COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA July 25, 2023 To be held at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport – Conference Center, International Room, located at 17801 International Blvd, Seattle WA, Mezzanine Level. You may view the full meeting live at To listen live, call in at +1 (425) 660-9954 or (833) 209-2690 and Conference ID 502 833 261# ORDER OF BUSINESS 9:00 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION – if necessary, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (executive sessions are not open to the public) ► 12:00 noon – PUBLIC SESSION Reconvene or Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (at this time, commissioners may reorder, add, or remove items from the agenda) 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. PUBLIC COMMENT – procedures available online at During the regular order of business, those wishing to provide public comment on items related to the conduct of the Port will have the opportunity to: 1) Deliver public comment via email: All written comments received by email to [email protected] will be distributed to commissioners and attached to the approved minutes. 2) Deliver public comment via phone or Microsoft Teams conference: To take advantage of this option, please email [email protected] with your name and the topic related to the conduct of the Port you wish to speak to by 9:00 a.m. PT on Tuesday, July 25, 2023. (Please be advised that public comment is limited to topics related to the conduct of the Port only.) You will then be provided with instructions and a link to join the Teams meeting. 3) Deliver public comment in person by signing up to speak on your arrival to the physical meeting location: To take advantage of this option, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of any regular meeting to sign-up on the public comment sheet available at the entrance to the meeting room to speak on items related to the conduct of the Port. For additional information, please contact [email protected]. Founded in 1911 by a vote of the people as a special purpose government, the Port of Seattle’s mission is to promote economic opportunities and quality of life in the region by advancing trade, travel, commerce, and job creation in an equitable, accountable, and environmentally responsible manner. PRELIMINARY AGENDA – Port of Seattle Commission Special Meeting of July 25, 2023 Page 2 of 2 8. CONSENT AGENDA (consent agenda items are adopted by one motion without discussion) 8a. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 11, 2023. (no enclosure) 8b. Authorization for the Executive Director to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Seattle Colleges Cable Television (SCCtv) for Commission Meeting and Other Video Production Services in the Amount of $1,442,000, and a Period of Five Years. (memo and agreement enclosed) 8c. Authorization for the Executive Director to Transfer Drug Forfeiture Funds in the Amount of $300,000 to the Regional Valley SWAT Team, for the Use of Funds as Partial Acquisition Cost for a Police Armored Response and Rescue Vehicle. (memo enclosed) 10. NEW BUSINESS 10a. Authorization for the Executive Director to Authorize $20,000,000 of the Program Budget for Long Lead Electrical, Mechanical, and Curtain Wall Equipment and Other Long Lead Materials, for the C Concourse Expansion Program. (CIP #C800845) (memo and presentation enclosed) 10b. Sound Insulation Program Briefing and Authorization for the Executive Director to Advertise, Award and Execute a Major Public Works Contract, Include a Project Labor Agreement, and Authorize Construction of Phase 2 of the Apartment Program with Previously Authorized Funds and a Total Program Cost of $133,515,000. (CIP #C200096) (memo and presentation enclosed) 11. PRESENTATIONS AND STAFF REPORTS 11a. Friends of Waterfront Seattle and City of Seattle Waterfront Briefing. (presentation 1 and presentation 2 enclosed) 11b. 2024 Budget Development Briefing. (memo and presentation enclosed) 12. QUESTIONS on REFERRAL to COMMITTEE and CLOSING COMMENTS 13. ADJOURNMENT Commissioners: Ryan Calkins ■ Sam Cho ■ Fred Felleman ■ Toshiko Hasegawa ■ Hamdi Mohamed Executive Director: Stephen P. Metruck To contact commissioners: 206-787-3034 For meeting records and information: [email protected] 206-787-3210
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