8e. Attachment 02

2022 Federal Legislative Agenda Action

Agenda Item: 8e_Attach_02
www.portseattle.org                       Meeting Date: January 25, 2022

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Port of Seattle is committed to creating a safe and healthy travel and
trade experience, and to serving as a key contributor to regional and statewide economic recovery. In addition to our COVID
prevention efforts, we are focused on developing more modern, high-tech facilities that will facilitate maritime activities; better
connecting the Puget Sound region to the world; maximizing the environmental sustainability of our operations; and ensuring
that our local communities and residents thrive. The federal government can help us achieve this vision by:
a. Secure Pandemic Relief Funding: We will advocate strongly for additional federal relief to offset the economic impacts
of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on Port, tenant and vendor operations as well as associated industries such as tourism
and hospitality, fishing and agriculture.
b. Implement Harbor Maintenance Tax Reform: We will work closely with our federal partners to translate the passage
of this long-sought legislation into actionable regulations. We also support full appropriations for the "donor port" HMT
rebate program.
c.  Rebuild the West Seattle Bridge: We support federal funding to restore capacity of the West Seattle Bridge for both
cargo and commuters.
d. Reform the Fisheries Finance Program: We support the removal of prohibitions on loans and loan guarantees for the
construction and reconstruction of fishing vessels, which would include safeguards that prevent overfishing. In addition,
we support increasing the FFP loan authority, and other policies and programs that improve access to financing for
modernization of the North Pacific fleet.
e. Fund the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and Channel Deepening: We support funding for continued federal operation
and maintenance of the locks, as well as additional funding for priority, non-routine maintenance. In addition, we support
design and construction phases of projects to deepen the federal channels serving T-18, T-30 and T-5 in Seattle in an
environmentally responsible manner, as well as an environmentally sound feasibility study on deepening channels in
Tacoma Harbor.
f.  Invest in National Freight Infrastructure: We support implementation of and increased federal funding for a
strengthened national multimodal freight strategy and related grant programs, including continued authorization
and funding for the TIGER/BUILD, INFRA and PIDP discretionary grant programs. In addition, we support establishing a
sustainable funding source for freight infrastructure.
COVID-19 Impacted had a catastrop hic impact on Port of Seattle Alaskan cruise season 2020 vs 2019
Home Port Cruise Calls (-100%)                  Annual Cruise Passengers (-100%)               Revenue to local businesses
2020: 0                                        2020: 0                                        2020: $0
2019: 211                                      2019: 1,210,722                                2019: $893.6M

a.  Create Consistent Health Rules: We will advocate for comprehensive national protocols that protect the health of
maritime passengers and employees while simultaneously restoring traveler confidence in a return to cruise ships. In
addition, we support global agreements that set clear standards and protocols for COVID-19 testing in ways that facilitate
the recovery of international travel and trade.
b.  Improve Trade Competitiveness: We will advocate for productive engagement and negotiations that ensure a fair
and level playing field for mutually beneficial trade; ensure that enforcement actions such as tariffs and quotas are a
measure of last resort and, when necessary, be carefully and narrowly targeted to address the problem and minimize the
unintended impacts on American producers and consumers.
c.  Partner with Federal Agencies: We support adequate federal staffing levels to ensure efficient movement of cargo
through the Puget Sound gateway and facilitation of cruise passengers. If necessary, we will advocate for federal funding
to supplement lost user fees, and to ensure that the federal government resumes responsibility for funding CBP services,
equipment and facility development. We will also look for opportunities to play a supportive role in vaccine distribution.
d.  Maintain the Jones Act: We support the Jones Act's crucial role in keeping the U.S. domestic maritime industry viable,
maintaining limited flexibility to grant waivers from Jones Act regulations in extraordinary cases when domestic shipping
capacity is insufficient to respond to a given need and when Puget Sound domestic maritime stakeholders validate that a
waiver is necessary to support the vitality of their industry.

a.   Fight Climate Change We support comprehensive proposals for sector-specific and economy-wide solutions to address
the climate crisis with legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful toxic pollutants while providing
flexibility to respond to changing market conditions and technological advances.
b.   Restore Puget Sound: We will advocate for increased federal resources and federal agency involvement for Puget Sound
restoration and Southern Resident Killer Whales recovery.
c.   Fund Maritime Electrification, Diesel Emissions Reductions, and Renewable Energy: We support authorization and
full funding for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Diesel Emissions Reduction Act program, as well as federal
programs and funding that support electrification, alternative fuel use, and other emissions reductions strategies at ports.
d.  Oppose Pebble Mine at Bristol Bay and Offshore Drilling: We oppose mining activity and other development proposals
in the Bristol Bay watershed that put Bristol Bay fisheries at risk. We oppose offshore oil and gas drilling in both state and
federal waters off the coastline of Washington state.
e.  Support Consistent Permitting Processes: We oppose changes to the process for permitting projects that jeopardize
ports' ability to fulfill their economic, environmental and social missions.

a.  Support Immigration Reform: We will be a leading voice on immigration policies that ensure the Port, its partners and
its customers have the workforce to succeed in the global economy, and that immigrants and refugees are fully welcomed
into the opportunities that our region's economy provides.
b.   Support Small Business Recovery: We support realigning federal funding, programs and policies to support rebuilding
the U.S. small business sector, reviving entrepreneurship, and
closing the racial wealth gap.
For more information on the Port of Seattle's 
c.   Address Racial Equity: We will advocate for comprehensive
federal legislative agenda, contact:
federal policing reforms that further the goals of the Port
Commission's Task Force on Policing and Civil Rights. In           Eric Schinfeld, Port of Seattle
addition, we support federal legislation on biometric             Senior Manager Federal & Int'l Gov't Relations
technology that ensures protections for privacy, equity and       (206) 787-5031 | [email protected]
civil liberties.
d.   Fight Human Trafficking: We will partner with federal                                        P.O. Box 1209
agencies to improve human trafficking prevention and                                    Seattle, WA 98111
intervention efforts.                                                                            (206) 787-3000
www.portseattle.org                            02/2021

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