Item 6h Memo


COMMISSION AGENDA             Item No.      6h 
Date of Meeting   December 15, 2009 
DATE:    December 3, 2009 
TO:     Tay Yoshitani, Chief Executive Officer 
FROM:    Michael Ehl, Director, Airport Operations 
George England, Program Leader, Aviation Capital Improvement Program 
SUBJECT:  The Off-Site Roadway Improvement (ORI) project, a component of the Rental
Car Facility (RCF) program incorporating the Washington State Department of
Transportation's (WSDOT) bridge seismic improvements. 
Amount of This Request: $16,334,400          Source of Funds: CFC Revenues/Bonds
Request authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to execute and award outside professional
services agreements, to prepare and execute outside utility agreements and easements, to perform
contract administration, to advertise for bids, and to execute a construction contract for the ORI 
project as part of the RCF program at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Airport) in the
amount of $16,334,400 bringing the total RCF program authorization to $390,705,746; and to
enter into contracts currently estimated at $17,534,400 for the construction of this project
incorporating WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements. 
The RCF program includes the ORI project as mitigation for the Consolidated Rental Car
Facility project. During design of the ORI, the Port learned WSDOT had budgeted funds to
complete a seismic upgrade to the International Boulevard bridge that crosses over State Route
518, the same bridge that will be widened by the Port's ORI project. Port and WSDOT staff have
agreed to include the seismic improvements as part of the ORI project so there is one
construction effort that provides a cohesive single bid package, reduces the overall impacts to the
community, and reduces the costs of administering construction efforts for both agencies.
WSDOT's seismic improvements are currently estimated at $1,200,000 and are fully funded by
WSDOT. The cost share agreement between the Port and WSDOT to combine both of these
projects will require a future Commission authorization by February 2010 for executing the
agreement prior to award of the ORI construction contract.

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November 24, 2008 
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Project Statement: 
Complete the ORI project to support the opening of the Consolidated Rental Car Facility by the
end of first quarter 2012. 
Project Objectives: 
Minimize overall program capital costs 
Meet the State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and National Environmental
Protection Agency (NEPA) requirements for the RCF program 
Minimize the impacts to the surrounding community 
Meet safety and operational requirements on State Route 518, Northern Airport Expressway,
International Blvd., S. 160th St., and Host Rd. 
Integrate effectively with adjacent projects, including the construction of the Consolidated
Rental Car Facility and Airport Link projects. 
Scope of Work: 
The ORI project includes a range of improvements to the transportation system surrounding the
Consolidated Rental Car Facility. These improvements include the following and are shown on
the attached Exhibit A: 
State Route 518 Off-Ramp to southbound International Blvd.: this project will realign this
ramp in order to provide additional capacity and to support the widening of International
International Blvd.: this project will construct an additional southbound lane from the State
Route 518 Off-Ramp to just north of S. 160th St. Improvements include roadway widening,
bridge widening, bridge seismic, sidewalks, utility relocation, storm drainage, street trees,
illumination, signage and channelization. In addition, intersection and signal improvements
will be completed at the S. 160th St. and eastbound State Route 518 On-Ramp intersections. 
S. 160th St.: this project will construct an additional westbound lane from International Blvd.
to the new State Route 518 On-Ramp. Improvements include roadway widening, retaining
walls, sidewalks, driveway consolidation, utility relocation, storm drainage, landscaping,
illumination, signage and channelization. In addition, intersection and signal improvements
will be completed at the bus entrance to the Consolidated Rental Car Facility and the new
State Route 518 On-Ramp. 
Host Rd.: this project will relocate Host Rd. so that it is aligned with the new State Route 518
On-Ramp and completes the intersection. Improvements include roadway relocation,

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retaining walls, sidewalks, driveway relocation, utility relocation, storm drainage,
landscaping, illumination, signage and channelization. 
On-Ramp to eastbound State Route 518: this project will construct a new on-ramp from S.
160th St. to eastbound State Route 518. Improvements include roadway construction,
retaining walls, utility protection, storm drainage, landscaping, illumination, ramp metering,
signage and channelization. 
This requested action authorizes construction, grants the approval to advertise for construction
bids, and authorizes additional contract authority beyond the Port's authorized budget to support
the expenditure and reimbursement of WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements related scope.
Future Commission actions will request the authorization and execution of the WSDOT cost
share agreement, as well as the dedications of roadway rights-of-way to both WSDOT and the
City of SeaTac at the completion of the improvements. 
This project supports the Port's strategy to "Ensure Airport Vitality." The ORI project is part of
the RCF program which provides a long-term solution for rental car operations at the Airport. 
Complete the Project with WSDOT's improvements  Under this alternative the ORI project
would be completed as part of the RCF program and would include WSDOT's bridge seismic
improvements. The completion of this project would provide the necessary roadway
improvements essential to opening and operating the Consolidated Rental Car Facility, and
would satisfy the requirements defined in the SEPA/NEPA environmental documents for the
RCF program. In addition, WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements would also be completed as
part of the same construction contract thereby reducing the impacts to the community and costs
for both the Port and WSDOT. This is the recommended alternative. 
Do-Nothing  Under this alternative the ORI project would not be completed as part of the RCF
program. The ORI are required to open and operate the Consolidated Rental Car Facility per the
completed SEPA/NEPA environmental documents for the RCF program. This is not the
recommended alternative. 
Complete the Project without WSDOT's improvements  Under this alternative the ORI project 
would be completed as part of the RCF program and would not include WSDOT's bridge
seismic improvements. The completion of th e ORI project would provide the necessary roadway
improvements essential to opening and operating the Consolidated Rental Car Facility, and
would satisfy the requirements defined in the SEPA/NEPA environmental documents for the
RCF program. However, WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements would not be part of the
initial construction effort and would have to be completed as part of a separate construction

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contract. This would increase the impacts to the surrounding community and the construction
administration costs for both the Port and WSDOT. This is not the recommended alternative. 
Budget/Authorization Summary 
The following budget and authorization summary is for the RCF program and includes the RCF 
Environmental Review (CIP #C100444), RCF Schematic Design (CIP #C101610), RCF Design
(CIP #C102167), RCF Construction (C#100266), and Rental Car Buses (CIP #C800032). This
summary does not include the RCF Property Acquisition (CIP #C101110). 
Current     Current    Requested   Total Revised
Description      Revised Budget  Authorization  Authorization  Authorization 
Cons. Rental Car Facility    $350,772,000   $350,772,000           $0   $350,772,000 
Bus Maint. Facility         $28,282,000     $3,808,000           $0    $3,808,000 
Off-Site Road Imp.         $19,542,000    $3,207,600    $16,334,400   $19,542,000 
Main Terminal Imp.         $3,383,000     $583,746          $0     $583,746 
Cons. Busing Operation      $17,327,000    $16,000,000          $0   $16,000,000 
Program Sub-Total        $419,306,000   $374,371,346    $16,334,400  $390,705,746 
Unallocated Contingency           $0          $0          $0         $0 
Program Total           $419,306,000   $374,371,346    $16,334,400  $390,705,746 
Remaining Budget to be Authorized   $28,600,254 
The following budget and authorization summary is for RCF Construction (CIP #C100266) and
does not include the estimated $1,200,000 for WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements. 
Original Budget                             $360,793,256 
Budget Increase                              $6,381,630 
Budget Transfers                             $28,194,114 
Revised Budget                            $395,369,000 
Previous Authorizations                        $351,761,346 
Current request for Authorization                   $16,334,400 
Total Authorizations, including this request            $368,095,746 
Remaining Budget to be Authorized                $27,273,254

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Project Cost Breakdown 
The following project cost breakdown reflects the requested authorization and does not include
the estimated $1,200,000 for WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements. 
Construction Costs                            $11,666,000 
Sales Tax                                    $622,000 
Outside Professional Services                        $264,000 
Port Costs                                    $3,782,400 
Total                                       $16,334,400 
Source of Funds 
The Rental Car Facility Construction project (CIP #C100266) is included in the 2009-2013 
capital budget and plan of finance as a committed project. The source of funds for this project, as
identified in the plan of finance, includes Customer Facility Charge (CFC) revenues, bonds
backed by CFC revenues, and other Aviation sources. 
Financial Analysis Summary 
The requested action does not reflect an increase in the budget for the ORI project and therefore
does not change the overall financial analysis for the RCF program as presented to the
Commission on June 30, 2009. The following information is provided for reference purposes. 
The RCF program is categorized as a Revenue/Capacity Growth project. This project represents
a business expansion of our existing rental car operations. 
CIP Category                 Revenue/Capacity Growth 
Project Type                  Business Expansion 
Risk adjusted Discount Rate        See below 
Key risk factors                 See below 
Project cost for analysis            $419,306,000 
Business Unit (BU)              Operations, Landside  Rental Cars 
Effect on Business Performance      See below 
IRR/NPV                N/A, see below 
CPE Impact                 Less than $0.01 in 2012 
As a cost recovery project, traditional financial analysis measures such as net present value
(NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) are not meaningful. The CFC is set and adjusted as
needed to cover the costs paid by CFC's (including debt service). The current CFC is $5.00 per

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transaction day. We anticipate that the CFC will need to increase to accommodate the anticipated
CFC funded costs (bond requirements and consolidated busing) by the start up of rental car 
operations in early 2012. Assuming the total project costs identified above, and current
assumptions for rental car transaction days, the CFC will increase to $6.05 per transaction day. 
The ORI project includes a wide range of improvements to State Route 518, International Blvd.,
S. 160th St., and Host Rd. With exception to WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements, the Port is
responsible for all capital costs as part of the RCF program. However, the Port is only
responsible for the annual operating and maintenance for Host Rd. which the ORI project does
not significantly change. The City of SeaTac will be responsible for the annual operating and
maintenance costs for International Blvd. and S. 160th St. WSDOT will be responsible for the
annual operating and maintenance costs for State Route 518. 
The RCF program provides a long-term solution for rental car operations at the Airport enabling
the region to continue to receive the economic benefit of the Airport rental car market. 
The ORI project will provide an efficient means for vehicles to arrive at, and depart from, the
Consolidated Rental Car Facility while providing the necessary improvements to assure local
community traffic is maintained as defined in the NEPA/SEPA environmental documents for the
RCF program. In addition, the inclusion of WSDOT's bridge seismic improvements into the
ORI project will reduce construction related traffic impacts for the surrounding community. 
The RCF program will provide a long-term solution for rental car operations at the Airport 
enabling the region to continue to receive the economic benefit of the Airport rental car market.
In addition, adverse environmental or community impacts were minimized on the surrounding
transportation system with the completion of the ORI project. 
The following is a list of key milestone dates for the ORI project. 
Bid Advertisement              January 2010 
Construction Start                April 2010 
Construction Complete            March 2012

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The construction completion date for the ORI project is dependent upon the start up of rental car
operations in the Consolidated Rental Car Facility that is currently planned for first quarter 2012.
The RCF program includes three main projects: the Consolidated Rental Car Facility (including
the facilities at the Airport's Main Terminal to support the consolidated busing operation), the
Bus Maintenance Facility, and the Off-Site Roadway Improvements. The ORI project surrounds
the Consolidated Rental Car Facility site and includes improvements to WSDOT, City of
SeaTac, and Port owned transportation facilities. The ORI project also meets the commitments
identified in the SEPA and NEPA environmental review documents for the RCF program. 
WSDOT has budgeted funds to complete a seismic upgrade to the International Blvd. bridge that
crosses over State Route 518 and will be widened by the ORI project. Port and WSDOT staff
have agreed to include the seismic upgrade project into the ORI project so that there is one
construction effort in order to provide a cohesive single bid package, reduce the overall impact to
the community, and reduce the costs of administering both construction efforts for both agencies.
The costs of the seismic upgrade project will be fully borne by WSDOT. The agreement between
the Port and WSDOT to combine both of these projects will require future Commission
authorization and is planned for February 2010. 
At the completion of these roadway improvements the Port will need to dedicate property as
roadway right-of-way to both the City of SeaTac and WSDOT. These requirements were
identified in the SEPA/NEPA environmental review documents for the RCF program and will
require future Commission authorization (planned for 2011). The costs for this effort are
currently budgeted in the Rental Car Facility Property Acquisition (CIP# C101110) project. 
The following list of previous Commission actions include only those related to the ORI project 
and include property acquisition, design and advance construction authorizations. 
November 9, 2004, the Commission authorized $18,675,000 for the completion of facility
design for the Consolidated Rental Car Facility, and for procurement of a General
Contractor/Construction Manager for the delivery of the project. 
February 27, 2007, the Commission authorized $9,210,183, including $6,460,183 in
additional design funding for the RCF program and $2,750,000 for preconstruction services
and for demolition of buildings on the Consolidated Rental Car Facility site. 
May 13, 2008, the Commission authorized 1) $3,574,300 in additional design funds for the
RCF program, 2) the award of the General Contractor/Construction Manager contract to
Turner Construction Company and $286,500,000 for the construction of the Consolidated

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Rental Car Facility, and 3) the execution of a change order in the amount of $1,606,710 for
additional construction staff and logistics facilities. 
November 11, 2008 the Commission authorized $552,000 for the ORI project for design and
advance utility relocations. 
June 9, 2009 the Commission passed Resolution 3617 which 1) exchanged Port surplus
property for WSDOT property, and 2) authorized a long-term ground lease in the vicinity of
the Tyee Valley Golf Course. 
June 30, 2009 the Commission 1) lifted the suspension and restarted the entire RCF program,
2) authorized $591,670 in additional design funds for the Bus Maintenance Facility and ORI 
projects, 3) authorized $27,826,000 in additional construction funds for the Consolidated
Rental Car Facility, 4) authorized multiple change orders for a not to exceed value of
$16,800,000 and up to 260 calendar days for the construction of the Consolidated Rental Car
Facility, and 5) revised the Commission notification requirements for change orders for the
Consolidated Rental Car Facility. 
July 28, 2009 the Commission authorized the purchase of a portion of private roadway
owned by Washington Memorial Park for $300,000. 
Attachment A  Off-Site Roadway Improvements Site Map

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