P.O. Box 1209 Seattle, Washington 98111 www.portseattle.org 206.787.3000 APPROVED MINUTES COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING JULY 25, 2023 The Port of Seattle Commission met in a special meeting Tuesday, July 25, 2023. The meeting was held at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Conference Center, located at 17801 International Blvd, Seattle WA, Mezzanine Level, Seattle, Washington, and virtually on Microsoft Teams. Commissioners Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed were present. Commissioner Calkins was absent and excused from the regular business meeting, however, was in attendance for the Executive Session. 1. CALL to ORDER The meeting was convened at 9:00 a.m. by Commission President Cho. 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 The public meeting recessed into executive session to discuss one matter regarding litigation/or potential litigation/or legal risk, per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and complaints about public officers or employees per RCW 42.30.110(1)(f) for approximately 190 minutes, with the intention of reconvening the public session at 12:00 p.m. Commissioner Hasegawa was recused from participating in the Executive Session. Following the executive session, the public meeting reconvened at 12:10 p.m. Commission President Cho led the flag salute. 3. APPROVAL of the AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented without objection. In favor: Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY No Special Orders of the Day were presented. 5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director Metruck previewed items on the day’s agenda and made general and meetingrelated announcements. Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online – www.portseattle.org. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 6. Page 2 of 7 COMMITTEE REPORTS Commission Strategic Advisor Erica Chung provided committee reports. Aviation Committee Commissioner Mohamed and Commissioner Calkins convened the Aviation Committee on July 18, 2023. The committee received briefings on four items, discussing accessible initiatives at the airport, partnership with local governments, and an Order outlining future accessibility goals. An update on the FAA Reauthorization legislation in the Senate and House was also discussed. Other discussion items included: Concourse C retail space lease opportunity and timeline and TNC virtual cue processing - allowing TNC drivers to wait at Lot160 and drive over once a request by a customer is made. The committee concluded with a conversation regarding the public board member’s term on the Port’s Accessibility Committee, supporting a two-year board term and rotation to make it more equitable and inclusive to broader accessibility communities. Equity and Workforce Development Committee Commissioners Hasegawa and Calkins convened the Equity and Workforce Development Committee on July 18, 2023. The Committee discussed: the Port’s Anti-Human Trafficking initiative and recent rulings by the US Supreme Court on affirmative action and free speech/LGBTQ rights, and how it may affect the Port. Commissioner Hasegawa requested staff to further examine options to bolster the Port’s anti-human trafficking initiative and staff will continue to track and monitor impacts of the recent US Supreme Court rulings. Joint Advisory Committee The Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) meeting with the City of SeaTac was held on July 18, 2023, with Commissioners Mohamed and Felleman in attendance. The JAC received an update on the Port Commission’s adoption of the Environmental Land Stewardship Principles Order, and SEA land stewardship efforts. The JAC also received an update from Port Senior Federal Government Relations Manager Eric Schinfeld who gave an update on the North SeaTac Park related provision and the four shared StART priorities that are included in the FAA Reauthorization bill. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Public comment was received from the following individual(s): • • • The following person spoke regarding the impact of cruise on maritime workers and the economic benefits it provides for workers in bunker services: Patrick Dougan, Vain Brothers. The following person spoke of cruise, noting the tourism and economic benefits it has to the region: David Blandford, CEO, Washington State Tourism. In lieu of spoken comment, written comments from citizens who write to ask the Port Commission to cap the number of 2024 season sailings and passengers at or below 2019 levels, reducing these numbers every year until the industry pollution is eliminated were submitted by: Wendy Ashmun; Ant Blasi; Robin Briggs; Beth Brunton; Valerie Costa; Gregory Denton; Arun Ganti; Derek Gendvil; Angela Germano; Brie Gyncild; Becky Hall; Jared Howe; Esther John; Sophia Keller; David Kipnis; Jason Li; Lorie Lucky; Scott McClay; Rosemary Moore; Barbara O'Steen; Sarah Sanford; Phillip Singer; Janie Starr; Lauren Wilson; Linda Carroll; Kevin Gallagher; Mary Hanson; Andrea O'Ferrall; Karen Cowgill; Ericka Berg; Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 Page 3 of 7 Anne Robertson; Linda Golley; Gordon Adams; Kathy Pendrss; Cynthia Ervin; Stacy Oaks; Irene Svete; Cheryl Marland; Norma Nielsen; and Jan Florer. [Clerk’s Note: All written comments are combined and attached here as Exhibit A.] 8. CONSENT AGENDA [Clerk’s Note: Items on the Consent Agenda are not individually discussed. Commissioners may remove items for separate discussion and vote when approving the agenda.] 8a. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 11, 2023. 8b. Authorization for the Executive Director to Enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Seattle Colleges Cable Television (SCCtv) for Commission Meeting and Other Video Production Services in the Amount of $1,442,000, and a Period of Five Years. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and agreement. 8c. Authorization for the Executive Director to Transfer Drug Forfeiture Funds in the Amount of $300,000 to the Regional Valley SWAT Team, for the Use of Funds as Partial Acquisition Cost for a Police Armored Response and Rescue Vehicle. Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum. The motion for approval of consent agenda items 8a, 8b, and 8c carried by the following vote: In favor: Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 10. NEW BUSINESS 10a. Authorization for the Executive Director to Authorize $20,000,000 of the Program Budget for Long Lead Electrical, Mechanical, and Curtain Wall Equipment and Other Long Lead Materials, for the C Concourse Expansion Program. (CIP #C800845) Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation. Presenter(s): Rick Duncan, Director, AV Business & Properties Janet Sheerer, Capital Program Leader, AV Project Management Group Clerk Hart read Item 10a into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. The presentation addressed: Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 • • • • • • • Page 4 of 7 the project purpose – to increase airport revenue, improve customer service, and increase economic opportunities; sustainability initiatives; the project being part of the Upgrade SEA campaign; project location, status, and construction progress; rendering of the building exterior; interior design elements; and project schedule and budget. Discussion ensued regarding: • whether or not the project is part of the Sustainable Airport Master Plan – it is not; • installing a handrail in the center of the staircase/bleachers feature; • smart restrooms and potential conversion from gendered restrooms to non-gendered restrooms; • inclusion of an infant docking station in the family stall; • ADA accessibility; • nursing room facilities and inclusion of an infant docking station as well in that location; • energy savings included in the plan; • non-use of natural gas in the project; • installation of solar cells and how that was accomplished with FAA regulations; • tenant impacts; • receiving a transparent breakdown of entire project budget; and • storage cells for energy creation and storage. The motion, made by Commissioner Hasegawa, carried by the following vote: In favor: Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 10b. Sound Insulation Program Briefing and Authorization for the Executive Director to Advertise, Award and Execute a Major Public Works Contract, Include a Project Labor Agreement, and Authorize Construction of Phase 2 of the Apartment Program with Previously Authorized Funds and a Total Program Cost of $133,515,000. (CIP #C200096) Request document(s) included an agenda memorandum and presentation. Presenter(s): Stephen St. Louis, Capital Project Manager V, AV Project Management Group Julie Kinzie, Sound Insulation Manager, Noise Programs Robert Giacopetti, AV Grants Program Manager, Aviation Finance & Budget Eric Schinfeld, Senior Manager, Federal & International Government Relations Clerk Hart read Item 10b into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item and presenters. The presentation addressed: • sound insulation purpose and scope; Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page 5 of 7 program locations; program status and history of the program; implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion recommendations into the program outreach; status of eligible homes vs. homes completed through the program for insulation – single family, condominiums, and apartments; status of eligible places of worship locations; the accelerated schedule for the program; subordination agreement enhancements; 2023 FAA reauthorization of the program; StART advocacy of the program; other noise and emissions provisions – including creation of a Chief Noise Officer; prioritization of noise mitigation in the setting of new flight paths; creation of a community taskforce to advise the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on noise; and creation of an internal FAA program to coordinate and interact with the taskforce; FY24 appropriations and grants; FAA noise policy review on sound insulation; failing packages of previous insulations’ cash flows and funding plan; program risks; and requested Phase 2 construction authorization. Discussion ensued regarding: • the amount of program funding spent since 1985; • use of the program; • strategy for addressing failing packages; • conducting the Part 150 Study and associated timeline; • having a better idea of timeline and scope in September regarding the Part 150 Study; • potential energy savings to owners that take part in the program; • opportunities for apprenticeship goals and objectives; • reasons behind some declinations to use the program; • providing reliable translation of site and contents for the program resource site; and • use of multi-language postcards. The motion, made by Commissioner Mohamed, carried by the following vote: In favor: Cho, Felleman, Hasegawa, and Mohamed (4) Opposed: (0) 11. PRESENTATIONS AND STAFF REPORTS 11a. Friends of Waterfront Seattle and City of Seattle Waterfront Briefing. Presentation document(s) included presentation 1 and presentation 2. Presenter(s): Angela Brady, Director, Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects, City of Seattle Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 Page 6 of 7 Joy Shigaki, President & CEO, Friends of Waterfront Seattle Commission Clerk Michelle Hart read Item 11a into the record. Executive Director Metruck introduced the item. Angela Brady, Office of the Waterfront and Civic Projects for the City of Seattle, and Joy Shigaki, President and CEO of Friends of Waterfront Seattle, provided a report to the Commission regarding waterfront redevelopment projects along and leading to Alaskan Way. The presentation addressed: • project construction schedule; • funding; • key construction milestones 2023 planning; • tribal priorities; • the seawall project; • new waterfront renderings; • use of green stormwater infrastructure; • functions of the street; • project-specific overviews; • aquarium expansion; and • partnership with Friends of Waterfront Seattle on philanthropy, operations and maintenance, security, and programming; • Waterfront Park – situated on the land of the Coast Salish Peoples – a historic 20-acre civic investment which will be a catalyst for revitalization and renewal of downtown and the region; • 2023 major events and programs in partnership with Friends of Waterfront Seattle; • Friends of Waterfront Seattle’s project budget and philanthropic funding received; • tourism and economic impact; • investment in public safety; and • partnership with Seattle Center to bring expertise in complex urban public space management and aligned vision and goals of a safe, welcoming waterfront for everyone. Members of the Commission and presenters discussed: • the Waterfront Project being fully funded at this time; and • any potential of extending maps north to include the Port of Seattle. Members of the Commission thanked the City and Friends of Waterfront Seattle for their time and presentation. 11b. 2024 Budget Development Briefing. Presentation document(s) included a memo and presentation. Presenter(s): Steve Metruck, Executive Director Dan Thomas, Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Budget Commission Clerk Michelle Hart read Item 11b into the record. Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020. PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 Page 7 of 7 Executive Director Metruck provided an overview of 2024 budget development. The presentation addressed: • a scan of environmental factors surrounding budget development; • passenger recovery forecasting for aviation; • cruise operations levels since 1999 to-date; • 2024 budget guiding principles and strategies; and • the 2024 budget calendar. Members of the Commission thanked Executive Director Metruck for highlighting the aspects of budget development for transparency. 12. QUESTIONS on REFERRAL to COMMITTEE and CLOSING COMMENTS Commissioner Felleman spoke regarding the Biden national monument to Emmett Till. Commissioner Hasegawa spoke regarding the recent signing of the City of Seattle’s Industrial Lands Policy. She acknowledged Port staff’s work over the years, noting that it is a win for communities and businesses. 13. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m. Prepared: Attest: Michelle M. Hart, Commission Clerk Fred Felleman, Commission Secretary Minutes approved: August 8, 2023 Minutes of October 27, 2020, submitted for review on November 5, 2020, and proposed for approval on November 10, 2020.
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