Exh B

Exhibit        9
Port Commission
Meeting of '

September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting

of Seattle     Comment Sheet

September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting

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afS-eattle     Comment Sheet

Topic:  ickeisviile

September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting

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Port 1"
ofSeattle    Comment Sheet

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September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting

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afSeattie    Comment Sheet

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September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting

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ofSeattle    Comment Sheet

Topic: A ("mh EN Nwwam
September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting

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Please notecomments below _ _
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of Seattle     Comment Sheet

Topic: mum", ("Punt
September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting
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5019 s. "381.  19-33
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Public Comment to Seattle Port Commissioners Sept 1, 2009
from Karen Morris moe@msn.com 425-957-0367

It has come to my attention that you will be hearing at today's
"Nickelsville" to
meeting from those who support your allowing
stay on port land. As I mentioned in my previous comments
there is far more below the surface of this iceberg than
I want to reiterate that it
polished up tip they will present to you.
is hard data you need to look for, not anecdotes. And you
have a very hard time trying to find it.  Excuses for the lack of

record keeping, data and accountability are just that, excuses.
a rational analysis of
They tout their "self-governing" aspect, but
and avoid
that will tell you it can also be used to cover up things
the accountability that is necessary for the common good.
and not
might wish to be "self-governing" on my own property,
have to prove to anyone the efficacy of what I do there, but the
I live under feel differently. For the
many government entities
public good and safety, I must abide by laws, codes, ordinances
I do so. I ask only
etc... and submit to oversight to assure that
that they be held to the same standards.

the information
I turned over to the Port's Chief of Police some of
residents of TC4. For
we have been able to gather on some
this is only a small
reasons too complicated to explain quickly,
is the tip of the
sampling and there is reason to believe it
iceberg. I would also like to point out that TC4 is for many
of the problems we found of
reasons likely to have the fewest
any of the tent cities. It is subject to more regulation by various
cities' ordinances, and they do claim at least to consistently
and active extraditable
require ID to do checks for sex offenders
warrants. Our information brings into serious question whether
we found numerous
they actually do a very good job of this, as
there after
examples of people getting in with warrants, staying
committing crimes, etc... But TC3 and Nicklesville in particular
have a history of reluctance and refusal to do even these
All these tent cities hold up their "Code of Conduct" as
behavior. But "rules" are
assurance to the community of good
hardly the same as enforcement. Again, if you look through the

reports I provided, (and more I could) you will see numerous
instances of problematic and even criminal behavior occurring
even though it is "prohibited" by this so-called Code and their
other "rules". This represents a considerable risk to any

Also very problematic is the notion that those supposedly
enforcing their rules have the attitude and skills necessary to
result in adequate enforcement. There have been many
examples over the years of this problematic attitude, but I will
give you some more recent ones that relate specifically to
Nickelsville. Look at the articles in the Seattle Weekly written by
Aimee Curl 8-2-2008 and 11-5-2008. On page 1 of the first article,
when the Nickleodeon meeting leader and chairman Craig Corey
is ask if the place is going to be built to code, he replies "Code is
the farthest thing from our minds. Code rhymes with cold, and
we're against it". The article says this elicits affirmative nods
and knowing chuckles around the table. At the end of the same
article Corey adds that Nicklesville will be open to everyone,
even if that means accommodating some "rough characters". He
says "We are not talking about civilized people here. We're
going to have to come to terms with that at some point. But
were not going to kick people out. This is the end of the road.
People who will come to Nickelsville have no other place to go"
"You can chase a dog from this yard to that yard, and sooner of
later you're going to corner this dog and he's going to bite you",
he adds "We've been cornered."  In the November article this
same Craig Cory has gone back with most of the original
organizers to SHARE's other tent cities, in his case TC4, then
located on Mercer Island. He's quoted as being disappointed
with the restrictions Nicklesville adopted, namely the no drinking
rule. The article also mentions Leo Rhodes as one of the only
original Nickleodeons still living there. Those of us who have
followed these tent cities for years are quite familiar with Leo.
He has resided at the other tent cities run by SHARE for about a
decade according to records we have gathered. l have been to
meetings where Leo told us, speaking of TC4, that there "had to
be someplace for those who can't follow the rules at existing

shelters to go". He identified SHARE's tent cities as that place.
He said this with a straight face at the same meetings where
at all because they
were assured there would be no problems
had a "Code of Conduct".

And who "enforces" the so-called security in these places? Why
we are told. So a
they do it themselves on a "rotating" basis
biases and problems
fairly new "camper" with whatever abilities,
from another camper
they come in with can with minimal training
be the one enforcing whatever rules they have. Even if your
have other information
common sense doesn't set off alarms, we
that does. In Bellevue, there was evidence of prospective
warned off before the police
campers with active warrants being
could get there and melting into the residential neighborhoods
surrounding these tent cities. In Redmond, a turn away set up
his own camp a couple of blocks away and proceeded to
even an instance
burglarize neighborhood residents. There was
in Bellevue of a TC4 Executive Committee member warning
crimes while living at TC4
camper who had committed felony
that the police were looking for him in order to try and help
of this,
avoid arrest. And sadly, the host temple was made aware
but chose to cover up and conceal this information from
the next
neighbors even when the issue came up at a meeting
time they hosted TC4. This also is part of a pattern. A
Woodinville pastor was ask about a crime committed against an
resident she had
elderly church member and neighbor by a TC4
tried to help. She said "I wouldn't say this in public, but we really
don't care unless it happens on church property". Other pastors
of churches who support TC4 have suggested that the obvious
matter and didn't
problems that could and have happened don't
happen, and that the concerns of the surrounding neighborhoods
that they don't need to do
are so trumped by their opinions
Church Council
anything substantive about them. So when the
and the Lutheran group continue to lobby you on this issue,
to operating on
hope you would remember this. They are used
faith and trust, and seem to feel they answer to no one in this
realm. As such they are sadly vulnerable to being seriously
misled and used. But you are public officials, and you hopefully

operate based on history, facts, data, common sense and
reasonable analysis. And you must be prudent with public
resources and protective of the public safety. I remain hopeful
you will stick to your original and correct decision.

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