Knutson Jobs PPT

Seaportjobs at P08
Marine cargo: 33,291
Fishing:    14,972
Marinas:      352
Cruise:      3782

State and Local Tax Base
Annual Revenues

Marine Cargo: $254 million
Fishing:     $168 million
Marinas:      $2.1 million
Cruise:      $16 million

FT Mission Statement

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Port CWhEade

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Cmmnaldeidaiorsmmbnay 11, Zlmniminzh

Fishermen's Terminal

Established by public vote in 1911
5524 jobs (as of 2003)
$383 million in wages
$69,333 mean income per job
Civic and Cultural heritage site

FT Issues

Long-term facility neglect
1992 restraint on producer sales
2001 Yacht introduction
2001 POS contract to prepare FT for sale
Attempt to ban fishermen liveaboards
Net Shed Loft removal order

A Business Plan for FT

Maintain and upgrade harbor facilities for
industrial priority and appropriate public use.
Encourage small business development by
Lift restraints of trade on producer fish sales.
Integrate FT with the local food economy of
King County.
Manage FT as a unique facility.

Documentation on current
issues at FT
- Download available at www.|okifish.oom

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