
Commissioners                                                                  Tay Yoshitani 
Gael Tarleton 
Chief Executive Officer 
Commission President 
Tom Albro                                      P.O. Box 1209 
Bill Bryant                                 Seattle, Washington 98111 
John Creighton                               www.portseattle.org 
Rob Holland                                     206.787.3000 
Audio and video recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available on the
Port of Seattle web site  www.portseattle.org. The approximate point in the video recording for each
agenda item is identified by hours, minutes, and seconds; example: 00:01:30. 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a regular meeting Tuesday, December 11, 2012, at Port of
Seattle  Headquarters,  Commission  Chambers,  2711  Alaskan  Way,  Seattle,  Washington.
Commissioners Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, and Tarleton were present. 
The regular meeting was called to order at 12:04 p.m. by Gael Tarleton, Commission President. 
2.    EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
The regular  meeting was immediately recessed to an executive session estimated to last
approximately 60 minutes to discuss matters relating to real estate and a complaint against a
public employee. Following the executive session, which lasted approximately 45 minutes, the
regular meeting reconvened in open public session at 1:12 p.m. 
(00:01:35)  ANNOUNCEMENT 
Commissioner Tarleton announced that in response to an Ethics and Compliance Hotline relating
to Commissioner Creighton and the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Program, the Commission had retained attorney Russ Perisho to investigate the complaint and that
review to date had found no basis for the complaint.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                            Page 2 of 12 
[Clerk's Note: Items on the Unanimous Consent Calendar are considered routine and are not
individually  presented  or  discussed;  however,  the  Port  Commissioners  receive  the  request
documents for review prior to the meeting and have an opportunity to remove items from the
Consent Calendar for separate discussion and vote in accordance with the Commission bylaws.] 
5a.  Approval of the Claims and Obligations for the Period of November 1, 2012, through
November 30, 2012, in the amount of $35,414,168.88. 
5b.  Approval to increase the project budget authorization by $60,000 for the Pier 66 Bell
Street Sky Bridge Repainting Deferred Maintenance project for a new total project
budget of $500,000. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 3, 2012, provided by 
Beth Britz, Marine Maintenance Project Manager. 
5c.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute a series of indefinite delivery,
indefinite quantity - ICT master service agreements to hire temporary information
technology contractors as needed to support systems, projects, and services for an
amount not to exceed $6 million, with a contract ordering period not to exceed five
years. No funding is associated with this request. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated November 26, 2012, provided by
Peter Garlock, Chief Information Officer, and Kim Albert, Senior Manager, ICT Business Services. 
5d.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Office to execute up to 13 indefinite delivery,
indefinite  quantity  service  agreements  for  services  related  to  construction
management, scheduling, estimating, auditing, claims analysis, and safety monitoring
in support of Aviation, Seaport, and Real Estate Division construction projects in an
amount not to exceed $8,100,000, with an ordering period of three years. No funding is
associated with this authorization request. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 4, 2012, provided by
Raymond P. Rawe, Director, Engineering Services; Janice Zahn, Assistant Director, Engineering
Services; and Alan Norris, Manager Construction Safety. 
5e.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to:  (1) authorize $14,018,890 of tenant
reimbursement budget associated with the design and construction of the Zone 2 ticket
counter pushback, ramp offices and United Club in support of the United Airlines
(United) tenant project; (2) execute a tenant reimbursement agreement with United for
this purpose under the Airport's AV-2 Policy; and (3) authorize an additional $2,028,500
for tenant project support. The total estimated Port cost of this project is $16,047,390. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 3, 2012, provided by
Michael Ehl, Director, Airport Operations; Wayne Grotheer, Director, Aviation Project Management
Group; and James Jennings, Manager, Aviation Properties, Aviation Business Development.

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5f.   Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to:  (1) increase scope and budget for
International Window Wall Ticket Counters (C899490) by $785,000 for changed location
of bag belt and to add self-service bag drop system; (2) increase scope and budget for
Baggage System Renovation  Airline Realignment (C800382) by $2,011,000 to add
connections to both the C60 and C61 baggage systems; (3) advertise and execute a
construction contract for the International Ticket Lobby Window Wall Ticket Counters
and Bag Belt project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; and (4) utilize Port crews.
The total amount of this request is $5,246,000.  The total projected cost for both
projects is $11,656,000. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 3, 2012, and diagram 
of project area provided by Michael Ehl, Director, Airport Operations, and Wayne Grotheer,
Director, Aviation Project Management Group. 
5g.  Authorization  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  to  (1)  reduce  the  scope  of  the
Miscellaneous Building Improvements project that is part of the Airline Realignment
program at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; (2) execute a contract estimated at
$220,000 for purchase of equipment; and (3) use Port crews for project construction.
No additional funding is requested with this authorization. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 3, 2012, provided by
Wayne Grotheer, Director, Aviation Project Management Group, and Tina Soike, Senior Manager,
Airport Operations. 
5h.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with design of the Long-Term
Cell Phone Lot project in the amount of $408,000. The total project cost is $1,768,000. 
Request document(s):   Commission agenda memorandum  dated December 3, 2012, and
attachment provided by Mike Ehl, Director, Airport Operations, and George England, Program
Leader, Aviation Project Management. 
5i.   Authorization  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  to:    (1)  proceed  with  design  and
construction; (2) use Port crews; and (3) competitively procure portals for the Known
Crew Member and Employee Bypass project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in
the amount of $630,000 for a combined project cost of $650,000. This request is timesensitive
and seeks a single Commission authorization for design and construction in
order to expedite project completion in a timely manner. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 3, 2012, provided by
Wendy Reiter, Director, Security, and Wayne Grotheer, Director, Aviation Project Management
Motion for approval of consent items 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, and 5i  Bryant 
Second  Creighton 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, Tarleton (5)

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As noted on the agenda, public comment was received from the following individual(s): 
Sally Clark, Seattle City Council President.  Ms. Clark commented in favor of agenda
item 6a and on the role of the City of Seattle in ensuring local freight mobility. 
Max Vekich, 2830 S.W. Raymond Street, Seattle.  Mr. Vekich commented in favor of
agenda item 6a and on the environment of competition between the ports of Seattle and
Steve Johnson, Director, City of Seattle Office of Economic Development. Mr. Johnson
commented in favor of agenda item 6a on behalf of Seattle Mayor Michael McGinn and
the importance of collaboration between the ports of Seattle and Tacoma. 
Sung Yang, Chief of Staff for King County Executive Dow Constantine.  Mr. Yang
commented on the benefits to King County's economic vitality of maintaining strong
international shipping partnerships and on support for the Century Agenda and agenda
item 6a. 
Vince O'Halloran, Sailors Union of the Pacific. Mr. O'Halloran commented in support of
agenda item 6a and the importance of the Terminal 46 lease to the Puget Sound
maritime trades and regional maritime jobs. 
Maud Daudon, President and Chief Executive Officer, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of
Commerce. Ms. Daudon commented in support of agenda item 6a and noted the benefit
to Seattle's working waterfront of the Terminal 46 lease and the priority of international
trade for the region. She noted several advantages of Seattle's port. 
Terry Finn, Director of Governmental Affairs, BNSF Railway. Mr. Fin n commented in
support of agenda item 6a and noted the relationship between BNSF and Hanjin and the
importance of the maritime jobs that benefit from the amended lease. He commented on
the implications of shipping business for rail investment. 
Daniel Assefa, President of Lion Trucking.  Mr. Assefa commented on the loss of
business to his company since the movement of the Grand Alliance to the Port of
Tacoma, support for agenda item 6a, and the importance of business at Terminal 46 to
the survival of his company and its truck drivers. 
Dave Gering, Executive Director, Seattle Manufacturing Industrial Council.  Mr. Gering
commented in support of agenda item 6a and congratulated Linda Styrk for the work of
the Seaport Division in retaining shipping business at Terminal 46. 
John Torrance, Senior Vice President, CBRE (Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis) Group,
Seattle. Mr. Torrance  commented on alternative long-range plans for Terminal 46,
including a convention center, sports arena, and cruise terminal and his preference that
Total Terminals International and shipping company Hanjin would move their business to
the Port of Tacoma to remove barriers to these plans, noting international freight
competition with ports in Puget Sound. 
Matt King, Senior Program Director, Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA). Mr.
King commented in support of agenda item 6c, noting the YWCA's partnership with the
Port for lost and found services at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the high
level  of  service  provided  by  these  services  and  the  opportunities  the  partnership
provides for disadvantaged women, men, and their families.

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                            Page 5 of 12 
Michael Yost, United Airlines.  Mr. Yost thanked the Commission for its approval of
agenda item 5e, related to the Zone 2 Ticket Counter Push-Back Project supporting
United tenant improvements. 
M.C. Halvorsen, 10002 Aurora Avenue North, Seattle.   Ms. Halvorsen stated her
objection to the Commission'sformat of holding public testimony before staff briefings,
opining that there should be another opportunity for the public to comment on items after
staff presentations. 
Selena Carsiotis, Ballard District Council Member. Ms. Carsiotis submitted comments in
written  form  regarding  the  resignation  of  Commissioner  Tarleton  as  Commission
President and the election of an Interim President to serve until election of officers for
2013 in January. A copy of the document is, by reference, made a part of these
minutes, is marked Exhibit A, and is available for inspection in Port offices. 
6a.  (00:25:23)  Authorization  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  to  execute  the  13th
amendment to the lease for Terminal 46 with Total Terminals, Inc., substantially as
drafted in the attached amendment. 
Request document(s): Commi ssion agenda memorandum dated December 6, 2012, and draft
lease amendment provided by Michael Burke, Director, Seaport Leasing and Asset Management. 
Presenter(s): Mr. Burke and Linda Styrk, Managing Director, Seaport Division. 
The Commission received a presentation that included the following relevant information: 
Total Terminals Inc. (TTI) is a joint venture subsidy with Korean-based Hanjin Shipping
and Terminal Investment Limited, associated with Mediterranean Shipping Company; 
The lease amendment would retain TTI for 10 years, through 2025, and advance the
Century Agenda 25-year goals of creating 100,000 new jobs, increasing cargo to 3.5
million TEUs (twenty-foot-equivalent units), and doubling the value of Port of Seattle
The lease would be executed substantially as drafted, possibly with minor edits, and is
not expected to be presented to the Commission again before execution unless there is
a substantive change to the lease terms; 
The lease amendment represents a major change to the land rent structure and property
rate structure of terminal leases and makes the lease consistent with leases at similar
West Coast ports, which are characterized by a volume-based structure with minimum
annual guarantees; 
There are two tiers in the volume-based rate in which the first tier is equivalent to the
minimum annual guarantee and the second tier is fairly low, incentivizing increased
business and providing increased Port revenue based on increased cargo volume, which
is absent from the Port's current terminal lease structure and helps to keep the interests
of the terminal operator aligned with the interests of the Port; 
The initial minimum annual guarantee is based on 2100 lifts per acre, adjusting to 2300
lifts per acre in 2016, and begins with a land rent at $105,000 per acre, which is lower

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                            Page 6 of 12 
than the current rate, and grows based on the Consumer Price Index with a growth
minimum of two percent and a growth maximum of five percent; and 
Incentives provided include a $4 million fee in consideration of construction impacts at
Terminal 46 due to construction of the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project,
transfer of five Port cranes to TTI consistent with the Port's trend toward eliminating Port
ownership of cranes, and commitment to various capital improvements of $20-35 million. 
In response to Commissioner Creighton, Mr. Burke confirmed that the revised lease terms would
become an option for other terminal operators under the Port's "most-favored-nation" policy, more
closely aligning the operators' interests with the Port's and added that although the rental rate will
drop below the Port's Eagle Rate initially,it soon grows. He noted that other ports benefit from
higher rates reflective of strong markets such as in California where there is a large local market
and excellent national rail connections. 
Commissioner Bryant commented on the advantages of the lease amendment for family wage jobs
and the Port's business interestsand noted that in the future he would like to see the Port of
Seattle work toward better integration with the Port of Tacoma. 
Commissioner Holland spoke in favor of the lease amendment and commented on approximately
3,200 jobs associated with Terminal 46 and the state tax revenue derived from business at
Terminal 46. He stated he doubted a convention center use in the same location would generate
similar jobs and tax revenue.
Commissioner Creighton commented on the fairness of the lease amendment and the short-term
trade-offs it represents for long-term benefit. 
Commissioner Albro noted the need for the Port'sterminal leases to be reflective of the current
economic situation and commented in support of the lease amendment. 
Commissioner Tarleton commented on the commitment to having container trade in Seattle
represented by the lease amendment and opportunities for future maritime trade and associated jobs. 
Chief  Executive  Officer  Tay  Yoshitani  noted  the  role  of  Governor  Gregoire  in  promoting
Washington's interests with the Port in discussions with Hanjin and acknowledged the work of Bari
Bookout and Linda Nelson in bringing the lease amendment to fruition. 
Motion for approval of item 6a  Albro 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, Tarleton (5)

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6b.  (00:54:00)  Request the Port of Seattle Commission to approve the Audit Committee
Charter and the Internal Audit Department Charter. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 5, 2012, Internal Audit
Department Charter, and Audit Committee Charter, provided by Tom Barnard, Research and
Policy Analyst. 
Presenter(s): Mr. Barnard. 
The Commission received a presentation that focused on the following relevant information: 
Audit Committee activity in 2012 included review of 10 lease and concessions audits,
five comprehensive operational audits, and six limited operational audits; 
Recovery of $1.6 million was recommended as a result of 2012 lease and concessions
Two external audits, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Review (CAFR) and State
Auditor's Office accountability audit, were reviewed by the Audit Committee in 2012; 
The entrance conference for an external Enterprise Technology Performance and Risk
Assessment engagement was conducted; 
Peer review of the Internal Audit Department was conducted  and resulted in the
recommendation  to  blend  the  public  sector  and  commercial  standards  of  the
Government Auditing Standards ("yellow book") and International Professional Practices
Workbook ("red book"); 
A step toward compliance with these auditing standards requires Commission approval
of the Internal Audit Department charter; and 
The  Audit  Committee  Charter  has  also  been  updated  and  requires  Commission
Commissioner Albro commented on the importance of ensuring that the organization is following
policies established by regulatory authorities and the Commission. He stressed the importance of
the independence of the Internal Audit Department and explained this was the point of changes to
the Commission Bylaws approved in Resolution No. 3672 on December 4, 2012, that made
approval of the Internal Audit Department Charter a Commission responsibility. He also noted the
clarification  in  the  Internal  Audit Department  Charter  that  the  Director  of  the  Internal  Audit
Department serves at the pleasure of the Commission. 
In response to Commissioner Creighton, Mr. Barnard noted that the effect of conducting frequent
lease and concession audits is increased compliance and a shift in perception of audits as a tool to
evaluate operations. 
Motion for approval of item 6b  Bryant 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, Tarleton (5)

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6c.  (01:09:55)  Authorization  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  to  enter  into  a  five-year
contract  with the Young Women's Christian Association of King County from
January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017, with an option to renew for one five-year
period at the discretion of the Port to perform management and operation of the Airport
Lost and Found for an estimated total cost, if both options are exercised, of $2,992,500. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 4, 2012, attachment A, 
and attachment B, provided by Michael Ehl, Director Aviation Operations, and Ralph Graves,
Managing Director Capital Development. 
Presenter(s): Jim Witzman, Airport Operations Passenger Experience Manager. 
The Commission received a presentation that included the following relevant information: 
Lost and Found services provided by the YWCA were assigned to them in 2002 by the
nonprofit organization Washington Works; 
Approximately 2,500 items are received in Lost and Found every month and are
catalogued and stored with the intention of returning the articles to their owners; and 
Workers conduct research to reunite items with their owners and obtain valuable job
training while providing a valuable and exceptional experience for Airport travelers. 
Commissioner Creighton commented on the positive responses received from the beneficiaries of
the Airport's Lost and Found services. 
Motion for approval of item 6c  Albro 
Second  Bryant 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Tarleton (4) 
Absent for the vote: Holland 
6d.  (01:17:10)  Authorization  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  to  prepare  full  design
documents for the Vertical Conveyance Modernization Project, Aero Phase 2 Project at
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in an amount not to exceed $2,796,000.  The total
project cost is $19,223,000. 
Request document(s): Commission agenda memorandum dated December 3, 2012, map showing
location of elevators and escalators in the project, computer slide presentation, and video clip 
provided by David Soike, Director, Aviation Facilities and Capital Program, and Wayne Grotheer,
Director, Aviation Project Management Group. 
Presenter(s): Mr. Soike. 
The Commission received a presentation on agenda items 6d and 6e that included the following
relevant information:

PORT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES                            Page 9 of 12 
The Airport's vertical conveyance system is the largest such system north of San
Francisco and east of Denver and includes 80 elevators, 79 escalators, and three
horizontal moving walkways; 
Phase 1 of the improvement program contained in the action request included eight
existing elevators, two new elevators, and addition of a hydraulic cooling package to 11
Phase 2 of the improvement program includes three elevators and 12 escalators; 
There are 36 facility improvements represented in agenda items 6d and 6e and a total
expenditure of $4.4 million; 
Locations of the improvements were presented; 
There is a security checkpoint that will need to be relocated as part of the improvement
The improvement program will encompass about one-fifth of the Airport's fleet of vertical
conveyance facilities; 
A few of the units in the improvement program will be the subject of future requests to be
transferred into the NorthSTAR program; and 
New  energy  efficiencies  will  be  incorporated  into  the  improvements,  including
computerized diagnostic communication between the facilities, the ability to stop
escalators during low-traffic times and start up again as traffic increases, and the ability
to reverse escalators to accommodate peak traffic flows in different directions. 
Motion for approval of item 6d  Bryant 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, Tarleton (5) 
6e.  (01:31:35)  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to:  (1) increase the scope of
the Vertical Conveyance Modernization, Aero Phase I Project at the Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport to add two new elevators at the South Satellite and relocate the
South Satellite Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Passenger Checkpoint;
(2) increase the total project budget by $5,793,000 from $11,120,000 to $16,913,000; (3)
prepare design and bid documents, and execute construction contracts for relocation
of the TSA Checkpoint; and (4) prepare design documents for the two added elevators
in an amount not to exceed $1,625,000 for items (3) and (4). 
Request document(s):   Commission agenda memorandum  dated December 3, 2012, and
computer slide presentation provided by David Soike, Director, Aviation Facilities and Capital
Program, and Wayne Grotheer, Director, Aviation Project Management Group. 
There was no presentation at this time; however, the Port Commissioners received the request
documents for review prior to the meeting of December 11, 2012, and the presentation for agenda
item 6d also covered information relevant to agenda item 6e.

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Motion for approval of item 6e  Creighton 
Second  Albro 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, Tarleton (5) 
7a.  (01:33:04)  Duwamish Transportation Management Association Sponsorship Briefing. 
Presentation document(s):  Commission agenda memorandum dated December 6, 2012, and
computer slide presentation provided by Linda Styrk, Managing Director, Seaport, and Mary Gin
Kennedy, Director of Commission Services. 
Presenter(s):  Ms. Styrk and Dave Gering, Executive Director, Seattle Manufacturing Industrial
The Commission received a presentation that included the following relevant information: 
The Duwamish Transportation Management Association (TMA) is affiliated with the
Duwamish Manufacturing Industrial Council (MIC) and designed to provide a voice for
businesses  in  the  Duwamish  Manufacturing  and  Industrial  Center  regarding
transportation issues; 
The Commission authorized a contribution to the Duwamish TMA of $50,000 on
November 6, 2012, for an outreach program related to freight and transportation
mitigation needs for the Port's container terminals; 
The Duwamish TMA has a multi-modal focus that considers freight, pedestrian, and
bicycle interests; 
Projects of the Duwamish TMA include safety studies, nonmotorized transportation
needs, sidewalks, bicycle routes, and commute trip reduction; 
The Duwamish TMA's SoDo Transportation Project was presented; 
Thirteen agencies have jurisdiction over transportation in the Duwamish Manufacturing
and Industrial Center; and 
The Duwamish TMA expects to be able to match the Port's $50,000 contribution and has 
about $40,000 so far. 
Commissioner Bryant commented on the disparity between the billions of dollars invested by the
State of Washington in freight mobility in the Duwamish Manufacturing and Industrial Center
compared to the currently suggested $40 million for mitigation for the impacts of a new sports
arena in the neighborhood. 
Commissioner Creighton commented on the relevance of the work of the Duwamish TMA's SoDo
Transportation Project to the Century Agenda, particularly in the areas of increasing container
volume and the value of the cruise industry. 
Commissioner Holland emphasized that the last mile connectors between Washington and the rest
of the world are in Seattle.

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8a.  (01:49:00)  Port  of  Seattle  Commission  President  Resignation  and  Election  of  an
Interim President of the Port of Seattle Commission. 
Commission President Gael Tarleton noted that with the certification of election results by the
Secretary of State on December 5, 2012, it had become official that she has been elected to serve
the people of Washington's 36th LegislativeDistrict in the Washington House of Representatives.
She announced that she would be sworn in on January 14, 2013, and plans to resign the office of
Port Commissioner on January 31, 2013.  She then announced her resignation as Commission
President effective immediately in the interest of preventing disruption in the work of the Port of
Seattle Port Commission. She noted she would continue to serve as a Commissioner until the end
of January. 
Commissioner Tarleton reflected on the many accomplishments of the Commission in 2012, noting
especially gains in transparency and open government, positive business accomplishments of the
Port of Seattle in 2012, and various public policy achievements related to Airport concessions,
clean air, and policy collaboration with regional partners. 
Commission Vice President John Creighton assumed the duties of the Chair and entertained a
motion for nomination of an interim President to complete the term that ends with election of
officers at the first Commission meeting in January. 
Motion to elect Tom Albro as Interim Commission President  Bryant 
Second  Holland 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Albro, Bryant, Creighton, Holland, Tarleton (5) 
Commissioner Albro assumed the duties of the Chair and summarized the following process for
selection of an appointee to fill the vacancy left by Commissioner Tarleton's resignation from the
Port Commission: 
January 22, 2013  The Commission will hold a public meeting to present the work of the
Port and respond to questions from individuals interested in serving as a Commissioner
in a town-hall setting. 
January 15, 2013, or close to that date  the Commission will notice a vacancy in the
office of Port Commissioner. 
January 31, 2013  Commissioner Tarleton's last day as a Port Commissioner.

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February 5, 2013  The Commission plans to have narrowed the pool of interested
parties to about 20 and will have applicants address the Commission briefly during a
public meeting. 
February 12, 2013  The Commission will have narrowed the list of applicants to four-tosix
finalists for whom background and reference checks will be conducted. 
February 26-28, 2013  Additional town-hall-style meetings will be held for applicants to
respond to questions from a moderator and the public. 
March 5, 2013  The Commission hopes to appoint a successor for Commissioner
Tarleton by this time. 
There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. 

Rob Holland 
Minutes approved: March 5, 2013.

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