10a. Memo

Notice of Property Surplus Permanent Easements to Sound Transit

AGENDA MEMORANDUM                        Item No.          10a 
ACTION ITEM                            Date of Meeting      March 22, 2022 

DATE:     February 14, 2022 
TO:        Stephen P. Metruck, Executive Director 
FROM:    Jeff Moken, Interim Director Aviation and Business Properties 
Steve Kennard, Property Manager 
SUBJECT:  First  Reading  and  Public  Hearing  of  Resolution  No. 3800 to  surplus  two Port
parcels near S 204th St and 28th Ave S and convey permanent easements 
Request First Reading and Public Hearing of Resolution No. 3800: A Resolution of the Port
Commission of the Port of Seattle declaring surplus and no longer needed for port district
purposes approximately two acres of Port-owned real property, herein referred to as the 28th 
Ave Parcels "Parcels" and located in the City of SeaTac, King County; and further authorizing the
transfer of a portion (approximately 4,000 square feet) of said real property to the Central Puget
Sound Transit Authority (Sound Transit) for development of a light rail elevated guideway; and
further authorizing the conveyance of permanent easements to Sound Transit required for 
permanent construction of the elevated guideway. 
This is a surplus action and a multi-part request for conveyance by the Port to Sound Transit. 
Notice of Surplus Property: The subject Parcels were acquired by the Port with FAA funding in
2007 to mitigate noise impacts on residential property. Ten of the twelve acres of the combined
area of the Parcels were conveyed to WSDOT in 20019 for development of the SR 509 extension.
WSDOT declined to purchase the Parcels intact and instead purchased only the minimum land
area needed for constructing SR 509. Sound Transit also declined to purchase the remaining two
acres that now comprise the Parcels and is requiring the Port to sell approximately 4,000sf of the 
Parcels. It is the Port's intent to declare surplus the entirety of the Parcels and to convey the
remainder (after Sound Transit's purchase) to a buyer as soon as reasonably possible and upon
approval from the FAA. The Port has not identified an aviation related use for the Parcels. 
Request for Conveyance: The sale of a portion of the Parcels and conveyance of permanent
easements to Sound Transit will accommodate the extension of Sound Transit's rail line from
Angle Lake Station to Federal Way. The elevated guideway which carries the trains will displace
28th Ave S and an adjacent public sewer to the West onto Port property about 25'. If approved,

Template revised January 10, 2019.

COMMISSION AGENDA  Action Item No. _10a___                            Page 2 of 3 
March 22, 2022 
the displaced road will be built on the acquired portion of the Parcels, and the sewer and
guideway will permanently encumber the remainder of the Parcels still owned by the Port. 
This action supports an important expansion of Sound Transit's regional rail system which is
responsive to regional governmental policy and voter approval. The Parcels were acquired for
noise mitigation and their disposal will include an avigation easement reserving the Port's rights
to operate the airport without obstruction and complaint. The Port has reviewed Sound Transit's
appraisal and agrees that the valuation is consistent with fair market value. 
Scope of Work 
Execute conveyance documents. 
Q2 2022 
No alternatives since Sound Transit can require conveyance using its authority of eminent
The Port will receive market value for the property sold, and compensation for permanent value
diminution resulting from the sewer and guideway easements. 
Area                 Square Footage               Valuation 
Before Fee Take                             90,282                         $2,708,460 
Fee Take                                    (4,195)                         $(126,000) 
Easement/Encumbrance Value           -                              $(187,000) 
Total Compensation Value                 -          Sub Total  $(313,000) 
After Fee Take and Easements                86,087                         $2,395,460 
All values have been reviewed and approved by Port appraiser. 
(1)      Property Surplus Resolution No. 3800 
(2)      Presentation slides 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

COMMISSION AGENDA  Action Item No. _10a___                            Page 3 of 3 
March 22, 2022 
July  12,  2007  (signature  date)Related  ActionResolution  3581:  Authorization  of
acquisition of subject parcels 
October 22, 2019 (meeting date)Related ActionResolution 3762: Surplus resolution for
conveyance of a portion of Parcels to WSDOT 

Template revised June 27, 2019 (Diversity in Contracting).

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