8e. Presentation
T91 Cruise Passenger Secondary Gangway
Item No: 8e_Supp Meeting Date: August 8, 2023 Terminal 91 Cruise Passenger Secondary Gangways Project Authorization Marie Ellingson, Manager, Cruise Operations and Business Development Tim Leonard, Capital Project Manager, Waterfront Project Management CIP # C800129 WP # U00655 Project Authorization Request Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to procure two new cruise passenger secondary gangways for the Smith Cove Cruise Terminal at Pier 91. This authorization is for $8,700,000 of a total estimated project cost of $9,000,000. (CIP# C800129). 2 Project Background • East and West T91 berths each have a primary passenger gangway, but ONLY East berth currently has a secondary gangway • Existing secondary gangway is at end of service life and has limited operational range (non-ADA compliant) and capacity • Cruise vessel sizes and passenger operational requirements are increasing 3 Project Objectives • Maximize secondary passenger gangways’ operational capacity, range, and mobility at both T91 berths • Increase cruise passenger loading safety and efficiency • Provide fully capable backup gangway for both Pier 91 primary gangways • Improve cruise passenger vessel embarkment and Existing passenger secondary gangway at Pier 91 East cruise berth disembarkment experience 4 Project Scope Replace existing aged single secondary gangway with two new secondary gangways at Pier 91 Analyze and determine gangways operational requirements Prepare and advertise a gangways Request for Proposal Select vendor to manufacture, deliver, and assemble new secondary gangways at Pier 91 Oversee vendor work and commission installed gangways Procurement Risks Risk Probability Impact Mitigation Required gangways manufacturing time: Expedite RFP and gangways vendor contract execution to ongoing global supply chain instability and degree possible. Limit equipment features and extras to limited availability of some degree possible to minimize manufacturing materials/components may add significant time requirements. to manufacturing schedule. Expedite RFP and gangways vendor contract execution to Gangways cost: Ongoing global economic degree possible to limit cost escalation due to inflation. instability and cost inflation may result in Limit equipment features and extras to degree possible estimated cost escalation. to minimize costs. Gangways transport time: Limited number of Maximize potential number of vendors by limiting qualified, and US located, gangways specialized gangways requirements where possible and manufacturers may require long distance global proactively advertising Request for Proposal opportunity. transport for delivery to Terminal 91 High Medium Low 6 Project Schedule Key Milestone Goals: Commission project authorization Q3 2023 Request for Proposal advertisement Q3 2023 Gangways vendor contract execution Q1 2024 Gangways manufacturing start Q1 2024 Gangways in-use date (as soon as possible) Q1 2025 7 Cost Estimate/Authorization Summary Capital Expense Total COST ESTIMATE Current project estimate $9,000,000 $0 $9,000,000 AUTHORIZATION Previous authorizations (initial $300,000 $0 $300,000 budget per POS Cruise approval) Current request for authorization $8,700,000 $0 $8,700,000 Total authorizations, including this $9,000,000 $0 $9,000,000 request Remaining amount to be $0 $0 $0 authorized 8 Questions? Questions? 9
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