
Commissioners                                              Tay Yoshitani 
Chief Executive Officer 
Bill Bryant 
Chair and President 
Tom Albro                         P.O. Box 1209 
John Creighton                    Seattle, Washington 98111 
Rob Holland                       www. portseattle.org 
Gael Tarleton                          206.787.3000 

An audio of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available on the Port of Seattle
web site - http://www.portseattle.org/about/organization/commission/commission.shtml 

(The approximate point in the audio recording for the specific item is identified by minutes and
seconds; example: 01:30) 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a special meeting at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at
The Cove in Normandy Park, 1500 SW Shorebrook Drive, Normandy Park, WA. 98166. 
Commissioners Albro, Bryant, Creighton, and Holland were present. Commissioner Tarleton was
The regular meeting was called to order at 1:07 p.m. by Bill Bryant, Chair and President. 
2.     EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
Motion for approval of the Minutes of the February 23, 2010 Commission Regular Meeting - 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 

March 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 2 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote. 
a.   (00:02:37) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to enter into an Interlocal
Agreement between the Port of Seattle and King County for Emergency Medical Services. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 12, 2010 from Ron Harmon,
Interim Fire Chief, Fire Department and Randy Krause, Fire Chief, Fire Department 
Motion for approval of Item 5a  Albro 
Second  Creighton 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote. 
Item 7a was advanced on the agenda as follows: 
a.  (00:03:40) Part 150 Airport Noise and Land Compatibility Study Update 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 17, 2010 from Stan
Shepherd, Manager, Airport Noise Programs and Diane Summerhays, Director, Community
Development. Also provided were a computer slide presentation and a report on the study. 
Presenters: Mr. Shepherd and Victoria Evans, Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer 
Mr. Shepherd commented on the two primary forms of community participation in the project  the
Highline Forum, which is the primary outlet used by elected officials actively working with the Port
within the Part 150 study and the public workshops to be held, designed to have active
engagement with members of the community for participation in solutions. He also clarified the
purpose of the program's technical review committee, which is comprised of local land use
planners; pilots; members of the FAA; Washington Department of Transportation; Boeing Field;
and Puget Sound Regional Council. He noted that the committee is not formed to provide
recommendations to the study and is not a voting committee; rather it is a committee that provides
valuable input to the data which is processed through the study. 

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TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 3 
A brief overview of the recently held public workshop was provided, noting that the approach of the
workshop was specifically designed to allow all attendees to provide input as much as possible. All
comments provided were transcribed and included in the resulting report. 
Staff noted that at both the February 23 Commission Roundtable with public officials, as well as at
the February 24 public workshop, many excellent suggestions were provided and would be
included as a part of the Part 150 Study.
Mr. Shepherd noted that staff will be actively contacting various City Councils to communicate
availability to present information to them regarding the noise issues. He also stated that contact
has been made with cities that have representation on the technical review committee, asking them
if they would like to have another person on the committee who may have a better understanding
of long-range planning for their communities. 
Next steps were noted, including reviewing all of the input received at all related meetings to
ensure it is all included in the Part 150 Study.
Responding to a question from Commissioner Albro about the possibility of seeing modeling of
noise impacts if the Airport was utilized at a level of 45 million passengers, Mr. Shepherd stated
that the number of passengers does not equate to noise; rather the aircraft equates to noise and to
attempt to model at that level could not be done with accuracy. 
Mr. Shepherd noted that the next public workshop would be held on June 9, 2010 at the
Cedarhurst Elementary School at 6:30. 
Public comment regarding Item 7a was received from the following individuals: 
Stuart Jenner, who noted he had attended the recent public workshop and found it to be
helpful. He suggested that a representative of the City of Seattle be included on the
technical review committee. 
Dan Caldwell, who expressed his appreciation of the Commission holding this meeting in
the community. He also noted his concern about the Part 150 Study, and his belief that
the FAA should be paying for the study. He stated his support of the building of a noisereducing
wall and a hush house at the Airport. 
Arlene Brown, who requested that an email system be set up which would allow the public
to choose specific topics they are interested in receiving information about. She also
spoke in favor of looking at single event noise as well as noise at ground level. 
Jim Jellimore, who stated his belief that there should be more than 1 commercial airport in
the greater Puget Sound area  at least two more in the immediate future, which would
help alleviate so much noise in such a small area. He also commented that as part of the
noise programs, he feels more could be done in noise-impacted areas, such as providing
central air conditioning for the homes directly under the flight paths. 

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 4 
Jon Cortese, Pastor, Burien Free Methodist Church. Mr. Cortese commented on the need
for churches in the area to receive assistance from noise reduction programs. He also
noted the increase of noise during the summer months. 
Clarke Brant, Normandy Park Councilmember. Mr. Brant stated the need for the Airport to
operate with respect to members of the surrounding communities, and stated his support
of the building of a noise-reducing wall; the planting of more shrubs; the building of a hush
house, and the reduction of night-time operations. 
Stuart Creighton, Regional Commission on Airport Affairs. Mr. Creighton addressed his
disapproval of the Part 150 process, stating that public comment will only be addressed at
the end of the process, and that the Port Commission is actually not 'hands-on' in the
process, but the Port staff is. 
Chas Talbot, who commented on the importance of churches, schools, medical facilities
and nursing homes being factored into the study. 
Shawn McEvoy, Normandy Park Councilmember, who noted that issues needing to be
addressed include finding new ways to fund mitigation for noise-impacted areas, seriously
plan for a hush house, and increase curfews on both air passenger and air cargo flights. 
Earnest Thompson, who noted his belief that many of the problems related to airports can
be addressed by improving the rail systems, and referenced systems in Europe and Asia.
He also noted general health impacts to people in areas where airports exist. 
Anne Phillips, who raised the question of whether or not there is more noise when aircraft
take off to the north than to the south. 
Commissioner Bryant again recognized elected officials present at the meeting, including
Representative Tina Orwall; Normandy Park Councilmember Clarke Brant; Normandy Park
Councilmember Shawn McEvoy; Burien Deputy Mayor Rose Clark; Senator Karen Kaiser; and
Normandy Park Mayor George Hadley. 
a.  (00:56:35) Resolution No. 3635; Second Reading and Final Passage. Providing the
Chief Executive Officer with the authority to submit an application to reorganize General
Purpose Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) No. 5 under the Alternative Site Framework and for
the Chief Executive Officer to implement the program through agreements with
prospective companies that desire to utilize the Port's Foreign Trade Zone, after prior
notification to the Port of Seattle Commission. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 16, 2010 from Tom Tanaka,
Senior Port Counsel and Linda Styrk, Managing Director, Seaport Division. Also provided was a
copy of the proposed Resolution. 

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 5 
Presenters: Mr. Tanaka and Ms. Styrk 
Staff addressed questions which were raised at the First Reading of the Resolution as follows: 
Regarding whether or not there are any specific companies or industries that might be
targeted as a result of the reorganization of the FTZ, Ms. Styrk noted that those might
include importers which are paying duty at this time and frequently filing their customs
entries. She noted that the Seaport Division would also work closely with the Real Estate
Division to try to promote through their portfolio, any benefit that they can offer. 
Regarding the consideration of how this limited resource will be allocated, Ms. Styrk stated
that she would like to see as much as half of the acreage available for the FTZ, but it is
likely to be somewhere in the future that the demand for acreage is greater than the
Regarding using the FTZ as a tool for marketing other properties, Ms. Styrk stated that the
Seaport Division would do so, and would look to coordinate those efforts and opportunities
with the Real Estate Division. 
Regarding whether or not there are policy issues around how the FTZ will be used, Ms.
Styrk noted that it is really just a process change and an efficiency change, and at this
stage, there really are no policy questions. 
Commissioner Albro noted that he would like to see restrictions to the acreage to be made
available in order that we don't lose the opportunity in the future to reevaluate and market more
strategically the use of the acreage. 
Motion for Resolution No. 3635, Second Reading and Final Passage  Holland 
Second  Albro 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote 
b.  (01:03:57) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to authorize up to $5,440,000 of
tenant reimbursement associated with the build-out of an airline lounge on the roof of
the South Satellite at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and to execute a Tenant
Reimbursement Agreement with Delta Air Lines under the Airport's AV-2 policy. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 11, 2010 from Michael Ehl,
Director, Airport Operations; James R. Schone, Director, Aviation Business Development; and
James Jennings, Property and Facility Manager. Also provided were a map of the planned build-
out area and copies of the Port's tenant reimbursements procedure and guidelines. 
Presenters: Mr. Jennings and Janet Sheerer, Capital Project Manager, Aviation Project

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 6 
Mr. Jennings noted that today's request was a follow-up to the briefing which was provided at the
February 2, 2010 Commission meeting. He noted Delta's commitment to an Asian gateway from
Seattle, and that this project is critical to them and their operation. He commented on a letter of
support of the project which was received from Delta. 
Ms. Sheerer provided a brief update on the Delta asbestos remediation project, noting that is
currently out for bid and that bids are due on April 6. Regarding Delta's tenant project, she stated
that final construction documents are being developed, incorporating some changes that the Port
had requested.
Addressing questions asked at the February 2 briefing, Mr. Jennings noted that the impact of the
project to Cost Per Enplanement (CPE) has been calculated at 2 cents, and clarified that the
majority of this project is within the Plan of Finance and the Airport's budget plan.
Commissioner Albro raised the question of what the risk might be if this project was not done now,
noting concern that the final construction amount will not be known until the project is further along. 
It was clarified by staff that the Airlines are supportive of moving forward with the project, and that
this is a Port-tenant relationship issue and that Delta is very committed to the project. 
Motion for approval of Item 6b  Creighton 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote 
c.  (01:27:48) Authorizati on for the Chief Executive Officer to increase the authorized
amount for the 2nd Floor Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Upgrades at
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport by $203,000 to pay additional in-house and
consultant costs to complete the project for a total authorization of $1,700,000.
Commission previously approved $1,497,000 for this project. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 5, 2010 from Wayne
Grotheer, Director, Aviation Project Management Group and Michael Smith, Mechanical Manager,
Aviation Facilities and Infrastructure. Also provided were drawings of the areas where the HVAC
Upgrades are taking place. 
Presenters: Mr. Grotheer and Joe Nessel, Capital Project Manager, Aviation Project Management
Mr. Grotheer noted that today's request was for a budget increase for a project currently underway.
He stated that to summarize the need for the increase, a better job of cost estimating needs to be

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 7 
done as well as better monitoring of construction costs. He also noted that it is possible staff will
need to return to the Commission for one additional increase to the budget. He stated that a
Portwide effort has recently been begun to update the cost estimation template, with a particular
focus on soft costs. 
Mr. Nessel briefly reviewed areas of the project which were underestimated, including the
document control system as well as the contract procurement and administration 
Commissioner Albro commented on the need to also do a better job of design in the future, as well
as areas mentioned by staff. 
Motion for approval of Item 6c  Albro 
Second  Creighton 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote. 
d.  (01:35:40) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to advertise for construction
bids, award the contract and construct the C1 to C88 Baggage Handling Connection
Project and authorize Port Construction Services to self perform work and issue small
works contracts in support of the project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for an
additional amount of $2,752,000, bringing the total authorization to $3,032,000. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 5, 2010 from Michael Ehl,
Director, Airport Operations and Wayne Grotheer, Director, Aviation Project Management Group. 
Presenters: Mr. Grotheer and Ed Weitz, Capital Project Manager, Aviation Project Management
Mr. Grotheer noted that this request is to advertise for and award a contract, and is being done in
an attempt to save time to complete the project before the end of the year's holiday rush, and is at
the request of Alaska Airlines. 
Motion for approval of Item 6d  Creighton 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote. 

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 8 

e.  (01:41:06) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to advertise for bids and
execute a contract for upgrades on the ship's loading systems on towers 2, 3 and 5 at
Terminal 86 Grain Facility for a total Port capital investment estimated at $2,500,000.
This authorization combines two steps of the Resolution No. 3605 process
(authorization to design and authorization to advertise and execute a contract) into one
to expedite a project that has been identified as a safety concern. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 1, 2010 from Michael
Mclaughlin, Director, Cruise and Industrial Properties and Rod Jackson, Capital Construction
Project Manager, Seaport Division. 
Mr. Pattison clarified that this request is for authorization to design as well as to advertise and
execute a contract for a project which has been identified as a safety concern at Terminal 86. 
He briefly reviewed the scope of the project, noting that it is consistent with work on two other
towers at the terminal after they failed and collapsed in recent years. 
Responding to Commissioner Creighton's questions about possible impacts to the tenant during
construction, Mr. Pattison stated that since the work will be completed between crop years, it is
projected that impacts will be minimal. 
Motion for approval of Item 6e  Creighton 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote 
f.   (01:48:42) Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with engineering
analyses and design, preparation of construction documents, permit acquisition, and
project management for the replacement of the fender piles and fendering system on
the east section of the Northwest Dock at Fishermen's Terminal in the amount of
$550,000. The total preliminary estimated cost of the project, prior to design work and
completion of the Engineer's Estimate, is $4,793,000. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated February 26, 2010 from Darlene
Robertson, Director, Harbor Services, Real Estate Division and Harold Brende, Project Manager,
Capital Development Division. Also provided was an aerial view of the location of the project site. 
Presenters: Kenny Lyles, Manager, Fishing Vessel Services, Fishermen's Terminal and the
Maritime Industrial Center and Tim Leonard, Capital Project Manager, Seaport Project

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                 P. 9 
Staff noted that today's request is for design, permitting and project management and that staff
would return to the Commission at a future date for authorization of construction dollars. He stated
that staff is proposing to replace the current wooden fender piles with steel, and that this would be
a long-term improvement to the facility. 
Motion for approval of Item 6f  Albro 
Second: Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland (4) 
Commissioner Tarleton was absent for the vote 
b.  (01:57:58) Update on the Consolidated Rental Car Facility 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated February 26, 2010 from
Michael Ehl, Director, Airport Operations; George England, Program Leader, Project Management
Group; and Janice Zahn, Assistant Director, Engineering Construction Services. Also provided
were a computer slide presentation and report. 
Presenters: Ms Zahn, Mr. England, and Jim Schone, Director, Aviation Business Development 
Ms. Zahn noted that currently the project site averages 250 construction workers daily, and up to
270 on peak days. She stated that the project is approximately one-third completed. She also
noted that staff meets monthly with managers to review seven different metrics in order to generate
a scorecard, and stated that this information will be included in future briefings to the Commission. 
Mr. England reviewed design updates, pointing out that a proposal had been received to offer up a
different type of lighting for the facility, which had been reviewed, and that a substitution will not be
submitted and currently appears to be a non-issue. He noted that the offsite roads package has
advanced to the bids stage to advertise for construction. He commented that specifications for the
Bus Maintenance Facility (BMF) continue to be refined. 
Mr. Schone addressed questions previously raised by Commissioner Tarleton regarding whether or
not there was an issue of Customer Facility Charges (CFC's) which were forecast and the amount
collected. He noted that there are currently no problems with those collections. 

Mar 23 SM Min

TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010                                P. 10 
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. 
(A digital recording of the meeting is available on the Port's website) 

Rob Holland 

Mar 23 SM Min

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