Item 7a attachment

Item No. 7a_attachment 
Date of Meeting  August 25, 2009 

Work Category                      Official Name                     # of POS Employees as of 10/22/08 by Category        Total for
Painters                 International Union of Painters & Allied Trades (I.U.P.A.T) Council   Painters = 14                                          14 
# 5 

Sign Painters              International Union of Painters & Allied Trades (I.U.P.A.T) Local #   Sign Painters = 3                                        3 

International Longshore &    International Longshore & Warehouse Union - Local 9          Airport Ops = 119 (100 full-time, 19 part-time)                    137 
Warehouse Union                                               Ground Transportation Controllers = 18 

Plumbers               United Association of Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry          Plumbers = 4                                      4

Electricians                International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers                Wiremen = 66                                           66 
Utility Workers = 7                                            7 
Electrronic Techs = 49                                      122 

IUPAT Painters            International Union of Painters 

Sheet Metal Workers        Sheet Metal Workers International Association               Sheet Metal Workers = 2                                 2 

Teamsters              International Brotherhood of Teamsters                  Police Specialist = 8                                 177 
Police/Fire Communication Specialist = 16 (15 full-time, 1 parttime
Police Officers & Sergeants = 86 
Police Captains & Lieutenants = 6 
Non-Sworn Police supervisor = 1 
Bus Drivers = 29 
Parking Svcs Revenue Reps = 24 (19 full-time, 5 part-time)

Credentials Specialists = 7 

Carpenters & Millworkers      Carpernters and Millworkers Local Union 562 

Carpenters              District Council of Carpenters                         Carpenters = 26                                      50 
Carpenters Construction = 24 

Teamsters Truck Drivers      General Teamsters                               Truck Drivers = 12 (3 full-time, 9 part-time)                       12 

Laborers                Hod Carriers & General Laborers Union                  Laborers = 60                                       72 
Laborers Construction = 12

Operating Engineers        International Union of Operating Engineers                 Operating Engineers = 96                                96 

Auto Machinists           International Association of Machinists                   Auto Machinists = 24                                   24 

Operating Engineer (Crane    International Union of Operating Engineers                 Operating Engineers (Crane Ops) = 3                          8 
Operators)                                                          Operating Engineers (Crane Ops) Construction = 5 

Laborers                Street Pavers, Sewer, Watermain & Tunnel Workers           see Local 242

Sprinkler Fitters             United Association of Plumbing Pipefitting Industry - Local 699      Sprinkler Fitters = 5                                          5 

Firefighters                SeaTac International Association of Firefighters - Local 1257       Firefighters = 68                                           68 

Cement Masons                                               Cement Masons Construction = 3                         3 

Total POS         797

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