
P.O. Box 1209 
Seattle, Washington 98111 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a regular meeting Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at Port of
Seattle Headquarters, Commission Chambers, 2711 Alaskan Way, Seattle, Washington. 
Commissioners Albro, Bowman, and Creighton were present. Commissioners Felleman and
Gregoire were absent. 
The meeting was called to order at 12:06 p.m. by Commission President Creighton. 
2.   EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
The public meeting was immediately recessed to an executive session estimated to last 60 minutes
to discuss two matters relating to litigation and legal risk and one matter relating to performance of
a public employee. Following the executive session, which lasted approximately 65 minutes, the
public meeting reconvened at 1:20 p.m. Commissioner Creighton led the flag salute. 
3a.  August 9, 2016, CEO Report. 
Chief Executive Officer Ted Fick previewed items on the day's agenda and reported on the status
of the Port's student internship program and recognizedhigh school interns Emily Au and Jacob
Uppasai, who made brief remarks reflecting on their internship experiences. They shared how their
internships opened opportunities for them they had not previously considered and described the
results of interviews with other interns, including recommendations for program improvements. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
3b.  Terminal 91 Neighbors Advisory Committee 2015 Annual Report. 
Presentation document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and annual report. 
Presenter(s): Lindsay Pulsifer, Managing Director, Maritime Division; Rosie Courtney, Public Affairs
Program Manager; and John Kriese, Neighbors Advisory Committee Facilitator. 
Commissioners received the annual report of the Neighbors Advisory Council (NAC). Mr. Kriese
noted opportunities for improved communication between the NAC and the Port and reported on

Digital recordings of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available online  www.portseattle.org.

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the generally positive relationship between the Port and the community group, which he stated was
particularly interested in matters affecting traffic, noise, and lighting. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
[Clerk's Note: Items on the Unanimous Consent Calendar are considered routine and are not
individually discussed. Port Commissioners receive the request documents prior to the meeting
and may remove items from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and vote in accordance
with Commission bylaws.] 
Agenda items 4f and 4g were removed from the Unanimous Consent Calendar for separate
discussion and vote. 
4a.  Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 14, 2016. 
4b.  Approval of the Claims and Obligations for the period June 1-June 30, 2016, in the
amount of $48,458,459.35 including accounts payable check nos. 911652-912317 in the
amount of $5,210,034.77; payroll check nos. P-183126-183301 in the amount of
$8,056,537.19; wire transfers nos. 014154-014203 in the amount of $8,194,181.84; and
EFTs nos. 042263-043274 in the amount of $26,547,705.55 for a fund total of
4c.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to (1) proceed with the Port of Seattle 
Website Upgrade project; (2) procure required hardware, software, vendor services,
and maintenance; and (3) use Port staff for implementation for a total project cost not
to exceed $800,000 (CIP #C800776). 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum. 
4d.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute an indefinite delivery, indefinite
quantity contract for web development services in the amount of $1,000,000 with a
contract duration of five years and an ordering period of five years in support of
upcoming capital improvement and expense projects to improve Port web-based
systems. There is no budget request associated with this authorization. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum. 
4e.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute the First Amendment to term
lease agreement (#002165) with the Washington State Department of Transportation at
Terminal 106 substantially as drafted and executed by WSDOT and attached to this
memorandum to add two additional options at higher rent rates. If both options are
executed, the new lease expiration would become February 18, 2019. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and lease amendment. 
As noted above, agenda items 4f and 4g were temporarily postponed. 

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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4h.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to advertise and execute a major works
construction contract for the Flight Corridor Safety Program Phase I at Seattle-Tacoma
International Airport for an additional $1,831,000 and for a total project cost of
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and aerial diagrams. 
4i.   Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to increase funding for the purchase of
airfield snow equipment from an initial authorization of $3,275,000 to an increased
authorization of $3,300,000. This will allow the Chief Executive to execute contracts for
the purchase of all planned airfield snow removal equipment previously approved and
included within CIP #C800775 at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum. 
4j.   Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to accept a settlement offer from insolvent
London Market insurers whose bankruptcy proceeding is closing in September 2016.
Net proceeds to the Port after costs associated with the settlement will be
approximately $1,230,000 in 2016 and $2,620,000 in 2017, plus any additional amounts
that may be available after a final reckoning of the bankruptcy. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and settlement agreement. 
4k.  Approval of the Claims and Obligations for the period July 1-July 31, 2016, in the
amount of $50,075,145.44 including accounts payable check nos. 912318-912771 in the
amount of $3,557,424.03; payroll check nos. P-183302-183650 in the amount of
$12,833,990.35; wire transfers nos. 014204-014248 in the amount of $10,726,875.25; and
EFTs nos. 043275-043841 in the amount of $22,956,855.81 for a fund total of
The motion for approval of consent items 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4h, 4i, 4j, and 4k carried by the
following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
Public comment was received from the following individual(s) in opposition to awarding the Airport
on-demand and for-hire ground transportation contract to Eastside for Hire: 
Sadhu Singh, Snoqualmie resident. 
Abdul Abdala, Driver, Yellow Cab. Mr. Abdala also submitted a signed petition, which is
included here as Minutes Exhibit A and is available for public review. 
Satpal Singh Purimal, Wheelchair accessible cab driver and Tukwila resident. 
Abdirahman Esmayal, driver and Seattle resident. 
Michael Pavelic, Business Agent, ILWU Local 9. 

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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Aamar Kahn, driver and Seattle resident. 
Takele Gobena, App-Based Driver's Association. 
Wally Balcha, driver, All Day For Hire. 
Kaleb Rosa, President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 
Local 2202. 
Chris Van Dyk, Sea-Tac Taxi and Bainbridge Media. 
Nicole Grant, Executive, King County Labor Council. 
Elias Shifow, driver, Yellow Cab. 
Alex Il, Organizer, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 21. 
Gurminder Kahlon, Owner, Yellow Cab. 
Dawn Gearhart, representing Teamsters Local 117. 
Janet Lewis, representing the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 46. 
Salah Mohammed, driver, Yellow Cab. 
Abdulkadir Jaite, driver and Seattle resident. 
Jay Herzmark, Seattle resident. 
Vince O'Halloran, Agent, Sailor's Union of the Pacific. 
Matt Haney, Director, Service Employees International Union Local 6. 
Stefan Moritz, Unite Here Local 8. 
Mustafa Ismail, driver and Seattle resident. 
Sheila Stickel, Puget Sound Dispatch. Ms. Stickel submitted written materials, which are
included here as minutes Exhibit B and are available for public review. 
Belai Belete, Emerald City Drivers Association. 
Fanus Goneth, Emerald City Drivers Association. 
Abdalahi Adan, driver and Seattle resident. 
Mohammed Sharawe, driver, Yellow Cab. 
Dawit Tesfaye, driver, Yellow Cab. 
Public comment was received from the following individual(s) in favor of awarding the Airport ondemand
and for-hire ground transportation contract to Eastside for Hire: 
Abdiwali Elmi, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Haybe Jamaac, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Adan Khalif, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Mohamed Sufi, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Said Fatah, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Jemal Geda, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Abdifahan Abdille, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Mohamed Osman, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Kimo Sani, driver, Eastside for Hire. 
Additional public comment was received from the following individual(s): 
Don Andrews, representative, American Federation of Government Employees,
regarding use of private contractors for airport security. 
M.C. Halvorsen, Boyer Towing, regarding freight mobility. 

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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Commissioner Creighton commented in favor of releasing bid respondents' submissions for the
Airport taxi request for proposals, provided required consent is obtained. 
Commissioner Bowman commented on the difficulty involved in crafting a ground transportation
contract at the Airport in a disrupted market that would provide the greatest opportunities to the
most participants. She stressed the importance of making sure drivers would be able to making a
living wage while providing quality service safely at the Airport. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
The Commission advanced to consideration of  
4f.   Authorization  for  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  to  execute  an  Operations  and
Maintenance Agreement with Sound Transit to establish responsibilities at the Airport
Station at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and extension to South 200th Street,
Angle Lake Station, for a period of five years. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and agreement. 
Presenter(s): Jeff Hoevet, Senior Manager, Airport Operations. 
In response to Commissioner Albro, Mr. Hoevet confirmed that the ability of the Port to perform
improvements to its connection to the Sound Transit light rail station at the Airport would not be
precluded under the terms of the operations and maintenance agreement. He explained that the
agreement establishes access to Port property for Sound Transit and access for the Port of Seattle
to Sound Transit communications rooms. Financial impact is limited to provision of electricity to
Sound Transit. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 4f carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
4g.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to (1) advertise and execute a major
construction contract for the Central Terminal Expansion Heating Ventilating and Air-
Conditioning Upgrade Project at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and (2) use Port
crews and small works contracts to perform construction work. This authorization is
for $5,498,000 for a total project authorization of $6,612,000 (CIP #C800722). 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s): Ralph Graves, Senior Director, Capital Development; Mike Tasker, Senior Manager,
Aviation Facilities & Infrastructure; and Bradley Benson, Capital Project Manager, Aviation Project
Management Group. 

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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Mr. Graves reported that a related project that provides access to the mezzanine level for future
concessions spaces had experienced a bid irregularity. That project received only one bid that was
more than twice the engineer's estimate. Hestated the ventilation system contract for which
authorization is requested today can proceed independently from the vertical circulation contract
while the irregular bid is reviewed and resolved. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 4g carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
The meeting was recessed at 3:27 p.m. and reconvened at 3:34 p.m., chaired by Commissioner
6a.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute a memorandum of agreement,
substantially as drafted, with the City of Seattle, obligating the Port to contribute
$5 million to the City for the Lander Street Grade Separation Project. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum, presentation slides, and
memorandum of agreement. 
Presenter(s): Geraldine Poor, Regional Transportation Manager, and Lindsay Wolpa, Regional
Government Affairs Manager. 
It was reported that the project for a Lander Street overpass of the BNSF rail line was originally
programmed as a project in the regional Freight Action Strategy for the Everett-Seattle-Tacoma
(FAST) Corridor plan. The funding for this project was redirected in 2008, but is now moving forward.
Lander Street's role as an east-west corridor was emphasized. It was compared to SR-519, Holgate
Street, and Spokane Street as being key to freight mobility. Data related to vehicle traffic on and daily
train crossings of Lander Street was presented. Reasons for project cost increases over time were
summarized. The current overall estimate by the City of Seattle is approximately $125 million. Other
funding sources were noted and the project schedule was summarized. 
It was noted that the Port has contributed to nearly $500 million to state and local transportation
projects outside its fenceline over the past 20 years or so. It was reported that the agreement
makes Port funding contingent on design and inspection for freight mobility compatibility, an
obligation on the part of the City to engage the Port in any discussions to close other east-west
corridors in the SODO neighborhood, and commitment by the City to protect and enhance
industrial lands. The Port's payment schedule was outlined. 

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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The motion for approval of agenda item 6a carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6b.  2017 approval of the rolling five-year Long Range Plan (LRP), which incorporates twice
yearly public presentations, in about March and September, of Port of Seattle
performance using LRP metrics, and recurring annual approval prior to business plan
and budget consideration. [as amended] 
[Clerk's Note: the originally published action request was for "authorization for the Chief Executive
Officer to implement the 2017-2021 Long Range Plan." Prior to presentation, the action was
amended by unanimous consent to read as above.] 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum, presentation slides, and plan
Presenter(s): Dave Caplan, Senior Director, Office of Strategic Initiatives, and Bea Rico, Strategic
Planning Program Manager, Office of Strategic Initiatives. 
The long-range plan's relationship to the Century Agenda and annual budget planning was
described. It was reported that a final draft would be prepared by the end of August and that
publication on the Port website would be targeted for the end of September. Printed copies of the
long-range plan were requested. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 6b carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6c.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute up to four indefinite delivery,
indefinite quantity contracts for airport planning services totaling no more than
$10,000,000 with a five-year ordering period.  No funding is associated with this
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum. 
Presenter(s): Jeffrey Brown, Director, Aviation Facilities and Capital Program, and Keri Stephens,
Aviation Capital Project Liaison, Capital Development Program Management. 
It was reported that the contract is intended to cover on-call planning services and planning
activities related to the Sustainable Airport Master Plan and its advance planning. Funding of

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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specific service directives will follow in the future. One contract will be set aside for small business
and the rest will carry a 12-percent attainment goal for small business in a prime consultant role. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 6c carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6d.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to (1) proceed with the Airport Subway
System Information Displays Improvement project; (2) procure required hardware,
software, vendor services, and maintenance; and (3) use Port staff for implementation,
for a total project cost not to exceed $2,570,000 (CIP #C800782). 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum, and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s): Daniel Zenk, Senior Manager, Airport Operations, and Krista Sadler, Manager,
Information and Communications Technology Project Management. 
It was reported that the project is designed to provide enhanced wayfinding and train status
information to passengers using the Airport's Satellite Transit System subways. Commissioners
commented on the need for a third-party perspective when developing effective wayfinding.
Aviation Managing Director Lance Lyttle noted that an authorization for a request for qualifications
is scheduled in the near future to begin an Airport Signage Master Plan. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 6d carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
6e.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to advertise and execute a long-term 
contract for up to 10 years for airport seating. 
Request document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s): Daniel Zenk, Senior Manager, Airport Operations, and Susan Goodspeed, Passenger
Experience Program Manager. 
Passenger expectations for holdroom seating were reviewed and the amenities planned to be
included in the procurement for new seating were summarized, including provision of power via
outlets and USB ports, inclusion of cup holders, and provision of various seating configurations and
amounts and kinds of personal space requirements. Procurement scoring will include provisions for
small business inclusion, environmentally friendly features, total cost of ownership, aesthetics, and
comfort, among others. It was clarified that the authorization would permit an inclusive contract for

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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seating, as well as delivery and installation. Commissioners asked whether sound attenuation
features would be included in the competitive process and how the procurement would align with
the Sustainable Airport Master Plan. 
The motion for approval of agenda item 6e carried by the following vote: 
In favor: Albro, Bowman, Creighton (3) 
Absent for the vote: Felleman, Gregoire 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
7a.  2016 Q2 NorthSTAR Program and North Satellite Project Briefing. 
Presentation document(s) included a Commission agenda memorandum and presentation slides. 
Presenter(s): George England, Senior Capital Program Leader. 
Mr. England provided an update on the North Satellite Project, including budget and schedule
status and outcomes for performance measurements. Based on efforts related to Preliminary Work
Package 1, small business participation appears to be trending well. Recent design changes
requested by Alaska Airlines late in the design process were summarized and design
improvements identified by staff that increase leasable square footage in the satellite were
described. Attendant schedule revisions were noted. In response to Commissioner Creighton, Mr.
England reported that further significant design changes from Alaska Airlines are not likely. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
CEO Fick provided a preview of upcoming actions for the Port Commission in September. 
A recording of this part of the meeting has been made available online. 
There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m. 
Stephanie Bowman 
Minutes approved: October 10, 2016. 

Minutes of August 9, 2016, proposed for approval on October 10, 2016.

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