8e. Memo
Resolution 3819 Washington State Building Codes
COMMISSION AGENDA MEMORANDUM Item No. 8e ACTION ITEM Date of Meeting March 12, 2024 DATE: February 21, 2024 TO: Executive Director Stephen P. Metruck FROM: Pat Lawler, Sr. Manager, Airport Building Department SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution No. XXXX to adopt the 2021 Building Codes, Amendments and Permit Fee Schedules. Amount of this request: $0.00 Total estimated project cost: $0.00 ACTION REQUESTED Request adoption of Resolution No. 3819: a Resolution of the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle to adopt the 2021 editions of the International, Building, Mechanical, Fire, Energy Conservation and Fuel Gas Codes, the 2021 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, and the editorial changes made to the State Building Code by the Washington State Legislature; and repealing Resolution No. 3783, as amended. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The building industry, contractors, designers, developers, and project managers depend on statewide uniformity in the codes that impact their businesses. Current Projects at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport, are built to the 2018 Washington State code. The adoption of this resolution will update the code to the 2021 code implement by March 15, 2024. JUSTIFICATION The State Building Code Council was created to advise the legislature on building code issues and develop building codes used in the State of Washington. To develop the Washington State Building Code (otherwise known as Chapter 19.27 RCW), the Council holds public hearings, considers proposed state amendments, and adopts the international model codes and amendments. This process normally occurs on a three-year cycle. The three-year cycle assures up-to-date performance for fire, health, and life safety codes. Diversity in Contracting N/A-No procurement proposed. Template revised September 22, 2016. COMMISSION AGENDA – Action Item No. 8e Page 2 of 2 Meeting Date: March 12, 2024 DETAILS Adoption of the following 2021 editions of the model codes enumerated in RCW 19.27 follows: International Building Code (IBC) with state amendments ICC/ANSI A117.1-17 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities with state amendments International Mechanical Code with state amendments International Fuel Gas Code with state amendments (noted in the IMC adoption) 2020 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) 2021 National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54) (for LP Gas installations only) International Fire Code with state amendments Uniform Plumbing Code with state amendments International Energy Conservation Code with state amendments (WSEC) Scope of Work N/A-No procurement proposed. Schedule N/A-No procurement proposed. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS None. ATTACHMENTS TO THIS REQUEST (1) Draft Resolution PREVIOUS COMMISSION ACTIONS OR BRIEFINGS January 26, 2021 - The Commission approved resolution 3783 February 27, 2018 – The Commission approved Resolution No. 3745 June 8, 2004 – The Commission approved Resolution No. 3527 June 6, 2001 – The Commission approved Resolution No. 3454 November 14, 2000 – The Commission approved Resolution No. 3445 August 26, 1997 – The Commission approved Resolution No. 3251 August 8, 1992 – The Commission approved Resolution No. 3119 Template revised September 22, 2016; format updates October 19, 2016.
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