred Felleman 
PSC Commissioner Hamdi Mohamed 
PSC Commissioner Ryan Calkins 
Re: June 27, 2023 Public Comment: Request to Authorize and Fund SAMP EIS for Both Near
Term and Long Term Projects 
Honorable Pres. Cho, VP Hasegawa, Sec. Felleman, Cmsr. Mohamed and Cmsr. Calkins, 
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this public comment le er for the June 27, 2023
PSC mee ng. 
We are commen ng on the agenda item that requests budget approval for an
environmental assessment for SAMP near term projects. 

https://outlook.office365.com.mcas-gov.ms/mail/commission-public-records@portseattle.org/inbox/id/AAQkAGE1YmYzYTk0LWE2N2YtNGZmYi05Yjg…   1/4

       6/26/23, 3:32 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
We respec ully request that the Commission approve a SAMP EIS for both near term and
long-term projects and fund it accordingly to ensure a cumula ve impact analysis is
conducted that can ar culate the environmental, health and climate injus ce harms to
airport impacted communi es near the airport and under the flight paths from all air, noise,
and climate GHG pollu on produced by and facilitated by Port facili es and opera ons. We
have been ar cula ng our concerns to individual PSCs, and wrote to you on January 17,
2022 that led to the March 15, 2023, Port of Sea le South Sea le Roundtable convening, as
sponsored by VP Hasegawa, where we ar culated this very same request. 
Currently SeaTac flights are increasing back to pre-COVID days of 450,000 flight opera ons
impac ng 419,761 residents living near the airport and under flight paths. The popula on
includes  64%  people  of  color/mixed  race,  29%  immigrants  and  refugees,  22%
children/youth, and 12% elders. The near airport communi es include Burien, Des Moines,
Federal Way, Normandy Park, Renton, SeaTac, and Tukwila. Communi es that are not near
the airport but are under the flight paths include Beacon Hill, Georgetown, Duwamish,
White Center, and Chinatown Interna onal District. The proposed SAMP accommoda on of
avia on  flights  increase  will  exponen ally  increase  and  accelerate  harm  to  our
communi es, par cularly BIPOC and vulnerable communi es
We are deeply concerned about the environmental, health, climate and equity impacts of
aircra air and noise pollu on as follows: 
Environmental: Flight take-offs and landings produce air pollu on that includes
Par culate Ma er 2.5, noxious chemicals, and ultrafine par cles that se le over our
communi es. We breathe in this air. Aircra s also produce noise pollu on above 65
decibels, well above the World Health Organiza on guideline of 55 decibels of
environmental noise during the day and 45 decibels at night. Beacon Hill and several
other impacted communi es are not eligible for noise mi ga on. There is no
mi ga on for air pollu on, and ultrafine par cles are not regulated. 
Health  : The 2020 King County Public Health report, “Community Health and
Airport Opera ons Related Noise and Air Pollu on,”    profiled the health of
airport-impacted communi es within one mile, 1-5 miles, and 5-10 miles of SeaTac
Airport. Table 16 on page 22 shows the following health outcomes: 
-Noise and air pollu on cause cardiovascular problems. 
-Air pollutants cause respiratory issues, cancer, and central nervous system
-Air pollutants likely cause low birth weight. 
Other studies show that ultrafine par cles can lead to decreased lung func on and
impair cogni ve abili es in children.
Climate: We have only 8 years to prevent irreversible climate temperature change. 
Avia on emissions will account for 25% of the global carbon budget by 2050  . In
2017, tailpipe emissions from avia on fuel pumped at SeaTac Airport contributed an
es mated 5,804,000 tonnes of CO2, or close to a quarter of King County’s

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6/26/23, 3:32 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
emissions   . Also, the non-CO2 impacts of avia on emissions cause them to have
three mes the climate warming impact as on-the-ground emissions    . 
Equity: COVID-19 showed us that vulnerable communi es (such as people of color,
immigrants and refugees, and low-income people) experience faster and harder
impacts. The 419,716 airport impacted residents include 64% people of color and
29% immigrants and refugees. Beacon Hill has 40,601 residents with 73% people of
color and 40% immigrants and refugees. These are vulnerable communi es.
Historic Proper es: Chinatown Interna onal District is a landmarked historic district
and north Beacon Hill has 47 sites that meet landmarking criteria. Aircra air and
noise pollu on contribute to the degrada on of these historic proper es.
We share the same care for our communi es, the planet, and our joint futures. Our
communi es‘ environment, health, and climate condi ons are not expendable. We are
available for further dialogue and look forward to a posi ve response. 
Respec ully, 
Beacon Hill Council Chair Maria Batayola 
El Centro De La Raza ED Estela Ortega 
King County Interna onal Airport Community Coali on Chair former Rep. Velma Veloria 
Quiet Skies Puget Sound Chair Sheila Brush 
350 Sea le Avia on Team Co-Chairs Brandon Bowersox-Johnson & Dr. Laura Gibbons 

c: POC Chief of Staff Aaron Pritchard 

SeaTac Airport Impacted Communi es 2020 Census Data.pdf h ps://1drv.ms/p/s!AsxiHr7uaVr-
Beacon Hill/Georgetown/South Park 98108 zip code residents Duwamish Valley Cumula ve Health Impact
Analysis Poster h p://justhealthac on.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/JHA-Gould-Cumula ve-Impacts-
APHA-Nov-2013.pdf and full report h p://justhealthac on.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Duwamish-
Valley-Cumula ve-Health-Impacts-Analysis-Sea le-WA.pdf 
Community Health and Airport Opera ons Related to Noise and Air Pollu on December 1, 2020. 
h ps://apps.leg.wa.gov/ReportsToTheLegislature/Home/GetPDF?
fileName=Community%20Health%20and%20Airport%20Opera ons%20Related%20Pollu on%20Report_c738
h ps://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/full/10.1289/EHP5732 
h ps://theicct.org/sites/default/files/publica ons/ICCT_CO2-commercl-avia on-2018_20190918.pdf 
h ps://your.kingcounty.gov/dnrp/climate/documents/201907-KingCounty-GHG-Emissions-Analysis.pdf 
h ps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ar cles/PMC7468346/ 
https://outlook.office365.com.mcas-gov.ms/mail/commission-public-records@portseattle.org/inbox/id/AAQkAGE1YmYzYTk0LWE2N2YtNGZmYi05Yjg…   3/4


6/26/23, 3:32 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
Community Health and Airport Opera ons Related to Noise and Air Pollu on December 1, 2020. See
pages 5 and 6 h ps://apps.leg.wa.gov/ReportsToTheLegislature/Home/GetPDF?
fileName=Community%20Health%20and%20Airport%20Opera ons%20Related%20Pollu on%20Report_c738
SeaTac Airport Impacted Communi es 2020 Census Data.pdf h ps://1drv.ms/p/s!AsxiHr7uaVr-
Sea le Chinatown US Na onal Historic Designa on h ps://www.nps.gov/places/sea le-chinatownhistoricdistrict.htm
#:~:text=The%20Sea le%20Chinatown%20Historic%20District%20is%20listed%20in,referred%20to
%20as%20the%20Sea le%20Chinatown%20Interna onal%20District. 
Sea le North Beacon Hill Historic Context Statement
h ps://www.sea le.gov/documents/Departments/Neighborhoods/HistoricPreserva on/HistoricResourcesSur
Beacon Hill Historic Proper es Documenta on that iden fied in the historic survey 47 sites that were
determined to meet the defini on of historic landmarking by Sea le Dept. of Neighborhoods Historic
Preserva on Program. h ps://1drv.ms/u/s!AsxiHr7uaVr-pDU3a8EPBH_oA33l?e=ZwhkYY 

https://outlook.office365.com.mcas-gov.ms/mail/commission-public-records@portseattle.org/inbox/id/AAQkAGE1YmYzYTk0LWE2N2YtNGZmYi05Yjg…   4/4

           June 26, 2024                                                                           E-Submitted 
Port of Seattle Commission (PSC) President Sam Cho 
PSC Vice President Toshiko Hasegawa 
PSC Secretary Fred Felleman 
PSC Commissioner Hamdi Mohamed 
PSC Commissioner Ryan Calkins 
Re: June 27, 2023 Public Comment: Request to Authorize and Fund SAMP EIS for Both Near Term and
Long Term Projects 
Honorable Pres. Cho, VP Hasegawa, Sec. Felleman, Cmsr. Mohamed and Cmsr. Calkins, 
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this public comment letter for the June 27, 2023 PSC meeting.
We are commenting on the agenda item that requests budget approval for an environmental assessment
for SAMP near term projects.
We respectfully request that the Commission approve a SAMP EIS for both near term and long-term
projects and fund it accordingly to ensure a cumulative impact analysis is conducted that can articulate
the environmental, health and climate injustice harms to airport impacted communities near the airport
and under the flight paths from all air, noise, and climate GHG pollution produced by and facilitated by
Port facilities and operations. We have been articulating our concerns to individual PSCs, and wrote to
you on January 17, 2022 that led to the March 15, 2023, Port of Seattle South Seattle Roundtable
convening, as sponsored by VP Hasegawa, where we articulated this very same request. 
Currently SeaTac flights are increasing back to pre-COVID days of 450,000 flight operations impacting
419,761 residents living near the airport and under flight paths. The population includes 64% people of
color/mixed race, 29% immigrants and refugees, 22% children/youth, and 12% elders. The near airport
communities include Burien, Des Moines, Federal Way, Normandy Park, Renton, SeaTac, and Tukwila.
Communities that are not near the airport but are under the flight paths include Beacon Hill,
Georgetown, Duwamish, White Center, and Chinatown International District. The proposed SAMP
accommodation of aviation flights increase will exponentially increase and accelerate harm to our
communities, particularly BIPOC and vulnerable communities i 
We are deeply concerned about the environmental, health, climate and equity impacts of aircraft air and
noise pollution as follows: 
Environmental: Flight take -offs and landings produce air pollution that includes Particulate
Matter 2.5, noxious chemicals, and ultrafine particles that settle over our communities. We
breathe in this air. Aircrafts also produce noise pollution above 65 decibels, well above the World
Health Organization guideline of 55 decibels of environmental noise during the day and 45


                    decibels at night. Beacon Hill and several other impacted communities are not eligible for noise
mitigation. There is no mitigation for air pollution, and ultrafine particles are not regulated. 
Healthii: The 2020 King County Public Health report, “Community Health and Airport Operations
Related Noise and Air Pollution,”iii profiledthe health of airport-impacted communities within
one mile, 1-5 miles, and 5-10 miles of SeaTac Airport. Table 16 on page 22 shows the following
health outcomes: 
-Noise and air pollution cause cardiovascular problems. 
-Air pollutants cause respiratory issues, cancer, and central nervous system problems 
-Air pollutants likely cause low birth weight. 
Other studies show that ultrafine particles can lead to decreased lung function and impair
cognitive abilities in children.iv 
Climate:    We   have   only   8   years   to   prevent   irreversible   climate   temperature 
change. Aviation emissions will account for 25% of the global carbon budget by 2050v. In 2017, 
tailpipe   emissions   from   aviation   fuel   pumped   at   SeaTac   Airport   contributed   an 
estimated 5,804,000 tonnes of CO2, or close to a quarter of King County’s emissionsvi. Also, the 
non-CO2 impacts of aviation emissions cause them to have three times the climate warming 
impact as on-the-ground emissionsvii.
Equity: COVID-19 showed us that vulnerable communities (such as people of color, immigrants
and refugees, and low-income people) experience faster and harder impacts. The 419,716 airport
impacted residents include 64% people of color and 29% immigrants and refugees. Beacon Hill
has 40,601 residents with 73% people of color and 40% immigrants and refugees. These are
vulnerable communities.viii ix 
Historic Properties: Chinatown International District is a landmarked historic district and north
Beacon Hill has 47 sites that meet landmarking criteria. Aircraft air and noise pollution contribute
to the degradation of these historic properties. x xi xii 
We share the same care for our communities, the planet, and our joint futures. Our communities‘
environment, health, and climate conditions are not expendable. We are available for further dialogue
and look forward to a positive response.
Beacon Hill Council Chair Maria Batayola 
El Centro De La Raza ED Estela Ortega 
King County International Airport Community Coalition Chair former Rep. Velma Veloria 
Quiet Skies Puget Sound Chair Sheila Brush 
350 Seattle Aviation Team Co-Chairs Brandon Bowersox-Johnson & Dr. Laura Gibbons 

c: POC Chief of Staff Aaron Pritchard 



i SeaTac Airport Impacted Communities 2020 Census Data.pdf https://1drv.ms/p/s!AsxiHr7uaVrsyCOlH4Uieyrr7BB
ii Beacon Hill/Georgetown/South Park 98108 zip code residents Duwamish Valley Cumulative Health Impact Analysis Poster
http://justhealthaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/JHA-Gould-Cumulative-Impacts-APHA-Nov-2013.pdf and full
report http://justhealthaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Duwamish-Valley-Cumulative-Health-Impacts-Analysis-
iii Community Health and Airport Operations Related to Noise and Air Pollution December 1, 2020.
iv https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/full/10.1289/EHP5732 
v https://theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/ICCT_CO2-commercl-aviation-2018_20190918.pdf 
vi https://your.kingcounty.gov/dnrp/climate/documents/201907-KingCounty-GHG-Emissions-Analysis.pdf 

vii https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7468346/ 

viii Community Health and Airport Operations Related to Noise and Air Pollution December 1, 2020. See pages 5 and 6
ix SeaTac Airport Impacted Communities 2020 Census Data.pdf https://1drv.ms/p/s!AsxiHr7uaVrsyCOlH4Uieyrr7BB
x Seattle Chinatown US National Historic Designation https://www.nps.gov/places/seattle-chinatown-historic-
xi Seattle North Beacon Hill Historic Context Statement
xii Beacon Hill Historic Properties Documentation that identified in the historic survey 47 sites that were determined to
meet the definition of historic landmarking by Seattle Dept. of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Program.


       6/26/23, 9:54 AM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
[EXTERNAL] Written testimony for Tuesday's Port Commissioners meeting
laura gibbons 
Sun 6/25/2023 10:08 AM
WARNING: External email. Links or a achments may be unsafe.

Hi Michelle or whoever is currently doing this,
This is for written-only testimony for Tuesday’s port meeting.
Item 10c, additional funding for the NEPA and SEPA studies, should be unnecessary. There are plenty of studies
showing that aviation is an ever-increasing cause of global warming and that aircraft emissions and noise are harmful.
So you should already know that you should not expand SEATAC.
Aviation currently accounts for 24 % of carbon dioxide emissions in Seattle, 8% state-wide. Remembering that the
total warming caused by aircraft is three times that of the carbon emissions, you can see that flying is a major
contributor to heating our planet. Yes, you have plans to use alternative fuels and technology, but they would not
result in any decreases if aviation keeps expanding.
Since you appear to have an extra $2,350,000, I suggest you use it for additional mitigation for communities impacted
by SEATAC emissions and noise.

Laura Gibbons
350 Seattle Aviation Team co-lead

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6/20/23, 3:48 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
[EXTERNAL] Please charge & tresspass Tsimerman
Joe A. Kunzler 
Sun 6/18/2023 2:11 PM
To:Commission-Public-Records ;Pritchard, Aaron
;Hasegawa, Toshiko ;commissionpublicrecords
1 attachments (69 KB)
Sound Tranist 2023 public comment rules.pdf;

WARNING: External email. Links or a achments may be unsafe.

18 June 2023
Dear Port of Seattle and Seattle City Attorney;
Although I cover the world's best airport - SEA Airport for work, I am writing to you 100% in my
personal capacity as an aviation fan and hopefully anti-racist patriot. I just watched the 13 June 2023
Port of Seattle meeting and was appalled to see racist Avrum (Alex) Tsimerman hurl hate at multiple
BIPOC Commissioners & members of the public.
Tsimerman's conduct arguably falls under RCW 9A.84.030:
(1) A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if the person:
(a) Uses abusive language and thereby intentionally creates a risk of assault;
(b) Intentionally disrupts any lawful assembly or meeting of persons without
lawful authority;
As the staff and I believe at least one Commissioner can ascertain to you, I am a white (mediocre)
male who happens to be a big fan of the Seattle Seahawks. Tsimerman's hateful abuse must be
stopped. Especially the racist & sexist, "Don't be too smart" and "black baby" among other lies, racist
insults, and slander.
I understand the PSRC will finally be taking defensive action against Alex Tsimerman's continued
misconduct Thursday at both the Ops Committee (5a) and Executive Board. I encourage the Port of
Seattle to copy those actions or the Sound Transit Board Rules. In any event, this misbehavior is
habitual and malicious.
Your Interim Chair did quite well, considering. Certainly better than Sound Transit Board Chairs (all
white right now). 
But to close the loop, Tsimerman needs to be excluded from the Port of Seattle for the safety and
inclusion of all. Tsimerman will NEVER be quoted in my aviation stories and it's bad enough I have to
spend some of my open gov't advocacy on him. Please exclude/expel Avrum (Alex) Tsimerman.
Joe A. Kunzler
P.S. In other news, happy to hear you are working well with TNCs. Sometimes I DO need a Lyft
for planespotting at your airport.
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       6/20/23, 3:48 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook

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5/22/23, 4:12 PM                                                  Public comment rules | Sound Transit
Board and committee meeting public comment rules
Below are the Sound Transit Board of Directors’ rules on public comment, applicable to all who wish to provide comment to the Board
or one of its committees during a meeting.
These public comment rules have been somewhat simplified for ease of reading, however the officially adopted rules for public
comment, along with all other rules for the Board of Directors can be found here, in Resolution No. R2023-01.
Sound Transit public comment rules
Board, committee, and subcommittee actions and deliberations are conducted openly and in compliance with the Open
Public Meetings Act
Public comment at Board meetings is limited to business items or reports to the Board on the Board agenda. Public comment
at committee meetings is limited to matters within the purview of the specific committee or items on the committee’s agenda.
At special meetings, public comment is only taken on agenda items for final action.
The public comment period is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board or committee and not a dialogue
between the Board or committee and the public.
If you wish to comment, you must add your name and the item you wish to speak about to the public comment sign-in sheet
before the meeting begins. Instructions for how to do that are found on the meeting’s calendar page.
The Board or committee chair determines the amount of time each individual has to provide public comment and may set an
overall amount of time for public comment. To ensure equal opportunity for the public to comment, the Board or committee
chair may limit the number of people speaking for or against an item.
Individuals providing public comment must not engage in speech or conduct that disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes the
orderly conduct of any meeting. Individuals must obey the following:
Comments must be related to agenda items or matters allowed for public comment described above.
Comments must be made to the Board as a whole and not to any individual member except in that member’s role
as a Boardmember.
Comments must be completed within the allowed time.
An individual’s comment period may not be used for purposeful delay, including remaining silent or engaging in
other activity without stating a clear message.
Comments for the purpose of assisting a campaign for election of any person to any office or for the promotion of or
opposition to any ballot proposition are not allowed.
Commenters must not engage in abusive or harassing behavior including derogatory remarks, profanity or personal
attacks, or the use of obscene language and gestures, assaults or threatening behavior, sexual misconduct or
sexual harassment.
An individual who fails to comply with these rules for public comment may be called out of order by the Board or committee
chair, and the chair may direct the speaker’s microphone be turned off to end the individual’s comment period. The Board or
committee chair may also direct security personnel to assist that individual to the individual’s seat.
Meeting disruptions by non-speakers are prohibited. Disruptions include, but are not limited to:
Outbursts from members of the public who are not giving public comment.
Standing in the center aisle or front row of the audience, unless speaking as recognized by the Board or committee
chair or waiting to speak during the public comment period.
Holding or placing a banner or sign in the meeting room in a way that endangers others or obstructs others’ view of
of the meeting.
Behavior that intentionally disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes attendance or participation at a meeting.
Failure to follow the direction of a chair, vice chair or security personnel.
If an individual is disrupting the meeting, the Board or committee chair may direct security officers to remove the individual
from the meeting room.
If an individual is in violation of the public comment or disrupts a meeting at two or more meetings within a 28-day period or
two or more consecutive meetings of the Board or a committee, chair may not allow them to participate in public comment
periods at future meetings.

https://www.soundtransit.org/get-to-know-us/board-directors/public-comments/board-committee-meeting-public-comment-rules#:~:text=Commenters …   1/2

       5/22/23, 4:12 PM                                                  Public comment rules | Sound Transit
The Board chair, or committee chair in consultation with the Board chair, determines the length of the exclusion from public
comment based on the seriousness of the disruption, the number of disruptions and the individual’s prior record of conduct at
After an individual’s first violation or disruption, the length of the exclusion will not exceed 90 days. 
After an individual’s second violation or disruption within a six-month timeframe, the length of the exclusion will not
exceed 180 days. 
After an individual’s third violation or disruption within an eighteen-month timeframe, the length of the exclusion will
not exceed one year.
The Board administrator will notify an individual in writing of the specific reasons and length that they cannot comment by
mailing the notice to the individual’s last known address, if any. The Board administrator will post the notice outside the
meeting location and on Sound Transit’s website and will send a copy of the notice to Board members. The notice is effective
when posted. The notice remains posted for the duration of the that period.
The Board or committee chair’s decision to exclude an individual from public comment may be overruled by a majority vote of
those Board members in attendance either at the meeting where the exclusion was announced or at the next regularly
scheduled Board meeting following the exclusion.

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       6/26/23, 3:35 PM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
[EXTERNAL] Comment for the June 27, 2023 Port of Seattle Commission meeting re
Item 10c,the funding request for the Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) Near-Term
Projects (NTP) environmental review
Rosemary Moore 
Mon 6/26/2023 3:10 PM
WARNING: External email. Links or a achments may be unsafe.
I would like to comment on Item 10c for your June 27, 2023 Port of Sea le Commission mee ng, i.e. the update
and funding request of $2,350,000 for the Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) Near-Term Projects (NTP)
environmental review.
I am shocked at the requested amount of an addi onal $2,350,000 funding for NEPA and SEPA studies, making a
total in excess of $8million, given that there are already plenty of studies showing that avia on is an everincreasing
cause of global warming and that aircra emissions and noise are harmful. Quite frankly, these studies
should be unnecessary. 
Given the recent IPCC reports and avia on’s contribu on to global warming, there is plenty of exis ng scien fic
evidence to demonstrate that we should not be expanding SEATAC, Paine Field or building another airport.
Avia on currently accounts for a significant propor on of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. We should be
reducing flights. The effects of alterna ve fuels and technology are s ll specula ve. Even if they are fully
effec ve they will not result in any decrease in emissions if avia on keeps expanding.
This money should go towards funding alterna ve cleaner forms of transport, such as long-haul electric rail or for
addi onal mi ga on for communi es impacted by SEATAC emissions and noise.
Thank you for considering this comment.
Rosemary Moore
6230 East Mercer Way
Mercer Island
WA 98040
Cell: (1) 206 251 7009

https://outlook.office365.com.mcas-gov.ms/mail/commission-public-records@portseattle.org/inbox/id/AAQkAGE1YmYzYTk0LWE2N2YtNGZmYi05Yjg…   1/1


6/28/23, 8:56 AM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
Re: [EXTERNAL] public comment at Regular Meeting on June 27
Peggy J.Printz 
Tue 6/27/2023 4:32 PM
Thank you. Here is the comment I intended to give:

I’m Peggy Printz, commenting on Agenda Item 10c, additional funding for the
Sustainable Airport Master Plan Environmental Review. I’m wondering how you
expect Sea-Tac or any airport ever to become “sustainable.” "Sustainable airport,"
that’s an oxymoron. So-called “sustainable” aviation fuel remains a far-off goal and
will probably never be produced at scale. Its components would compete with
agriculture or, when they involve recycled plastic, would be toxic to manufacture.
At best, SAF only reduce a small portion of aviation’s climate harms.
If people must travel, why not encourage them to take the train? You could start by
diverting your substantial sums towards building a high-speed rail network. That
would be far closer to your “sustainable” goal.
Thank you.

On Jun 27, 2023, at 1:03 PM, Commission-Public-Records  wrote:
Hi Peggy,
Our apologies, you were not able to stay in the mee ng and speak.
If you would like to submit wri en comments, please feel free!
Otherwise, our next mee ng will be July 11.
Best Regards,
Commission Public Records

From: Peggy J. Printz 
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 12:47 PM
To: Commission-Public-Records 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] public comment at Regular Mee ng on June 27
Sorry I’m leaving the meeting.
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6/28/23, 8:56 AM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook

On Jun 27, 2023, at 8:09 AM, Commission-Public-Records  wrote:

Thank you Peggy Printz,
Join us via your mobile or laptop device through Teams or call into the number provided
below at 11:30 a.m. PS T  on Tuesday June 27, 2023 in order to be marked present and ready
to speak.
Check-in will start promptly at 11:30 a.m. 
A member of port staff will join the call to take a roll call of the names we have listed and go
over the procedure. Please plan to call from a loca on with as li le background noise as
Y ou should expect to be on the line for between 30-60 minutes as we dispose of preliminary
business on the ag enda and we hear from other public commenters. While it’s not possible
f or us to predict how many people will comment on June  27, we expect individual commen t
me to be limited to two minutes and all rules of order and decorum will apply as usual.
If y ou have any ques ons please let us know. We appreciate your i n terest in par cipa ng in
the Port of Sea le Commission mee ng.

_ _______________________________________________________________________________
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_ _______________________________________________________________________________
Bes t Regards,
Commission Public Records

From: Peggy J. Printz 
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 10:05 PM
To: Commission-Public-Records 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] public comment at Regular Mee ng on June 27
https://outlook.office365.com.mcas-gov.ms/mail/commission-public-records@portseattle.org/inbox/id/AAQkAGE1YmYzYTk0LWE2N2YtNGZmYi05Yjg…   2/3

       6/28/23, 8:56 AM                                              Mail - Commission-Public-Records - Outlook
WARNING: External email. Links or attachments may be unsafe.

Hello, I will deliver public comment on item 10c, the Sustainable Airport Master Plan funding
Peggy Printz
(206) 713-5500

https://outlook.office365.com.mcas-gov.ms/mail/commission-public-records@portseattle.org/inbox/id/AAQkAGE1YmYzYTk0LWE2N2YtNGZmYi05Yjg…   3/3


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