8b. Presentation
Fishermen’s Terminal ADA Compliance Project
Item No.: 8b_Supp Date: March 22, 2022 Fishermen's Terminal ADA Compliance Construction Authorization Commission Meeting | March 22, 2022 Julie Yun - Project Manager, Waterfront Project Management Melinda Miller Director, RE Asset Management Agenda 1. Project Context 2. Other Considerations 3. Timeline 4. Funding 2 Action Requested Request Commission Authorization from the Executive Director to: Request Commission authorization for the Executive Director to proceed with the Construction of the Fishermen's Terminal ADA Compliance Project (C801198/U00658) in the amount of $850,000. 3 Project Context (1/2) Litigation Settlement Agreement: Signed 10/5/2020 Port committed to address alleged Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) code violations at the Fishermen's Terminal parking lot area south of the Fishermen's Center Building. Completion Deadlines Non-Structural alterations: 120-days from agreement (complete) Structural alterations: 10/5/2022 4 Project Context (2/2) Objectives: Satisfy Port's commitment per Litigation Settlement Agreement Provision of equitable access to the FT community via ADA compliant facilities Further Port's Century Agenda objectives under the following strategies: Position the Puget Sound region as a premier international logistics hub. Responsibly invest in economic growth of the region and all its communities. Advance this region as a leading tourism destination and business gateway. Scope: Demolition of existing curb ramp and sidewalks, regrading, paving/pavement overlay, pavement marking, landscaping 5 6 Other Considerations Alternative 1: Delayed/No Action (Not Recommended) Cost Implication: Potential reduced costs for avoided work but potential for increased costs related to enforcement of Settlement Agreement. Pros: (1) Preserve Port capital funding and resources for other priority projects and financial initiatives Cons: (1) Would not comply with the Port's agreement to address ADA concerns. (2) Could potentially increase safety risk to customers and visitors. Alternative 2: Proceed with construction of the structural improvements as proposed, contracting through Port Construction Services small works contracts (Recommended) Cost Implication: Requires allocation of $850,000 in the Capital Plan. Pros: (1) Comply with the Port's agreement to address ADA concerns within the committed timeframe. Cons: (1) Limited temporary construction impacts. 7 Timeline Litigation Settlement Agreement Oct 2020 90% Design Feb 2022 Commission Construction Authorization March 2022 Permit Approval May 2022 Construction Start (PCS/Small Works Contract) June 2022 Deadline for Construction Completion October 5, 2022 8 Project Funding Funded from the Tax Levy FT ADA Compliance Project is included in the 2022 plan of finance. Cost Breakdown Capital Expense Total Project Cost Estimate Original $1,500,000 $30,000 $1,530,000 Revised $1,150,000 $40,000 $1,190,000 Authorization Previous Authorization $300,000 $40,000 $340,000 Current Request $850,000 $0 $850,000 9 Questions? 10
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