Econ Impact Briefing



Date of Meeting   February 3, 2009 

DATE:    January 15, 2009 
TO:      Tay Yoshitani, Chief Executive Officer 
FROM:    Michael Tong, Corporate Budget Manager 
SUBJECT:  Port of Seattle Economic Impact Study Briefing 

Since 1987, the Port has undertaken a study of the economic impacts of the Seattle Harbor and
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Airport) in approximate five-year intervals. Information
from the study provides defensible representations of the economic impacts associated with Port
activities and allows for informed policy discussion regarding the Port's current and potential future
role in supporting the economic vitality of the region. The study and related computer models are
also used in internal planning and evaluation of capital projects, comparison of business operations
and assessment of alternative land uses. The last study was completed in 2003. 
The Port advertised for consultants to conduct the study on March 31, 2008 and proposals were
received on April 30, 2008. Based on the consultants written proposals, methods, assigned
personnel, prior experience, and cost, the Port selected Martin Associates for the study. 
The study measures the economic impacts of the Seattle Harbor and Airport in terms of jobs,
wages/salaries, business revenues and tax receipts. The analysis includes the development of
separate impact models for each of the Port's key activities: 
Seaport/ Marine Cargo 
Marina Activity at Shilshole Bay Marina, Bell Street Pier & Harbor Island Marina, Jim
Clark Marina and Fishermen's Terminal 
Cruise / Passenger Activity 
Fishing Fleet at Fishermen's Terminal and Port owned facilities at Elliott Bay 
Real Estate including Central Waterfront Properties 
SeaTac Airport 
This briefing complies with the Port's strategy of "Enhance Public Understanding and Support of
the Port's Role in the Region" through clear and visible internal and external communications
about the Port's mission, activities and accomplishments.

Tay Yoshitani, Chief Executive Officer 
January 15, 2009 
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The presentation outline is as follows: 
1. Portwide summary of economic impacts 
2. Seaport economic impacts 
3. Real Estate economic impacts 
4. Airport economic impacts 
5. Discussion of changes in impacts since the last study completed in 2003 
The presentation and discussion is expected to last an hour and will include slides. A full
technical report accompanies the presentation. John Martin of Martin Associates, the study's
author, will be the presenter.

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