
Commissioners                                                                      Tay Yoshitani 
Chief Executive Officer 
Bill Bryant 
Chair and President 
John Creighton                                   P.O. Box 1209 
Patricia Davis                               Seattle, Washington 98111 
Lloyd Hara                                    www. portseattle.org 
Gael Tarleton                                     206.728.3000 

An audio of the meeting proceedings and meeting materials are available on the Port of
Seattle web site - 

(The approximate point in the audio recording for the specific item is identified by
minutes and seconds; example: 01:30.) 
The Port of Seattle Commission met in a special meeting at 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, May
12, 2009 in the Commission Chambers at Pier 69, 2711 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA.
Commissioners Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara and Tarleton were present. 
1.       CALL TO ORDER 
The special meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. by Bill Bryant, Chair and
2.       EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 
The special meeting was immediately recessed for an executive session to discuss legal 
and real estate issues and reconvened to open public session. 
(00:00:57) Motion for approval of the April 21, 2009 special meeting minutes  
Second: Davis 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 

May 12 RM Min

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009                                            P. 2 

(00:01:38) Recognition of Port Awards 
1.  Airport Revenue News Best Concessions Program in a Large Airport 
2.  Public Relations Society of America/Puget Sound Chapter  Totem Award 
3.  Police Officer of the Year  Officer Herb Gonzales 
4.  Firefighter of the Year  Tom Sanchez 
Port staff members were recognized for their participation; awards were presented; and
photographs were taken of recipients with Commissioners. 
a.  Approval of outstanding Claims and Obligations for the period of April 1
through April 30, 2009 in the amount of $38,471,042.75. 
b.  Request for authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to enter into an
agreement with insurance brokerage firms for the purposes of procuring
property and casualty insurance for the Port at an estimated cost of $790,000
over a three-year period. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated April 22, 2009 from Jeff
Hollingsworth, Risk Manager 
c.   Request for authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to enter into Indefinite
Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for geotechnical and underwater
diving services to be used to support Seaport, Real Estate, Aviation and Capital
Development Divisions Service Directives. IDIQ contract for the services will
not exceed $500,000 each for geotechnical and underwater diving, for a total
Not-to-Exceed amount of $1,000,000. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated April 22, 2009 from Mark
Longridge, Capital Project Manager 
d.  Authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to extend the existing Main Lease 
of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), represented and
negotiated by the United States General Services Administration (GSA). 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated April 13, 2009 from James
R. Schone, Director, Aviation Business Development and Luis Navarro, Manager,
Aviation Properties 
e.   Request for the Chief Executive Officer to approve and execute easements with
the City of Seattle Department of Transportation, substantially in the form

May 12 RM Min

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009                                            P. 3 
shown in Exhibit A, for the installation and maintenance of certain equipment
necessary for a Dynamic Message Sign providing current traffic information to
trucks leaving Terminal 5. 
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated April 28, 2009 from Eric
Hanson, Manager, Seaport Planning and Christine Wolf, Regional Transportation
Program Manager 
Motion for approval of Unanimous Consent Calendar Items 5a  5e  Tarleton 
Second: Davis 
Motion carried by the following vote 
In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 
a.  (00:16:08) Request for authorization for the Chief Executive Officer to enter
into an agreement with SSA Terminals (Seattle), LLC (SSAT), the Terminal 30
tenant, to reimburse certain costs associated with making its container cranes
operational at the Terminal 30 site. The agreement amount will not exceed
$400,000, and it is expected the cost would be reimbursed to SSAT through rent
Request document: Commission agenda memorandum dated May 6, 2009 from Ralph
Graves, Managing Director, Capital Development Division and Michael Burke, Senior
Manager, Container Leasing and Operations 
Presenters: Ralph Graves, Managing Director, Capital Development Division; Mike
Burke, Senior Manager, Container Leasing and Operations; and Charlie Sheldon,
Managing Director, Seaport Division 
Mr. Sheldon provided information related to the opening of the new Smith Cove Cruise
Terminal at Pier 91, as well as a computer slide presentation showing photographs of the
Mr. Graves commented on the briefing provided to the Commission at the May 5, 2009
Commission meeting regarding crane power cable at Terminal 30, which was not the
appropriate diameter to fit into a cable trough running the length of the terminal.
Alternatives regarding a solution to the problem were noted, and a recommended course
of action was suggested by staff. 
Motion for approval of item 6a, with the caveat that staff investigate the cause of the
error and the parties responsible, and return to discuss same with Commission, in 
Executive Session, if appropriate - Creighton 

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TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009                                            P. 4 

Second  Hara 
Motion carried by the following vote: 
In Favor: Bryant, Creighton, Davis, Hara, Tarleton (5) 
Commissioner Creighton was excused from the meeting to attend a press conference at
which Governor Gregoire would be signing legislation committing funds from the state to
the building of the bored tunnel, which would replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct. 
a.  (00:31:35) Briefing on Consolidated Rental Car Facility (CRCF) Financing. 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated May 12, 2009 and
computer slide presentation from Elizabeth Morrison, Senior Manager, Corporate
Presenters: Ms. Morrison, Jim Schone, Director, Aviation Business Development and
Management, Dick King, Barclay's Capital, and George England, Capital Program
Leader, Aviation Project Management Group 
Updated information on CRCF financing was provided reflecting information since staff
presented to the Commission one year ago. Briefing information included: 
Business context for Airport traffic forecast 
Transaction day forecast analysis 
Financial market update 
Rental Car Facility financing plan 
Project Update 
Process and schedule 
Mr. King presented updated information on the current state of the market, noting that the
market has improved over the last four months. 
Mr. England provided a historical background of the CRCF project, including the
decision to suspend the project, which was made in December, 2008. It was noted that
currently, staff is anticipating a restart of the project sometime in July, and estimating an
opening of the facility during second quarter of 2012. 
Mr. England stated that the critical path for the schedule is not actually the CRCF, rather
it is related to the Bus Maintenance Facility, and that it is a priority of staff to obtain
authorization for additional design funds to incorporate the natural gas fueling facility
into the Bus Maintenance Facility design and construction. 

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TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009                                            P. 5 
Commissioner Creighton returned to the meeting and was present for the remaining time. 
Ms. Morrison stated that staff would be meeting with the rating agencies soon and would
then return to Commission for First and Second Readings of resolution for the bonds and
bank loans. 
Public comment regarding Item 7a was received from the following individuals: 
Lorie Tallarico, Rental Car Industry Committee Chair. Ms. Tallarico spoke in
support of the proposed finance plan and urged the Commission to proceed with
the project. 
Jack Beaudoin, Turner Construction. Mr. Beaudoin spoke in favor of the
financing plan and commented that restarting the project is a good opportunity for
the Port to work to restore jobs. 
Lee Newgent, Seattle Building Trades. Mr. Newgent spoke in support of the
CRCF project, and stated that Seattle Building Trades is ready to move forward. 
Jerry Dinndorf, Associated General Contractors (AGC). Mr. Dinndorf stated his
strong support of restarting the CRCF project and commented on the importance
of providing needed jobs. 
b.  (02:07:11) Terminal 91 Neighbors Advisory Committee NAC 2008 Annual
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated March 27, 2009 from
Marie Fritz, Manager, Cruise Services & Business Development, and 2008 NAC Annual
Presenters: Ms. Fritz and Bruce Laing, Chair, NAC 
Mr. Laing thanked the Commission for their ongoing support of the NAC, and also
commented on concerns of the committee, which included the worry about a viaduct
having negative impacts on Port operations, specifically the new cruise terminal in the
NAC area. 
Commissioner Bryant was excused from the meeting from this point forward in order to
attend a Transportation and Freight Mobility event. 
Item 7d was advanced on the agenda as follows: 
d.   (02:25:37) Briefing on the Port's Small Business Program and Proposed
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated May 6, 2009,
computer slide presentation, and draft resolution from Elaine Ko, Director, Office of
Social Responsibility 
Presenter: Ms. Ko 

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TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009                                            P. 6 

Along with providing commentary on the substance of the proposed resolution regarding
the Port's small business program, Ms. Ko provided background of involvement of the
Office of Social Responsibility over the past year, as well as goals for the future of the
small business program. 
Public comment regarding Item 7d was received from the following individuals: 
Ralph Ibarra, Diverse America Network. Mr. Ibarra stated his support of steps the
Port is taking regarding working with small businesses. He also commented on
the importance of veteran business enterprises. 
Buzz Desjarlais, Warrior Electric. Mr. Desjarlais also spoke in support of efforts
being made by the Port related to small business. 
Dan Seydel, Platinum Group, LLC. Mr. Seydel commended Ms. Ko for her work
on the proposed resolution and spoke in support of efforts being made to work
with small businesses. He voiced concern about not the intent of the policy, but
the implementation. Mr. Seydel submitted a copy of a letter to Port 
Commissioners and CEO Yoshitani, dated May 12, 2009 as well as a copy of a
brochure reviewing Platinum Group services. Copies of these documents are by
reference, made a part of these minutes, are collectively marked Exhibit 'A,' and
are on file in Port offices. 
Karen Primeau, Platinum Group, LLC. Ms. Primeau spoke in support of the
proposed resolution, and also commented on the importance of it being a Portwide
effort, and not only the Office of Social Responsibility. A copy of a letter to
Port Commissioners and CEO Yoshitani, dated May 12, 2009, was submitted by
Ms. Primeau; is by reference, made a part of these minutes; is marked Exhibit 'B,'
and is on file in Port offices. 
Larry Rushing, Applied Professional Services. Mr. Rushing commented that he
believed the Airport had a better understanding of available contracts than the
Seaport Division, and noted an instance where payment of services took longer
than he felt was necessary. 
George Pieper, Greater Seattle Business Association. Mr. Pieper spoke in support
of the Port increasing opportunities for small businesses. 
Cos Roberts, Tabor 100. Mr. Roberts spoke in support of the work being done by
Ms. Ko. 
c.    (03:26:19) Briefing on the proposed Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT)  Port of Seattle land exchange and leases for Aviation
projects and the extension of SR-509. 
Presentation documents: Commission agenda memorandum dated April 27, 2009 and
computer slide presentation from James R. Schone, Director, Aviation Business
Development and W. Allan Royal, Manager, Port Real Estate Development. 
Presenters: Mr. Schone and Mr. Royal 

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TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009                                            P. 7 
Mr. Schone noted that Ms. Susan Everett from WSDOT was present in the audience and
would be available to answer any questions from WSDOT's perspective if requested. 
Mr. Royal provided background information on the details of the proposed land exchange
transaction, and benefits to both parties. 
Commissioner Tarleton stated that when staff returns to Commission for First Reading of
the Resolution allowing the land exchange, it would be helpful for the record, to include 
within the memo, the values of all of the properties involved in the exchange. 
Commissioner Tarleton was excused from the meeting from this point forward. 
Ms. Everett stated that WSDOT was strongly in support of the proposed Resolution for
the land exchange. 
Prior to adjournment, Commissioner Creighton reported on his earlier attendance at the
bill-signing ceremony related to the deep bored tunnel replacement of the viaduct.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:57 p.m. 
(A digital recording of the meeting is available on the Port's website.) 

Lloyd Hara 

May 12 RM Min

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