8h. Memo

2024 Airfield Projects Contract 01

MEMORANDUM                       Item No.       8h 
ACTION ITEM                          Date of Meeting   October 24, 2023 
DATE:     October 12, 2023 
TO:        Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director 
FROM:    Eileen Francisco, Director Aviation Project Management 
Laurel Dunphy, Director Airport Operations 
Keri Stephens, Director Aviation Facility and Capital Program
SUBJECT:  2024 Airfield Projects - Contract 1 (CIP# C800930 and C801177) 
Amount of this request:              $50,500,000 
Total estimated project cost:        $200,300,000 

Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to (1) advertise and execute a
construction contract for 2024 Airfield Projects - Contract 1; (2) transfer budget/authorization,
as necessary, between the 2024 Airfield Projects; (3) transfer budget/authorization for Gate
B11 Passenger Loading Bridge (PLB) civil foundation from CIP C801180 PLB Phase 3 Project to
CIP  C800930  2021-2025  Airfield  Pavement  and  Supporting  Infrastructure  Replacement
Program; (4) procure long lead items; (5) include a Project Labor Agreement for the contract;
and (6) authorize use of Port crews for abatement work. 
2024 Airfield Projects – Contract 1 encompasses federally funded pavement and utility
infrastructure. The amount of this authorization request is $50,500,000. 
This construction contract is comprised of two interdependent Capital Improvement Projects
(CIPs).  These projects have overlapping work areas and design functionality, interdependent
operational impacts, and share 2024 schedule milestones. They both encompass federally
funded pavement and utility infrastructure scope. As such they were planned, designed, and
phased to be delivered concurrently for purposes of Airfield safety, efficiency, and minimization
of operational impacts. 
The below table details the CIPs and corresponding authorizations requested.  The total
estimated project cost for each CIP is also included. Total authorizations to date for each of
these CIP is included in the Financial Implications section of this memo. 

Template revised January 10, 2019.

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 

CIP Name/#                                Amount of this Request    Total Estimated
Project Cost 
2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting    $32,620,000               $160,027,559 
Infrastructure Replacement Program C800930 
Airfield Utility Improvement C801177            $17,880,000               $40,272,441 

Total                                            $50,500,000               $200,300,000 

The capital projects (C800930 & C801177) receive federal grant funding for eligible items
meeting FAA standards with an anticipated FAA grant reimbursement of $8,000,000 for the
year 2024 and a total of $50,000,000 expected for the life of the program. 
The two projects being co-delivered via the 2024 Airfield Projects - Contract 1 consist of a
variety of physically and functionally interdependent Capital Improvements designed to renew
and replace failing infrastructure, ensure continued operational safety and security, and meet
SEA’s regulatory requirements. The purpose of each project (CIP) is summarized below: 
• The 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program
is an ongoing program of airfield pavement replacement and is required to provide safe
and  efficient  conditions  for  aircraft  operations  and  meet  Federal  Aviation
Administration (FAA) requirements. 
• Airfield Utility Improvement (AUI) is an ongoing project to replace aging, failing, and
over-capacity utility systems serving the existing terminal and apron areas. 
This request  includes authorization to transfer Gate B11 PLB civil foundation scope  and
authorization from the PLB Phase 3 project to the 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting
Infrastructure Replacement Program  to align scope, construction schedule and minimize
impacts to airfield operation. The gate B11 civil foundation was authorized by Commission on
April 18th, 2023, for design and construction under CIP C801180 with the amount of $600,000.
Diversity in Contracting 
The project staff, in coordination  with the Diversity in Contracting Department, have
established  a federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) goal at 8%. 2024 Airfield
Projects – Contract 1 will include the DBE goal in the procurement of the construction contract. 
The DBE achievement for 2021 airfield project was 10.46%, and 2022 projects was 10.78%. The
2023 projects are under construction with a DBE goal of 8%. 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 

These projects will interface with other projects and airline operations. Continual coordination
with Airport Operations, Airlines, and related Tenants will ensure the least possible operational
impact during construction. 
A project labor agreement will be used for these projects based on the importance of labor
continuity and the need to minimize any risk of impact to operations during construction.
Scope of Work
The 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program replaces
distressed airfield pavements, joint sealant, and supporting infrastructure at the Airport.
Airfield work under this program in 2024 includes Taxilane W pavement, apron joint sealant,
and supporting infrastructure between Concourse B and the Central Terminal. Staff will procure
long lead items including miscellaneous frames and covers for airfield utilities. 
The AUI project is a three-year project to replace aging, failing, and over-capacity utility systems
serving the existing terminal and apron areas. The 2024 AUI scope is located on the north side
of the South Concourse, Concourse B and the Central Terminal and includes sanitary sewer,
domestic water, power, communications, and the Industrial Wastewater System (IWS). 
Construction Contract #                                               Contract #1 
Construction start                                                       2024 Quarter 2 
In-use date                                                               2024 Quarter 4 
Cost Breakdown                                     This Request           Total Project 
2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Prog. (C800930) 
Design                                                           $0            $16,000,000 
Construction                                           $32,620,000          $144,027,559 
Total                                                        $32,620,000           $160,027,559 
Airfield Utility Improvements (C801177) 
Design                                                           $0             $4,283,000 
Construction                                           $17,880,000            $35,989,441 
Total                                                        $17,880,000             $40,272,441 


Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 
Alternative  1  –  Proceed  only  with  Airfield  Pavement  and  Supporting  Infrastructure
Replacement Program scope. Do not proceed with the project scope in the Airfield Utility
Improvements which includes sanitary sewer main pipe, domestic water, power, and the
Industrial Wastewater System (IWS) 
Cost Implications: $32,620,000 in Capital Cost for 2024 Airfield Pavement and Supporting
infrastructure Replacement Project. 
(1)   Reduced capital spending in 2024.
(2)   Less construction impacts to airport/airline operations in 2024.
(3)   Grant funded pavement renewal and replacement work still proceeds. 
(1)   Risk of both: a failed sanitary sewer and water system to Main Terminal and South
Concourse operations. 
(2)   Sewer capacity will not meet current or future needs of the Main Concourse C, and
South Concourse.
(3)   Will cause future operational impacts to repair, replace, or install other utilities in the
same areas.
This is not the recommended alternative. 
Alternative 2 – Construct each individual project with separate construction contracts. 
Cost Implications: $54,000,000 in Capital Cost to deliver the projects via two major construction
contracts, $3,500,000 more than delivering via one major construction contract as proposed by
the recommended alternative.
(1)   Less complexity for budget tracking during construction. 
(1)   Reduced efficiencies due to rework and separate jurisdictional coordination such as
with the FAA. 
(2)   Additional labor costs for contractor on-boarding and mobilizations, double-project
ramp up and close out.
(3)   Increased coordination required between overlapping projects. 
(4)   Increased construction safety risk due to overlapping work areas. 
(5)   Additional and recurring impacts to airfield operations until all efforts are completed. 
This is not the recommended alternative. 
Alternative 3 – Move forward to construct both projects as a single coordinated effort. 
Cost Implications: $50,500,000 
(1)   Reduces safety risks, minimizes operational impacts and increases efficiencies as
coordination and construction is managed as a single effort. 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 
(2)   Minimizes  time  to  completion,  limiting  exposure  to  future  cost  increases,  while
delivering benefits expeditiously. 
(3)   Programmatic   replacement   of   aged   and  distressed  pavements   and   related
(1)    Earlier capital spending in 2024.
This is the recommended alternative. 
2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and 
Supporting Infrastructure Replacement 
Program (C800930) - Cost 
Estimate/Authorization Summary 
Cost Estimate                                        Capital        Expense            Total 
Original estimate                                $155,740,000       $560,000   $156,300,000 
Previous changes – net                           $3,727,559              $0      $3,727,559 
Revised estimate                              $159,467,559       $560,000   $160,027,559 
Previous authorizations                        $113,062,000       $360,000   $113,422,000 
Current request for authorization                $32,620,000              $0     $32,620,000 
Total authorizations, including this request      $145,682,000       $360,000   $146,042,000 
Remaining amount to be authorized            $13,785,559      $200,000    $13,985,559 

Airfield Utility Improvements (C801177) –
Cost Estimate/Authorization Summary 
Cost Estimate                                       Capital         Expense            Total 
Original estimate                                $34,592,000               $0     $34,592,000 
Previous changes – net                          $5,680,441               $0      $5,680,441 
Revised estimate                               $40,272,441              $0     $40,272,441 
Previous authorizations                          $5,267,641               $0      $5,267,641 
Current request for authorization               $17,880,000               $0     $17,880,000 
Total authorizations, including this request      $23,147,641               $0     $23,147,641 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 
Remaining amount to be authorized           $17,124,800             $0    $17,124,800 

Annual Budget Status and Source of Funds 
The capital projects (C800930 & C801177) receive federal grant funding for eligible items
meeting FAA standards with an anticipated FAA grant reimbursement of $8,000,000 for the
year 2024 and a total of $50,000,000 expected for the life of the program. 
2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program (CIP
This project was included in the 2022-2026 capital budget and plan of finance with a
budget of $152,940,000. The capital increase of $6,527,559 was transferred from the
Aeronautical Allowance1 CIP C800753 resulting in no net change to the Airport capital
budget. This project has a Majority-In-Interest approval from the airlines in January
2020. The funding sources will be the Airport Development Fund, AIP grants, and
revenue bonds. 

Airfield Utilities Improvements (AUI) - (CIP C801177) 
This project was included in the 2022-2026 capital budget and plan of finance with a
budget of $46,200,000. The capital decrease of $5,927,449 was transferred to the
Aeronautical Allowance1 CIP C800753 resulting in no net change to the Airport capital
budget. This project has a Majority-In-Interest approval from the airlines in September
2021. The funding sources would be Airport Development Fund and Airport Revenue
Financial Analysis and Summary 
C800930 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program 
Project cost for analysis              $159,467,559 
Business Unit (BU)                  Airfield movement and Airfield apron 
Effect on business performance    NOI after depreciation will increase due to inclusion of
(NOI after depreciation)             capital (and operating) costs in airline rate base 
IRR/NPV (if relevant)                N/A 
CPE Impact                       Total project cost CPE of 0.35 in 2026; annual CPE of 0.10 
C801177 Airfield Utility Improvements 
Project cost for analysis              $40,272,441 
1 The Aeronautical Allowance is included in the Capital Improvement Plan to ensure funding capacity for
unspecified projects, cost increases for existing projects, new initiatives, and unforeseen needs. This ensures funding
capacity for unanticipated spending within the dollar amount of the Allowance CIP. 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 
Business Unit (BU)                  Airfield movement and airfield apron 
Effect on business performance    NOI after depreciation will increase due to inclusion of
(NOI after depreciation)             capital (and operating) costs in airline rate base 
IRR/NPV (if relevant)                N/A 
CPE Impact                       $0.13 in 2026 
Future Revenues and Expenses (Total cost of ownership) 
2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program  (CIP 
The AIP project will not have an impact on annual Aviation Maintenance Operating and
Maintenance (O&M) costs for the pavement assets. This project may lead to a reduction in
the amount of time currently spent by the Port Maintenance team on joint seal and
pavement spall repairs. After implementing the project, the improved portions of the
pavement will have a renewed 40-year asset life and a greatly reduced risk of the pavement 
producing loose gravel and rock Foreign Object Debris (“FOD”) that could be picked up by
vehicle tires or blown by jet engine exhaust and spread across the apron, taxiways and
Airfield Utilities Infrastructure (AUI) (CIP C801177) 
The AUI project will not have an impact on annual Aviation Maintenance O&M costs for
mechanical or electrical systems and may lead to a reduction in the amount of time
currently spent by the field crew on pipe inspections due to the current condition of the
water and sewer systems. After implementing the project, the improved portions of the
water and sewer systems will have a renewed 50-year asset life and a greatly reduced risk
of failures, emergency repair and maintenance work, and impacts to operations. 
(1)    Presentation slides
2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program (CIP
October 25, 2022 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to (1) advertise,
execute  two  separate  construction  contracts,  and  transfer  budget/authorization,  as
necessary, among the 2023 Airfield Projects; (2) procure long lead items; (3) include a
Project Labor Agreement for both contracts; (4) authorize use of Port crews for abatement
work. The amount of this authorization request is $67,153,000. The total estimated cost for
all projects included in this authorization is $255,945,000.

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 

November 16, 2021 - The Commission authorized the Executive Director to (1) advertise and
execute a major works construction contract and (2) include a Project Labor Agreement for
the 2022 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Project, at the
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. This authorization is for $24,000,000 with a total
authorized to date of $79,195,000 and a previously approved total 2021-2025 program
budget of $153,500,000. 
August 10, 2021 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to advertise and award
a major public works contract to replace the North Runway Protection Zone Culvert (NRPZ
Culvert), a year 2022 component of the 2021 to 2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting
Infrastructure Replacement Program. This construction authorization is for $3,800,000 for a
total program authorization to date of $55,195,000. The total 2021-2025 program cost is
November 10, 2020 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to (1) advertise and
execute a major works construction contract and (2) include a project labor agreement for
the replacement of distressed pavements and supporting infrastructure for the 2021 portion
of the 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Program at
the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. This construction authorization is for $37,900,000
for a total authorization to date of $51,395,000. The total 2021-2025 program cost is
October 22, 2019 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to authorize design
and preparation of construction documents for the 2021-2025 Airfield Pavement and
Supporting Infrastructure Replacement Projects at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
in the amount of $16,000,000 and approve the use of a project labor agreement (PLA) for
each year’s construction contract. 
Airfield Utilities Infrastructure (AUI) (CIP C801177) 
October 25, 2022 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to (1) advertise,
execute  two  separate  construction  contracts,  and  transfer  budget/authorization,  as
necessary, among the 2023 Airfield Projects; (2) procure long lead items; (3) include a
Project Labor Agreement for both contracts; (4) authorize use of Port crews for abatement
work. The amount of this authorization request is $67,153,000. The total estimated cost for
all projects included in this authorization is $255,945,000. 
August 10, 2021 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to (1) complete design 
and prepare construction documents for the Airfield Utilities Infrastructure (AUI) project at
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) and (2) enter into reimbursable agreements with
the Federal Aviation Administration. This design authorization is for an amount of
$6,300,000 out of a total estimated project cost of $46,200,000. 
Passenger Loading Bridge (PLB) Renewal and Replacement Phase 3 (CIP C801180) 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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Meeting Date: October 24, 2023 
April 18, 2023 – The Commission authorized the Executive Director to (1) Increase the
project scope and associated budget by $1,000,000 for a final revised total budget of
$15,000,000 and, (2) Purchase one PLB and associated equipment for Gate B11. 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).


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