11a. Attachment
02 Language Access Order 2023 05 Extension
Item number: 11a_attach_3 Meeting Date: March 12, 2024 1. LAP Department Survey Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, requires recipients of Federal financial assistance to take reasonable steps to make their programs, services, and activities accessible by eligible persons with limited English proficiency. In April 2023, the Port of Seattle Commission adopted a new Language Access Policy to systematically ensure that all audiences have access to critical Port information, despite language or accessibility barriers. The policy makes language access a permanent, ongoing commitment by the Port of Seattle in every department and every division. This language access policy sets into motion an assessment of current practices (including a review of publicly facing documents, resources, signage, websites, social media sites, and forms); the development of a guidance manual for divisions to create language access plans; and a proposal for budgeting resources necessary to implement this policy. By February 29, 2024, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI) and External Relations (ER) will report the findings of any language access assessments and the development and implementation of language access policy across the Port. Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. ASL American Sign Language * 1. Please enter your name and position title * 2. Please enter your department * 3. Please enter your email 2. Understanding How LEP Individuals Interact with Your Department The following series of questions helps Port of Seattle understand how an LEP individual may come into contact with your Department: Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. 4. Does your department interact or communicate with the public or are there individuals in your dept who interact or communicate or might interact or communicate with LEP individuals? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 5. Please describe the manner in which your department interacts with LEP individuals. Select all that apply: In-Person Telephonically Electronically (e.g., email or website) Via Correspondence Braile/ASL Interpretation I am unfamiliar with this Other (please specify) 3. Identification and Survey of LEP Individuals The following series of questions aims to identify the LEP population you serve: Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. 6. How does your department identify individuals who need language assistance? (Select all that apply) Assume limited English proficiency if communication seems impaired Respond to individual requests for language assistance services Ask open-ended questions to determine language proficiency on the telephone or in person Use of “I Speak” language identification cards or posters or name tags Based on written material submitted to the agency (e.g., complaints, emails) We have not identified non-English speakers or LEP individuals I am unfamiliar with this Other (please specify) 7. Does your program currently have a process to collect data about: Yes No I am unfamiliar with this The number of LEP individuals that you serve? The number and prevalence of languages spoken by LEP individuals in your Port Impacted Community? 8. How often does your department assess the language data for communities you serve? Annually Biennially Not sure Other (please specify) 9. Do you track the total number of LEP individuals who use or receive services from your program each year? Yes No Not sure 10. Does your department have a system to track the cost of language assistance services? Yes No Not Sure 11. Specify the most frequently encountered non-English languages by your program and how often these encounters occur (e.g., 2-3 times a year, once a month, once a week, daily, constantly). If there are any other languages not listed, please indicate what language and frequency (e.g., 2-3 times a year, once a month, once a week, daily, constantly). 2-3 times a year once a month once a week daily constantly N/A American Sign Language (ASL) Spanish Chinese Vietnamese Korean Tagalog Japanese Amharic Somali Other (please specify) 4. Providing Language Assistance Services The following set of questions will help the organization assess how well your dept and division is providing language assistance services to LEP individuals: Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. 12. What types of language assistance services does your department provide? (Select all that apply) Bilingual staff In-house interpreters (oral) In-house translators (documents) Contracted interpreters Contracted translators Telephone interpretation services Video interpretation services Language bank or dedicated pool of interpreters or translators Volunteer interpreters or translators I am unfamiliar with this Other (please specify) 13. Does your department ask or allow LEP individuals to provide their own interpreters or have family members or friends interpret? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 14. Does your department provide staff with a list of available interpreters and the non- English languages they speak, or information on how to access qualified interpreters? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 15. Does your department have a process for identifying and translating the most important or vital documents into the non-English languages of the communities in your Port Impacted Community? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 16. Which vital written documents has your department translated into non-English languages? Consent forms Complaint forms Notices of rights Notice of denial, loss or decrease in benefits or services Notice to participate in programs or activities or to receive benefits or services Notice of availability of contracts or funds, Request for proposals Marketing of specific programs or initiatives Budget and finance reports I am unfamiliar with this Other (please specify) 17. Does your department translate signs or posters announcing the availability of language assistance services? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 18. When your department updates information on its website, does it also add that content in non-English languages? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 19. Does your department notify the community about availability of contracts, funding, and proposals in non-English languages? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 5. Training of Staff on Policies and Procedures The following series of questions will help you identify whether staff receive appropriate training on your language access policies and procedures: Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. 20. Does all department staff receive initial and periodic training on how to access and provide language assistance services to LEP individuals? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 21. Are language access and LEP issues included in the onboarding and orientation for employees? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 22. Does your department procedural manual or handbook include specific instructions related to providing language assistance services to LEP individuals? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 23. Does staff receive periodic training on how to request the translation of written documents into other languages? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 24. Do you use staff members as interpreters and/or translators of materials? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 25. Do these individuals receive regular training on proper interpreting techniques, customer service, ethics, specialized terminology, and other topics? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 6. Providing Notice of Language Assistance Services The following series of questions will help you assess how you provide notice of language assistance services to the LEP population in your Port Impacted Community: Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. 26. How do you inform members of the public about the availability of language assistance services? (Select all that apply) Frontline and outreach multilingual staff Posters in public areas “I Speak” language identification cards distributed to frontline staff Website Social networking website (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) E-mail to individuals or a list serv I am un familiar with this Other (please specify) None of the above 27. Do your translated program outreach materials inform LEP individuals about the availability of free language assistance services? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 28. Does your department regularly advertise on non-English media (television, radio, newspaper, and websites)? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 29. Does the main page of your department website include non-English information that would be easily accessible to LEP individuals? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 30. Does your department have multilingual signs or posters in its offices or public spaces announcing the availability of language assistance services? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 7. Monitoring Language Access Procedures The following set of questions will help you assess whether you have an effective process for monitoring and updating your language access policies, plan and procedures: Definition of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be LEP and may be eligible to receive language assistance with respect to the particular service, benefit, or encounter. 31. Does your department have a formal language access complaint process? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 32. Has your department received any complaints because it did not provide language assistance services? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 33. Do you monitor the system for collecting data on beneficiary satisfaction and/or grievance/complaint filing? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 34. Do you obtain feedback from the LEP community on the effectiveness of your language access program and the language assistance services you provide? Yes No I am unfamiliar with this 8. Feedback We welcome any suggestions for the improvement of Language Access at the Port. 35. What are other unique ways does your department support LEP individuals around Language Access? 36. Do you have any suggestions to provide support to LEP individuals in your department? Item number: 11a_attach_3 Meeting Date: March 12, 2024 Language Access Community Survey The Port of Seattle is expanding its Language Access Plan. Language Access means providing Limited English Proficient (LEP) people with reasonable access to the same services as English-speaking individuals. We would like your feedback based on your experiences as a leader in the community. By community, we mean the people with whom you work on equity, diversity and inclusion related issues. In what capacity do you work with communities that could benefit from expanded language access? Please select all that apply. ▢ Professionally, as part of my paid job ▢ As a volunteer in my community ▢ Other, please describe: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗I do not work with or lead communities that could benefit from expanded language access [TERMINATE] What percentage of the community you work with needs access to translation or interpretation services in order to use Port of Seattle programs, services or information? o 0% to 25% o 26% to 50% o 51% to 75% o 76% to 100% Which non-English languages are commonly spoken by the community you work with? Please all that apply. ▢ Amharic ▢ Chinese ▢ Dari ▢ Hindi ▢ Japanese ▢ Khmer ▢ Korean ▢ Punjabi ▢ Russian ▢ Somali ▢ Spanish ▢ Tagalog ▢ Ukrainian ▢ Vietnamese ▢ Other, please describe: __________________________________________________ Have you heard of anyone in your community having difficulty accessing information about Port of Seattle operations, programs, and funding opportunities in a language other than English? o Yes o No Display This Question: If Have you heard of anyone in your community having difficulty accessing information about Port of... = Yes Please describe the difficulties you heard about. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ How does your community access information about Port of Seattle operations, programs, and funding opportunities? Please select all that apply. ▢ Port of Seattle website ▢ Community meetings (ex: Working with the Port 101) ▢ Contracts and funding (ex: Vendor Connect) ▢ Social media and apps ▢ Personal connections ▢ Email marketing ▢ Other, please describe: __________________________________________________ How does your community prefer to access Port information? Please select all that apply. ▢ Port of Seattle website ▢ Community meetings (ex: Working with the Port 101) ▢ Contracts and funding (ex: Vendor Connect) ▢ Social media and apps ▢ Personal connections ▢ Email marketing ▢ Other, please describe: __________________________________________________ What information about the Port of Seattle would be most useful to have available in your community's preferred language? Please select all that apply. ▢ Job and/or contracting opportunities ▢ Community partnerships like grants, funding, or trainings ▢ Safety information ▢ Customer service at the airport, marinas, or parks ▢ Port plans for future development ▢ Community meetings and events ▢ Other, please describe: __________________________________________________ The Port may use a combination of in-person and computer-generated translations (similar to Google Translate, Microsoft Translate, or a web-based translation tool) in the expanded language access plan. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Neither Strongly Somewhat agree Somewhat Strongly Not agree agree nor disagree disagree sure disagree Computer-generated translations are helpful tools my community can o o o o o o use Computer-generated translations are generally accurate o o o o o o In your experience, which organizations, businesses or government agencies (if any) communicate effectively with Limited English Proficient individuals? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Would you be willing to be contacted for a follow-up conversation? o Yes o No Display This Question: If Would you be willing to be contacted for a follow-up conversation? = Yes Please provide your name and contact information. o Name: __________________________________________________ o Phone number: __________________________________________________ Item No. 11a_atach_3 Date of Mee�ng March 12, 2024 Division Department Survey proxy Aviation AV Capital Program Management + FI Cindy Maki Aviation AV Commercial Management Jason Berg Aviation AV Customer Experience + Brand Chelsea Rodriguez Aviation AV Customer Experience + Brand Rosa Johnson Aviation AV Safety Management Thais Miler Central Services (Corporate) AV Environment & Sustainability Mallory Hauser Aviation AV Fire Dept Chelsea Alcala Aviation AV Police Department Molly Kerns Aviation AV Public records Request Eldina Jasarevic Aviation AV Security Kory Nygard Maritime Boating, Ops + Security Rut Perez-Studer Central Services (Corporate) CPO Nora Huey Economic Development Diversity in Contracting Lisa Phair Central Services Cathy Swift (Corporate) External Relations Central Services AJ McClure (Corporate) External Relations Maritime Marine Maintenance Juan Martell Central Services (Corporate) Port Construction Services Rocío Trujillo Item No. 11a_attach_3 Date of Meeting March 12, 2024 Language Access Plan for Departments This Language Access Planning document is required for each department. Please consult with your department’s Language Access Coordinator. This planning document will be attached to a department cover page. PART ONE: Introduction Please identify and describe the role of the Language Access Coordinator in your department including name, title, years in this position. Describe the purpose of your department. What services and programs are offered? How you interact with LEP individuals? PART TWO: Division Language Access Resources What language access resources does your division currently have in place? PART THREE: Department’s 2025 Language Access Goals What are your departments 2025 language access goals and timelines? Please describe below. Does your department need support in developing the language access goals and timelines? ☐ Yes ☐ No If Yes- Please send an email to the office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. PART FOUR : Limited English Proficient (LEP) Population Assessment People who are not fluent speakers or writers of English are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP). Do you assess LEP data in your department? ☐ Yes ☐ No A. If Yes, please indicate the number of clients served in the top tier languages. For technical assistance, contact the office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. Method of Service (Please check all that apply) 2 | Page [DEPARTMENT NAME] Language Access Plan 2024 Languages # of LEP What tools are you using Translation Interpretation In-Language individuals to gather this info? Outreach (Call center, Community meeting data, Census Maps, School Data, Subcontractor Data etc.?) Spanish ☐ ☐ ☐ Vietnamese ☐ ☐ ☐ Chinese (Cantonese ☐ ☐ ☐ or Mandarin) Japanese ☐ ☐ ☐ Somali ☐ ☐ ☐ Filipino ☐ ☐ ☐ (Tagalog/other dialects) Korean ☐ ☐ ☐ Cambodian/Khmer ☐ ☐ ☐ Amharic ☐ ☐ ☐ Russian ☐ ☐ ☐ PART FIVE: Implementation Translation Describe your department’s plan for translation services. 3 | Page [DEPARTMENT NAME] Language Access Plan 2024 Service Purpose Brief description of Budget dollars allocated implementation plan Multilingual Signage (e.g. language signs at reception areas) Vital Documents Webpages Written outreach materials Other (please describe) Interpretation Describe your department’s plans for interpretation services. Type of Interpretation Purpose Brief description of Budget allocated implementation plan Community Meetings/Sessions One-One Constituent Meetings Language Line, Vonage or other live-interpreter service Other (please describe) Community Outreach (targeted communities) Describe your department’s plan for in-language community outreach services. Type of Outreach Purpose of Outreach Brief description of Budget allocated (What is the initiative that implementation plan this outreach supports?) Ethnic Media Ad Buys 4 | Page [DEPARTMENT NAME] Language Access Plan 2024 Contracting with Community Based Organizations (CBOS) to do in-language outreach Other (please describe) PART SIX: Quality control and community review Ensuring community input, simplified language, and cultural competency. Service Do you have a system to measure quality of services? Please answer Yes or No for each service listed. Translation ☐ Yes ☐ No Please describe how you measure quality: [Comments] Do you need technical assistance? [Comments] Estimated number of documents translated: Interpretation ☐ Yes ☐ No Please describe how you measure quality: [Comments] Do you need technical assistance? [Comments] Estimated number of interpretation services: In-Language ☐ Yes ☐ No Outreach Please describe how you measure quality: [Comments] Do you need technical assistance? [Comments] 5 | Page [DEPARTMENT NAME] Language Access Plan 2024 Estimated number of outreach services: Complaints Do you have a system to handle language-access related complaints? Please answer Yes or No for each type of complaint. We provide information to LEP ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Other individuals advising them of the right to file a complaint if they did not get the information or Please describe. services, they sought due to language barriers. [Comments] We display information on how ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Other to file a complaint. Please describe. [Comments] Please describe how your department handles complaints regarding the provision of language access services. [Comments] PART SEVEN: Multilingual Employees Talent Bank (TO BE DEVELOPED) The purpose of this section is to understand the language resources among the Port’s workforce. Employees added to this list below are not meant to be assessed or required to provide languages services. Add more lines as necessary. Employee’s Name Title Department/Team Language 6 | Page [DEPARTMENT NAME] Language Access Plan 2024 Thank you for your attention to making the Port of Seattle a model in language access. Department Staff Title Date ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ Division Director Title Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion Title Date 7 | Page [DEPARTMENT NAME] Language Access Plan 2024
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